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Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor
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Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 9:54 AM

Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

10 years have almost passed since the death of Jim Phillips. It is time to honor the man who was the legendary voice of the Clemson Tigers for 36 years. Full Story »

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One point I was going to make about this yesterday was that

May 1, 2013, 10:08 AM

Clemson should give him an honorary degree. Thus, he would be eligible and you can keep the "degree" standard. It was a different time and Jim's voice was amazing.

I remember talking to him in Littlejohn my freshman year (1995) and I didn't want the conversation to end. Hearing his voice in person was so surreal.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpgtnt_user_logo.pngbadge-ringofhonor-elswann.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"hearing his voice in person was so surreal"

May 1, 2013, 10:15 AM

that is, unless you'd done something at home that rquired some discipline;)"

My biggest regret was I didn't get to speak with him before he died. We always talked after the games, but after that Furman game, I was swamped with work and we didn't have our regular phone call. When my sister called me that Monday night telling me dad had been rushed to the emergency room, my one prayer was just to get to speak with him again. Wasn't meant to happen. Thankfully through things like youtube I can hear his voice anytime I want. Very blessed in that way.

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Re: "hearing his voice in person was so surreal"

May 1, 2013, 10:52 AM

Dang it, now I'm crying at work.

To me, Jim Phillips is the standard by which all other announcers are judged... and they all fall short.

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Re: "hearing his voice in person was so surreal"

May 1, 2013, 4:34 PM

Me too...

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WARNING: all material posted by kfast600 is not to be taken seriously and can make you dumber than you were before, if that is actually possible.

Re: "hearing his voice in person was so surreal"

May 1, 2013, 12:45 PM [ in reply to "hearing his voice in person was so surreal" ]

I realize this may be long over due, but I am truly sorry for your loss. The rest of the Clemson family loved your dad, but we can't begin to understand that loss. I am glad that you get to have your dad live on through YouTube.

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Re: "hearing his voice in person was so surreal"

May 1, 2013, 2:22 PM [ in reply to "hearing his voice in person was so surreal" ]

I was actually just on youtube searching for extended clips of his, and didn't find much. Would you mind linking some of the clips you know of? I'd love to hear some of it.

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 10:11 AM

Excellent article and suggestion. people need to let Rad and Barker know this is what we want if you do. In the 10 years most coaches and many administrators who worked with Jim are no longer at Clemson so we need to speak up

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Great article

May 1, 2013, 10:13 AM

I was hoping that someone with a visible platform would take up this cause.

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David, it's stories like this that really communicate

May 1, 2013, 10:18 AM

exactly what a longtime radio voice meant in the era before 24/7 sports TV. We've been blessed to hear more than we could ever count. Thanks for the kind words

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One Clemson

May 1, 2013, 10:20 AM

Whether the man had a degree or not he should go in the ring of honor. He was a big of a part of Clemson as nearly anyone in my lifetime. In fact Clemson has benefitted tremendously from the local communities adopting the home town school and showering it with support, money, loyalty, and making it a special place. Without people like Phillips and the thousands of supporters who never attended Clemson, Clemson would be on common ground with Wake. Please give this man the honors he deserves for all the years of passion he devoted to Clemson.

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Awesome ! I'll gladly donate to this cause !***

May 1, 2013, 10:39 AM

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Danny Ford first, Jim Phillips second

May 1, 2013, 10:52 AM

both deserve to be in though

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 10:58 AM

Great read. You took me back to the days when making the trek from Greenville with my family as boy. Dressed up the car & listened to Jim all the way there. His voice booming from every car in the lot - tailgating and throwing the football with friends & siblings. His voice is a rich and integral part of those memories - irrecplaceable. He deserves any and all recognition that can be sent his way.

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Honoring Jim Phillips

May 1, 2013, 11:41 AM

I had the good fortune of working at WFBC FM while attending Clemson in the early 80's. Jim hosted a sports talk show on WFBC AM , and there were many nights that I was his call screener (they called me the Producer). A few of those nights we made a stop at Zorba's after our shows and talked Clemson sports over a drink. Jim Phillips is a legend and deserves to be honored by Clemson University for his contributions over the many years as the Voice of the Tigers.

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How about Brian Dawkins?***

May 1, 2013, 12:25 PM

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He is the voice.....

May 1, 2013, 12:26 PM

I associated with Clemson growing up. You could feel his passion for Clemson as he spoke. Please give this man the recognition he deserves for so many years of dedicated service to Clemson. I still miss his voice. Go Tigers!!

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 1:42 PM

Played golf with Jim in the Greenville county at Fox Run long time ago. great guy

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 1:55 PM

I really miss Jim Phillips. Having an announcer that's loves our team as much as we as fans do makes the games more exciting. Today the opposition and commercial announcements get more excitement from what's his name than our teams. We need a bias announcer like Jim was. He was a true Tiger!

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I share your fond memories

May 1, 2013, 2:06 PM

As a kid, I remember my dad washing both family cars in the driveway with a portable radio propped up in the window which was tuned to the Clemson game. We hung on Jim Phillips' every word. He definitely pulled you in and made you feel like you were sitting right there beside him.

He definitely deserves a place of honor in the Clemson family.

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"There's a lotta orange in South Bend, Indiana".....

May 1, 2013, 2:29 PM

"and it's all on its feet"! - the great Jim Phillips calling the TD run by Billy Lott in 1979 as Clemson Beat Notre Dame, 16-10!

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There was an album out after '78 season w/ great calls by

May 1, 2013, 3:17 PM

Jim. Really great ones in the Maryland game which was a classic. Also, great quote from Pell telling the team after that game, "Just like a Kentucky Derby winner, you are a champion"!

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Re: There was an album out after '78 season w/ great calls by

May 1, 2013, 5:35 PM

I have that album. I still pull it out sometimes.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I wore that album out as a kid, wish I could find one

May 1, 2013, 8:49 PM [ in reply to There was an album out after '78 season w/ great calls by ]

somewhere. It went the way of all my old Led Zeppelin and Skynard albums, lol

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Re: "There's a lotta orange in South Bend, Indiana".....

May 1, 2013, 5:43 PM [ in reply to "There's a lotta orange in South Bend, Indiana"..... ]

I was there at the game. most people was glad we won to get rid of Dan Devine. people wonted any thing orange to remember that day.

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 2:46 PM

I couldn't agree more. Anyone that doesn't know who Jim Phillips was to Clemson fans, then they haven't been a Clemson Tiger fan that long. If you have been a Tiger fan for a long time and didn't know who JP was, then you didn't own a radio. JP brought Clemson play by play over the radio when Clemson FB couldn't be on TV. Even when Clemson was on TV I would turn the sound down on the TV and listen to JP on the radio. JP could call a game just as fast as his eyes could see it with in a spit second of it happening. Just listening to him on the radio, it was like you could see the play happening. He was the best, and personally I feel that Jim Phillips belongs in the Clemson Ring of Honor. JP was always a very positive voice for Clemson sports.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

As I said yesterday, HOF - Yes, but not ROH.

May 1, 2013, 3:07 PM

ROH is the very top honor, and the four year degree is appopriate for a university (not an honorary degree). While on the topic of the ROH, Danny Ford is the most deserving person not already in the ROH. It is a disgrace that he has not already been so honored.

P.S. Isn't Jim already in the HOF? If so, he has been honored, and if not, he should be elected to that body.

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JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened?

May 1, 2013, 4:15 PM

I knew Jim and liked him. he was one of many people who came to Clemson and played his part.

But he was not a great broadcaster. He enjoyed the games, and it showed. He rarely painted a good picture of the place, the fans, or the game. it was like listening to your brother, or sister, or best friend talk about the game.

here is a regular version of a Jim call, "Fuller steps up, takes it out, rides it off to [put your fav running back here]"...... giant pause then you hear the cannon explode. that's how you knew we had scored.

he could go 10 or more minutes with telling the score, or even who had the ball.

as I said, wonderful guy who liked Clemson. but honestly, is that enough to be in the Ring of Honor?

if so we better build some more decks to put up the names.

Jim's voice was the voice of Clemson for a long time, but don't mistake him for a great broadcaster. He wasn't.

Your mom, your wife, and your sister are wonderful too, and pretty as well. But that doesn't make them Miss or Mrs. America. That is a special honor.

The next time you are in Memorial Stadium, notice the names there. Was Jim Phillips the caliber of those folk there?

you get to make your own choice about that. i respect whatever you feel. but to me, he didn't rise to the level of Coach Howard or Bob Bradley.

thanks and Go Tigers.

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Re: JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened?

May 1, 2013, 5:42 PM

Maybe not as polished as some, but when you turned on the radio we always knew whether or not we were winning by the inflection in his voice without having to mention the score. Yet he acted professionally toward his colleagues and even our oppponents. Just so many intangibles he brought to the broadcasts that made him appreciated by Tiger Nation. He definitely gets my vote. Most die-hard Georgia fans feel the same way about Larry Munson.

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Re: JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened?

May 1, 2013, 5:50 PM

Have always wanted to know what was said at halftime in locker room at the Boston College and Clemson game when Danny was Coach. Jim said something happened. never found out what happened!

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Jim Phillips, Clemson Tiger Announcer-legend

May 1, 2013, 9:22 PM

I think Jim was a better baseball announcer than a football announcer. Jim knew everything about baseball. I used to listen to his baseball trivia show. He always knew the answers. I miss Jim's coverage of Clemson football games along with Mike Eppley. Those 2 together were great. I wish we could go back to those days.

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Like Jim, but he was no Larry Munson and I dislike uga.

May 1, 2013, 5:59 PM [ in reply to Re: JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened? ]

Munson was a homer and he didn't care who knew, and IMHO that is what a schools pbp man should be. Munson was the best (again IMHO).......Go Tigers!

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Sometimes in life, I have learned, a wise man knows

May 1, 2013, 6:11 PM [ in reply to JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened? ]

when to remain silent and when to voice his opinion. It does not matter whether or not Jim was a great broadcaster; it matters that thousands of Clemson grads and fans considered him OUR voice...and we liked what we heard...and miss THAT voice to this day. Frankly, I consider your comments to be completely out-of-line, ill-timed and an insult to his memory, his family and to most of us.

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He never considered himself a great broadcaster

May 1, 2013, 8:40 PM

he did pride himself in being a pro, which he was. The OP's post was exagerrated quite a bit. You go to youtube and listen to that Notre Dame game in South Bend and that Billy Lott TD run, and his delivery was the classic staccato style of that great generation of broadcasters. Of course he screws up an interception too in that game, but what people don't realize is that you are relying on spotters to tell you who made the pick and the spotter simply ID'd the wrong man. I know, I spotted for games for many years and led him astray more than once. he never minded that, he understood it was part of the process. the one thing he would not tolerate, at least the first 25 years or so, was cheering in the press box. he felt it was not professional and I and fellow spotter Sack Bagley still have bruises in our ribcages where we caught an elbow when we let out a cheer, lol. the last 10 years or so he let up on that. he accepted his role as a Clemson legend when he was inducted in to the HOF and he enjoyed becoming even more of a homer than he was. he was always still professional and never a homer like Munson, but he became a more vocal cheer leader, understand that over time, his role had changed. As far as the quality of his game calls. In that period from the early 70's to the mid to late 80's, I think he was a heckuva broadcaster. he had honed his craft and his had his patter down well. Then he got a little older, the eyes start to go and as with all of us the mind slows a bit, and he slipped some. ever to the point of being bad, but not as good as he was. Happened with Fulton and Munson and the rest as well. Still, he never considered himself great. Just a guy lucky enough to have one heckuva great job

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Very well stated....***

May 2, 2013, 6:02 AM

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

you probsbly prefer the Todd Ellis style of broadcast

May 2, 2013, 11:59 AM [ in reply to JIm was a nice guy, but have you lately listened? ]

.... sucking snot and grunting

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Re: Front Page Story: Jim Phillips deserves Clemson honor

May 1, 2013, 9:10 PM

I loved Jim, but I want the ring for those who were responsible for what they did on the field. He did a great job, but he was paid for his service. Do what you want to remember him, but the Ring of Honor--No way!

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I've been saying this for years...

May 2, 2013, 7:11 AM

Jim Phillips should be in the Ring of honor, just as you say. What does a four year degree have aything to do with it? Also when I visited Wriglet Field several years ago, they had a beutiful statue of Harry Carry. Why not have something like that for Phillips? I 100% agree that Jim Phillips should be honored. He was a huge part of Clemson football for 30 years, longer then Ford or any players. For that time period, His voice was the only thing clemson fans who couldn't make it to the game had to keep up with the games. In his early year Clemson was not on TV very often (not like these days) So it as his voice that brought the games to life. Honor this man.

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