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TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois
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TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 2:08 PM

FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Florida State redshirt senior quarterback Deondre Francois has been dismissed from the team on Sunday. "Last night, I informed Deondre Francois that he is no lo Read Update »

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FlaSt to start running a clean, reputable program???

Feb 3, 2019, 2:13 PM

No wonder Neon Deion picked usuck for his kid.....:~)

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Hold your horses

Feb 4, 2019, 9:11 AM

They hired Kendal Briles 2 months ago. Hardly a clean program

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 2:21 PM


Bold move by Taggart. That leaves FSU astoundingly thin at the QB position - both literally and figuratively, because I'm pretty sure that leaves Blackman as the lone scholarship QB on the roster this Spring, and also because while Blackman is listed as being 185 now - up from the 165 or so he came in at as a stick-figure freshman - the guy is not built to take a hit.

If they fire Taggart anytime soon after the mess he inherited from Jimbo it's almost criminal.

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 3:07 PM

... and Blackman entered the transfer portal last month. Does he stay now?


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I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.

Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 4, 2019, 9:29 AM

As horrible as that very intentional EXTREMELY negative 'sounding' cliplet with absolutely no context sounds, I for one hate to see people get set up like that when it's obvious that it was planned and provoked to some extent in order to get the exact response needed to ruin a person.

I'm NOT saying he's not guilty and that he's not a horrible, disgusting person. I'm simply saying that I don't have enough information to know in reality what was going on there.

For all we know, she could have entirely staged this and she could have been the aggressor and continually leaning toward him yelling right in his face etc...and he could have simply been pushing her face away while the very tiny clip allows her to completely portray the narrative of him 'hitting' her in the face since she is the one that first uses the word hitting and describes it in that way even though it is some of the softest/quietest 'hitting' I've heard before.

Again, he may be every bit as guilty and irredeemable as people say, but this clip seems intentionally short to provide no context and designed to paint him in the most negative light possible. If she really wanted to prove her point, she could have simply propped her phone up to record video of the incident before getting into the argument with him. Or simply provide a more fulsome recording that includes at least enough context to truly discern what's going on in the situation.

When you're talking about completely ending a person's career potential (not saying he was good enough anyways but still could have had a great year) and/or life, people really shouldn't rush to judgment because I've seen that happen time and again in this type of situation where people naturally, instantly and instinctively believe the female accuser only to ultimately find out there's more to the story. For his sake, I hope he's every bit as guilty as the cliplet makes it sound.

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 3:14 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois ]

Is it really a bold move though? If they attempted to shield another player from domestic battery type issues after hiring captain enabler Briles there would be a huge storm of you know what descending on them.

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 9:14 PM

That and it gives Willy extra excuses, while playing the "right card".

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Here's the video that led to this....

Feb 3, 2019, 2:25 PM

WARNING - NSFW language, content, just all around BAD.

<###### async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8">

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Other than the "I'll hit you in your face every ####### time"

Feb 3, 2019, 3:18 PM

This sounds like just another weekend in my household.

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That is sad***

Feb 3, 2019, 3:21 PM

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Speak for yourself

Feb 3, 2019, 3:24 PM

The make-up sex is unreal.

Just part of life when your girlfriend is Puerto Rican.

Definitely not condoning domestic physical abuse, but the verbal back-and-forth definitely keeps things exciting and refreshingly honest.

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Re: Speak for yourself

Feb 3, 2019, 6:56 PM

I hope to heck you are trying to be funny. Epic fail!

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Feb 4, 2019, 6:41 AM [ in reply to Speak for yourself ]

Puerto Rican and Balck women....They will not back down. They’ll come at you like a terminator lol!!! I love em. My brothers and I all married white Americans. We took the safe route. I will be praying for you ??

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 3:20 PM

Dear Danny Kanell; it's not really a bold move by Taggart. He had no choice.
Yes, it made his job harder, but there was no other option.

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Kendal Briles’ recruits will make him look like a choir boy.

Feb 3, 2019, 3:23 PM

This has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with getting caught. If Taggart was sensitive to domestic violence he wouldn’t have a Briles on staff.

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Re: Kendal Briles’ recruits will make him look like a choir boy.

Feb 5, 2019, 12:54 PM

Man makes a point +1

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Some people are their own worst enemy***

Feb 3, 2019, 5:06 PM

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Re: Some people are their own worst enemy***

Feb 3, 2019, 6:16 PM

Would Fisher dismissed him? I really don't think so, after all of the other stuff he turned a blind eye too. Maybe Tagget will clean up that mess he inherited.

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Re: Some people are their own worst enemy***

Feb 3, 2019, 9:18 PM

If Jimbo kept Jameis with all the BS he pulled, no way Jimbo dismisses Francois. He's probably one of the most morally corrupt coaches in all of football. I have no respect for him.

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Re: Some people are their own worst enemy***

Feb 5, 2019, 10:10 AM

Nor do I! +1

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

lol that one guy saying the past few years

Feb 3, 2019, 9:18 PM

yeah jimbo was notorious for punishing players that raped women see winston.....

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 3, 2019, 11:35 PM

François holds on to the ball too long. Video tape of him playing football got him dismissed as much as the character issues. For Florida State, this is addition by subtraction. Fisher could not make it work with him and neither could Taggart. Wise decision to move on.
He had the reputation as someone who is tough but really seemed to be uncoachable.

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 4, 2019, 7:18 AM

Googled Francois to see what was going on ... came up with another domestic violence charge in Jan 2018 by his pregnant girlfriend... that mysteriously was dropped as the Tallahassee PD could not independently verify. Wonder if this is the same gf as this year?

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If people were as good as their obituary - and products were as good as advertised - this would truly be a wonderful world !!

not a good year for the noles....

Feb 4, 2019, 8:39 AM

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Re: TNET: FSU dismisses QB Deondre Francois

Feb 5, 2019, 9:08 AM

I’m not going to condone any of what Deondre Francois has done, either recently or in the past. I don’t feel sorry for either party involved. But for what it’s worth, his female accuser posted this yesterday on Instagram and then allegedly deleted all of her social media accounts:


Sounds to me like they’re either made for one another or they should BOTH be in jail. The #believeallwomen movement has nothing to say in the wake of her retraction and what’s done is done. But changes need to be made in the future to ensure that everyone is given their due process.

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Feb 5, 2019, 3:25 PM

We dismissed him every time he played against us.

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