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Do all the people entering the transfer portal
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Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 8:10 AM

In football and basketball think they are good enough to play professionally? The way I see it is if you aren’t going to play in the NFL or NBA then why bother picking up your whole life and moving, learning a new system etc. just seems like way to many transfers all around

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The sad part of this is, some of these kids have been

Apr 4, 2021, 8:45 AM

coddled and told how great they are their whole lives. Then, when they get to college and find out they are actually not that special, they do not want to accept that reality, and seek a second opinion via the transfer portal.

Also, like anything in life, there are exceptions to every rule. The recent QB successes are just that, exceptions. But, by and large, portal success stories are far outweighed by equal to or less success than at previous stops.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 9:55 AM

3 of the last 4 Heisman winners and #1 overall draft picks transferred. There are plenty of reasons to transfer and NFL hopes are only one of them. I'm assuming everyone who is against it has only worked with 1 employer their whole life.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 10:09 AM

3 of the last 4 Heisman winners and #1 overall draft picks transferred. There are plenty of reasons to transfer and NFL hopes are only one of them. I'm assuming everyone who is against it has only worked with 1 employer their whole life.

Never changed employers after one year. It does not benefit a young man to pack up and run at the first sign of adversity. Many or most in the portal blame others for their situation so they never learn or grow. Nothing wrong with transferring after graduating for playing time but for many this is not the situation.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 10:18 AM

"Never changed employers after 1 year"? Yea well the time scale is different here too. You have 40 years to work. These guys have 4-5 years to play. So a player changing teams after a year is after 25% of their college career. If a guy gets replaced by Trevor Lawrence and every wants to play again I don't blame him. Getting passed by other players is very common in CFB. If the guys want to play I don't blame them. Hopefully you're recruiting guys that want to play. Some will want to tough it out and some want.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 10:09 AM [ in reply to Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal ]

3 of the last 4 Heisman winners and #1 overall draft picks transferred. There are plenty of reasons to transfer and NFL hopes are only one of them. I'm assuming everyone who is against it has only worked with 1 employer their whole life.

Never changed employers after one year. It does not benefit a young man to pack up and run at the first sign of adversity. Many or most in the portal blame others for their situation so they never learn or grow. Nothing wrong with transferring after graduating for playing time but for many this is not the situation.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 10:09 AM [ in reply to Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal ]

3 of the last 4 Heisman winners and #1 overall draft picks transferred. There are plenty of reasons to transfer and NFL hopes are only one of them. I'm assuming everyone who is against it has only worked with 1 employer their whole life.

Never changed employers after one year. It does not benefit a young man to pack up and run at the first sign of adversity. Many or most in the portal blame others for their situation so they never learn or grow. Nothing wrong with transferring after graduating for playing time but for many this is not the situation.

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Re: Do all the people entering the transfer portal

Apr 4, 2021, 10:03 AM

Speaking of transfers....N'Kosi Perry from miami is still out there. Not sure but i don't think he had any discipline problems at Miami.

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