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I don't like Harbaugh
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I don't like Harbaugh

Jun 2, 2016, 5:28 PM

But dang is his tweet to Saban funny!!

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Its funny because once again

Jun 2, 2016, 6:32 PM

Harbaugh feels the need to interject himself into a situation where Saban was talking solely about the camps and not Harbaugh. I agree with Saban who share's the same views as Dabo when talking about these rogue camps. Harbaugh is doing any and everything to continue to be an attention wh@re no matter if his thoughts or views make any sense to the subject in which he is talking about. He reminds me of the drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner who passed out on the couch only to awake suddenly to scream something absurd. Harbaugh is at Michigan because none of his previous employers could stand him. Yeah he may have not been fired but by the 49ers but that doesn't mean he isn't extremely difficult to work with and as much has been stated. As you can tell the dude just gets on my friggin nerves and if Hugh Freeze wasn't already sitting at #1 on my "If I Only Had The Chance To Stab Them In The Eye With A Lead Pencil" list Harbaugh would be under strong consideration to take that spot....

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Re: Its funny because once again

Jun 2, 2016, 6:43 PM

This dude knows things :)

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Harbaugh is a tool. Urban, nick, and Dabo will run his

Jun 2, 2016, 9:17 PM

a$$ the next 5 years. Story over.

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Re: Harbaugh is a tool. Urban, nick, and Dabo will run his

Jun 2, 2016, 9:33 PM

Don't like harbaugh, but I really hate saban. He is such a baby and whines about everything even though he has the best coaching situation in college football. He is one hell of a coach though

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Re: Harbaugh is a tool. Urban, nick, and Dabo will run his

Jun 2, 2016, 10:56 PM

Harbaugh is a punk A$S rich white boy that believes he is suppose to have everything his way, and that is his way. He is no more or less than an older Chad Kelly!!!

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Saban is a whiner and thoroughly unlikeable

Jun 3, 2016, 6:51 AM

And desperately needs to un-pucker...I think he is the world's most tightly-wound person. However if I had to pick between him and Harbaugh, I'd hold my nose and pick Saban. I absolutely cannot stand Harbaugh, who is without a doubt the biggest douchebag in college football.

That being said, to see the two of them sniping at each other is pretty entertaining.

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Re: Saban is a whiner and thoroughly unlikeable

Jun 3, 2016, 8:35 AM

Neither is a day at the beach

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I used to despise Ohio St. bc of Tressel

Jun 3, 2016, 8:47 AM

Now Harbaugh is turning me into an Ohio St. fan. Still hate the uniforms and the dotting of the I just looks likes a band geek spazzing out but they do play very good football and. Itching is worse than arrogant Wolverine.

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Re: I used to despise Ohio St. bc of Tressel

Jun 3, 2016, 8:54 AM

*Nothing is worse than an arrogant Wolverine.

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I don't like Harbaugh either, but he's winning right now.

Jun 3, 2016, 8:57 AM

He's achieving exactly what he set out to achieve - to bring attention to Michigan. He definitely realized that he needs to be able to pull some recruits out of the south if he wants to restore Michigan to their glory days, and step 1 of doing that is making these kids aware that Michigan is up there and is an option. You know the old adage, "there's no such thing as bad publicity."

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