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I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play
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I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play

May 1, 2014, 3:34 PM

thing. I can see not being thrilled that Don is going to be doing the job, but did any of us really love the job Pete did? I know for you youths out there it is the only voice you really know.

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Re: I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play

May 1, 2014, 3:44 PM

Im 42 and Pete did a fine job.

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54 here

May 1, 2014, 3:52 PM

I personally prefer Pete's voice over Jim.

I liked Jim, but IMO he was not exciting to listen to.

I do not like Munson's voice.

Again, IMO.

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Re: I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play

May 1, 2014, 3:59 PM [ in reply to Re: I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play ]

After the tragic death of Jim Phillips, Clemson's sleepy AD (TDP), did a "nationwide search" for a new voice of the Tigers. He went two counties over and found Pete. This is not Pete's fault, but we did not do a nationwide search. Why was DM not the winner of the Pickens/Greenville/Spartanburg search area 11 years ago?

Pete did not worship the coaches and staff and was impartial. DB and DR wanted some homers.

Pete did PBP like he was working a WSPA show. I prefer a little more "home-cooking" with some fire and passion. When I listen to SCAR games with Carolina fans they love (and I can barely stand it) Tommy Suggs and their homers.

I am 100% ok with a change, but we did not do a nationwide search. Again.

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Re: I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play

May 1, 2014, 4:39 PM

Suggs doesn't bother me near as bad as Toad Ellis!

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For me, he was just there. I didn't love that

May 1, 2014, 4:07 PM [ in reply to Re: I'm shocked by all those upset over this radio play by play ]

"Orange in the endzone," call, but it always meant something good happened. I'm really hoping that this next stint is brief and we can possibly begin working on the next true voice of the Tigers. Somebody who can become beloved and do the job for 40 or 50 years.

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Reall­y going to miss Yanity calling games

May 1, 2014, 4:59 PM


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Does anyone even listen to sports on the radio anymore??***

May 1, 2014, 5:03 PM

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Yes, when there is no other option available...

May 1, 2014, 5:27 PM

or Ed Cunningham is on the TV announcing team.

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"It is not part of a true culture to tame tigers any more than it is to make sheep ferocious."
--Henry David Thoreau

I think you're missing the bone of contention

May 1, 2014, 6:44 PM

Pete was by all accounts very good, exceptionally professional, albeit not an extreme "homer". Munson is none of the above from my experience listening to him, seeing him run the Prowl & Growls, etc.

If you want Pete out, while I think it is a questionable decision, the replacement and replacement process is just mind-numbing. I think he is awful but let's say he's average (he will be no better than average), seems like all we're doing is playing good ole boy network with this change. Some of us don't like it.

Munson is so far up Dabo's you know what he could tell you what he eats for breakfast, dinner and supper.

I was hoping D-Rad was above this but clearly he is not.

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Yanit­y did a fine job. Will Merritt is the one who bugs me.

May 1, 2014, 7:56 PM

Not crazy about Munson. I agree that if there was really a need for a change we should do a national search for someone who can put their stamp on the air waves.

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I think for the most part everyone

May 1, 2014, 8:03 PM

Just feels if you really thought Pete was not up to par then why did they go backwards instead of upgrading.

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i think it's about controlling the message. pete served

May 1, 2014, 8:16 PM

several masters; pete wasn't a "homer". i understand why people are upset or disappointed. there's nothing "good boy" about this power move, no more than the move to reduce the size of the press box was. it's business. when you own one, a business, you want to control everything, perhaps most importantly the brand.

in don[no baptist], you've got a known commodity, one that knows the lay of the land & might be the ultimate homer.

as far as anyone that feels he's up dabo's butt or other, well good & bravo drad; that's exactly how it should be.

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