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UMASS beats George Mason.... it only helps us in the fact
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UMASS beats George Mason.... it only helps us in the fact

Feb 21, 2016, 6:21 PM

that a loss would have dropped UMASS's RPI. They currently sit at 172, so we are avoiding having a 2nd sub-200 loss on the resume for now.

They could really help us Wednesday, when they host St. Joe's.

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don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 7:00 PM

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 8:36 PM

Some of our fans are a sad pathetic bunch.

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 9:09 PM

are you actually saying he's wrong because then you are the sad, pathetic, ignoramus. We've been going around this circle since the Georgia game. The season was over. They showed a little backbone and made the season more respectable than anyone could have imagined. But they aren't going to make the tournament and, for all your pumping Brad Brownell, they really aren't even going to finish anywhere near getting in the tournament. Even if they win out they will have an RPI in the 80s. I'm glad NIT basketball means so much to you, but some of us have greater aspirations for the program.

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 10:07 PM

So sad I bet you were giddy as hell when we lost last night.

Some fan you are.

Hell you were probably happy when Tiger Baseball lost Friday so you could have a glimmer of hope that Monte was a bad hire.

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 10:42 PM

Hate like hell that we aren't going to the postseason for 5 years in a row. You seem completely content with that.

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Re: Hate like ####

Feb 22, 2016, 6:20 AM

It's not about contentment, it's about hoping for the best to the end. The seasons not over in spite of what the viziers say.

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Re: Hate like ####

Feb 22, 2016, 9:07 AM

exactly viztiz loser has been pulling for us to lose all year so he can show up and say "I told you so".

He is a terrific "fan".

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 22, 2016, 9:07 AM [ in reply to Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done*** ]

Yes I am very content that is why I have said NUMEROUS times that next year is his make or break year. Oh wait that doens't make any sense.

Congrats on talking out of your ### once again. No where am I content with our current basketball program. I however can see improvement you on the other hand only see the negative in things and only show up after losses and get mad at users for posting anything positive. It is quite pathetic.

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Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done***

Feb 21, 2016, 10:09 PM [ in reply to Re: don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done*** ]

Also stop trolling my posts please...



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let's be clear here...

Feb 21, 2016, 9:14 PM [ in reply to don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done*** ]

i'm using the basketball board to talk basketball... Clemson basketball.... NCAAT, no NCAAT, NIT, whatever...

I don't necessarily think we have to win the ACCT to get in, but that's fine if you do. I don't think we have any margin for error, and need some outside help....

so I post about it, use numbers, etc..

don't kid yourself into thinking I care what you think

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as a true basketball fan and supporter, I have appreciated yoire

Feb 21, 2016, 10:04 PM

insight to the games of note around the country lately.

I still say getting to the 20 win mark gets us in the tourney.

I don't understand why some won't just let the season play out. I can't wait to see what happens over the next 2 weeks!

Thanks again, Snowtown

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appreciate your enthusiasm...

Feb 21, 2016, 10:16 PM

I hope you are right about the 20 win mark... but I think there may be a caveat there...

If we earn a single bye, and hit the 20 win mark on a Wednesday in the ACCT, the team we beat likely won't be enough. If we earn the double bye, and hit the 20 win on a Thursday, against a Pitt/UVA/Cuse, that may be enough

our RPI is horrendous, and there's no way around that...

I'm working on something I'll post tomorrow that compares Clemson record vs. the RPI top 50, top 100, and top 200 to other bubble teams... It's really interesting when you look at it minus the RPI

which you really can't do, but I will anyway

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Thanks Joe Lunardi Jr

Feb 22, 2016, 8:32 AM [ in reply to don't kid yourself,outside winning acc,we're done*** ]

Glad you are so pro and all knowing

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