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ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018
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ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 9:45 AM

Group came in 3rd best.

Article didn't give best two teams but I'd assume Burrow's LSU Team was #1 and a BAMA Team at #2.

What knows you TiGER?

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 9:56 AM

I would put that 2018 Tiger team against any team. I don't understand all the enamor for the 2019 LSU team. It was a great LSU team but the 2019 Clemson team had the lead and should have beaten them. The 2018 Clemson team would have beaten them by 15-20 points IMO.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

LSU beat us by 17 points......

Dec 15, 2022, 10:32 AM

there is no "should have beaten" them about it............they were better. That sounds like Jake Bentley and his "they weren't that much better than us, if at all" statement. We didn't even have 400 yards of offense..........and they had over 600. It was ### for tat early, but by halftime they were up by double digits and pretty much kept us within arms reach away the rest of the game.

NOW.......I would definitely put our 2018 team up against ANYBODY.

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Go back and rewatch the game

Dec 15, 2022, 10:45 AM

Clemson could’ve had a 10 point lead near the end of the third-quarter. It was missed opportunities by Clemson, not anything LSU did.

Had we had a lead going into the fourth quarter we could’ve played very differently and tried to milk the clock and keep our defense off the field. But because of missed opportunities earlier in the game we had to start playing a different game, which ended up keeping our defense on the field and they were gassed. That was the thinnest least experienced defense we have had in 15 years, if not longer. That was the year after losing all of the Power Rangers. The starters were good, but not as good as we have had, and we had no depth.

Because the defense was completely gassed LSU totally took over in the fourth quarter and ran us off the field. That’s all people remember. Thus, people think the entire game went that way. But Clemson had its opportunities and could’ve had a cushion at the end of the third-quarter, which would’ve made the fourth-quarter very different. Not saying we would have won. But we would’ve had a chance.

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I was at the game and have re-watched it......

Dec 15, 2022, 10:48 AM

they were better and made the plays.........we didn't. Again, it sounds bentley-esque to say we "SHOULD'VE" beaten a team that beat us by 17.

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The better team doesn’t always win.

Dec 16, 2022, 9:11 AM

We lost to South Carolina because of stupid coaching.

If you re-watched the game, then you know we missed opportunities and we could’ve had a 10 point lead in the third quarter. That would have given us an opportunity to win. And I didn’t say we would have one. I said we would’ve had a chance. I’m saying it would’ve been a different ballgame, especially perceptually.

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 2:49 PM [ in reply to Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018 ]

Well, they had arguably the 2 best WRs in the NFL currently, and a top 5 NFL QB.

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 16, 2022, 9:19 AM [ in reply to Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018 ]

raider12® said:

I would put that 2018 Tiger team against any team. I don't understand all the enamor for the 2019 LSU team. It was a great LSU team but the 2019 Clemson team had the lead and should have beaten them. The 2018 Clemson team would have beaten them by 15-20 points IMO.

Some of you guys are delusional.

Lsu handily beat our A$$....

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LSU didn't really win that game . . .

Dec 16, 2022, 9:37 AM [ in reply to Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018 ]

they held something fierce in that game, and it got flat out ignored. No, I don't mean the kind of borderline calls that happen in every game here and there - I mean really, really, obvious holds, that made a difference, that kept Burrow from getting pressured or sacked or rushed, and over, and over, and over again, and on at least 3-4 scoring drives and in some cases scoring plays (other times critical third downs). If nothing else, just watch OT #76 . . . it was bad. REALLY bad.

What's worse - they did it all year. Wouldn't have beaten Texas or Bama w/out doing the same. Look, Burrow was a phenomenal player, but at times people were so enamored with his talent that they just couldn't or wouldn't see that he was getting help in this way. I know what the record books say, but LSU didn't earn any national championship that year.

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Also remember that people were talking about . . .

Dec 16, 2022, 9:47 AM [ in reply to Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018 ]

the 2018 Bama team as possibly and even likely THE best team **EVER**, right before Clemson beat them by 28.

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 10:42 AM

Where did they rank the 2018 Bama team? Because before the NC game the media was calling that Bama team the best ever. If you look at the NFL players on that team you can make the argument that they were the best ever - until the NC game was played and we beat them by 28.

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 10:49 AM

Draft picks on that Bama team:
9 in the 1st round
3 in the second
2 in the third
18 all rounds

For CU:
5 in the 1st round
2 in the second
2 in the third
15 all rounds

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Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 11:39 AM

They had 2020 Bama at #1 and 2019 LSU at #2

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

My blood runneth orange!

Re: ESPN recently ranked the past 36 Play-off Teams & TiGER's 2018

Dec 15, 2022, 1:26 PM

Bama 2020? There shouldn't be anything ranked from 2020.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

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