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Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 11:43 AM

Most people think it’s the portal, And coaching hires. And your opinion, what do you believe has been the main ingredient of this team remaining stagnant And not continuing to climb again. I personally believe the biggest problem has been our best players not seeing the field as often. We hear about all of these impact players and a lot of them freshman In spring and fall camp and how good they look, but then I rarely see them on the field. I also believe that continues to not always play the freshman that could make an impact, I believe that experience and time earned is not a bad thing but when you look at college football freshman are always making huge impacts today… Don’t forget to try to sell to the fans that Trevor Lawrence and Deshaun Watson start on their day one when we all knew that wasn’t true. I’m just ready to see some of these players in hearing so much about. And in the case that they are on the field and I’m missing it we’re definitely not making plays around them.

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Lack of depth due to recruiting misses and zero portal use.


Sep 3, 2024, 11:45 AM

We have 14 verbals in 2025 class, with no new offers going out ...

and the scholly limit is going to 105 next season.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 11:46 AM

apologies I am aware of my grammar, I was trying to say that Dabo tried To sell us about those QB not earning their start… I believe he’s got too much loyalty to upper class instead of putting the talent on the field.

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Sep 3, 2024, 11:48 AM

coaching hires.........Dabo
recruiting misses............Dabo
player development........inexperience coaching..........Dabo
Talent drop off.............Dabo
playing the best Players regardless of experience...........Dabo
inflated opinion of roster talent.............Dabo

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Re: Dabo..........


Sep 3, 2024, 12:03 PM

I absolutely agree with player development as well, I think I’ve been saying that for years. There not a lot of improvement going on at any position, especially wide receivers Sorry, but no one can convince me that Georgia has that much of a gap. In fact, I think we have more playmakers Individually But the lack of coaching experience in development you wouldn’t know

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Re: Dabo..........

Sep 3, 2024, 8:00 PM

Player development on offense seems to be lacking, but never saw Williams or Brown play in HS.

I can make an argument that all three levels on defense has done a great job developing players.

Nate Wiggins from the Wake Game in ‘22 got pretty good. I don’t think any of the sophomores that start for us now were sure bets out of HS.

Capehart,Peyton Page, and Ruke on DL are all examples of players who got really good after a few years in the program.

Trotter and Woodazz got a lot better than their Fr years.

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Nothing since 1969

Sep 3, 2024, 12:03 PM [ in reply to Dabo.......... ]


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Re: Dabo..........

Sep 3, 2024, 3:17 PM [ in reply to Dabo.......... ]

Yep, Pretty much sums it up.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 11:49 AM

The public perception that Clemson and Dabo are "Anti-NIL"; "Anti-Portal"; doesn't want the athletes to get paid. Most of this is self inflicted. Dabo stating he won't recruit players that start with NIL $ questions, Dabo not using the portal at all, and Dabo's earlier statements on his dislike of the professionalization of college sports.

Clemson's PR department has failed miserably in counter-balancing these perceptions or truths, or highlighting the fact that while going to 6 straight playoffs we had the highest graduation rate, least amount of arrests/problems, and the growth of teenagers into productive (in life) men.

Now I know the landscape has drastically changed, but the University did zero to counter the negative narrative that hangs on Clemson football today.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 11:49 AM

talent, complacency, stubbornness, nepotism, effort, nil, creativity

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 11:50 AM

1. QB play
2. WR play
3. Using the portal to fill gaps. To get the top portal players you have to tamper because to many of them enter the portal on day 1 and then sign on day 2. Dabo will not tamper so we have to look for the diamond in the rough portal player.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 12:10 PM

Management of scholarships due to misses on the recruiting trail. We miss and we go into desperate mode and offer some 2 star that will never play.
Next is coaching at the receiver spot. A QB'S best friend is a great receiver. We have brought in some highly recruited receivers but their development had been poor. One or two I would say maybe a recruiting miss but all of them? That's on the coaching. Improve the receiver position and watch the QB position to improve as well.

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the upcoming election in november!

Sep 3, 2024, 1:23 PM

go tigers

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 1:52 PM

1. doing something different

We haven't changed the offense in years. Have you seen the clip (s) of the Georgia defense acting (not reacting) as soon as the ball is snapped? They're shifting before the RB even gets the ball. They knew what we we're doing before Cade did. Defense? Carson Beck: at half we looked at LAST YEARS film on the Ipad so we knew what they were going to do and made our adjustments. Georgia had more depth? Maybe, but Georgia came out in the second half marching down the field. If we're gassed in the first few minutes in the half we're in a lot more trouble. I'm not buying the depth issue out of hand.

I don't care how many transfers you line up or position coaching changes you make, it ain't gonna matter if they are told "this is the offense you're gonna run and this is the defense". And just how do you sell that to a potential impact player to transfer in? WE know you're great, but first you gotta learn how we do it here.

And for the record, Moore had 1 catch for 7 yards, Wesco 1 for 5. So they are being played. Not enough? Maybe, but if the defense knows when and where you're going to them, it really doesn't matter.

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^^^100% This^^^***

Sep 3, 2024, 2:55 PM

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 2:59 PM [ in reply to Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand? ]

Actually, the offense HAS changed in the past 5 years. Look at videos of DW4 and TL16 all the way up to 2020. Mis-direction, pop pass sweeps, tackle tre runs, QB misdirection runs, multiple deep throws downfield, utilizing the middle of the field between the hashes. All these things were exploited under the Scott-Elliott offenses. We see none of that today. Nada. ZIP!!

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 3:01 PM

Exactly. I posted a couple of times how much I miss the jet sweep.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 4:03 PM [ in reply to Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand? ]

I agree 100%. So since 2020 it has not changed and everyone we play (and have played since) know that.
And in that regard I will give in to the portal. That if we had a QB that could run the aforementioned plays, defenses would be more off balanced and we would be a better team offensively.

My hopes were that bringing in Riley, as advertised, to open up the offense. I have yet to see defenses puzzled by what were are going to do.

WE have won games since 2020 on raw talent and size alone. We were simply better or stronger than those teams. That will continue to be the case this year.

My Op wasn't a condemnation of the portal/NIL, simply that it is not the sole reason for our mediocrity.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 2:52 PM

Lack of talent. Maybe 1 or 2 of our offensive starters would have started for Georgia
Saturday. I hate to say it.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 5:50 PM

I disagree we have extremely talented players especially receivers… something has been amiss with coaching and developing.

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 3:19 PM

Offensive Play Calling without a doubt - way too conservative and predictable - not mixing up running and passing patterns......Just look at the way GA mixed their plays up with success vs. what we did! What is the problem here?

Also this loss was primarily a coaches loss!

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Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?


Sep 3, 2024, 3:53 PM

^This!! I keep seeing posts about how we don't have enough talent at key positions. I think we have the talent, we just aren't utilizing them. We were on the 5 yard line and called three terrible plays with no success when we have mafah in the backfield, who was running the ball well that drive. I think the offensive play calling is our issue. Let Mafah run the ball hardnose and downhill, let Cade air it out, and let the receivers go up for the ball. I'm tired of bubble screens and short passes.

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This completely

Sep 3, 2024, 4:02 PM [ in reply to Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand? ]


2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

Re: Poll-whats the biggest issue at hand?

Sep 3, 2024, 5:53 PM


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ChoirBoyU culture is the biggest issue

Sep 3, 2024, 8:16 PM

Dabo raised ****** and now the whole team is ******

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

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