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For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park
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For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 7:37 AM

I am curious about your experience with access, parking, the park, etc. I am the City Administrator in North Augusta and want to make sure we handle events of this size well so that we can keep North Augusta as an option for these types of events. It was great to have the Tigers in town, just wish the outcome was better.


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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 7:39 AM

Bob Mahoney and don Munson said bull pens too close to first and 3D base other than that beautiful stadium !

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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 7:49 AM

had a buddy at the game. he liked it a lot. still some work to do but very nice.

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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 8:07 AM

Long lines at concession stand. 35 to 40 minutes. Wrist band issues. Other than that it was a great venue. Hope we do it again!

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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 8:13 AM

We got there early since we weren't sure how things were going to work out. As far as we were concerned, access to the park was fine. We parked in the Green deck and had no problems getting in or out.

The park itself is beautiful. However, the staff needs some more training. The parking attendant had trouble operating the scanner to scan our pass; he finally just let us in. It took the ushers almost 30 minutes to help us find our seats. We had club seats in section 202, and none of the ushers seemed to know where that was. When we approached the elevator to the club level, we were told that our tickets weren't club seats and were told to find our seats on the first level. When I pointed out that all of the sections on the first level are numbered in the 100s and our section was numbered 202, that usher went to another usher, who then went to another usher, who then went to another usher. The third usher finally let us go up the elevator to the club level. When we got up there, it took another 10 minutes for the usher up there to figure out where our seats were. None of them had a seating chart to reference when a question was asked. Friends of mine had a similar problem.
There were too few wait staff at the club level also, and the one who waited on us did not have menus nor did she seem to know what food items were available for purchase. We saw wait staff in our section only one other time during the entire game.

The scoreboard operator was terrible. I have operated scoreboards for football, basketball, & baseball/softball. It isn't rocket science, but it does require paying close attention to the game. He frequently had the balls/strikes count wrong and was often slow about changing the graphics to the current batter.

I know that these things may seem picky, but it is attention to the details that make a facility first class, which is what I know North Augusta wants.

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Appreciate that feedback. Exactly what we want to know

Apr 11, 2018, 9:47 AM


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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 8:38 AM

A great stadium! Checkout the unusual/unpleasant smell in the Men's restrooms (at least in the two on the third base side). And, you might want to consider tweeking the scoreboard info layout. IE. so much room was taken up with the player batting's picture and the side lists of the teams batting order, that other pertinent info was "tiny", at least to an old man.

Other than losing the game, I was very impressed with the facility, finally all of your personnel were friendly and helpful. North Augusta has done well.

Winston Lawton
Estill, SC

PS maybe our athletic director can arrange a game with USC in North Augusta

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SCar did not express interest. Hopefully will change

Apr 11, 2018, 9:50 AM


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Re: For those who attended the game last night at SRP Park

Apr 11, 2018, 9:10 AM

The lines at the concession stands were a long wait, but my beer was good so it was worth it.

I thought your PA system was on the loud side, but it was clear. Personally I like that.

I like the safe lite repair on foul balls. Thought it was funny.

I did think the restrooms down the lines were relatively small.

Last but not least, the brunette that does the between innings entertainment is hot. ??

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Scoreboard layout needs player stats. Should be updated

Apr 11, 2018, 9:23 AM

each at-bat. There were no stats at all last night. The pitch count and pitch speed need to be moved from the top of the board. Too small. You don't need the lineups on each side. No sure that many other parks do this. Why no replays?

Some additional lighting outside the park where Center St. ends at the stadium would be helpful. Hopefully that is in the plans when everything is completed around the stadium. I thought it was a little hard to see pedestrians there as I was driving out.

Overall, the park exceeded my expectations and has a wonderful feel to it.

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Re: Scoreboard layout needs player stats. Should be updated

Apr 11, 2018, 9:27 AM

The stats are a biggie

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The park itself was great.

Apr 11, 2018, 12:08 PM

My seats in 103 were great, but I got the sense anywhere you sit you feel close to the action. Much better than Lake Olmstead Stadium.

Had no issues getting in or out of the green deck. I wonder a bit about pedestrian crossings to get to the deck or center street. Maybe an elevated walkway? Just seemed odd to exit the stadium and immediately have to cross traffic.

Really looking forward to further development at the “village”. The folks I was with from Aiken are envious.

Well done Todd and city.

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Great experience all around except.........

Apr 11, 2018, 8:19 PM

Can we not invite Georgia fans next time? ??

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