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Orange Immortal [63706]
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This is important to me.
Feb 15, 2024, 2:45 PM
Maybe the most important thing of all. Sorry to get all Facebooky, but I try hard to remember this and treat everybody accordingly, and I ask for everyone's forgiveness when I fall short. Also, sorry if this is the wrong bored, but thanks for letting me play in your sandbox.
Legend [6683]
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Re: This is important to me.
Feb 15, 2024, 3:26 PM
At some point the 'disagreements' become a threat to your existence.
At what point did the honorable people that risked their lives to create and sign the Declaration of Independence abandon this type of thinking?
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
How long does the long train of abuses and usurpations have to be before the chit hits the fan?
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Should we curb individual freedoms, such as speech, to fix it?***
Feb 15, 2024, 3:30 PM
Clemson Icon [27542]
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You should be asking the CIA/FBI/DNI/NSA about their actions on social media.
Feb 15, 2024, 3:35 PM
It's precisely what they've been doing.
Legend [6683]
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haha wrote my reply before reading yours, but
Feb 15, 2024, 3:37 PM
we are saying the same thing!
Paw Master [16842]
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Clemson Icon [27542]
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It's just a pseudo-conservative look-away... Doesn't fit the RINO narrative.***
Feb 15, 2024, 5:19 PM
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: It's just a pseudo-conservative look-away... Doesn't fit the RINO narrative.***
Feb 15, 2024, 7:44 PM
You just told me the other day you’re not a conservative, and that you have some pretty left-leaning economic views. Are you sure you’re the best arbiter of what makes someone a “true conservative” vs a RINO?
Clemson Icon [27542]
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I know one when I see one. Uni-Party 'conservatives' don't make the grade.***
Feb 16, 2024, 12:52 AM
All-Time Great [89433]
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| Trump is a conservative***
Feb 16, 2024, 9:39 AM
Legend [6683]
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No, can't do that
Feb 15, 2024, 3:36 PM
[ in reply to Should we curb individual freedoms, such as speech, to fix it?*** ] |
Even though many on the left have proven not only do they want this, but they have done and are doing it.
The left is slowly committing 'treason.' It's not a violent war-like overthrow of the government, but that is essentially what they are doing in the Fundamental Transformation - we are half way there already. The federal government is into everyone's business at some level ruining free markets and wasting our money (taxes we pay).
Tiger Titan [47944]
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So you think that's a bad idea?
Feb 15, 2024, 3:38 PM
Using totalitarian tactics that go against our Constitution to criminally punish people for their beliefs?
So you don't want the federal government to step in and take authority on the "left"?
And you want them to stay out of the free markets?
Imagine that.
Message was edited by: Catahoula®
Paw Master [16842]
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Re: So you think that's a bad idea?
Feb 15, 2024, 5:20 PM
What's scary is that it's like you've got a little junior version FBI/CIA/NSA file cabinet in your mom's basement where you are keeping score. How long did it take you to retrieve that one? I'm sure the ClemBert file is growing quickly. When I hit 10 I don't get a set of ginsu knives rather I'll get added to his signature file on the bottom of every post. If that ain't weird behavior I don't know what is. Well, hair sniffing is odd.
Clemson Icon [27542]
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Screen time, per diem, or salary? What do you think?***
Feb 15, 2024, 5:23 PM
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Ring of Honor [21401]
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Re: Today Clembert learned what a bookmark is.***
Feb 16, 2024, 4:13 PM
Paw Master [16842]
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Re: Today Clembert learned what a bookmark is.***
Feb 16, 2024, 4:37 PM
[ in reply to Today Clembert learned what a bookmark is.*** ] |
Oh how cute, he learned how to use bookmarks to become more efficient with keeping tabs and the score on those mean people. I bet he's even smart enough to create folders for each member and has them arranged in both alphabetical order and another set arranged in order of meanness. LMAO that you confirmed in fact that you do keep track.
Legend [6683]
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Darn I am smart
Feb 15, 2024, 7:56 PM
[ in reply to So you think that's a bad idea? ] |
almost prophet like accuracy, and I am very consistent. So, yes, if we could somehow LEGALLY redefine treason such that it captures the slow march away from the constitution and widely known views of how and why the USA was founded it would be great. But, that's not possible and it would not happen anyway.
So, you can breath a sigh of relief you will be able to continue the inch-by-inch, foot-by-foot destruction of the USA.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Re: Darn I am smart
Feb 15, 2024, 8:08 PM
So you’re still in favor of a totalitarian government and imprisoning people for free expression. Good to know.
Game Changer [1607]
TigerPulse: 94%
So we could lock Trump up for treason for saying
Feb 15, 2024, 8:26 PM
[ in reply to Darn I am smart ] |
he could ignore the Constitution?
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
Re: No, can't do that
Feb 16, 2024, 5:36 PM
[ in reply to No, can't do that ] |
Buddy, the only side committing anything like treason is the right.
They are the ones that tried to overturn an election. They stormed the capital to stop the count. Their leader stole government secrets and refused to return them.
But yes, sure, it's the left that "slowly" committing treason.
The right is doing the #### they claim the left is going to do. It's unreal.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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I'm talking about people who disagree with us about things like
Feb 15, 2024, 6:44 PM
[ in reply to Re: This is important to me. ] |
Whether or not there is a God. Whether or not one must accept Jesus as personal savior in order to get into heaven. Whether or not Muslims in general are a threat to America. Whether or not we have a right to own guns, and which guns we have a right to own. Whether or not America is a racist country. Whether or not Abortion should be legal. Whether or not Trump orchestrated or intentionally instigated the Jan 6 attack on the capital. Whether or not Biden is mentally, cognitively competent to be president. Whether Trump or Biden would be best or which did the best job as president. Whether or not Brownell sucks. Whether or not biological men who have transitioned should be allowed to participate in women's sports.
My point is that these are all legitimate questions about which good, rational people can and do disagree, and I believe we are all better off understanding, remembering, and respecting that so that we can all play in the same sandbox together. I believe that to the degree we don't do that it is a huge problem and the belief that we just can't do that is dangerous.
It's all just my opinion, of course, but it bothers me bacause I have friends and relatives who I care about deeply and whose company I enjoy greatly, who have opinions all over the place on these matters, and I don't understand people who just can't be in that sandbox with such people because of these kinds of issues. Of course disagreements can be so great, so numerous, or so important that any kind of concilliatory relationships are impossible, but personally, I find it very troubling that people can't peacefully, amicably co-exist because of the kinds of things mentioned here.
Paw Master [16842]
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Re: I'm talking about people who disagree with us about things like
Feb 15, 2024, 7:02 PM
Did you know that in an "ideal" world Communism just might work? The problem is that it doesn't take into account human behavior which we all know is pretty important to consider.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Okay. What is your point, and what does it have to do with all of us
Feb 15, 2024, 7:22 PM
getting along in spite of our disagreements?
Paw Master [16842]
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Re: Okay. What is your point, and what does it have to do with all of us
Feb 15, 2024, 10:32 PM
My point is humans will be humans. You are seeing humans being human. Accept them with all their faults despite good intentions. It's one thing to wish things were a certain way and another to expect it.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Sure - we have to accept certain differences - that's my point.
Feb 16, 2024, 1:16 PM
But we should still always strive to do better.
Paw Master [16842]
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Re: Sure - we have to accept certain differences - that's my point.
Feb 16, 2024, 2:37 PM
Brother, we can strive but it's not going to overcome human behavior. We are flawed beings. Kudos for trying and I wasn't knocking you. I was simply pointing out it's a part of us I doubt we ever overcome. Theoretically GOOD, Practically IMPOSSIBLE
Orange Immortal [63706]
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I don't buy for one second the idea that we have zero control over our
Feb 16, 2024, 3:27 PM
behavior, and therefore there is not much point in trying. That is a nonsensical lie. We successfully fight against our "human nature" every day. To be clear, I'm not saying that certain aspects of human nature will not always be present and problematic; I'm saying we are able to make choices.
Legend [6683]
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Re: I'm talking about people who disagree with us about things like
Feb 15, 2024, 7:59 PM
[ in reply to I'm talking about people who disagree with us about things like ] |
I think what you are saying is good and right, but it is impractical at this point with most of these radical lefties.
Sure there will be a few lefties who can engage intelligently using logic, analysis, deduction, etc. and those are great people to have hard conversations with.
But, those people are like purple unicorns in the democrat party.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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You once called a poster's daughter here a slut
Feb 15, 2024, 8:21 PM
Simply because he disagreed with your opinion on a topic. BMeist banned you for months. Don’t pretend you want to have good intellectual debate.
Paw Master [16882]
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Peace is when everyone stays the fk out of my sandbox
Feb 15, 2024, 5:30 PM
I am sorry you built a shtty sandbox, but that doesn't mean you have a right to mine.
Clemson Icon [27542]
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"And that's my Tonka truck!"***
Feb 15, 2024, 5:32 PM
Paw Master [16882]
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the Tonka made of steel, not the chinese soy one.***
Feb 15, 2024, 5:36 PM
Orange Immortal [63706]
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You have a right to your own sandbox, and you are under no obligation to
Feb 15, 2024, 6:57 PM
[ in reply to Peace is when everyone stays the fk out of my sandbox ] |
ever leave it or allow anyone else into it. That's not in qestion, and is not what this is about. Your sandbox is one among billions, while you share a much, much larger sandbox with billions of other people. Anytime you venture outside of your own little sandbox, whether physically or electronically, you are sharing that great big sandbox with everybody else, whether you like it or not. How you treat other people who you simply disagree with is the issue at hand.
Paw Master [16882]
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When people whom do not pay any taxes vote for higher taxes
Feb 15, 2024, 7:06 PM
I absolutely have the right to treat them like thieves. That isn’t a difference of opinion; that is wealth redistribution. And I’m not a commie.
p.s. when I said “you” and “your” in my previous post, I mean others in general and not you specifically.
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: When people whom do not pay any taxes vote for higher taxes
Feb 15, 2024, 7:35 PM
If people who make less money than you and therefore might proportionally benefit more from things paid for by taxes are stealing from you, are you stealing from people who pay more in taxes than you do? After all, there are probably some things you take for granted in your life that probably wouldn’t be feasible without public funding.
Paw Master [16882]
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I said pay no tax which is half of our country.
Feb 15, 2024, 7:49 PM
Everybody needs to pay something so that they can feel the impact of their vote.
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: I said pay no tax which is half of our country.
Feb 15, 2024, 7:58 PM
Even people who don’t pay income tax pay FICA taxes if they’re working, and everyone pays property and sales taxes, right? I personally don’t find myself feeling either envious of nor upset with people who don’t make over $13,000/yr or whatever the low cutoff is.
Legend [6683]
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Trying way to hard to bury your head and ignore facts***
Feb 15, 2024, 8:01 PM
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: Trying way to hard to bury your head and ignore facts***
Feb 15, 2024, 8:05 PM
What facts am I ignoring?
Paw Master [16882]
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Wow you are really uninformed.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:13 PM
[ in reply to Re: I said pay no tax which is half of our country. ] |
Go ask someone making 60k with 3 kids how much tax they pay? Now ask if they own property. Now after you find out that they got a refund larger than what they paid in; ask them who pays for their kids to go to school?
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: Wow you are really uninformed.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:17 PM
Gosh well I’m sure lucky you’re here to educate me Keowee. So you’re upset about… what exactly? Child tax credits? Income taxes in general? Public funding of schools? I bet I pay more in taxes than you do, you’re welcome for the public roads you ride your bike on, thieving commie.
Don’t be such a martyr.
Paw Master [16882]
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All of thee above
Feb 15, 2024, 8:25 PM
Flat tax rate. For everyone. Poor, rich, corporations, churches, non profits…everyone pays.
My point is that our current system rewards bad decisions. If you make 20k, maybe you hold off on having a litter of kids until you can support them yourself. Why is that person exempt from civic duty??
Why is it that responsible people get punished and irresponsible ones are rewarded (case in point, the student loan thievery)?
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: All of thee above
Feb 15, 2024, 8:40 PM
I’d love a flat tax, or even better yet, whatever system means I pay less than what I do now. I work my ### off and spent 15 years to get to where I am, even had to deal with a T net psycho trying to ruin my career, and I want to keep every penny I earn for myself and my family.
But, I’m also a realist. There are things that my taxes pay for that benefit me. My taxes sure do benefit a whole lot of others a lot more than me though. There are always going to be poor people, dumb people, uneducated people, people who #### out of wedlock for sport and don’t take care of their kids, people who mooch off the public dole. Jesus, I see them on a daily basis. But I guess the difference is I’m not really mad at them, I definitely don’t envy them… and frankly I pity them. I’m grateful for what I have, proud of what I work for, but I don’t begrudge people who don’t have the ability to do the same.
I do want them to stay out of my gated neighborhood though.
Clemson Icon [27542]
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+1 for the last line... Nice close.***
Feb 16, 2024, 12:59 AM
110%er [3790]
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Re: Wow you are really uninformed.
Feb 16, 2024, 9:04 AM
[ in reply to Wow you are really uninformed. ] |
I make 60k with 2 kids. I own my house and land. I pay taxes. I get a refund for the child care I paid. I am a single father raising 2 children and those kids have to go somewhere while I work. I still end up paying around 5 k in income tax. Not too much. When you add in propert tax on the house and car it adds up. Not to mention sales tax on everything I buy.
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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What do you say, Keowee?
Feb 16, 2024, 11:39 AM
This fella is 100% on your "team", hates Biden, knows that inflation and gas and housing costs are all Biden's fault, loves everything MAGA/Trump...but by the standards you've laid forth in this thread, he's a detestable mooch, the exact type of person you despise.
What to do....what to do.
Paw Master [16882]
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He didnt vote for Biden.***
Feb 16, 2024, 4:25 PM
He’s in a tough situation but he’s not demanding handouts. He’s handling his business.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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You have every right to that opinion and to speak and fight against things
Feb 15, 2024, 7:36 PM
[ in reply to When people whom do not pay any taxes vote for higher taxes ] |
you disagree with. But if your mother voted for Biden, would you cut her off and never speak to her again, not allow her to see her grandchildren, etc.? Have you never had a coworker you really liked, only to find out they were a different religion than you? Do you then cut that person off and demonize them?
Paw Master [16882]
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If my mom voted for Biden, Id kick her out of the house I gave her
Feb 15, 2024, 7:51 PM
and tell her to call Brandon for shelter.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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If serious, I think that's a shame, and you are very different from me.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:03 PM
But you can still play in my sandbox; disagreements allowed, but you have to be nice and respectful to me.
Paw Master [16882]
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Of course not. Shed never vote Biden, her mind is still sharp.***
Feb 15, 2024, 8:16 PM
Orange Immortal [63706]
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But if she did, she'd still be welcome in your sandbox.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:35 PM
That's all I'm talking about.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Orange Immortal [63706]
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I find it staggering that anyone finds this the least bit controversial.
Feb 15, 2024, 7:02 PM
I am really shocked, but the responses are a perfect example of what I'm talking about, and I think it speaks volumes.
Ultimate Tiger [37622]
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Re: I find it staggering that anyone finds this the least bit controversial.
Feb 15, 2024, 7:37 PM
I agree w your OP. I think the internet for all its good has ultimately done horrible things for how people think about and interact with one another.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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It makes it too easy to pop off and be hateful and disrespectful because
Feb 16, 2024, 8:49 AM
you don't have to worry about someone punching you in the face, or you can't see the hurt your words may cause.
Ultimate Tiger [35928]
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Re: It makes it too easy to pop off and be hateful and disrespectful because
Feb 16, 2024, 9:09 AM
If people had to show their actual identity, shitposting would fall to an all-time low because the cowardly internet trolls would disappear.
TigerNet Champion [119291]
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are we still allowed to call other people
Feb 15, 2024, 7:37 PM
in the sandbox pedos, baby killers, and adrenachrome-swilling Satanists?
Legend [6683]
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Re: are we still allowed to call other people
Feb 15, 2024, 8:02 PM
as long as you do not hate them, yes you can
Orange Immortal [63706]
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In my sandbox, you are free to strongly disagree, even get pizzed.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:39 PM
[ in reply to are we still allowed to call other people ] |
But if you are insulting or too disrespectful, you will be put in time out. If it happens too often, you will not be welcome at all. Any kind of violence is strictly forbidden.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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I feel this and
Feb 15, 2024, 8:14 PM
I’m too busy tonight and on a device to give you the response you deserve, but I’ll give you a better one tomorrow . But I definitely agree here and you’ve touched upon the real problem in America.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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You know that you and I often bitterly disagree and it can get heated.
Feb 15, 2024, 8:56 PM
But I think there is a level of mutual respect that precludes actual hate or personal attacks. Well, most of the time! ">">"> Besides, there is a lot of common ground there too, and even when we have very different opinions, I think we both realize we are usually coming from the same place or trying to get to the same place.
I think the lack of that respect and ability to self-reflect results in the bitter divisions that are tearing our country apart, and I think that's every bit as important as the economy, the border, or foreign policy, etc.. I'm sure you will say that a lot better than I did, and I look forward to your response.
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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It's a fine line to walk.
Feb 15, 2024, 10:58 PM
You shouldn't lose friends over political beefs, but I also think you can rightfully, if not wisely, separate yourself from people whose beliefs transcend politics and reflects a darkness of the soul. And, it's important we understand and maintain this distinction.
The way I look at is the difference between bad policy, and bad ethics. Believing a $25 living wage is a good idea is bad policy. I can forgive bad policy because it's a mind thing; lack of education, or a fundamental ignorance of economics. Believing, however, that we'd all be better off without race-mixing is bad ethics. This belief is not a product of low education or understanding, but of poor character. That is a far harder thing to excuse, or move past.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Heres where the two get blurred,
Feb 15, 2024, 11:08 PM
And this is just a hypothetical tagging on to your example.
When it’s automatically assumed that someone with ethical and well reasoned arguments against something like busing or affirmative action quotas must really be against race mixing.
Most good policy debate is ruined these days when one side tries to make it an ethics debate. It’s the laziest and most basic debate tactic of all, but it’s where we are. Convincing people that your policy is better is for suckers when it’s a lot easier to make them believe they’re fundamentally better people for sharing your belief than those who don’t share it.
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Oh yeah. I agree.
Feb 15, 2024, 11:15 PM
A good example of this is I was out to dinner with the Ukrainian family we adopted, and the husband was talking about his trip to Miami and the car he drove, and then he was talking about cars and remarked how this one car he heard was driven often by blacks in America. We were outside the restaurant on a wait, know...other people around who such a comment might have caught their attention. To them, the comment was a disparagement, where as I knew based on the bluntness of his culture and something of a language barrier as well, he was just making a neutral observation. Not everything, or even much, can be taken on the surface without context. Then again, it does get easier when that context is previous statements about diversity causing wars and chaos, among other things.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Need clarification.
Feb 15, 2024, 11:17 PM
Dodge Charger or Nissan Altima?
I mean, that’s terrible! How dare he!!!!!
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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I *think* he was actually referring to the Mustang
Feb 15, 2024, 11:29 PM
but the whole time I thought he was talking about the Charger.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Feb 15, 2024, 11:33 PM
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Like I've said before, when people are being hateful or disrespectful,
Feb 15, 2024, 11:59 PM
[ in reply to It's a fine line to walk. ] |
they are not welcome in my sandbox. That's the test, or the line for me, and it's not that complicated. People do have a right to express opinions that may be considered hateful or disrespectful in appropriate public forums and spaces, however. I think that's where the fine line is; I think we are better off as a society when we strive for love and respect in both our private and public lives, so that we can all play in that sandbox in spite of our differences, but not at the price of silencing free speech and opinions that we deem offensive or disrespectful. Else we run the risk of the side that's in power silencing opposition by deeming it hateful or offensive.
Be kind. Don't hate people because they are different or disagree with you. Save that for people who are a real threat and pose a real danger.
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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I wouldn't even care about NC_Tiger_'s racist diatribes if they were made
Feb 16, 2024, 8:56 AM
in private; he's a racist, he knows he's a racist, and he's okay with all of that. I'm not going to fix him, or convince him otherwise.
What I do take umbrage with, and why he deserves to be dogged for it, is because it makes this site toxic for black/minority users who are on here. I'm sure his spiels come off as weak and pathetic as any racists' does, but still. It's not right or appropriate. Imagine 3T walking into some of these threads. Horrendous behavior.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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I think you take something on at face value if you disagree with it.
Feb 16, 2024, 9:15 AM
I’m not comfortable with this guardian angel for all minorities approach, because I think it treats them like children, incapable of handling things themselves, so I’ve never held that motivation for opposing something—-I think it just overly-inflates my role in the conversation to more than it really is.
3T (and many, many others) have said they’d rather know exactly where someone stands than to have that person smiling in their face and thinking something different, and I definitely share that sentiment. Just by publicly disagreeing with a mindset that is negative to her, you have her back plenty, and she’s definitely a strong enough person to show up here when she wants and not be scared off by the ramblings of a stranger.
This wasn’t really intended to attack anything you just said because I know your motivations, and definitely not to defend anything that’s crossed a racial line that’s been said—-I just see a lot of people white knighting for other groups these days and it often feels like it’s more about them than than the group they’re defending. I just think that silencing (or privatizing) harmful opinions and viewpoints might make you feel good for a minute, but does nothing to solve the issue.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Feb 16, 2024, 9:17 AM
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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No, I agree with that. And I don't think it's so much a White Knight thing that
Feb 16, 2024, 10:49 AM
[ in reply to I think you take something on at face value if you disagree with it. ] |
I'm "saving them" from anything, as it is calling it out as a low class move, especially since none of his posts are exactly designed to invite any deeper thinking or debate. In other words, they have no value worth defending, while creating a hostile space for other Clemson folk.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Feb 16, 2024, 10:55 AM
I don't feel I need to defend anyone. I think someone who behaves like NC_Tiger does needs to be called on their horse ####, especially if he's embarrassing our university.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Ok, I didnt say you were white knighting.***
Feb 16, 2024, 11:00 AM
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Yeah, I know. Didn't mean to make it sound like you did.
Feb 16, 2024, 11:30 AM
I'm just kinda jumping in here with Jimmy when it comes to motive for my responses.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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I look at the "just take it private"
Feb 16, 2024, 11:12 AM
[ in reply to No, I agree with that. And I don't think it's so much a White Knight thing that ] |
argument like this:
I look at it as a parent. Pretend we aren’t a board with a massively middle-aged average user age, and that there are malleable 18-20 year olds reading the site. Take some hypothetical argument like “minorities are trying to eliminate white people”.
Would you rather that kid see that claim on the board, along with numerous replies to the contrary, or hear that in a private conversation with zero refutation present?
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Again, I agree 100% with that, and have made that argument numerous times
Feb 16, 2024, 11:16 AM
against censorship, as all censorship does is move something from the sunshine into the shadows, where it continues to grow even more robustly.
And that would be the principle applied here if this was about censorship, but it's not. It's about NC_Tiger_ realizing it doesn't belong on TigerNet, and he should have the class to recognize that.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Re: Again, I agree 100% with that, and have made that argument numerous times
Feb 16, 2024, 11:32 AM
As all censorship does is move something from the sunshine into the shadows, where it continues to grow even more robustly.
Stealing this quote. K thanks.
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Feb 16, 2024, 12:55 PM
That’s pretty much exactly what I said and Jimmy repackages it Walt Whitman style and you’re like “that’s good!”
No respect.
Tiger Titan [47944]
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Re: Wait.
Feb 16, 2024, 12:58 PM
If Churchill can get wrongly attributed all day long, why can't Jimmy?!
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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In the immortal words of George Washington Carver,
Feb 16, 2024, 1:06 PM
“This is somebullshit.”
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Man you guys are a tough crowd***
Feb 16, 2024, 3:16 PM
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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You give us peanuts. What do you expect.***
Feb 16, 2024, 3:19 PM
TigerNet Immortal [173615]
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Son, my worst peanuts
Feb 16, 2024, 3:32 PM
Are still Cajun spiced and honey roasted amongst a sea of unsalted Brazil nuts.
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Re: Wait.
Feb 16, 2024, 1:00 PM
[ in reply to Wait. ] |
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Oculus Spirit [39119]
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You're not wrong.
Feb 16, 2024, 10:50 AM
Except in this specific case.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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About what, specifically?***
Feb 16, 2024, 11:04 AM
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Feb 16, 2024, 11:05 AM
And his constant stream of racist posts.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Wrong that I haven't seen them?***
Feb 16, 2024, 11:27 AM
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Wrong that you don't see them as racist.***
Feb 16, 2024, 11:30 AM
Orange Immortal [63706]
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No, you're wrong.
Feb 16, 2024, 11:35 AM
The ones I have seen are not racist.
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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Feb 16, 2024, 11:41 AM
Orange Immortal [63706]
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Can I eat boogers in your sandbox?***
Feb 16, 2024, 11:54 AM
Oculus Spirit [39119]
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As long as you don't discriminate between the green ones and the red ones.***
Feb 16, 2024, 12:00 PM
Tiger Titan [47944]
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I think one real danger he poses...
Feb 16, 2024, 10:17 AM
[ in reply to I wouldn't even care about NC_Tiger_'s racist diatribes if they were made ] |
And others like him, and I've mentioned it to BMeist, is God forbid some Coot or other rival stumbles upon this niche board and uses the asinine posts like NC_Tiger's against our school. Far fetched, maybe, but I remember the days of Rusty the Rooster or Trooper Del claiming they were sending mailers to Clemson recruits about our supposed racism.
Ultimate Tiger [35928]
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Agree 100%***
Feb 16, 2024, 9:08 AM
Tiger Titan [47944]
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The response you deserve
Feb 16, 2024, 10:15 AM
Sorry for the delay, Smiling Tiger®
We've definitely had some disagreements on here, and I've disagreed with you quite vehemently sometimes. But I still find you to be intelligent and with a good moral compass. I know I'm quite pointed with some folks on here, but I generally get that way with people I find to either severely lacking intelligence or completely amoral. Or both, which seem to go hand in hand. You're not one of those people, at least from what I can ascertain here.
So, I posted in the Lunge about my garage bar I built and really, this ties in big with this conversation. It's become a focal hangout spot for my friends in the neighborhood (and a nice source of pissing off their wives).
Here's the collection of "regulars" you'll find at this "bar": -Christians -Atheists -Agnostics -Republicans -Democrats -People who lean Trump but don't worship him -One person who very vocally worships him -Independents who don't want to vote for either -Possibly one guy who is gay; we don't know and we don't care -Conservatives, liberals, and all in between -Tigers -Gamecocks -All sorts of other fanbases, including Buckeyes -Born and raised Charlestonians, who always look down a little bit at outsiders -People from all over the country -People who have dealt drugs in the past to earn a living -Someone who has done time -Strict parents and parents who let their kids get away with anything -People who can't have children -People who don't want children -At any given time, three to four people who are carrying a firearm on them--and they're not the ones you would guess would be -Age ranges from nearing 60 to under 30. -Veterans -People who drink too much. People who smoke weed. People who do other things and you wouldn't guess they do, either.
We mainly only really argue over stupid stuff or the games we're playing or sports. No one has ever come to blows although some temperatures have been raised. But every now and then, we do have a political argument or two.
We've only had one really heated one, and it turned into multiple drunk fools raising their voices--me included. I stepped away to use the bathroom and realized it was getting a bit out of hand. I came out and settled them down, and we all kind of realized how silly we had been. Finally, one person spoke up and said, "You know, we're doing exactly what they (the two political parties) want us to do."
And he was right. Because we're all people of different walks of life who come together regularly to drink beer, watch football, play games, and just talk. And we can do that knowing that it's okay to be different.
One of my best friends, another "regular," spoke with me about some of this a while back. He's an independent, leans right, can't stand both parties or candidates, a Christian but finds his spirituality outside of church, a superb father, and is a man I'd trust with my life. We talked about how the crazies had the voices in America and people like us were shouted down. Ignored. Didn't have much of a say.
I motioned to the crowd at the bar, which was debating a football game, and I said (paraphrasing), "This right here is America. This. And too many people run around thinking it's not. This crowd doesn't want civil war or kids to chop off their weenies or to overthrow the government or to burn down a Target in a protest. We're America. Somehow that got lost in the discussion."
I look at the responses to your thread, and I think I can make some predictions about the ones who have scoffed at your idea of building a better sandbox. I think they live a sheltered life in a small town that doesn't get them outside their house or work very often, and they are only insulated by a few people who think just like them. Then they pollute their brains with talking heads on TV or radio or podcasts--people who don't matter--instead of the real people around them.
Somewhere in their journey, they lost the value of having a disagreement over a couple of beers and still calling a man your brother.
In the end, Donald Trump and Joe Biden don't give a crap about you or me or anyone here. They never did. They're not going to attend your funeral. They're not going to be there when your child is born. They aren't buying you a bottle of bourbon on your birthday.
But those people in your sandbox will if you treat them right.
Anyway, from a guy who can be a little harsh sometimes in his responses and debates, I get where you're coming from and I'm all on board with it, even if you and I don't always agree.
You'd be welcome to sit at my garage bar and have a beer any day.
Orange Immortal [63706]
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HEART EMOJI. Thanks for the kind words, and I might add, if you actually
Feb 16, 2024, 12:16 PM
saw me, you would also have to mention how stunningly handsome I am as well (not in a gay way, not there's anything wrong with that).
Seriously, that was beautifully put. This guy sounds just like me (or at least the way I see myself): He's an independent, leans right, can't stand both parties or candidates, a Christian but finds his spirituality outside of church, a superb father, and is a man I'd trust with my life. We talked about how the crazies had the voices in America and people like us were shouted down. Ignored. Didn't have much of a say. I'm not so sure about the superb father and guy you'd trust with your life parts, but I do my best.
You sound a lot like me too, what with your diverse group of friends. You would certainly be welcome at my bar if I had one, and I'd love to visit yours some day. But that's just it; most of us have a whole lot in common, but it gets overlooked and minimized in favor of our differences. We're letting the real bad guys win when that happens.
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