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re: brian mance
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re: brian mance

Jul 6, 2018, 6:59 PM

anyone heard how he is doing? I contributed to his gofundme maybe 2 years ago but have not heard anything lately. I guess Wofford has moved on....bad luck.

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Re: re: brian mance

Jul 6, 2018, 7:35 PM

This update was posted on the GoFundMe 3 months ago:

Update 6
Posted by Tammy Harbison
3 months ago

Dear Family and Friends
This week Brian began moving his feet!!!!! We are all excited beyond words!!

It has been almost 2 years since Brian was diagnosed with neurosarcoidosis, a rare autoimmune disorder and became paralyzed. So you can imagine the joy, excitement, and praise that went through their house when he moved his feet. They are experiencing the grace of God and know that "a better day is coming."

This is Brian's story and an update:

On July 4th, 2016, Brian became ill after visiting his hometown of Alcolu, SC. He was admitted to the hospital in Spartanburg, SC where he remained for three weeks. During that time, Brian remained paralyzed, was given test after test, and was examined by more than seven doctors in every imaginable specialty. The doctors determined that the illness and the paralysis were a result of neurosarcoidosis and recommended intense physical therapy to help him regain mobility. Brian was transferred to Carolinas Rehabilitation Center in Charlotte, NC where he remained for 30 days and made some progress. He was then recommended and accepted in the Shepherd Center, a top-ten rehabilitation and research hospital in Atlanta, GA. The therapy at Shepherd Center was intensive. Brian became stronger, but after 2 months, they released him citing the need for him to gain more upper body strength. Brian returned to Spartanburg and continued his rehab at the YMAC.

That was November, 2016. After months of treatments and therapy Brian is gradually starting to see improvements and the outlook is positive. However, he has not regained use of his extremities and still requires round the clock care. In-home care and transportation service remains expensive. Therefore, they still need your financial support.

We cannot say thank you enough times for the support you have given Brian and his family. They are truly humbled and thankful by your gracious generosity. Your prayers, thoughts, phone calls, cards, and letters, have made this journey to recovery lighter for them. You have helped them to carry their cross.

Brian remains positive and is believing God for total restoration. Jaden is growing fast and is now three. Brian and Torrun remains strong in their faith. The Mance family believes that if you are facing any challenges in your life that all you have to do is "hold on to God's unchanging hand". He will see you through.

Please find in your hearts to give today and share Brian's story with all your family and friends. Every little bit helps.

Thank you again

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Re: re: brian mance

Jul 7, 2018, 10:04 AM

Thanks for sharing. Did not know this.

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Re: re: brian mance

Jul 6, 2018, 8:17 PM

thanks very much for the info. I found his gofundme account. guy has had a hard go.... hope he continues to improve. thanks again.

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