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Can someone please answer a few basic questions???
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Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 10:49 AM

1. Why on earth did we have a starting QB who was obviously hurt play for almost 1/2 of the game?
2. What offense did we run last nite?It must be a new one because it surely was not the read option
3. In the first quarter we threw the ball over the middle 3-5 times successfully and then never did after that. Can't Ton y E. see that?
4. what will it take to get rid of this bull headedness on the part of Dabo.?
5. Does HJ announce his intention to transfer now or at the end of the season? To not give this kid a chance when clearly ZC is not a throwing QB is beyond comprehension
6. If I were Trevor L. I would reopen my recruiting because based on Dabo's past actions he "have to wait his turn" mentality!!
7. I am disgusted with our coaching staff for having the ignorance to play KB when clearly he was not able to go. For heaven's sake my wife saw he had a small limp very, very early in the first quarter. Is someone going to tell me that Dabo or Tony E.could not see the same thing but yet they left him in1 Disgusting
8. Why did we abandon the 4-3-4 D and go with a 4-2-5 when we beat Auburn, VT and L'ville (not exactly weak sisters) with the 4-3-4?
9. with 6 0r so minutes left in the 4th quarter, can someone please explain why we faked a punt and threw a 20-30 yard attempt at a completion instead of 7-9. After all, we only needed to get a first down to remain alive. horrible call and shows a lack of understanding on the part of Dabo.
10..Am I correct in assuming that we've seen the last of the kicker who missed 2 FG's and was not even close? It is unimaginable that this is the best we could have.
11. Do we have any plays in our supposed playbook to counteract aggressive past rushed either by DL or blitzes? If so what are they?
12. Why have we recruited so many WR's when clearly our first 2 QB's are unable to deliver the ball to them with any degree of accuracy on a consistent basis?
Comment; If anyone here thinks that we can win in spite these and several other serious problems , might be time to look at another sport. There is no justification for a performance that I saw ben our highly paid coaches last evening. As the head man, Dabo needs to grow up a bit and start a new process to get control of all of our coaches, himself included. No one made him play KB and there put in ZC and not even give HJ a chance when it was perfectly clear that neither one was going to gt the job done but for different reasons.

My concern is just what I stated above. If I were TL ,I really would have to open up the recruiting process based on this horrible, unexcusable coaching I saw last night----particularly on the part of those dual OC's and the O in general---pick one and go with him or get rid of both of them. Our play calling had been terrible all year.

I truly believe that we won it all last year because of sheer luck and in spite of our questionable coaching and not because of it.

When you are paying someone $3 million or so, you have every right to expect excellence and that is not even close to what I saw from our coaches last night. They should be ashamed of themselves and they need to get back from they know it all attitudes and start coaching basic football. Rule 1: Do not play any injured player.2. play the players according to your observations but if they do not produce, make changes and give others a chance without reference to "seniority!!

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 10:59 AM

On the bright side, Alabama is probably not clamoring for Dabo today, when Saban retires.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:03 AM

You are correct on so many issues. My personal issue is the offensive play calling. We struggle to zero in on a defensive weakness or mismatch and exploit it on a regular basis. Last night , with our QB situation I thought we really needed to commit to the run and wear them out. We were successful almost every time with outside runs and sweeps and never would come back to it. I've seen enough of the WR screen play already , that's for sure!! Last night, was our time to pound it with our deep RB group and we either wouldn't or couldn't. Not sure witch one.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:07 AM

turfman: When we ran it outside of the tackle position we had some success as in ET's to the house run. Fact is that I fault Tony E. who is supposed to analyze the D and com e up with plays, in chord with Scott, that attack the D. We seem to be running plays we want not what will take what there D is giving us. BTW, IMO our offensive play calling has fallen off the table!

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:15 AM

The unwillingness to run the ball is baffling. Pretty sure KB and ZC each had more pass attempts than total team rush attempts by the backs, which makes no sense when neither was particularly effective throwing. The musical chair game at RB needs to change too, guys need to be able to find a rhythm. It reminds me of what Fedora did with Hood and it was stupid then and is stupid now.

BV had a bad game too. Calls were way late all night and the whole nickel package didn't work. They still passed on us almost at will for a decent part of the night and Lamar not being out let them run a lot too. Way too much pile watching as well, that let Cuse pick up extra yardage.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:16 AM [ in reply to Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions??? ]

Most people don't truly understand that DW was not only gifted athletically, but mentally he operates off the chart on the field. He got us unto a lot of favorable plays during his reign and was able to execute it as well. Right now , we don't have that and may not have it for a long time. Now the OC has to be the lead and I'm afraid, it's just not there. Even with the defensive busts, we should be able to score 30 and win last night . Especially when the defense score a TD!! You aren't going to shut everybody completely down on offense, it just doesn't work that way. And oh, by the way , we really miss Hugle. If he's healthy , we're probably still undefeated this morning.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 1:06 PM [ in reply to Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions??? ]

Ocs do less with more...we are usually too talented to let it affect the outcome

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Is this a test? Do we have to show up

Oct 14, 2017, 11:09 AM

for the class?

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Re: Is this a test? Do we have to show up

Oct 14, 2017, 11:31 AM

striperfan: go back in your cave. football has passed you by

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Tiger Jane, tell Dabo, not me

Oct 14, 2017, 12:47 PM

He's the only one who can answer your complaints. Better yet tell DRad so he can put the staff on double-secret probation with a clause that they should be fired after the next loss.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:10 AM

This is such a dramatic post. I would give it more credit if it were written in English. However, I do agree KB should have never played and HJ should have gotten the start. Dabo's extreme loyalty killed us last night. The best business decision was to start HJ and let him go. HJ is out of here at the end of the year and I don't blame him. TL will not de-commit.

You're statement of "When you are paying someone $3 million or so, you have every right to expect excellence and that is not even close to what I saw from our coaches last night." makes me laugh because you are not paying him squat. As a fan, your life does not change in the least whether Clemson wins or loses so, please, grow up like you expect Dabo to. It is very immature to state that we won the Natty last year and the success Clemson has had the last 8 years is based on sheer luck.

Seriously, just shut up now...

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:30 AM

KIddfan: Re the paying. I was drawing a business parallel. I did not day it was all sheer luck, or I meant to say last year certainly makes any normal fan wonder. your correct, this changes nothing in my life at all but I still care deeply about the Tigers and there is no excuse for the horrific coaching job I saw last night! Sorry but that's the way I feel. For your info I will comment when, were and how I want and if you don't like it don't read it!

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 12:47 PM

Your right he isn’t paying him $3 mil. Dabo isn’t making $3 mil either. More like $5.5 mil

Message was edited by: baker5801®

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 2:13 PM [ in reply to Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions??? ]

Your quote: "I truly believe that we won it all last year because of sheer luck"

I can't possibly know if I will like your comment until after I have read it.

Of all the success Dabo has brought Clemson University and the fans, surely we can understand if the coaching staff has an off game. We cannot be the program that goes 11-1 and bases our season on the 1.

Everyone needs to take a step back and just breathe.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:18 AM

On the 4-2-5. That's probably the right call for our personnel against an Air Raid. The 3-3 just never worked. They got way too good of a push with the interior 3 against our DTs and our DEs rarely kept contain. Our linebackers were too light last night. We should have Tre coached up enough that Kendall Joseph is the one on the bench most of last night not the other way around.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 11:19 AM

Seems reasonable lol. Coaches and team had a bad night - it happens.

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For relaxing times, make it Suntory time

Not sure if weekend clinics dole out xanax, but its a thought ;)***

Oct 14, 2017, 12:16 PM

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 12:39 PM

Lots of good points. My biggest issue is with the play calling. We went with dual OCs because of loyalty and to be clear, IT SUCKS! We got lucky last two years because DW4 could take a bad play and make positive yards. He even took how we mismanaged time in the last drive to score a TD with 1 second left. BV, seriously...you keep Lamar out and go with a nickel so we could have 5 guys play off 7-8 yards and still hold and grab? Horrible!

I've seen some other comments about it's only one loss and in years past we would be happy with only one or two losses. A hard fought legitimate loss is understandable but this was embarrassing. I'm pretty sure Saban or Meyer would be pissed. They might even fire their OCs....oh wait a minute, they did! With the money, resources, facilities, recruits and coaches we have settling for a loss or two IS unacceptable.

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I just want to know

Oct 14, 2017, 12:43 PM

How many job offers you have had to coach college football at any level. Just be honest. That is all.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???

Oct 14, 2017, 12:51 PM

I have said it and got blasted many times that our OCs are not very good.
The have benefited from great talent and this season would show exactly what they are made of.
We knew not having DW would slow the O up but come on man not this much.
Only 1 game this season has the O been affective.

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Re: Can someone please answer a few basic questions???***

Oct 14, 2017, 12:54 PM

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Oct 14, 2017, 1:02 PM

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"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

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