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Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 20, 2016, 9:22 AM
The Gap
The Gap Revenue has been a big topic of conversation here in Clemson in the last week or so. The athletic department upset some students when they discussed a plan to charge for some student football tickets. The plan was to help the athletic department raise about $2,000,000 in revenue.
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All-Time Great [97309]
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I'd like to see Swofford take notes from Dabo and try to
Apr 20, 2016, 9:28 AM
think outside the box and do everything in his power to grow the ACC brand.
Heisman Winner [87461]
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As far as football goes, Dabo is at Clemson and Swofford
Apr 20, 2016, 9:40 AM
has to grow the ACC football brand with a lot of small private schools like Wake, BC, Duke, and Miami. Even the state universities are smaller than the state universities in the SEC and Big Ten.
Trainer [48]
TigerPulse: 99%
Re: As far as football goes, Dabo is at Clemson and Swofford
Apr 20, 2016, 3:30 PM
Clemson & Dabo are doing a great job in spite of handicaps that won't change: Clemson is relatively small, not near any large metropolitan area and relatively small alumni base. A couple of more good years for CU and probable bad years for USC will make a big difference in the revenue (the fair weather fans will swing to CU). Clemson brand is building - people nationwide are starting to know the tiger paw! Big schools (and small schools) near/in big metro cities have a huge advantage - they are a part of the entertainment 'options'. UGA had OVER 90,000 people for the Spring game! (big student population and easy/short drive from Atlanta) - they locked the gates and turned people away! Clemson will always have to work hard to compete but Dabo seems to really like the challenge!
CU Medallion [18895]
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Good stuff Mickey***
Apr 20, 2016, 9:31 AM
Asst Coach [730]
TigerPulse: 87%
I think some folks here believe that the $30-$45 million
Apr 20, 2016, 10:36 AM
Our 6 closest rival/opponents make more than we do is just no big deal. It may not effect us today or tomorrow but soon enough we will find ourselves in a quandary just trying to keep up. It scares me and while I don't fear "the sky is falling," I do see we need every single dollar we can get. We are a small, proud school with a generous but small alumni base and at some point every dollar helps. Just my hand wringing thoughts. Go Tigers!
110%er [8867]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: I think some folks here believe that the $30-$45 million
Apr 20, 2016, 10:49 AM
I agree with you and when I sometimes see the fans that did not attend/graduate from Clemson being attacked or made fun of it is frustrating. Yes Alumni have every reason to be proud, but it takes all fans to keep Clemson competitive in scholarships, tutors, buildings and events. We have a beautiful campus with probably the best administration in all areas that we have had in a long time. There are dozens of ways to contribute to Clemson with IPTAY and the Life program just a couple. We the alumni and fans can make a difference
Asst Coach [730]
TigerPulse: 87%
I couldn't have said it better
Apr 20, 2016, 11:14 AM
If I had a thesaurus. Truer words have never been spoken, it takes alumni, current students, passionate dedicated fans, IPTAY donors, Life donors and any and everybody else to make this as fine of place is there is on this earth.
Clemson Icon [25999]
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Re: Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 20, 2016, 10:41 AM
Good research Mickey, thanks for the op ed.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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How much would we make if we sold beer at all events?
Apr 20, 2016, 11:01 AM
Anyone know? We should do it if it would be a windfall of cash..
CU Guru [1806]
TigerPulse: 100%
This many...
Apr 20, 2016, 3:54 PM
All-American [581]
TigerPulse: 75%
do the big revenue schools spend as much on non revenue
Apr 20, 2016, 11:06 AM
sports as we do? I suppose soccer drains us a ton. And of course the female sports are mandated so we are not able to adjust there.
We likely will see plenty of relief in revenue when we complete Little-john and pay for it. Then we should be able to bank a little money for the near future anyway.
I also wonder how much those schools spend on soccer and basketball.
Tiger Titan [48079]
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Basketball makes money I would think..
Apr 20, 2016, 11:08 AM
Being in the ACC and having a basketball team probably makes us money.
CU Guru [1806]
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Mackey's Blog: Old Navy
Apr 20, 2016, 3:56 PM
All-TigerNet [12506]
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Well played
Apr 20, 2016, 4:41 PM
CU Guru [1927]
TigerPulse: 100%
So raise ticket prices by $4 / game instead
Apr 20, 2016, 11:02 PM
Seriously. DRad needs $2 million.
You either ask the people who can afford it least, students, to cough up $225 a season while breaking a 100 year tradition all while spouting the line "Because Bama, etc, etc" is doing it while at the same time seeing articles like this and from ESPN making a very specific note about how Clemson is doing it with a lot less.
That's because Clemson is different and you don't mess with the things that got us here.
$2,000,000 / (85,000 - 11,000 for students = 74,000) = $27 / seat / season. $27 / 7 home games = $3.85
Everything about Clemson is great right now. Demand for tickets is high...among alumni. Let us pay $4 / game to solve this problem.
If you charge students for lower deck access you take the serious risk of breaking Death Valley. It will take a single student protest of simply no-showing to have moving trucks backed up in front of Dan's office. What happens when all those alumni who come up for games to see their kids get there to find that all of the students decided to get away to Greenville or Anderson for the day to get their cars out of the way since they weren't going to the game anyway? This is simply too easy to stop from the student perspective that it may as well just be abandoned.
You raise prices when there's a supply and demand problem. The supply of student tickets basically matches the demand based on the size of the student body. Simple economics will tell you that the only outcome will be reduced demand. That's bad for business.
Raise ticket prices if you need more money. Leave the students out of it.
We are not like Bama and that is a good thing. There are things about college football that are more important than money and Dabo has proved that. Our students are one of them. Point to how much money UVA brings in and then ask any of us if we want to be like UVA?
Freshman [8]
TigerPulse: 52%
Re: Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 21, 2016, 12:06 AM
So you make some reasonable points but you are also missing a few: 1. We net out in the black - most schools do not. 2. The ones that make more also spend more so its all relative. 3. There are many reasons we can do it for less and its obviously working. I just had a chance to review athletic spending and revenues for the Big 10 - we would be well down the list but if you look at spending per student I expect we are on par with the big spenders. 4. IPTAY I believe was 20 or 30 when I joined and now look at it and how are the numbers - if Clemson needs money we help! I like the $4 per ticket idea! If you think you have to have more money then get it that way or by adding 5 or 10 more to IPTAY - not by shaking-down the students.
Dynasty Maker [3105]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 21, 2016, 5:53 AM
We could take concessions away from the private groups and run them by Clemson and keep the profit on 4.00 water.
Sell beer
Have better teams play at home. Higher ticket prices equals more revenue
The reason our expenses are less is because we don't have as many teams that drain the funds. Ex. Softball, swimming etc.
110%er [8867]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 24, 2016, 6:30 PM
That is an excellent idea. My family has operated businesses for years that have concessions and I can tell you that it is 1,000% profit. The only problem is the workers. Because it is cash there is a large possibility of stealing. I'm sure there is a way around that but that would be the major drawback besides hiring and managing
Paw Master [17503]
TigerPulse: 100%
What are the other ACC schools doing that are making more money than Clemson?
Apr 21, 2016, 1:31 AM
Surly there are some creative ways to increase revenues without changing the student tradition of sitting in the lower deck.
I would be interested in what some of the other schools like FSU and Louisville are doing to create revenue streams.
DRad you are messing with chemistry and tradition. With financial margins so close Clemson cannot afford to make a mistake when deciding on how to raise revenues.
Higher basketball attendance would help as it would with baseball. Some of it is about marketing. We need some creative ideas to bring in more fans to these two sports.
110%er [3821]
TigerPulse: 82%
if not an "opportunistic money grab", then why
Apr 21, 2016, 2:16 AM
haven't students also been charged for basketball tickets?
Scout Team [156]
TigerPulse: 88%
Re: Plyler's Blog: The Gap
Apr 22, 2016, 6:43 AM
An NCAA imposed, legislatively endorsed, coaching salary cap could solve this. Salary caps work in the NFL and NHL. Many of the Nascar vehicular set up rules can be tied to cost control.
All-Conference [445]
TigerPulse: 84%
Again, I call BS on this
Apr 24, 2016, 7:59 PM
$2MM from the backs of student won't move the needle much at all in terms of revenue gap. It's a money grab. Pure and simple. All the rationalization from Clemson people can't justify it as anything but a money grab.
Budget for what you need and don't spend more than you budget. If total revenue equated to success, Texas would win the natty every year. Don't be gullible, folks
All-Conference [445]
TigerPulse: 84%
Again, I call BS on this
Apr 24, 2016, 7:59 PM
$2MM from the backs of student won't move the needle much at all in terms of revenue gap. It's a money grab. Pure and simple. All the rationalization from Clemson people can't justify it as anything but a money grab.
Budget for what you need and don't spend more than you budget. If total revenue equated to success, Texas would win the natty every year. Don't be gullible, folks
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