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The 28 and patch aside, I never thought I'd
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The 28 and patch aside, I never thought I'd

Aug 13, 2016, 7:18 PM

see another RB at Clemson compared to CJ. Then Dabo comes out and makes that comparison today! Man oh man, I thought I was ready for the season before.... Spot the dang ball! BYOG

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my question is, does "gear 5" exist on the football field or

Aug 13, 2016, 8:24 PM

are they assuming it does due to track and waiting for it?

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Re: The 28 and patch aside, I never thought I'd

Aug 13, 2016, 9:28 PM

I think cruising to Dabo means loafing.

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I think you assume something and are wrong

Aug 13, 2016, 10:16 PM

Loafing and playing slow because you are a freshman and do not know assignments is totally different. Nothing that any of the coaches have said would lead me to believe that Feaster is loafing.

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Re: I think you assume something and are wrong

Aug 14, 2016, 8:03 AM

"Feaster, right now, he just doesn't play fast enough..."

"He runs in fourth gear and we know he's got that fifth gear, so we have to get him to cut it loose a little bit more..."

"He'll make some 20-yard runs that ought to be 50-yard runs..."

"He had a chance to make a nice return and he gets tackled from behind, something that shouldn't happen..."

"He's just kind of a cruiser right now..."

All those comments came from one conversation with Dabo regarding Feaster. And to me, all of those statements sound very much like Feaster is loafing, or putting forth less effort than what is expected of him. He didn't say "Feaster is playing young but he'll get it." He made very direct statements related to lack of effort. At least that's how I'm reading it.

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Re: I think you assume something and are wrong

Aug 14, 2016, 8:09 AM

I took it to mean that Feaster is playing tentatively or cautiously...perhaps trying too hard not to mess up, fumble, etc...instead of just trusting his instincts and trusting his abilities. Just read it differently, but either way I trust Dabo & Co. will get Feaster going in short order.

I doubt he's going to get more than 3-5 touches at Auburn, but the following 2 weeks I suspect he will get closer to 10-12 to see what he can do and other him up a bit so to speak.

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I wouldn't expect many unless we get up big

Aug 14, 2016, 8:20 AM

probably more in week 2 and 3

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Re: I think you assume something and are wrong

Aug 14, 2016, 10:33 AM [ in reply to Re: I think you assume something and are wrong ]

I also don't quite take it that way. To me, it sounds more like Feaster is playing in a cautious way, or even young. Trying to do too many jukes instead of trusting his lanes and his body, and allowing defensive players to get him, when he could have possibly taken a play further. I wouldn't say a play going 20 yards is loafing by any means. I think it just means he's got that Spiller gear that could take any ball to the house if he trusts his instincts and body. Similar how they used to say Wayne needed to slow down and let plays develop.

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