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TNET: Thursday's scrimmage a battle of the elite versus the elite
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TNET: Thursday's scrimmage a battle of the elite versus the elite

Aug 18, 2018, 2:21 PM

Thursday's scrimmage a battle of the elite versus the elite

Thursday’s scrimmage in Death Valley was a battle of the elite versus the elite. Clemson’s defense is expected to be among the nation’s best this season and receives most of the praise from the national media. Defensive coordinator Brent Venables told the media Thursday that the Tiger offense is pretty good, too. Full Story »

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Re: TNET: Thursday's scrimmage a battle of the elite versus the elite

Aug 18, 2018, 2:44 PM

If that picture is from Thursday it looks like Big Dex was held out.

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Picture is not the scrimmage

Aug 18, 2018, 4:23 PM

Tiger Paws on helmets.

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For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ...

Aug 18, 2018, 3:22 PM

BV makes a critical point. He speaks to the ELITE talent at RB and WR. This does not exist at the starting QB position which ran 192 times in 2017/18 season (yes, including sacks). Here's hoping the Clemson coaches deliver the play calling and position reps to put the ball in the hands of the ELITE talent in 2018/19. Go Tigers!

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Re: For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ...

Aug 18, 2018, 4:38 PM

SocMan2® said:

BV makes a critical point. He speaks to the ELITE talent at RB and WR. This does not exist at the starting QB position which ran 192 times in 2017/18 season (yes, including sacks). Here's hoping the Clemson coaches deliver the play calling and position reps to put the ball in the hands of the ELITE talent in 2018/19. Go Tigers!

Four seasons ago a QB with a 59.4% completion record, 1976 passing yards, 14 TDs and 6 INTS came within 13 seconds of winning the National Championship.

You need to be prepared for a miserable year!

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Re: For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ...

Aug 18, 2018, 6:05 PM

Ok, I’m confused. You talking about DW4 in 2015? If so, and I’m not mistaken SocMan2 is saying we need to run that offense instead of the one we ran last year.

DW4 wouldn’t have run it 190 times last year. And neither should have Kb, be it his fault or play calling.

It was good to hear TE say that Trevor was able to start calling the plays from los.

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Re: For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ...

Aug 18, 2018, 9:27 PM

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic but I think he is talking about Nick Marshall.

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Re: For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ...

Aug 18, 2018, 5:30 PM [ in reply to For the rest of the armchair coaches like SocMan2 ... ]

Don't agree any of our QBs are not/can't be elite. Do agree that play calling is important to each plays success that may depend on checks by the QB and will depend on team execution with no penalties. Some of our losses stem from the above. And honestly, those losses are few cause we don't lose often, in any of the last 7-8 years. This year may be the best ever. I think it will. Go Tigers.

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whoa now. we don't want the guys getting big heads lol

Aug 18, 2018, 4:57 PM


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I thought it was 1st string vs 2nd and 3rd strings

Aug 18, 2018, 6:44 PM

and visa versa

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