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Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit
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Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 7:03 PM

us, it takes the best at each position and knocks them out for the year. Really never seen anything like it. I mean our chances of winning either of these last two games was difficult enough when the offensive coaches decided not to do jack #### to prepare for this season. Had you told me in late September that, as bbad as we were, we'd have to go the sretch without the above three, I would not like our chances. WE are 7-3, but really could easily be (GaTech, Boston College, Loouisville, Florida State, Syracuse) 2-8. And now we are going to play top 15 Wake and go to Columbia to play South Carolina not even playing at the level we were playing at before. If we split these last two, I sure hope South Carolina is the one we beat. The body language last Saturday, and the performance, wiped out any small improvement that had been seen vs Florida State and Louisville.

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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 7:22 PM

You recognized the injury bug (which I'd call an elephant, but those are semantics) ... very good!

Yet you fail to correlate that the injury bug (especially on offense) may impair the offense's performance and blame it all on the coaches not doing jack s_ _t to prepare for the season.

So DJ isn't as good (or ready-for-prime time) as last year's QB (aka #1 pick in the NFL draft) ... yep this is the coaches not doing jack s_ _t.

So the O-Line loses two starters from last year, with one being the LT (aka 2nd round NFL draft pick) and the other being a good Center ... and this year's line struggles to find a healthy center for the first half of the year (big injury to M.Trotter / COVID hits H.Rayburn / M.Bockhorst ... a good Guard, is plugged into Center position where he's mediocre). And the Guard rotation is beat up with injuries (Bockhorst ... ACL tear at half-way point, W.Putnam ... misses two games and is highly impaired in others due to very bad ankle sprain). So once again, the coaches didn't do jack s_ _t to prep for the season.

So among the WRs not named C.Powell and A.Rodgers (who moved on to NFL or are trying to get there), have either injuries or the dropsies ... clearly another example of the coaches not doing jack s_ _t.

You can do better than this Clemson81to85 ... try harder and think a little more.

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The offense was putrid from day one when everone was healthy

Nov 16, 2021, 10:26 PM

I stopped reading your post after you made that excuse for the coaches.

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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 7:45 PM

I have held my tongue for long enough, while attending every game except at Syracuse this season. I have listened to all of the complaining and whining done by keyboard giants with anonymous screen names. My son is on the offensive staff. I know the hours and work he (and the staff) has put in. You claim the staff has not done what it was supposed to do, so my question to you is have you? Have attended every game and cheered and supported the team no matter what? Have you applauded the effort of these young men? Do you donate the maximum amount you can afford? Do you type messages of support on public forums? [Sorry, I already see that you do not do that.] It is sad that you claim to be a fan, but what you really are is a "fan" if the team is winning. I am sure you were super proud of the National Championships that you did so much to earn. [Sorry again, I am pretty sure that your contribution is nothing.] And, as a former offensive lineman not nearly good enough to play for the Tigers, y0u should learn to spell their names. Finally, you state that WE are 7-3. Until you do your part, you are not part of the Clemson that I graduated from, support loyally, and cheer for regardless.

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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 8:34 PM

Probably need to be a site donor before berating others for not doing so. Also, there are 106 NCAA FBS teams whose offensive staffs are outperforming Junior's, including the Akron Zips.

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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 9:52 PM

Why? As has been pointed out many times, Tigernet is a for profit business and not a charitable arm of Clemson athletics. If you wish to pay a subscription for additional services, which is not a donation, great that’s your right. Just don’t think it puts you on some higher plane of support for Clemson itself. Also the poster was talking about giving to the actual athletic department; not this website which profits from the popularity of its sports teams.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I certainly atend my fair share of games. If your son is on

Nov 16, 2021, 10:39 PM [ in reply to Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit ]

the offensive staff, then he should know that this offense is one of the worst in the country and in the history of FBS football. If you're going to assault the fandom of everyone on here complaining about this offense then you have a 24/7 job to do. I don't give a #### if you think I'm a good fan or a bad fan. You don't know me and I don't knw you. But I do know that this offense is unacceptable. It needs to be fixed. It truly looks like they don't even practice, but I know that is not the case. And I'll saay it again. It looks like the offensive staff didn't do jack #### during the off season. Why don't you ask your son why they start every game with the same pass out to the flat for the same loss of 2 to 4 yards. Why don't you ask your son why it looks like the defense is on our running backs in the backfield that it seems that they couldn't be there any quicker if there was no offensive line at all. Take a look at what other schools have done to coaches of a unit that ranked in the one hundred and teens in every category. Ask your son why the offense has not gotten one single bit better in 11 weeks of season.

I don't give a dman if your son is Tony Elliot himself. The offensive coaches have produced one of the poorest performing units in all of college football.

I am a fan of Clemson football. I am not a fan of your son or any other coach that would leave in a heartbeat to take a job for a few more bucks. I am a fan of Clemson football, not any player that is wanting sympathy when they will leave in a heartbeat for the transfer portal the minute someone looks at them sideways. THey need to get better. ANyone can work hard, but if they're not doing it efficiently, they are wasting their time.

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Re: I certainly atend my fair share of games. If your son is on

Nov 16, 2021, 10:57 PM

Clemson81to85 = antifa clemson fan and nobody cares if you went to Clemson in 81 or Tri-county

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Tell 'em u6c coot. No one knows losing better than you.

Nov 17, 2021, 7:36 AM [ in reply to I certainly atend my fair share of games. If your son is on ]


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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 11:00 PM [ in reply to Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit ]

Great Post! Some fans do not realize just how many sacrifices our coaches make trying to keep Clemson at the top. I applaud the great Job by all Coaches this season. The team could have fallen apart but the coaches have done a great job keeping them United and supportive of each other.

I have learned no matter how successful you are or have been, the first time there is adversity some fans ( I call them part time fans) will find something to complain about. True fans support the coaches and players all the time, especially after what they have accomplished over the last 10 years, especially after some adversity this year. It’s amazing just How quickly some fan’s forget what these same coaches achieved at Clemson over the last 10 years.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 17, 2021, 2:46 AM [ in reply to Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit ]

D__n good post.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You can be a Clemson fan

Nov 17, 2021, 6:32 AM [ in reply to Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit ]

and be critical of an offensive staff that has done this poorly this year by any metrics imaginable. Why do these have to be mutually exclusive events?

No disrespect to your son, I'm sure most everyone on the staff is working hard but I think even Dabo will tell you it's about results, not feelings.

When we could barely average 2 yards a carry against UConn, anyone still defending this offense is choosing to ignore what they see.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: You can be a Clemson fan

Nov 17, 2021, 10:24 AM

I agree that the two are not mutually exclusive, but as the OP states that staff did jack..., it is not a fair or accurate assessment. I am not blaming anyone for the results because as a fan, I choose to support my team. I happen to be blessed to see the hard work from a different perspective. My love for the players who choose represent my University is immense and they are trying their best. The offensive staff, many whom are paid exceptionally well, are working hard and earning the money they make. I agree that this season, the results are not where any of those who are working hard expected or desire.

So let's talk about the metrics. Which ones matter? Is it the final ranking (which this staff has been the very best at twice recently)? Is it some offensive stat, like total offense, etc.? Is it graduation rate? Or something else, like the type of men the program produces?

Would be interesting to know how many who post such negative comments actually manage people. If your staff set a national record recently, but is having a down year, do you fire them? By the way, their down year is plagued with equipment failures, turnover, key employees unavailable to work and despite it all, the staff shows up every day (and weekends). They give you all they have and represent your company well. And their record is still far better than most of your competition. In fact, about 15 years ago, the record would be viewed as a pretty decent year. Is this the staff that you run into the ground on anonymous sites?

OK, back to football. Let's talk UConn since that is the game you referenced. Due to injury, you hold your top two running backs since some more important games are on the horizon. Two of you preferred receivers are unavailable and your most experienced is lost during the game. Your offensive line is not remotely close to who we thought would be playing on day 1 and that is not due to guys stepping up and winning positions as much as a necessity. On top of that, the pressure of being the star QB is taking its toll on a humble, young man. I don't think anyone on the staff is happy about the results, nor are they not seeing them. Many of you do not know the inner workings of the program, but the staff had less than 2 hours after the game before they were in meetings and dinner with recruits. Nobody is ignoring what they see. They just see way more than the average poster.

It is a blessing to be disappointed about 7 wins. Winning is hard. Sometimes our young men make mistakes, poor throws, drops, missed blocks. Sometimes our coaches make poor calls, take too long to make a call, or have the wrong personnel in the game. When any of these things happen, it is unfortunate, but it does not mean that we did not want better results. It is pretty easy to use the gift of hindsight to point out the flaws, but the staff and players at my University have made me proud.

Go Tigers!

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Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 10:43 PM

I think you mint Bockhorse

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Brockhorst, Ross and Bresee. The injury bug doesn't just hit

Nov 16, 2021, 10:47 PM

No, I think it was Breezy that was misspelt.

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Tell 'em u6c coot. No one knows losing better than you.

Nov 17, 2021, 7:25 AM


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