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Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB
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Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 7:43 AM

Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

4-star 2019 linebacker Owen Pappoe released his final three schools on Tuesday night and Clemson made the cut alongside Georgia and Nebraska according to his Tw Read Update »

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 7:52 AM

Let’s get real, with Nebraska downward spiraling it’s between Clemson and the leg humpers

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 8:41 AM

yeah I'm surprised Neb is still in it here but very glad we are

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 2, 2017, 8:01 AM [ in reply to Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB ]


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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 8:44 AM

He will commit to Georgia, but 2019 is a long way off.....we won't be out of it.

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 9:00 AM

Don't bet on it. I think we are strong here.

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 9:29 AM

No one has a stronger resume in developing LBs than Venables. My money is on the Tigers for a very gifted young man. I too am surprised at his inclusion of NE.

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Re: Football Recruiting Update: Clemson in final three for Nation's #1 2019 LB

Nov 1, 2017, 11:57 AM

Making the final cut for the playoffs would keep us in the upper elite status for 3 years straight. With that being our resume, Clemson can't be in the rear with any recruit. Like that old country song, you're always on my mind, that is where Clemson is with most recruits, always on their mind!!!

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Nov 1, 2017, 10:39 AM

Nebraska is garbage- the best you can hope for there is to get drafted after you do your time. I agree with an analysis I heard about them- they don't have the facilities and program to compete like they did with Tom Osborne. They may make some noise with a good coach, but they will never be what they used to be.

Athens is cool and all, and UGA is winning right now, but Clemson is the place to be! We will win at least one more and maybe multiple NCs in the next ten years. UGA still has to beat that other team in the West to get to the playoffs (I don't think the game will be close enough to warrant inclusion after the loss), and you can't beat life in the hills. And the lake.

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Dang! I like this kid!

Nov 1, 2017, 6:13 PM

High energy guy that would fit very well in our group. Hopefully he wants a national championship! Because that’s what we’ll have.
GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Dang! I like this kid!

Nov 1, 2017, 6:22 PM

A post so nice it posted twice.

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Dang! I like this kid!

Nov 1, 2017, 6:13 PM

High energy guy that would fit very well in our group. Hopefully he wants a national championship! Because that’s what we’ll have.
GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!

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