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Hey, Gurus!
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Hey, Gurus!

Aug 17, 2019, 9:58 AM

There is no doubt that our skill position talent is near an all time high. We have receivers out the wazoo, and a triggerman with a cannon arm who can get them the ball. We have All American talent at running back. But, the one element that is absolutely necessary to make all that work, is the Offensive Line. What is your honest, All Knowing assessment of our talent up front? I think we can be good, but can we be DOMINANT? I can't recall a time since the heyday of Danny that anyone would use that description for our guys up front. Is this the year?

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Hey, Gurus!

Aug 17, 2019, 9:59 AM

Yes. The OL is as good or better than the OL from a 15-0 championship team.

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....who were also dominant.***

Aug 17, 2019, 10:01 AM

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: ....who were also dominant.***

Aug 17, 2019, 10:27 AM

All seniors with one exception. They better be good because some underclassmen need playing time badly.

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2nd team will probably average 2 scores a game this year....***

Aug 17, 2019, 10:41 AM

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: 2nd team will probably average 2 scores a game this year....***

Aug 17, 2019, 12:16 PM

I hope you are right, and I do agree with you. I expect them to get lots of playing experience. I fully expect our defense to be very stout again this year, too. BV has never let us down yet, and I believe it will shine again this year.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

OL is deep!

Aug 17, 2019, 2:59 PM

Someone posted a stat about OL in the NFL having an average star rating of 2.5 stars. I mention that to say, "we have some unheralded guys who are going to be dominant"! Jackson Carmen was wanted by "err-body" and he is a Clemson Tiger. The rest of the guys are Clemson built(Carmen is too) but more-so for the other guys.
Gage Cervenka - maybe my favorite OL. I believe will have a long NFL career. Why? He is super strong and understands leverage like nobody's business.
Anchrum - will get drafted in the late rounds(6, 7).
Pollard - will get drafted before that ( 4, 5 ).

I know I am missing some folks as far as starters - but those couple guys are solid as you ever can ask. Carmen has had good reviews coming out of camp and was a 5 star recruit.

Coach Swinney said in an interview early in camp(day 2 or 3) he thought the OL depth is as good as it has been since he has been the head coach at Clemson. Which serves well for the Tigers!

Jordan Mcfadden is a kid from South Carolina who I think went under the radar. RS freshman who I believe will end up being one of the best. Check out his video - notice his feet as you are watching. Real good feet for a guy that size.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: OL is deep!

Aug 17, 2019, 3:02 PM

Forgot to mention - as Gage Cervenka said, "the DL beat them up and whipped them into shape during practice to the point they were able to face off with ND and Alabama and be dominant"! He said, "we are whipping the DL into shape everyday and we have confidence we are giving them one of the best looks possible b/c of the defensive fronts we have faced and did well against"! So, he is confident and the starters for sure are nothing to worry about. They are all basically the same guys who held the ball for 10 minutes against Alabama when they knew we were going to run! Dominant!

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm not a guru...but was curious

Aug 17, 2019, 3:07 PM [ in reply to OL is deep! ]

So see who all self-proclaimed 'guru status'!

Uhm...John Simpson, anyone?

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I'm not a guru...but was curious

Aug 17, 2019, 5:17 PM

Will the real Goldilocks please stand !!!!!

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