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Heisman Winner [82317]
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Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 3:10 PM
in public during this pandemic the same ones who refused to wear motorcycle helmets when there was a law on the books (in SC) about that?
I personally never saw why it was such an imposition to wear a helmet. The only things you were giving up was the right to get dirt in your eye, bugs in your teeth, at the cost of probably saving your life in a wreck. By NOT wearing a helmet, you were taking away MY right to NOT have your brains splattered all over my windshield in case of an accident.
Refusing to wear a mask in public when mandated makes just about as much sense to me. It's the same as the debate about legalizing Pot. I don't care about the pros and cons, if it's a law, or has been mandated, just comply for Pete's Sake. But, some have this "Don't Tread on Me" attitude about every single thing in life. I guess these are the people who wake up every morning just looking for something to be "triggered" about. I suspect there are very few happy days for them.
Otay, exiting soapbox and going for the afternoon nap now.
Valley Legend [12569]
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I see no relevance to Clemson in this post.***
Aug 14, 2020, 3:13 PM
Starter [266]
TigerPulse: 52%
Re: I see no relevance to Clemson in this post.***
Aug 14, 2020, 4:01 PM
Cotton, the relevance to Clemson is the reason football is in jeopardy is the ME attitude about masks instead of working together . The Big 10 and Pac 12 have the other power 5 schools thinking. Point from post was we have risked a great deal (football) just to be a jerk about a simple thing. If you followed this blog many posters were strongly suggesting if you want football wear the #### mask. They are probably correct. Clemson can have a great program for safety but but what about the opponent.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Just stop with this nonsense.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:28 PM
Masks would not have made athletes any safer. "Getting it under control" does not reduce risk, to players or anyone. Just stop.
Legend [15492]
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Re: Just stop with this nonsense.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:37 PM
Masks would not have made athletes any safer. "Getting it under control" does not reduce risk, to players or anyone. Just stop.
Well, the Big 10 and Pac 12 who just canceled their seasons says your wrong.
There is no debate here. If we don't get rid of the virus, we go into a depression.
Do a search on Google for the names of the major companies that have gone bankrupt. This isn't overblown like some seem to love to claim.
51 Million people in total have filed for unemployment since March. Some have gone back to work, most have not.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Wait, so lockdowns are bad for the economy?
Aug 14, 2020, 4:45 PM
If every US citizen wore their mask, then shutdowns wouldn't have been needed and the virus would be gone from the planet? And the Big 10 and PAC 12 could play football without concern to players or fans? They would be safer then?
All-TigerNet [14751]
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Re: Just stop with this nonsense.
Aug 15, 2020, 1:30 AM
[ in reply to Re: Just stop with this nonsense. ] |
Companies have gone under because of government shutting down the economy not because of a few people not wearing masks, most of which aren’t very effective anyway.
110%er [5977]
TigerPulse: 100%
No, because I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.
Aug 14, 2020, 3:27 PM
I quit wearing a mask because when I wear one for an extended period I get a sore throat and a runny nose.
Paw Master [17067]
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Re: No, because I’ve never ridden a motorcycle.
Aug 15, 2020, 6:43 AM
Surely I did not read you post correctly. You’d rather not have a running nose than protect the health of others? Our country has turned into the “me” movement.
Game Day Hero [4349]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 3:30 PM
remember - if your nap is outside, say, in a hammock, Uncle Joe wants to make it federal law that you nap with your mask on, comrade !
Tiger Spirit [9974]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 3:46 PM
I don't refuse to wear one - I have one in my car to wear as needed, but I think it's more often than not rather pointless. I've been in Barnes & Noble with no one within 20ft of me, much less 6ft of me. I've been in Wal-Mart with the same, but then in line people are still 2ft apart just like normal and think the mask completely removes the need to social distance, even though they're wearing theirs beneath their nose. I've been in restaurants where the servers are wearing them beneath their nose or even beneath their mouths.
No matter where I am, whether masked or not, I try to respect others around me and keep a healthy distance. I think it's a reasonable precaution and I'm ok with social distancing. If I'm in a congested environment where social distancing isn't practical, then I'm not opposed to a mask, but I don't wear one if it's not necessary or required, especially when half or more of the employees don't even wear them correctly.
I don't shy away from telling people my take on this. There are many articles that have said that this virus is here to stay and will not be going away - not in the spring, not next summer, not next year. Other pandemic viruses remained, and this one is expected to as well. There is no vaccine yet, and none are on the horizon. The best bet at this point is to let the virus work its way through the community through those who are generally healthy and especially younger (not me - I'm 50!) so that some herd immunity can develop.
I don't ridicule those who wear masks (well, maybe those who do so alone in the car!) because everyone has strong opinions about this. Likewise, I don't like being ridiculed about my opinion, but that's the world these days, so who cares. But my personal thought on all the mandates is that the government is seeing the concern people have over this, stoked by the incessant media reporting, and want to respond. Politicians don't like real solutions that may take time. They like quick patches that make it look like they're doing something. This is just another example of that, in my opinion. Wearing masks won't hurt, and it may "slow the spread," but it will NOT stop the spread and will not fully protect anyone.
I had a friend who died after testing positive back in July, 47 years old, wore a mask every day at work. He worked as a nurse at a nursing home. He tested positive and approx 2 weeks later was dead. Did the mask keep him from contracting it for a while? Maybe. Who knows. But NONE of the masks you see out in public day in and day out will stop the virus. They MAY stop particulates (spittle, coughs, etc), but that's it. I liken it to the old lap belts we had in the cars that really didn't do much except make you think it would help.
I will use my good judgement to protect myself and will respect those who choose to wear masks. If someone is more vulnerable, by all means wear a mask, or better yet, stay home. That's the most sure bet. Other than that, we need to accept that it's not going anywhere, masks and time won't kill it, and we need to live our lives and get the herd immunity built up, which is the most effective way of killing it. Just my 2 cents.
Orange Immortal [61380]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:15 PM
O2bn... Pretty much the way I feel about masks. Thanks for taking the time to write all that out.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Exactly. I wear one when needed. I very rarely see these "refuse to wear masks" folks.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:23 PM
[ in reply to Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks ] |
I am always comforted when I see people driving their cars or outside walking in wide open air with thier masks on. These are the good folks who are making the virus go away. I imagine some people wear them while sleeping. These are the true patriots.
I wish we could round up all these non mask wearers, so we can "prevent" the spread of this global virus and play football. Because once it's "under control" nobody will catch it. Fans and players would never catch it then, and only then can we resume life.
There are obvious clear examples where magic covid COVID leaders implemented magic COVID prevention measures, and they eradicated the virus. China is a good example. Russia. India. Europe. These magic COVID leaders are world examples. If only Trump followed their magic COVID prevention measures, then we could be assured of playing football.
If only we mandated masks months ago and filled the streets with a million additional mask police (jobs!), then there would be no concerns with playing sports. It wouldn't be spreading then, and we could all feel 100% safe. Oh, and of course, athletes must wear a mask while playing sports as well. Only makes sense. Then we can be super sure nobody in sports will get sick.
I've already submitted my patent application for an integrated mask/mouthpiece. When I become rich, my goal is to build my own mask company. I am tired of buying my made-in-China masks, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese are infecting these masks before shipping them. You know how they seek world domination and all.
Trump could have made this global pandemic disappear months ago. 13 million dead people lie at his feet, yet he is still refusing to fix it. Unreal.
Just my opinion.
Solid Orange [1363]
TigerPulse: 100%
13 Million people have not DIED in the US
Aug 14, 2020, 6:38 PM
Stop blaming Trump because GOVERNORS didn't require masks for their citizens. The darn things are worthless AND they cause your body not to expel the necessary Carbon Dioxide your body needs to get rid of. You breathe in Oxygen, expel carbon dioxide. Its really not safe to wear a mask for an extended period of time.
Mandating masks is just a way for people to feel safe whether they are or not. All of this hysteria will go away as soon as the election is over. Then the Dumbocrats will come up with some other hysteria.
Tiger Titan [48276]
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Lots of wrong info in your post.***
Aug 14, 2020, 10:18 PM
Varsity [102]
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National Champion [7788]
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talk about pot and kettle accusations...
Aug 14, 2020, 3:50 PM
"these are the people who wake up every morning just looking for something to be "triggered" about."
...oh the irony in that statement.... have a good weekend!
Oculus Spirit [41814]
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We must do what the masses tell us to do.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:09 PM
Fat people and old people run up medical cost and make it more expensive for us healthy minded people. We need laws to protect us from getting fat or old and all must abide by them.
Tiger Titan [48276]
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People who don't wear masks are being really selfish.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:10 PM
This whole pandemic has given me a lower opinion of the general public.
110%er [6825]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: People who don't wear masks are being really selfish.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:25 PM
Wow Judge, what is the job where I can avoid the general public? I feel like I made the wrong career choice.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Re: People who don't wear masks are being really selfish.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:54 PM
Tiger Titan [48276]
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CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
I agree. These people are the reason the global virus
Aug 14, 2020, 4:38 PM
[ in reply to People who don't wear masks are being really selfish. ] |
is still spreading. It would be under control or "very likely" gone if everyone wore masks.
China is a great example. 100% of them have been wearing masks since December. They have eradicated the virus, and football season is moving forward. If everyone wore masks here, then we would have it under control, it wouldn't be spreading or likely even eradicated, and then we could be resuming normal life without fear. Like the Chinese and Russians.
Getting it under control is the idea. There would be no issues playing a contact sport, if we only had this global virus under control. I'm with ya Judge. You go girl!
Varsity [102]
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Campus Hero [14045]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:17 PM
I wondered if people moan and complain as much about rights when they see a "No Smoking" or "Shirts and Shoes Required" sign on a retailer's door as they do about masks or is this just because it's an election year?
Tiger Spirit [9974]
TigerPulse: 100%
Not Comparable
Aug 14, 2020, 4:33 PM
Smokers always emit nasty smoke when they smoke - both them (2nd hand) and the cigarette. Always. Bare feet in public are always nasty - especially men. No shirts in public are either nasty as well or a huge distraction. Always. People are not always carrying COVID-19. The vast, vast majority are not. If I was presumed to be a smoker, then yes, I would be equally frustrated. But that's not a comparable example.
110%er [6825]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:23 PM
I disagree. The helmet is a risk to the individual, the non-mask is a risk to the community. Not wearing a mask is kinda like ignoring stoplights or stop signs because it makes your commute longer.
There are two types of people in this world. Those that say "don't tell me what to do" and those that say "I don't want to clean up your mess (using the clean term here)". The problem is that a lot of folks who say "don't tell me what to do" also done want to deal with their own "mess". Thus it makes the "don't clean up you mess folks make rules" that then anger the "don't tell me what to do. Vicious circle evolves
On a side note: I dislike the mandate of seatbelts and helmets. BUT I always felt that those without helmets (or seatbelts) should absorb 100% of the personal medical cost if they chose to opt to go without. Thus a texting, suspended license, drunk driver in an derelict car without brakes would only be liable for property damage. The so-called freedom isn't free. No need to have a "requirement" but follow the out-of-pocket cost. I know I am extreme, but if basic PPE is not involved, its on that person.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
A 3rd one? Lol.***
Aug 14, 2020, 4:26 PM
Tiger Spirit [9184]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:25 PM
I never take mine off except when I'm having a coughing fit.
All-TigerNet [5817]
TigerPulse: 87%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:25 PM
Arr the same ones complaining about people not wearing mask the same ones who will leave Clemson, S.C. after a football game legally drunk.
I'm sure most in this forum will deny it to their death, however I get a kick out of the hypocrisy of those worrying about me putting your life at risk in relation to other things in life.
Dynasty Maker [3326]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:30 PM
Best reply of the day. Kinda sums up the whole group of shame on you for not wanting to be a sheep group.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 5:57 PM
[ in reply to Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks ] |
So not wearing a mask is kind of like driving drunk. Just selfish. At least they are impaired making an idiotic selfish decision. There is no excuse for some idiot who wont wear a mask among etc.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
New York, California, and Pennsylvania had strict mask mandates
Aug 14, 2020, 6:34 PM
in place since day 1, you still can't sit down in a restaurant or bar, yet they have higher death rates than states who issued lesser mandates. What's up with that?
It's like driving drunk? I can't makes heads or tails of these Tigernet medical professionals.
Legend [15492]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:29 PM
selfish, stupid, and misinformed about their own Constitutional rights? Yes. There is no constitutional right not to wear a mask and endanger others. It simply doesn't exist.
40% of cases are asymptomatic, you can have it and spread it, while never feeling any symptoms.
Wearing a mask protects other people, not just you.
Like it, don't like it....if we don't get a handle on the Virus we will slide into a depression.
It's that simple. Wear a mask when indoors with other people. Wash your hands when you get home. Stay 6 feet away from other people.
We can argue all day about how we got here, but that doesn't matter now...we're here.
As long as the virus is around, our economy will still be crushed. Full Stop.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
By the way friend.
Aug 14, 2020, 4:51 PM
I wear a mask.
But, masks don't prevent me from getting it. You said it protects me. Wrong. In fact, masks don't stop the spread of respiratory viruses.
Again, NOBODY is claiming a mask may prevent me transferring sneeze, cough, or spit droplets from reaching you. But unfortunately, masks do not stop a spread of a respiratory virus. Even if we say a mask slows the transmission rate, would that make it safer for the Big 10 and PAC 12?
Look, again, stop calling me selfish and those other ridiculous claims. I wear a mask.
But don't try to tell me a mask would have allowed sports to resume with a reduced risk of transmission.
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: By the way friend.
Aug 14, 2020, 5:25 PM
Courageous, you’ve got to be in the hundreds of post repeating this same stupidity. Amazing.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
What are you talking about Karen?
Aug 14, 2020, 5:34 PM
Your basketball posts?
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: What are you talking about Karen?
Aug 14, 2020, 6:06 PM
Good dog. Finally responding to your true name, Courageous.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
You replied to Karen, Karen.
Aug 14, 2020, 6:27 PM
You're getting confused. I imagine having 3 usernames posting at once can do that.
Carry on, Karen.
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: You replied to Karen, Karen.
Aug 14, 2020, 6:39 PM
Bad dog Courageous! I see you trying to deflect being Courageous. You know I’m addressing you.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Come on Karen.
Aug 14, 2020, 7:14 PM
Why do you keep replying to "Karen", yet continue to use your hilarious sense of logic? Are you okay? You may be emotionally unstable, but I honestly don't think you're dumb.
And by the way, why do keep cycling through usernames and TUs just so you can TD every word I say? I'm being completely serious KarenbeKeller, do you feel like you're accomplishing things with TDs? Does that help you ignore the emotionally unstable fact you're currently logged into this site with 3 different usernames? I'm sorry, but that's bizarre behavior. Just really, really strange. You've literally posted with 3 usernames in one than one thread. What the heck is wrong with you??
I'm sorry KarenbeKeller, but emotional immaturity isn't cured with TDs. Its juat not. Contrarily a very strong case could be made that you're only feeding the issue instead of dealing with it.
Please get a grip, ma'am. The more you do it, the more obvious it gets.
I do appreciate you exposing a 3rd handle today though. That was fun. I like where you and Judgebeorange tooks turns TDing the post where you were caught. This is like stealing candy from a baby, except babies have a good reason for acting like babies.
Carry on, Karen.
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: Come on Karen.
Aug 14, 2020, 8:12 PM
This should be good. Would you mind letting us all know who This third poster is? I want to make sure we let them know to enjoy all the credit you are giving them too?? I mean, JK and I enjoy the humor and flattery you bestow daily, but let’s give this other poster Have a chance to enjoy too!
TD’s don’t bother you right? Why the Tmail/s? Which is it Courageous? Btw, your fan club is growing so you probably should get busy sending a lot of Tmails. HTH!
Rent free Courageous!
Btw, why didn’t you respond to my post last night? The one where I offered you help again like the post the night prior? Maybe you could get your son to interpret it for you? Let me know and I can repost it again.
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
This charade is a joke.
Aug 14, 2020, 9:34 PM
And yet again, you somehow imagine you're sitting in a room of like-minded people.. . "Would you mind letting us all know who This third poster is?". Who is "us", Karen? You and your multiple personas? Seriously, this is scary strange to witness.
Again.. the voices in your head. Again pretending you and one of your handles are discussing this urgent matter and enjoying the "humor". The bizarreness is endless. You just can't help yourself.
You know you and your other R username TDed the post where the 3rd username was IDed. Its comical watching you pretend you don't know when you TDed it and responded to it. I mean, really Karen, what's wrong with you?
You are so very clearly triggered, yet you continue to expose the weirdness that rolls around in that emotionally unstable head. I ask again - who responds in the same thread with 3 different usernames? Its nuts Karen. Something is not right, and the sh!t show just keeps going.
Carry on, Karen. You said you like humor; I'm happy you and multiple "people" are gathered around enjoying....yourself. Cuckoo!
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: This charade is a joke.
Aug 14, 2020, 9:48 PM
Did your son read it to you? Is that why you’re mad?
Again, what is this username? Why hide it if you are “just so sure?”
CU Guru [1260]
TigerPulse: 47%
Karen, I'm seriously comcerned
Aug 14, 2020, 10:40 PM
about your mental well-being. I have previously told you, my daughters and I met you and spoke with you. It was at your place of employment at the time. You are fully aware of this.
You really sound like some sort of psychpath talking about a son reading an unindentifed subject. You are scaring me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: Karen, I'm seriously comcerned
Aug 14, 2020, 10:51 PM
You know, that time you got really, really mad after you mentioned your son. You didn’t like the poster’s response and proceeded to tell them your son was mentally challenged.
What is the other users’ name? Are you going to respond? You were so sure earlier???
Heisman Winner [78935]
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Heisman Winner [78935]
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Varsity [102]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 4:36 PM
There are sadly lots of selfish people who dont care who they hurt. And have 50 reasons why they dont have to try. Its not hard to be respectful of other folks and to attempt to slow the spread of a virus that killed 1500 people just yesterday.
Some people are just not good people. A decent person would make an effort. Go read some of the hateful responses i have gotten.
I dont apologize for caring or being extra careful. They cant hate me all day long. Whateva
All-Pro [787]
TigerPulse: 69%
I don't wear a face diaper bc of people like you
Aug 14, 2020, 5:51 PM
Virtue signalling sheep that do whatever your told. Masks do nothing unless your have it duct taped around your nose and mouth. Even then it doesn't really matter.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: I don't wear a face diaper bc of people like you
Aug 14, 2020, 6:00 PM
Long story short is that your dumb. That's cool, bud. Not your fault.
All-Pro [787]
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CU Guru [1260]
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Heisman Winner [78935]
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Re: I'm with ya bud, but
Aug 14, 2020, 6:49 PM
Says the Scok who’s grammar would fail second grade ELA... In Georgia.......
Oculus Spirit [39214]
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Comply. Consume. Obey.
Aug 14, 2020, 5:59 PM
Relax and let your government make your decisions for you.
Commissioner [1261]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 6:06 PM
It’s really quite simple. Some choose to follow the speed limit.....some don’t. I wear a mask when the business requires it. If I’m out and about.....not happening. We all have a choice. I’d like to think most of us are aware that there are consequences. Never been big on the government telling how I go about my day. Taxes....sure. That’s a necessary evil. Other than that......nah. They can pretty much kiss my a$$ with all of that......just like politics.....respect others’ preference.......quite simple. After November, it’ll get much better.
Rival Killer [2961]
TigerPulse: 100%
US Soldiers in Afghanistan.....
Aug 14, 2020, 6:17 PM
.....wear military combat dress with a full-face respirator and carry weapons with a pack....for 12 hours a day in 100 degree heat. When their day is over, they don't go home to a nice shower in an air-conditioned home. They go to a tent where it cools off to about 80 degrees. These heroes do this to protect us.
I'd like to hear the conversation when you tell a man or woman living this every day that you won't wear a mask for 20 minutes in air-conditioned Wal-Mart to protect others.
110%er [3647]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 6:26 PM
The entire discussion is silly and trivial, but since we're helpless to do anything meaningful, let's discuss something trivial and silly and trivial. Again.
Of course we SHOULD wear masks, for the little benefit they bring, unless you have a legitimate medical reason NOT to.
After six months, we now finally realize what masks are good for, and what they're not. They don't cure the disease. They don't keep me healthy. They don't put workers back to work. They DO restrict my breathing. They do give me headaches if i don't change it regularly or find a private place to take it off. They do hide my identity from even my closest friends. They may keep me from infecting myself by touch.
But this discussion is trivial because 1) Gosh, is this the biggest thing we can attempt to agree on anymore? On Tigernet? Really?
2) It's silly to go to so much trouble to mandate mask-wearing when the masks many people wear are only 1.5% effective. That's 98.5% INeffective. And you want to put the force of LAW behind this? If you're going to punish people for not wearing a mask, at least require it be as effective as a Face Shield.
3) I find it really, really, really disrespectful to trash the police as racists, mock them for being powerless, take advantage of their unwillingness to stop protests, defund them and blame them for the racial problems in our urban areas--and then look to them to save us from ourselves by enforcing a mask mandate. Does anyone really expect this mandate to be enforced fairly? Who trusts the cops to perform this vital service to humanity? You know there's gonna be quotas to be met! And the jokes will write themselves about Left-wing politicians who finally find a reason for the police to exist--we've gotta make sure the kids on the playground wear masks, Officer!
Sure, I wear a mask when i'm not outside. About 80% of us do, by my count.
But those of you who really believe this pandemic has gone away in the places where masks are overwhelmingly worn are using obsolete data. This virus is surging all around the globe, masks or not. Keeping a virus suppressed is about like keeping 6 of your daughter's floaties underwater at the same time--maybe you can find a way to do it, but you'll lose it when you resume any normal activities.
Wearing a mask in public is a small price to pay if it gets the Social media/Morality police to shut up. Once we demonstrate some good faith, we'll find out if those "I get my jollies by pretending i'm your mom" folks are willing to discuss more serious problems.
OTOH, that might be why so many people refuse to wear the mask--because once they do, they'll get nagged about something else. Equally trivial and useless.
Standout [202]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 7:21 PM
in public during this pandemic the same ones who refused to wear motorcycle helmets when there was a law on the books (in SC) about that?
I personally never saw why it was such an imposition to wear a helmet. The only things you were giving up was the right to get dirt in your eye, bugs in your teeth, at the cost of probably saving your life in a wreck. By NOT wearing a helmet, you were taking away MY right to NOT have your brains splattered all over my windshield in case of an accident.
Refusing to wear a mask in public when mandated makes just about as much sense to me. It's the same as the debate about legalizing Pot. I don't care about the pros and cons, if it's a law, or has been mandated, just comply for Pete's Sake. But, some have this "Don't Tread on Me" attitude about every single thing in life. I guess these are the people who wake up every morning just looking for something to be "triggered" about. I suspect there are very few happy days for them.
Otay, exiting soapbox and going for the afternoon nap now.
“Just comply” does that feel? Especially when there is, and I want to be clear here, ABSOLUTELY no science behind the wearing of masks relative to the spread of a viral illness. It’s social engineering whether you believe it or not.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 9:11 PM
You're so ignorant. It's incredible.
Legend [7058]
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Re: Are the people who are currently refusing to wear masks
Aug 14, 2020, 8:12 PM
There is scientific data that proves DOT helmets work. There is no data that shows that grannys scrap fabric protects from Covid. Mandate N-95/p-100 and I will go along. Mandate totally untested crap and I wont.
All-In [27366]
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I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 14, 2020, 9:07 PM
I imagine many of both groups just don't like being told what to do.
Standout [202]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 14, 2020, 9:10 PM
I think you are exactly right. Cause we are Americans!
And we are smart enough to see through the political BS.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 14, 2020, 9:13 PM
The problem for you is that you're dumb enough to make it political. You're an idiot. Start with that problem and work from there.
Legend [7058]
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Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 14, 2020, 10:06 PM
The problem is you have no scientific data to support wearing Grannys quilt scraps on your face. N-95? Sure there is some data. Scrap shirt on your face? No data.
Varsity [102]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 15, 2020, 1:19 AM
I don’t need to see the data, I have multiple doctors telling me masks protect me and protect others even more. These are live conversations, not online nonsense from college football fans. One doctor is an epidemiologist and likely knows more about the virus then folks on this board know about football. This is simply a matter of odds. I beleive the doctors and think my odds are better wearing a mask. I don’t know what political views these doctors have. I don’t care. Politics have zero impact on my decision. Fox, CNN, QAon, and the deep state have no impact on my decision. Not one word from anyone on this board has impacted my decision. I choose to listen to doctors that have implemented protocols, managed cases for decades and have seen the results. You can bank on stats and articles you find online, and maybe you haven’t talked w a doc since the virus started, but you’ll have a tough time convincing me to not listen to the doctors. This is common sense for anyone with a reasonable IQ. Good luck.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but
Aug 15, 2020, 7:42 AM
[ in reply to Re: I wouldn't know, because I don't own a motorcycle, but ] |
They have done tests at 6 ft on all the various masks. Gaters are pretty worthless. A clothe mask is only 30% effective. They help, but are weak. Those blue surgical masks are only 65% effective. Much better of course and help a lot, but we need better. The kn95's are 95% effective. We need everyone wearing those, but there aren't enough of them. Either way, everyone needs to wear a mask and should.
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