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I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 7, 2024, 9:42 PM

Folks. College sports is absolutely ruined and is over as far as Clemson football is concerned (at least being elite) unless something changes and changes fast.

NIL or no NIL, it’s not built for a small school to compete. The only people that can compete in this space will be the likes of UGA, Texas, Ohio State, etc. Our alumni base is tiny compared to these schools. To fund NIL, you have to have a lot of people willing to pony up the $. I bet none of you have ponied up the $ to make a difference.

I can tell you - I’ve done my fair share to IPTAY over the years - when it helped with scholarships and the players were loyal. It will be a cold day in #### before I give to NIl or buy a jersey with a name on it. I’d rather give my $ to my own kids that can use it. At least I know they will appreciate it and use it wisely.

I don’t blame the kids…The adults in the room have created this mess and have no intention of changing it until the ratings fall. That ain’t happening anytime soon.

And stop with the “coaches make the money, it’s only fair the players get paid”. How about earn it first? The national media wants to publicize Dabo’s salary but they never chronicle how he got there.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 7, 2024, 10:14 PM

TU to the last paragraph.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"If a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal."

Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 7, 2024, 10:23 PM

NIL is a law and will not be changed unless Congress changes it and that will not happen because the media would go crazy when the first Congressman or Senator dares to mention it. The day an election is over the fat cats in Washington start running for the next term and even thinking about depriving young men and women the opportunity to earn money is not something they will do.

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Re: Funny How Some In Congress Don't Earn Their Money Either***

Jul 7, 2024, 11:10 PM

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Re: Funny How Some In Congress Don't Earn Their Money Either***

Jul 8, 2024, 9:07 AM

SOME in Congress don’t earn it?

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IPTAY is the hill Clemson dies on

Jul 8, 2024, 7:28 AM

post body not needed. title says it all.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 8:09 AM

Earn it first sounds good. But coaches get paid for failure. Jimbo is sitting on a private island somewhere right now counting the 75 million A&M paid him to not coach there. Bringing up coaches salaries bites both ways.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo

Jul 8, 2024, 8:44 AM

He earned the right to do that. And bad contracts happen all the time. Doesn't justify paying rookies with NO contract.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 9:10 AM

It isn't a question of what Jimbo earned. It's what the sytem allows. He, Dabo, Kirby and every other coach are positioned to make these kinds of demands. Like it or not, players can now make demands of their own. "Fair" or "earned" have nothing to do with it.

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Anyone that gets NIL money has a contract...

Jul 8, 2024, 2:46 PM [ in reply to Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo ]

With their NIL collective or other sponsor.

You know, the people that actually pay them?

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NIL handed us an unlevel playing field, and unfortunately, no amount of plowing


Jul 8, 2024, 8:28 AM

by us will level it. We can "tilt at windimills" all we want, those financial disparities will still remain when we are done. You know it's bad when the GUVMINT starts getting involved. There will have to be some form of regulation, else the train is off the tracks and headed for a terrible landing in the creekbed below the trestle.

All the pro sports leagues realized the need for some form of salary limitations to keep things competitive, college football will have to do the same. All the Fat Cats may THINK they want to buy themselves some titles, but in reality, if they accomplish that, year after year, they will get tired of forking out their millions for something they know is not worth much, because it was not fairly won.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

NIL cannot be capped. Illegal under federal law.

Jul 8, 2024, 8:49 AM

NIL isn't subject to salary caps, even for the pros that actually have that.

Example: Patrick Mahomes NIL for his State Farm ads don't count a cent toward the Chiefs' salary cap.

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Re: NIL cannot be capped. Illegal under federal law.


Jul 8, 2024, 9:26 AM

You know former NCAA players are about to get a huge salary bump from ncaa revenue sharing?!

I agree with you 100% tho!

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I understand that.

Jul 8, 2024, 2:47 PM

However, that will be in addition to private NIL money and won't affect that at all.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 8:31 AM

How can you say that when you haven’t used anything that changed in college football. Your welcome to hold that opinion but it’s is ABSOLUTELY dabos fault we haven’t used the transfer portal or offered any money to incoming recruits. Selling “Clemson family” might have worked when everyone was on an even playing field but it’s not going to work when it comes to money. We don’t have to thrown in the towel because dabo refuses to play the game.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 8:34 AM

How about out a cap on coaching salaries? There’s a thought. Coaching salaries and especially at Clemson are absolutely ludicrous!

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 9:24 AM

How about a cap on what you can earn?! SMH. Free. Market. Economy. If you don’t like it Venezuela is open.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo

Jul 8, 2024, 10:38 AM [ in reply to Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo ]

How about a bottom cap on tiger pulse points? Once you get below 75%,
we know your a troll.

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That's ridiculous.

Jul 8, 2024, 8:46 AM

Nothing is ruined. The sky is not falling.

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 9:23 AM

Dabo still gets more than his share of loyal players. Do you honestly think FSU has the booster program we do? Nope. They borrow money for everything they do. When’s the last time we had to borrow money to break ground? It’s been a very long time. We’ve funded our expansions using private donations. We may be small but we carry a big check book.

We have enough boosters to attract big time mercenary players. Heck, when Coach Ford was here many were driving new corvettes. Those in the know really know I’m right. By NOT donating to NIL you’re part of the problem. I’ve done my IPTAY duty as well. I’ve also started giving to 110 society. It’s really up to the companies looking for endorsements.

Dabo can’t control who gets a NIL deal. He can’t even make recommendations until August. He can’t control NIL dollars at all. It’s a violation of NCAA rules. It’s between the player and the collective or sponsor. The coach can’t veto anything. The players have 30 days to report deals to schools. I can pay a player for NIL. Dabo can’t. The school can’t. Too many people believe UGA is writing checks. Nope. They can’t even facilitate deals or promise deals. Until august. It’s about to get worse. Google NIL explained. It’s not exactly what most think.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo

Jul 8, 2024, 3:39 PM

Jedi bro you just layed the smack down. Every single word is absolutely correct.

We absolutely have tons of money. That is a ridiculous myth that Clemson football doesn’t have money to compete.

We may not have the alumni base of some of the bigger schools but we can absolutely still compete money wise.

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So you like involuntary servitude for others?

Jul 8, 2024, 12:46 PM

How 1860 of you.

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NIL was started by California lawyers.

Jul 8, 2024, 1:35 PM

...and every plague/social experiment they start out west eventually affects the entire country.

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Yeah, it's a doggone shame...

Jul 8, 2024, 2:45 PM

...That lawyers had to get involved to stop the NCAA's illegal exploitation of athletes at far below market value.

Right??? Bueller? Bueller??

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Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo


Jul 8, 2024, 2:32 PM

I think everyone is empathetic to the significant changes that have happened in the sport over the past 5 years. Even with the inflated expectations our fanbase has, I think any reasonable person knew that it would be difficult for Clemson to stay Top 3-4 year in, year out with these changes due to the size of our school, alumni base, resources compared to huge programs, etc.

I think the issue most have with Dabo is his unwillingness to change strategies despite the monumental shifts in the sport. He seems to have made it a point of pride to not participate in the Transfer Portal or NIL. To make matters worse, as the only non-service academy program in the nation to participate in the Portal, Clemson has a very bright light being shined on it and that's when Dabo can sometimes become the worst version of himself. In my opinion, he's far too proud at times and when criticism is levied his way he loses sight of what's best for the program and focuses on being 'right'.

We saw it over the past few years when people questioned hiring former players--who didn't appear to have the resume to coach at a program of Clemson's stature--as positional coaches and I believe we're seeing it now. The louder the national criticism gets of Dabo, the more he seems to want to show everyone he's been right from the beginning, no matter what it means for the program.

While his salary isn't everything, it's relevant and important in this discussion because he's being paid more than any other coach in the nation, but we're far from being a top program. Over the last 3 seasons Clemson has fell from the ranks of the elite. We're not just not a Top 5 program, we're not a Top 10 program...and to make matters worse, we're trending downward strongly. That downward trend paired with a stubborn resistance to change with the times & an incredibly high salary results in strong criticism, which is warranted.

Dabo received all the praise imaginable when he took Clemson to the top, so it's fair that he's subject to this level of criticism when we've seen such a significant decline in a short period of time. Hopefully he will either see the light or perform miracles without adapting to the current climate, or else things are going to get worse before they get better.

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Agreed, well said. Additionally...


Jul 8, 2024, 2:53 PM

Dabo has a track record of valuing personal loyalty over performance.

Assistant coaches...
Kelly Bryant, DJU, and now Cade.

Add that the portal is a one way street out of Clemson, which outs us 12-14 "developed" athletes behind the curve every year, and you don't have a recipe for continued elite status.

I don't want Dabo to be the guy that insists on buying quality horse drawn buggies while making fun of those newfangled automobiles.

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Re: Agreed, well said. Additionally...

Jul 8, 2024, 2:59 PM

Yeah, great point on the one way street. We devote a lot of resources to those guys and get nothing in return...eventually we need to realize this isn't necessarily a committed relationship anymore.

Great point on the quality horse drawn buggies, too! It's sad, but true haha.

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Another way to put it


Jul 8, 2024, 3:10 PM [ in reply to Re: I wish you all would just stop blaming Dabo ]

tmac9wr ... There's a reason Saban is Saban. Adaptability.

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Replies: 27
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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