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Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK
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Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:01 PM

Platform, even scoped for 400-500 engagement. I can think of a bunch of firearms that are far better at that range. I’m guessing shot groups of at least 10” even with a real good AK. Thoughts?

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:16 PM

Gas guns aren't precision weapons. You can hit a target at 500 but you're going to be +/- 1 foot or more. Give me a bolt gun in 6.5CM and you'll see 1 MOA out to 1000.

Trump has been blessed with incompetent enemies.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:22 PM

That all depends on the gas gun. I built an AR-15 that shoots 1/2" moa out to 700. Have not taken it to 1000 yard range yet.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:39 PM [ in reply to Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK ]

Yup. I've seen good sport shooters hit prairie dogs and coyotes from 1,000+ yards out with 6.5mm Creedmoor...whereas 7.62x39mm, while still the favored caliber of third-world child-soldier armies across the globe for like, the last forty-plus years running, is also one of the least accurate rounds still in use today. You could literally get an AK-47 and a 200-round can of ammo for the thing for the price of six chickens in Somalia back in the day. (I do not joke.)

It's like: dude. What in the world? Could you not just make a pit stop at Bass Pro Shop or some such and pick up something better? It'd be kinda hard to do worse.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK

Sep 15, 2024, 9:04 PM

They like the AKs for the reliability. You can drop it in swamp or sand and it will still work.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:24 PM

This guy was arrested in North Carolina several years ago for possession of a fully automatic machine gun. Maybe he had converted this AK to enable it for automatic fire.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:28 PM

Wonder how many think you are talking about assault rifle???? Lol. They can be extremely accurate.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:31 PM

That's easy, everyone who's watched Clint Eastwood knows a .45 is better than a rifle.


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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:37 PM

That’s misleading. Rifles are also chambered in .45. I get your point, though. It all comes down to the user. The tool is just a tool.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 9:11 PM

A Thompson is very bad medicine up close in combat or back in the gangland days in Chicago, but it like a pistol chambered in .45 is not particularly accurate at any significant distance.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 16, 2024, 11:09 AM

Yeah, Tommy guns are designed to chuck .45 ACP - a pistol round! - at a wondrous rate. Big bullets, but with a fairly slow muzzle velocity and only moderate recoil, so you don't wind up with the barrel pointed at the ceiling by the third or fourth round. Perfect for emptying dark little Italian restaurants filled with rival families...and not much good for much else.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:36 PM

I’ve seen semi-auto AK and AR (gas tube vs gas piston) platforms (May own a few) that are chambered in larger, more flat shooting calibers that are deadly accurate from 800+. It all depends on the barrel (rifling), optics, conditions, spotter and shooter. You’d be shocked what a competent shooter can do with an off the shelf generic AR/AK.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:57 PM

Not with 7.62x39mm though. And 80%+ of AK-47's still use the Soviet round. I have seen a couple guys who had theirs chambered for 5.56mm NATO, but even those weren't good for anything close to 800m.

What were you even using to get that kind of accuracy with an AK-47?

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:38 PM

Now they are saying the distance today was 300 to 500 ft (not yards). I do not know what to believe. That is not much different than the distance at Butler, PA. At 300 to 500 yards, no way would an AK47 be a choice. A non-scoped AK with the standard sights properly dialed in set for distance (rear) and elevation (front) are good for 275 to 300 yards with groupings 2 to 4 inch at 100 yards, 4 to 8 inches at 200 yards and 8 to 12 inches at 300 yards.

The M16 is more accurate at a distance because of the different (smaller) ammo with higher velocity and less drop. However, at 100 to 150 yards, there's not much difference in accuracy between the two.

For an everyday rifle to accurately hit a target at 300 to 500 yards, a 6.5 Creedmore or .300 Winchester Magnum would be 2 choices.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 9:07 PM

It has to be yards. He was reported near the 6th hole and lardass was teeing off on the 5th.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK

Sep 15, 2024, 9:35 PM

It has to be yards. He was reported near the 6th hole and lardass was teeing off on the 5th.

What was your lard @$$ doing, sitting on the coach munching chips, drinking beer and watching football? Was it a par 3, 4 or 5? But I agree that if that is the case, it would make more sense as yards. I did say I didn't know what to believe. I can't trust anything said by the lying Liberal state run news agencies. Maybe that's why I gave my options for either scenario.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 16, 2024, 7:34 AM

I was mowing grass and trimming shrubs. ####### moron.

Stop trying to play games of wits with your superiors. You embarrass yourself worse than when you #### your pants at the strip club.

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If it's 300-500 FEET then AK or SKS would work fine.***


Sep 15, 2024, 9:07 PM [ in reply to Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK ]

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:38 PM

I think he was probably waiting on Trump to get closer? He was hiding in the shrubbery.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 8:52 PM

Never seen an AK-47 chambered in anything other than 7.62x39 or 7.62x57 (7.62 NATO) which is the Dragunov sniper rifle (.308 civilian) so you’d maybe get 800 m out of that. There are apparently some 5.45 & 5.56x39 AK’s but terminal ballistics with 55 - 65 gr bullets fall apart past ~400 m. On the other hand for long range the AR-15 platform has been adapted to any number of calibers up to 6.5 Creedmore. I have personally witnessed a 980 m one shot kill on an antelope with a .260 PRC on AR-15 platform pushing 140gr bullet. Pretty impressive accuracy for a “gas gun” I would say.

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I thought it looked like an SKS which is better than an AK at 300 yards.


Sep 15, 2024, 9:04 PM

People are saying AK because of the 30 round mag mod (SKS's have that 10 round attached mag).

I prefer an AK up to 50-200 yards but wouldn't choose it above that. I shoot decent groups with iron sights at 100 yards with an AK, but a scoped SKS (while not ideal) is better suited for 300 yards. 500 yards? That's not a 7.62x39 wheelhouse job.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK


Sep 15, 2024, 9:05 PM

Personally no nor would any military or SWAT sniper or even the security at many nuclear power facilities.

Some of those nuke snipers are incredible shooters.

However, one might be surprised by what an AR can do if properly tricked out.

However, the current rounds of choice are .308, 300 Win Mag, and 6.5 mm Creedmore in a very heavy, bolt action rifle with a synthetic stock and a bull barrel.

I have a friend who was a Marine sniper. He’s the caretaker on a ranch in TX. He has essentially the same though not the actual weapon he used in Iraq. It’s over 14 lbs and chambered in .308.

I’ve seen what he can do on the 1100 yd range he built.

He likes to trick out stuff on an AR platform, and I can assure you you wouldn’t want to be within 700-800 yds of him.

For pure accuracy, there’s no substitute for the type of rifle I mentioned above.

However, ARs and AKs can definitely be bad medicine tricked out appropriately and in the hands of a practiced shooter.

AKs are very reliable cycling weapons in combat, but usually are fairly cheaply made with wood stocks, so it’s not a great long range weapon.

I have a Jarrett chambered in .300 Win Mag and an AR in .223. I’m decent but not great with the AR.

I’m pretty nasty with the .300 Win Mag, so these 2 idiots could have definitely chosen better weapons, but most of it is who’s squeezing the trigger.

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Re: Gun Guys Gals Would You Ever Pick an AK

Sep 15, 2024, 9:50 PM

It’s a Ruger. I know.

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Dude wasnt the sharpest crayon in the box. Simple.***

Sep 16, 2024, 7:44 AM

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