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Clemson Icon [24095]
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It's not bad...the truth never is***
Mar 2, 2022, 2:54 PM
Ultimate Clemson Legend [104527]
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I bet he's busy firing whoever on his PR team set this up***
Mar 2, 2022, 2:58 PM
Ultimate Tiger [36732]
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Mar 2, 2022, 2:58 PM
Clemson Icon [25301]
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Re: why?***
Mar 2, 2022, 3:06 PM
Virtue signaling is "a thing" now. Gotta get used to it.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [104527]
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Mar 3, 2022, 5:19 AM
[ in reply to why?*** ] |
Tiger Titan [47088]
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Orange Immortal [66514]
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It’s a leader being a leader
Mar 2, 2022, 3:02 PM
we haven’t seen that in a long time. So I understand your concern.
Heisman Winner [86880]
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Re: Kind of the opposite of that. Kind of opposite back at U
Mar 2, 2022, 4:24 PM
Nice link / article re: Johns Hopkins & mask recommendations.
A cleverly worded counter-argument from the increasingly discredited CDC was put out on Feb. 25 re: Relaxation of mask guidelines. With this confusing convergence between 'follow the science' versus 'follow the political science, one could understand why anyone (public figure or private citizen) would be all over the place about wearing masks. Using the mask thingy in an attempt to ding DeSantis is kinda weak.
Below is a salient paragraph from a Feb. 25th CDC press conference. The link to the CDC article (which you will have to cut-and-paste out of this post into your browser) provides a transcript of the CDC press conference. The gist of the press conference is for the wide scale relaxation of mask recommendations. (What a coincidence that this took place ~ a week after several Democrat run states suddenly nixed mask requirements ... and with a mid-term election coming in ~ 7 months.)
link to copy: Disease 2019 CDC public health news, press releases, government public health news, medical and disease news, story ideas, photos.
OK, below (i.e., below the ++++ lines) is a salient paragraph. (It's pretty long for a TNet post.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dr. Massetti:
We should all keep in mind that some people may choose to wear a mask at any time based on personal preference. And importantly, people who wear high quality masks are well protected, even if others around you are not masking. And there are some situations where people should always wear a mask. For example, if they have symptoms, if they tested positive for COVID 19, or if they have been exposed to someone with COVID 19. Today, we’re also updating our recommendations for schools. Since July, 2021, CDC recommended universal masking in schools, no matter what level of impact COVID 19 was having on the community. With this update, CDC will now only recommend universal school masking in communities at the high level. Importantly, COVID 19 community levels and public health prevention strategies can be dialed up when our communities are experiencing more severe disease and dialed down when things are more stable. So what do these updated metrics mean for where we are as a country, as of today, more than half of counties representing about 70% of Americans are in areas with low or medium COVID 19 community levels. This is an increase from about one third of counties at low or medium community levels last week and we continue to see indicators improve in many communities. Thank you. And I will now hand it back to Dr. Walensky.
Heisman Winner [86880]
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A relaxation of mandates doesn't change the fact that they
Mar 2, 2022, 4:59 PM
can be effective, and that ridiculing one for wearing one is the opposite of leadership.
All-In [10916]
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Re: A relaxation of mandates doesn't change the fact that they
Mar 2, 2022, 5:37 PM
The consequences of mask-wearing for youngsters, with those consequences being amplified in inverse proportion to the age of the kids, has been cited in numerous publications.
The benefit of mask-wearing also declines in inverse proportion to the age of the kids.
The photo of DeSantis appears to be with teenage kids; which (as far as kids go) has the highest benefit to risk ratio among the 'kids demographic' re: wearing masks.
But it is public record that young people are far less likely to suffer serious consequences from a Covid-19 infection than from when Covid-19 hits adults.
If DeSantis believes that the reward vs. risk ratio is poor for mask wearing among kids (and the CDC ... for whatever missive that that increasingly discredited agency espouses ... agrees that masks are not needed as much as previously), then one could reasonably conclude that scolding 'virtue signaling' youngsters who ... by their actions ... are putting social pressure on other kids to follow their 'mask-wearing behaviors, then DeSantis' scolding is a true display of leadership.
The typically pandering-predilected politician would praise the kids for wearing masks shortly before she/he removed their mask for a photo-shoot. DeSantis did not do the 'pandering' routine; his actions could reasonably be categorized as leadership.
Campus Hero [13384]
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Oculus Spirit [41805]
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He should have bitchslapped them for beingpussies.***
Mar 2, 2022, 3:09 PM
Game Day Hero [4143]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 2, 2022, 3:13 PM
Should have just ignored the masks, minded his own business, and let them be free to do whatever they want. He even said as much…just had to act like as ### doing it.
National Champion [8072]
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It's almost like it was never about personal choice.***
Mar 2, 2022, 3:18 PM
Clemson Icon [24095]
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A couple of masked defensive tackles from the football team
Mar 2, 2022, 3:27 PM
and I'm thinking he keeps his Ahole closed.
Clemson Icon [27000]
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First of all, "Live and let live"... As to some 'big guy'
Mar 2, 2022, 3:52 PM
being threatening, good luck MFer...
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Not when they were fuggin mandated to wear, no it wasn't
Mar 2, 2022, 3:29 PM
[ in reply to It's almost like it was never about personal choice.*** ] |
This bizarre flip where everybody who was for the mandates now want to turn around and be all "muh personal choice!!" when they get mocked for continuing on with the ridiculousness requires a lack of self awareness to such a degree that it blows my mind.
CU Medallion [18514]
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The irony of this post blows MY mind.***
Mar 2, 2022, 4:54 PM
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Please elaborate***
Mar 2, 2022, 7:22 PM
CU Medallion [18514]
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You are what you're describing.***
Mar 2, 2022, 7:36 PM
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Is that right? Am I applauding/lobbying for govt to mandate
Mar 2, 2022, 7:39 PM
People not wear masks?
CU Medallion [18514]
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Nah, more this part...
Mar 2, 2022, 7:46 PM
"(they) turn around and be all "muh personal choice!!" when they get mocked for continuing on with the ridiculousness requires a lack of self awareness to such a degree that it blows my mind."
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Oh, then please explain the irony because my position
Mar 2, 2022, 7:54 PM
regarding mask mandates has been consistent since early-mid 2020. I may think it's stupid, but I'm not arguing for the govt. to mandate people not wear one. Anyone who did probably should be quiet about 'personal choice'.
CU Medallion [18514]
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The mask mandate was about public health during a pandemic
Mar 2, 2022, 8:49 PM
same as mandating seat belts or vaccines for kids to go to school. The health of others often outweighs the "personal choice" of some (like during a pandemic) especially when it's something as minor as wearing a mask. The only 'virtue signaling' there is that it signaled you care about not spreading an illness that kills others. What DeSantis is doing there and what those who virtue signal by being anti-mask is mocking that sentiment. So, when you say "they are continuing on with the ridiculousness" that ridiculousness you are describing is empathy for others.
What anti-maskers are doing and what mask wearers are doing are not equivalent. So, not having the self-awareness to see that difference is mind-blowing to me and made your post ironic.
Orange Beast [6574]
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Re: The mask mandate was about public health during a pandemic
Mar 2, 2022, 9:05 PM
"What anti-maskers are doing and what mask wearers are doing are not equivalent."
Well you got that part right. The former is about rejecting tyrannical mandates that do nothing to slow the spread if Xi's intentionally released virus, and the latter is about saying "Ooo... look how much I care" while doing nothing to slow the spread of Xi's intentionally released virus.
Speaking of... anybody heard from Gain of Function Faucci lately?
Letterman [257]
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Letterman [257]
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Orange Beast [6574]
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Re: Here ya go.
Mar 2, 2022, 9:27 PM
Posting that article four times does not change the FACT that China shut down domestic travel to and from Wuhan while allowing international travel to and from said prefecture or province or whateverthehell they call it. Whether the virus was intentionally created might be of question, but whether it was intentionally spread is not.
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Absurd, there was never any definitive data behind masks
Mar 2, 2022, 9:22 PM
[ in reply to The mask mandate was about public health during a pandemic ] |
Making a difference in the spread, particularly the further we got into the pandemic. Places with mask mandates had case spikes just like places without did, the best study available that I’ve seen estimated an ~11% reduction in risk…and that was for proper surgical masks where people were continually hassled about it. What would you bet the proportion of people wearing n95, etc masks is to people wearing cloth masks? We know cloth masks make no discernible difference. What have your observations about mask wearing in reality shown you? Are the majority of people taking it seriously, or is your waitress pulling hers down to talk to you?
So stop it with the sanctimonious bs and let’s all quit with the theatrics so we can move on with life. If you didn’t have anything to say about locking elderly people down like prisoners, or people who were forced out of business/out of a job, nobody wants to hear you virtue signal about masks and empathy now.
CU Medallion [18514]
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The fact so many have that take about masks is weird
Mar 2, 2022, 9:44 PM
to any rational person, even if mask-wearing doesn't work to a high level, it still worked and was the slightest of inconvenience. It doesn't deserve a high emotional response in either direction, but at least I can at least understand where those upset at others not wearing one are coming from (they are scared of a disease that has killed ~1 million people spreading).
As for theatrics, that's exactly what DeSantis is doing here and, I agree, let's stop with that nonsense.
Heisman Winner [81078]
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How many hours per day would you say you’ve had to wear one
Mar 2, 2022, 10:01 PM
Throughout this? Have you had to physically exert yourself at all somewhere you’re required to wear one? Have you had to communicate with people while wearing a mask, earplugs, fogged up safety glasses(because of the mask), in an effort to manipulate heavy equipment that could easily kill someone? Have you considered the ramifications of young children’s speech and emotional development in a world where everyone is wearing a mask? Facial cues play a huge part in a child’s development.
I think this is the huge disconnect in our population that Covid has exposed, so many people who aren’t really impacted by it can’t even fathom that there’s people who are.
CU Medallion [18514]
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1.) I won't say what I do, but yes I have to wear a mask
Mar 2, 2022, 11:18 PM
and talk quite often with projection and yes it's not as ideal as not wearing a mask but it's such a mild inconvenience that I often forget I'm wearing one.
2.) Heavy equipment workers- You list a number of safety equipment that's probably already mandated (safety glasses, earplugs, and even masks) yet you only have a problem or see danger with one of those. Why? But, to your point, I'd have to know how many of these people operating heavy equipment are doing it with that other equipment w/o also wearing masks and are in situations where they are having to work those jobs with others
3.) I get the concern with children's development, and I've heard that concern, but I haven't seen any evidence masks cause any developmental issues. Maybe you have that research? If not, that's okay, I'll google it later.
I do agree that covid has exposed certain things about our culture and not all of it is positive.
All-In [10916]
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1.) won't say what I do, but yes - mask: U discredited U
Mar 3, 2022, 6:13 AM
Uh oh deweather.
You had a nice string of reasonable arguments and counter-arguments until stating that you "haven't seen any evidence masks cause any developmental issues" with children.
The proof of developmental issues in kids (from extensive mask-wearing during critical formative years) is admittedly theoretical. But social scientists had (at least before succumbing to politically motivated narratives from 'their side') expressed deep concern about the emotional development of kids who were denied the socialization benefits of seeing facial expressions in other human beings.
Although in the perfect world the true data-driven science could be conducted if it didn't ruin a bunch of kids as the 'variable group' in a study (e.g., the ones who wore masks) vs. the 'control group' in a study (e.g., the kids who didn't wear masks). In other words, an controlled / clinical environment in which to conduct such an experiment ... and to tabulate the statistics about kids who were damaged (possibly irreparably) from such an experiment would be Josef Mengele-esque.
Maybe you had just mis-stated your argument, and that's it.
Heisman Winner [81078]
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If it's such a mild inconvenience I assume you will continue
Mar 3, 2022, 9:42 AM
[ in reply to 1.) I won't say what I do, but yes I have to wear a mask ] |
wearing one in perpetuity?
There are logical, practical reasons to require things like safety glasses, ear plugs, etc. in certain environments. There are quantifiable benefits in risk reduction for those things, that is not the case with requiring a mask. Again, places that required them had covid spikes just like places that didn't. Remember when places that lifted their mandates were all going to die and have huge case spikes vs those who continued with them? That didn't play out, did it? Most of the arguments in favor of mask mandates always seem to come back to "well, it just isn't a big deal to wear one"...Sorry, that's not a good enough reason for me.
And that's the larger point that you've derailed the conversation from, nobody is demanding you not wear a mask, in practice most of the population is just going through the motions in such a way that it's asinine to continue the theater. Mandating masks is not making any difference, and there's no evidence to say that it ever has. Can you at least admit stuff like having to wear one to walk 10' inside of a restaurant is ridiculous? How about watching a basketball game as the head coach pulls down his mask to call a play for a bunch of unmasked players? You don't find all of that hilariously absurd?
My sons speech therapist has said they are currently inundated with kids, more than she's ever seen in 30 years in the field. He's actually about to 'graduate', not necessarily because he's where he needs to be, but because they're overwhelmed. CDC changing the milestones also probably has a lot to do with it, curious they've pushed a lot of them.
Covid has definitely exposed the tyrannical busy bodies on both sides of the political isle. Even SNL (As unfunny as they are) is mocking how ridiculous it's all become.
CU Medallion [18514]
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I'll wear a mask while a pandemic is going on....
Mar 4, 2022, 4:38 PM
hopefully that doesn't mean forever. It serves a purpose and but does mildly inconvenience the wearer so when the purpose is gone, then it makes sense a person would eventually stop wearing it. That's not an absurd notion like your question seems to assume. There are entire countries (namely asian ones) where people wear masks all the time when they are sick in order to protect others from the spread and others respect that behavior. They don't have people like DeSantis freaking out at them and telling them to stop with the theatrics. I think that clearly points to something unique going on with American "anti-maskers." I'd like to hear your opinion on that difference in cultures.
"There are logical, practical reasons to require things like safety glasses, ear plugs, etc. in certain environments. There are quantifiable benefits in risk reduction for those things..." First, as I pointed out before, masks are often also included with those other equipment so they have a quantifiable benefit yet you only seem to have an issue with them and that begs the question as to why? Second, Masks do help with stopping spread and if you need evidence ask yourself why hospitals wear masks? The problems you bring up have to do with the rise of variants, and the lack of consistent and accurate wearing of masks by people (as you've mentioned before). Cloth masks helped, but by the time we got to variants Delta and Omicron cloth masks stopped being nearly as effective and N95 masks should have been used but the messaging was poor and people continued wearing cloth masks. And even if they wore the right masks they may not have done so correctly. That's not an issue with masks, that's an issue with policy, behavior and messaging.
DeSantis could have simply ignored the high school kids standing behind him who as far as he or anyone knew choose to wear their masks as their own personal choice, but instead he was triggered to admonish them for "theatrics" which, to go back to the original point of this subthread, is ironic (considering how theatrical his performance was).
I was in speech therapy as a kid (I had issues with saying R's)and something similar happened to me where because of how many kids there were in the program and how long I had already been in the program they graduated me. Luckily, my issue fixed itself by the time I was in middle school (middle school kids are hell). The point I'm making is that did your son's speech therapist cite mask wearing or could it be lockdowns, or some other reason? I have yet to see any evidence that mask wearing causes speech problems to the level you guys are citing, but I'm still looking so it may be there and I'll find it later.
Agree with you about the tyrannical busy bodies on both sides.
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Game Changer [1679]
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Re: they did a study in bangledesh where
Mar 3, 2022, 6:32 AM
Ok, let say 11%. If 11% less people got it, that would have saved, or did save around 100,000 lives in this country. Math Bro! To act like wearing a mask is some big deal is mind blowing.
Heisman Winner [81078]
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That's based strictly on people wearing N95's***
Mar 3, 2022, 9:45 AM
Game Changer [1679]
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Re: That's based strictly on people wearing N95's***
Mar 3, 2022, 11:23 AM
WRONG ....
"The investigators also found important differences by age and by the type of mask. Villages where SURGICAL masks were worn had 11% fewer COVID-19 cases than villages in where masks were not worn. In villages where CLOTH masks were worn, on the other hand, infections were reduced by only 5%."
See here:
Heisman Winner [81078]
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I've read the study many times, what you just posted
Mar 3, 2022, 12:00 PM
proves what I said. And if you read further into the study, these people were nannied constantly into pulling them up, all sorts of outreach about the proper use, etc. Not to mention, their cloth masks had two layers of fabric and an outer layer of polypropylene. That is not at all what you see out in the real world with cloth masks. They also note this was during a period of low cases, other studies have shown that during periods of high case growth masks were not shown to make any discernible difference: mandate and use efficacy in state-level COVID-19 containment Background Containment of the COVID-19 pandemic requires evidence-based strategies to reduce transmission. Because COVID-19 can spread via respired droplets, many states have mandated mask use in public settings. Randomized control trials have not clearly demonstrated mask efficacy against respiratory viruses, and observational studies conflict on whether mask use predicts lower infection rates. We hypothesized that statewide mask mandates and mask use are associated with lower COVID-19 case growth rates in the United States. Methods We calculated total COVID-19 case growth and mask use for the continental United States with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. We estimated post-mask mandate case growth in non-mandate states using median issuance dates of neighboring states with mandates. Results Case growth was not significantly different between mandate and non-mandate states at low or high transmission rates, and surges were equivocal. Mask use predicted lower case growth at low, but not high transmission rates. Growth rates were comparable between states in the first and last mask use quintiles adjusted for normalized total cases early in the pandemic and unadjusted after peak Fall-Winter infections. Mask use did not predict Summer 2020 case growth for non-Northeast states or Fall-Winter 2020 growth for all continental states. Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges. Containment requires future research and implementation of existing efficacious strategies. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. ### Funding Statement Start-up funds from the University of Louisville College of Arts and Sciences supported this project. No external funding supported this work. ### Author Declarations I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained. Yes The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below: No IRB approval was sought because the research did not concern human subjects or identifiable patient data. All source data were publicly available from either the CDC or the IHME. All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived. Yes I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance). Yes I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable. Yes All numeric data is is contained within the manuscript as supplemental Excel tables. Raw data are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (link: <> or the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (link: <>. GraphPad Prism files are available upon request. <> <>
In this country people are wearing them on their chins just to satisfy the rules, and they're wearing the same mask they've had for a year.. Europeans are much more militant about mask wearing, but when you compare case rates in European countries to states they aren't much different.
Game Changer [1679]
TigerPulse: 90%
Re: I've read the study many times, what you just posted
Mar 3, 2022, 12:07 PM
IDC about your study. You said the referenced study was 11% for people wearing N95's. The article clearly states you were WRONG. Deal with it!
Heisman Winner [81078]
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Lol the study clearly states the 11% was for people
Mar 3, 2022, 1:05 PM
Wearing n95’s what are you talking about?
From your link: “ Villages where surgical masks were worn had 11% fewer COVID-19 cases”
Game Changer [1679]
TigerPulse: 90%
Re: Lol the study clearly states the 11% was for people
Mar 3, 2022, 1:11 PM
DAMMMIT, is it that hard to admit you were wrong? The article CLEARLY states "Villages where SURGICAL masks were worn had 11% fewer COVID-19 cases than villages in where masks were not worn". The picture with the article above shows a SURGICAL mask. Here is an N95:
Two TOTALLY different things! That is why docs and nurses wear N95's in Covid wards, MUCH higher degree of protection. But, again not 100% protection. Hence the 95 and not N100
Heisman Winner [81078]
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You're right, I've been thinking surgical masks were a
Mar 3, 2022, 1:30 PM
variety of N95. Still doesn't negate my over all point, however.
Game Changer [1679]
TigerPulse: 90%
Re: You're right, I've been thinking surgical masks were a
Mar 3, 2022, 1:39 PM
Thanks! I NEVER refuted your point. Ive known from March 2020 that cloth masks provided little protection, surgical were a little better and that well fitting N95's were the only thing that would provide significant protection. Problem was, the world ran out of N95's and they saved the ones they had for the hospitals(supply chain lesson the US should learn like right NOW). I got that info from a Joe Rogan experience interview with Dr. Michael Osterhome that I've posted many times on here when this discussion was regurgitated over and over. Anyway, PEACE!
All-In [10916]
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Re: they did a study in bangledesh where
Mar 3, 2022, 1:57 PM
[ in reply to Re: they did a study in bangledesh where ] |
Then why did the CDC ... late last week ... reduce the 'need to wear mask' guidelines?
Does the CDC know something (risk of Covid-19 infection has lessened?
Is CDC simply following the (political) science of the ~ 9 + blue states that had eliminated their previous mask mandates?
Game Changer [1679]
TigerPulse: 90%
Re: they did a study in bangledesh where
Mar 3, 2022, 2:06 PM
Where have you been? The risk of Covid-19 infection has lessened. Everyone knows that, even the states that previously did it BASED on the current infection rates in their states. You can see that here by all the light yellow on the national map ...
Orange Blooded [4679]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 2, 2022, 3:23 PM
He called it Covid theater and he’s right. Those kids need to understand they can stop the nonsense. Good for him.
Orange Blooded [3123]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 2, 2022, 3:27 PM
He probably could have had some fun with it and made his point and not been such a jerk about it. That boy is getting a little big for his britches if you ask me.
All-In [10916]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 2:04 PM
OK, gotta agree with both Pork_Chop and KMS ... DeSantis gets criticism on the same type of response in which Biden gets praise.
However, we know that Biden isn't just stupid ... Biden is also an _ss.
DeSantis is much better than that, and he came on too strong (although his message was 100% correct).
Orange Elite [5302]
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Even the libs are saying COVID is over.
Mar 2, 2022, 3:28 PM
Ok when Joe Biden says it, but not Ron.
Heisman Winner [86880]
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LIbs nor Ron are saying that.***
Mar 2, 2022, 4:08 PM
Paw Warrior [5002]
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Said what needed to be said - if you want to wear masks,
Mar 2, 2022, 3:28 PM
that's fine, but feel free to take them off if someone forced you to wear them...
Tiger Titan [47088]
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Mar 2, 2022, 4:18 PM
It's the calling them ridiculous part and shaking his head in a big production for attention. No need to embarrass a bunch of kids over it.
Tiger Titan [47088]
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No, it's not
Mar 2, 2022, 4:16 PM
No matter how anyone wants to spin it. He's admonishing and embarrassing kids for something adults made them do. And I even agree with him that it's time for them to come off, but that's not the kids' call.
People who aren't blind partisan hacks will recognize that this isn't appropriate behavior.
Orange Blooded [3123]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: No, it's not
Mar 2, 2022, 4:33 PM
I want it on the record that catman just admitted that I am not a partisan hack.
Oculus Spirit [41805]
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those weren't kids they were college students***
Mar 2, 2022, 8:11 PM
[ in reply to No, it's not ] |
Tiger Titan [47088]
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I see that now
Mar 3, 2022, 7:44 AM
They looked younger.
I'll amend my argument. That's a bad way to lose those young people's support.
TigerNet Immortal [170730]
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Embarrassing? Man we are sensitive these days.
Mar 2, 2022, 10:40 PM
[ in reply to No, it's not ] |
He was letting them know that he didn't GAS if they wore them, and finished by telling them to wear them if they wanted. I hope their little puddin' feelings didn't get too bent by that, being college students and all.
Tiger Titan [47088]
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Re: Embarrassing? Man we are sensitive these days.
Mar 3, 2022, 7:45 AM
I thought they were younger kids and read it wrong. Still, it's a bad look. Probably not a good idea to try to embarrass your welcoming audience on camera.
CU Medallion [18514]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 2, 2022, 7:50 PM
A Nothing Burger
Varsity [102]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 2, 2022, 9:19 PM
Ron is fourth dumbest GOPer.
Majorie Boebet (or whatever her name is) Trump Ron
Campus Hero [13384]
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Absolutely. Wish more people would have been like this all along.***
Mar 2, 2022, 11:59 PM
110%er [6692]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 6:14 AM
Get used to him. He will likely be our next president.
Orange Blooded [4679]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 6:19 AM
I sure hope so. Imagine competence and sanity returning to the presidency.
110%er [6692]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 6:23 AM
When did we have that last?
Top TigerNet [29874]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 7:53 AM
Clemson Icon [27000]
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Reagan wasn't sure which planet he was on in '88...***
Mar 4, 2022, 11:48 PM
Ultimate Tiger [33857]
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I really trying to like this guy...
Mar 3, 2022, 8:05 AM
I would still easily vote for him in a primary over Trump and would vote for him in a general over any dem that I think is going to be there....but....he looks stupid and angry here.
I suspect he didn't want to be standing in front of a bunch of kids wearing masks. I get that part...but how he handled it was wrong, IMO. He could have just said "hey kids, you don't need to wear those masks, unless you want to" and left it at that.
Ultimate Tiger [33857]
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Mar 3, 2022, 8:06 AM
Orange Elite [5302]
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Kinda agree here, as a Floridian I have mixed feelings about
Mar 3, 2022, 11:56 AM
[ in reply to I really trying to like this guy... ] |
I don't love him, he pissed me off when he dug his heels in the sand on masking in schools... but it's hard to argue that he hasn't done a great job for Florida. People are moving here in droves.
Voted for him and I'd do it again.
Orange Beast [6412]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 11:16 AM
No, that's not ridiculous.
What's ridiculous is the US MSM not covering Hunter Biden's drug-filled, foreign-money-funded, prostitute-paying year+ long party, his salary from Ukraine, and his rides on AF2 and connections to China...
All-In [10916]
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Re: Is this a good look for Ron DeSantis?
Mar 3, 2022, 2:11 PM
NC_tigerfan13, couldn't agree with you more.
The MSM's conscious attempts to downplay the criminal H.Biden activities ... simply to prop up H.Biden's criminal father's presidential campaign, is why so many Americans view the MSM / WAPO / NYT / LA Times / Chicago Tribune / etc. as PRAVDA.
Clemson Icon [27000]
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