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If you don't trust Dabo
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 6:44 PM

As a Clemson fan, I'm not sure what you can trust if you don't trust Dabo. He built a program from almost nothing. Has it slipped the past few years, yes? But he has shown he can build it, which should be good enough for people around here to believe he can get it going again.
Oh, and Tommy Bowden is full of it. The only good thing he did as Clemson's coach was hire Dabo.

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It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate


Jul 6, 2024, 7:05 PM

Dabo was pro ACC for the longest time, which I'm sure he had to be at that point. He's since backed off all that talk, but until we're able to leave the conference and join a big money conference, we won't be able to get over that hump to win a title. Dabo won 2 titles with ACC money. What do you think he can do once SEC or Big 10 checks start rolling in?

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate

Jul 6, 2024, 7:57 PM

I wonder if the uncertainty of where we will play is of concern to recruits. It doesnt seem tom come up much though

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Re: It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate


Jul 6, 2024, 8:41 PM [ in reply to It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate ]

Dabo was pro ACC because that was the easiest path to the playoffs in the 4 team era. Win the ACC by running the table beating maybe 2 good teams and you’re in. The SEC route would have been tougher, although I’m not one of those guys who thinks they are strong top to bottom. They’re not, but it would be a tougher row to hoe.

Now things have changed. In the 12 team (maybe 16) P2 era with NIL and big TV contracts, we will be crushed in recruiting. It’ll be like the 60’s & 70’s when you had a handful of blue bloods capable of winning the national championship, and then everyone else. We were in the everyone else category back then, and we would be again.

He has no choice but to leave the ACC. It’s happening much quicker than I thought. I thought the conference lawyers would drag it out a couple of years, but our lawyers read the fine print.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate


Jul 7, 2024, 1:15 AM [ in reply to It's become obvious we can't win titles in this current climate ]

For me, it's not about trusting Dabo, it's wondering how well Clemson will continue to compete with almost 100% high school players against the best, most talented 3, 4, 5, 6-year players money can buy from the portal. Is the problem really that we don't have the money right now to get some of those needed players? If so, changing conferences should solve that problem.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"It is not part of a true culture to tame tigers any more than it is to make sheep ferocious."
--Henry David Thoreau

Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 8:29 PM

“Oh, and Tommy Bowden is full of it. The only good thing he did as Clemson's coach was hire Dabo.”

Agree with your comments about Dabo. Can’t agree about TB. He did way more than you think.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 9:41 PM

Tommy Bowden doesn’t get nearly enough credit for the things he did for our football program

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 10:14 PM

Agree. TB doesn. It get. Early enough credit.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 8:49 PM

I trust in Dabo wish he would just tell us the way it is. Tell fans that the qb situation needs improvement and WR need to stay healthy for us to have a great season. Tell us that the leadership needs to step up if we want to improve upon past performances. In short tell us the truth and I dont care what the record is for a few years and he has my vote. Last few years I have not liked how he has said we have the best team chemistry we have ever had and best Team leadership we have ever had and then lay an egg at Duke and just look like a team that was ill prepared. Dabo has done more for Clemson in my life time than any coach. OF course im kind of young at 36

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I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 8:53 PM

I used to. He was incredible. A transformative visionary. The best thing that ever happened to our program.

He was a marketing genius. He hired innovative coaches who ran schemes players enjoyed playing in. He was fun. He was genuine. Players loved him. Fans loved him.

Then he started winning big, and at some point, something changed. Dabo changed. He stopped being so fun loving. He became easily annoyed. He started attacking fans and media who questioned him. He started hiring coaches who weren’t qualified. He became critical of changes happening in college football. He became inflexible and slow to adapt.

Unfortunately, we are seeing these changes in Dabo start to negatively impact our football program. We aren’t winning as much. We aren’t recruiting as well. But Dabo continues to dig his heels in, defiant that his way is better and he is not to be questioned.

I admire Dabo for the man he is. He has a huge heart for others, and for the Lord. I believe he is trying to run his program with the best of intentions. He is also proud, to the point of arrogance and hubris. Sadly, I fear that his ego is preventing him from seeing his blind spots. I think he has surrounded himself with so many yes men that won’t dare question him. I believe that Dabo only sees what he allows himself to see, and that’s a huge problem.

I want to believe that Dabo’s way will prevail like it did before, but college football has changed. Dabo has changed. Neither has changed for the better.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 8:58 PM

Troll on!!!!!

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Im not trolling. That is how I feel.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:03 PM

I’m not the only one either.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:10 PM [ in reply to Re: I dont trust Dabo. ]

You are right Judge something has changed Dabo over the years
and there is a growing crowd in the Clemson community thinking
the same way as you Judge, but don't have the gonads to say it
for fear of getting ridiculed. The truth is aways welcomed!

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:26 PM

Here’s some truth. There are only three options: (1) You guys are trolls extraordinaire, (2) you guys are coots who would love nothing more than see the greatest coach in Clemson history (who may have 20 more years to go) leave the valley, or (3) you guys have horrible memory problems.

If 9-4 last year was our worst year in the past dozen or so, then you don’t know anything about Clemson football history. Be a little appreciative, please. Dabo loves to win more than I do, and I’m probably the worst loser you’ve ever seen. He’ll get the job done.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No, those arent the only three options.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:46 PM

An option you forgot is that we love Clemson and loved what Dabo did for our program, but also see some very concerning developments over the past few years, and care enough to voice them in the name of tough love and honest talk.

You can talk all you want to about Clemson football in the past. We should absolutely remember our history, and be grateful for what we have accomplished. But the reality is that Clemson football today has more dollars and support behind it than ever before, and the stakes are much higher than they have ever been. Thanks in no small part to Dabo, we know what we are capable of. The expectations are naturally going to be higher, and that’s a good thing.

The man makes about $11 million a year. He’s supposed to have us as an elite program. He hasn’t done that lately.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: No, those arent the only three options.

Jul 6, 2024, 10:25 PM

I agree we are at a crossroads. Not sure what else may change when we leave the ACC, but he will have to make some decisions. Does he think he can recruit in the SEC well enough without NIL? Will he reluctantly embrace NIL? Will he slip into another role and turn the reins over to someone else (e.g. Ray Tanner)? Will he retire or leave the program altogether (e.g. Nick Saban)? Not sure what’s going to happen five years down the road, if that.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 7, 2024, 1:35 AM [ in reply to Re: I dont trust Dabo. ]

People aren’t critical of 9 and 10 win seasons. 90% of college teams would sell their current coach down the river for that. People are concerned about an obvious dip in recruiting, a dip in winning, and yet it still seems to be all sunshine and rainbows. Don’t pee on the fans and tell us it’s raining.

9-4 is better than 3-9, that’s obvious… every critique doesn’t have to have a “YOU DIDNT EXPERIENCE THE TOMMY WEST ERA” counter argument. But the trajectory of this program is not what it was 5 years ago, and believe it or not we are at a crossroads and Dabo has a couple choices: Will he adapt and change who he is/what he believes in in order to get back to winning at the highest level? Will he stay where he is and be content with 9,10 win seasons, contending for a conference title every few years? Or does he just become a complete stick in the mud and run his train off the tracks? We will know for certain by the end of this decade if not sooner.

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:18 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

I agree with you also

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 9:54 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

Very well said. My thoughts exactly.

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.


Jul 6, 2024, 10:59 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

JK you nailed it right on the head with this entire write up.

I fully agree with every point and as you said they’re many Clemson fans that feel this way. Let the board call it troll or coot or whatever it doesn’t matter bc every single word of this is truth.

I legit could not have said it better myself. Of course we all love Dabo and always will but he has absolutely changed and not for the better.

He’s no longer humble about anything it seems. Any little criticism and he attacks and goes at it hard.

This board can think what they want and hey if you’re happy at 8-5/9-4 with a bowl win 2 out of every 3 years then more power to you. Clemson pays this man 11 million $ a year. That is a crap ton of money. At that amount 10 wins every year should be the floor but it’s been almost consistent regression.

A lot here also seem to take the approach of we’d rather lose and keep our morals than sell out by using NIL and win. It’s not selling out. It’s fully legal and literally every other program in America is doing it outside of Clemson and the military schools.

We’ll see if they still feel that way after another year of what’s coming. Anybody that thinks this is a true contender for the national championship is going to get a big dose of reality and quickly.

Call me coot troll hater or whatever you want bc I really don’t give a d@mn. I’m allowed to speak my opinion whether anyone here likes it or not.

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Well said.


Jul 6, 2024, 11:00 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

You said it a lot nicer than I would’ve.

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nailed it. its a sad reality***

Jul 7, 2024, 12:26 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.

Jul 7, 2024, 12:42 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

Run for the hills!!! take cover, the sky is falling!!! send out and SOS!!!!
What utter BS. WE are so down we only won 30 games the past three years. We will
be back in the playoffs sooner then later. We need a QB to play just above average,
a serviceable OL, and WR's to step up. We are there on defense. Stop the bed wetting,
and hand wringing. The glass is more then half full.

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.

Jul 7, 2024, 3:43 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

This is a rare occasion I agree with you. Dabo does not have the new "pay to play" era figured out. Why he won't portal in much needed (developed) talent simply baffles me.

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Re: I dont trust Dabo.

Jul 7, 2024, 3:47 PM [ in reply to I dont trust Dabo. ]

I used to. He was incredible. A transformative visionary. The best thing that ever happened to our program.

He was a marketing genius. He hired innovative coaches who ran schemes players enjoyed playing in. He was fun. He was genuine. Players loved him. Fans loved him.

Then he started winning big, and at some point, something changed. Dabo changed. He stopped being so fun loving. He became easily annoyed. He started attacking fans and media who questioned him. He started hiring coaches who weren’t qualified. He became critical of changes happening in college football. He became inflexible and slow to adapt.

Unfortunately, we are seeing these changes in Dabo start to negatively impact our football program. We aren’t winning as much. We aren’t recruiting as well. But Dabo continues to dig his heels in, defiant that his way is better and he is not to be questioned.

I admire Dabo for the man he is. He has a huge heart for others, and for the Lord. I believe he is trying to run his program with the best of intentions. He is also proud, to the point of arrogance and hubris. Sadly, I fear that his ego is preventing him from seeing his blind spots. I think he has surrounded himself with so many yes men that won’t dare question him. I believe that Dabo only sees what he allows himself to see, and that’s a huge problem.

I want to believe that Dabo’s way will prevail like it did before, but college football has changed. Dabo has changed. Neither has changed for the better.

Spot on Judge, great post !

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Shortsighted but popular Bowden take****


Jul 6, 2024, 9:17 PM

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 6, 2024, 9:49 PM

I do trust Dabo but I think losing Scott and BV were big losses that have been slower for us to recover from than I would have thought.

I’m expecting this season to be a step up from the previous three seasons.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 6, 2024, 9:56 PM

I trust him with the football………but I won’t let him drive my car or my motorcycle.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 10:09 PM

I think what you fail to understand is some see an unwillingness to conform to modern college football post NIL and transfer portal. He is going to die on this hill and some of us just don’t see it as a good thing. Money trumps as family atmosphere and those are just the facts. You are seeing it now. They are not winning the recruiting battles that they were winning in the 2010’s. It’s a little unsettling to me that we are literally on an island with the way we operate and personally I have never seen situations like that being a good thing.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 6, 2024, 10:13 PM

I don’t say this to bash dabo. Just wish he would conform on the nil to recruit vs retention. No need to retain if you don’t get the talent here. I guess it’s a chicken or egg argument. People can not like the way college football has gone but this is an adapt or die sport. Right now we are failing to adapt.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 6, 2024, 10:27 PM

He is building the talent. I like what I see being built.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 7, 2024, 9:44 AM

Sorry but our talent at keep positions is declining not building. Rb, qb, and oline just to name a few.

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We started out ranked in the Top 10 the year Dabo took over as interim...That's


Jul 6, 2024, 11:58 PM

a far cry from almost nothing...What Dabo has done has been nothing short of remarkable, but let's not act like he took over Wake Forrest...We were ranked in the Top 8 earlier that season and we were loaded with talent when he took the interim job

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: We started out ranked in the Top 10 the year Dabo took over as interim...That's

Jul 7, 2024, 9:30 AM

We were loaded with talent that he recruited.

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So you're agreeing with me that we were loaded when he took the interim HC job***

Jul 7, 2024, 3:31 PM

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 7, 2024, 9:36 AM

Get rid of Dabo and don't worry there are plenty of top schools that will scoop him up and he'll bring that team to Clemson and beat us all day long. And name that coach to replace him.

For the life of me I don't understand everyones beef with Dabo. Play the portal game and bring in all the money chasers from upper buttcrack state you want. Or get a Clemson man and develop him the way Dabo's been successfully doing for decades.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo


Jul 7, 2024, 9:56 AM

One way definitely works, we have no proof that the later moral high ground way does. However we have a few years of data and so far it’s not working. The difference between a national championship team and a playoff contender is only a few key players and we are missing out on those. That’s just the facts. we don’t fix that by using the portal. Much like Georgia Ohio state and the ever long list. Truth is we are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs so we can get a “Clemson guy”. None of these players are loyal to us and at first choice they will bolt. Look no further than last year. If you’re going to have the build up mentality you have to hold on to ALL of your talent.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo

Jul 7, 2024, 11:05 AM

Following a #1 recruiting season Texas A&M lost to app state and then another mediocre season and Jimbo got fired. You can't just say its players. There are teams with great recruits limping into crappy bowls.

It takes culture, integrity, coaching, players, recruiting, etc. If you find someone that does it better than Dabo please name them. Good luck.

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Re: If you don't trust Dabo***

Jul 7, 2024, 12:34 PM

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No top schools would hire Dabo as long as he maintains his stances


Jul 7, 2024, 11:41 AM [ in reply to Re: If you don't trust Dabo ]

on NIL and the transfer portal.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

there is a reason bama didnt target him***

Jul 7, 2024, 12:35 PM

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