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Orange Elite [5138]
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Orange Immortal [60291]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 4:25 PM
Wow. Where's the media outrage??? This needs to be a national outrage imo. What's college, or any school for that matter without socializing in class and on campus.
Top TigerNet [29170]
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I remember seeing an article about how Joe Burrow did the same thing
Jan 16, 2025, 4:28 PM
at LSU. Never even went on campus. Just played video games and went to the football facility.
I bet pretty much all the top players at the big schools do that now. It's part of the reason everyone builds football practice facility palaces. So the players can just spend all their time there.
Orange Phenom [14104]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 4:39 PM
I'm afraid attending classes isn't really part of the sport anymore. That is, for the ones that don't want to.
Orange Immortal [62094]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 5:55 PM
You're absolute right, colleges + sports has become just a place for athletes to meet up and compete against each other bc at least half the players do not get a college education before they're off to play a pro sport in whatever game they met at a college campus to play.
I know that it's a little different at Clemson Dabo demands good grades if they want a chance to play and show case their talent to an NFL scout or coach, but most of the Clemson athlete's that graduates with a degree, what kind of a really good paying job can they get with the degree they got with a free scholarship that pays for their education that most of take whatever is the easiest subjects to keep them qualified to play. And if they don't turn out to be good enough to play pro sports, and they have to use their education and the degree they got to get a job, what kind of a job could they get that would support themselves and a family.
Well, most of those degrees that most athletes get are nothing more than a trinket degree so the athlete can say he/she graduated with a degree when most of those degrees guarantee them nothing more than a minimum wage job over the person that just had a high school diploma, and that's crazy for a Clemson FB player bc Dabo don't take away scholarships, so if they aren't 1st team players they could have taken subjects that would have helped them to get a top paying job...
Campus Hero [13167]
TigerPulse: 100%
Jan 16, 2025, 4:43 PM
Thinks it's great, I haven't seen anyone post that on Tigernet.
Orange Immortal [62094]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 5:02 PM
Say it one more time bc we didn't hear you clearly!!!
Top TigerNet [29929]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 5:04 PM
DEI and WOKE all rolled into one failure, except for the player of course.
Rock Defender [55]
TigerPulse: 79%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 6:13 PM
Every problem is DEI and Woke. That’s just lazy. SMDH
Game Changer [1711]
TigerPulse: 88%
Not really...DEI & the proliferation of the "woke" ideology.....
Jan 16, 2025, 6:44 PM
(Although not specifically intended for this purpose) together form a safety net for the player who doesn't attend class and isn't able to cash in on football-
Orange Phenom [14372]
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Game Changer [1606]
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Orange Elite [5138]
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CU Guru [1531]
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Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 5:10 PM
This is just posting an article for the sake of controlling a narrative.
It literally says in the first paragraph of the article that they exclusively took online classes. You posted this insinuating that they never took classes.
Game Changer [1789]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 6:04 PM
People have been predicting the death of the brick and mortar campus for a while now. Why spend a fortune to go to a college when you can get the same education at a much lower rate online while you also hold down a job and live anywhere you want to? I have wondered at times when it comes to full realization what will happen to college sports....the semi-pro model may be the only way to go.
Associate AD [1093]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 6:30 PM
People have been predicting the death of the brick and mortar campus for a while now. Why spend a fortune to go to a college when you can get the same education at a much lower rate online while you also hold down a job and live anywhere you want to? I have wondered at times when it comes to full realization what will happen to college sports....the semi-pro model may be the only way to go.
It may be the same degree but definitely not the same "education". Online is simply open book, no instructor feedback, and less rigorous. You can bet Clemson engineers do not take most of their major courses online. At least I hope not.
Game Changer [1789]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 9:50 AM
I think you would be surprised how much is done online even while attending Clemson's engineering school. My experience in college was that the instructor might explain the text book, but it was still the text book that taught me everything. Lots of "splaining" can be done easily online. Laboratory work might be difficult but looking back, building my own chemistry lab at home would have still be cheaper than what they charged me for the class. Probably would have learned more by building the lab myself anyway.
90% of what you learn in engineering is not in college anyway. I have had alot of engineers work for me and with me. Most of the new grads are not worth much more than just hiring a smart guy right off the street and then let him figure it out himself. It's the myth colleges sell us. That somehow they have the best corner on information and it cannot be reliably learned with spending a small fortune at their school.
Right now today 25% of all software engineers do not possess more than a highschool diploma. The one that will blow you away is that 50% of engineers in the field do not have an engineering degree. I have been an engineer in the since 1995 and my degree is in business marketing with a biology minor. It all started with one guy having a heart attack and my company asking me to take his duties over while he was recovering. One month later they deemed me to be a better engineer than he was so they moved him to another area that would be better suited for him and I took over his job. Just launched my first rocket on Thursday. Woot! Yes sir I am a steely eyed missle man now.
Associate AD [1093]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 10:31 AM
Do you hold a professional engineers license? Just curious. I was an accountant. Passed the CPA exam but not the public accounting experience. So i was just an accountant, NOT CPA.
Game Changer [1789]
TigerPulse: 96%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 11:24 AM
No I do not but only 20% of engineers do.
Associate AD [1010]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 16, 2025, 7:20 PM
Wait, how did you find an article from MSN? I didn't know it still existed.
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
Ever heard of online classes?
Jan 16, 2025, 9:00 PM
Virtual classes? That's very common and not just for athletes.
Top TigerNet [29241]
TigerPulse: 100%
You are correct.
Jan 17, 2025, 8:32 AM
More and more students who are "residential students" (live in dorms on campus or apartments in the community of the university) take on-line or virtual classes. These classes are not exclusively for athletes; they are open to everyone.
Top TigerNet [29241]
TigerPulse: 100%
Don't get me started.
Jan 17, 2025, 8:30 AM
I spent my entire career (40+years) teaching math. I lived through the transition from "fully seated" to "hybrid seating" to "limited seated" to "fully on-line" courses.
I never taught a fully on-line course. But did teach all the others.
Way too complex to explain why I feel as strongly as I do, and I don't want to get into a political rant, but I will say this.
Anybody who thinks the learning that takes place in limited seating classes equals or surpasses fully seated classes will get a strong argument of disagreement from me.
Sometimes limited seating classes are the only way to go, but when given a choice fully seated classes are superior in terms of learning.
1st Rounder [636]
TigerPulse: 72%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 8:44 AM
Really not sure what the problem is. This is just an aspect of change in our society. Remote teleworking is prevalent throughout this country. A lot of companies are scaling down brick and mortar facilities and saving costs by letting employees telework. Conferences and meetings are constantly being held virtually. As far as Coach Prime he must be doing something right if his overall team GPA is at 3.0 (the highest in program history) and he produced a Heisman winner who was the 1st player in over 15 years to win the Heisman and make 1st team academic all American. The bigger problem is that meat market being ran at UGA with a 41% graduation rate and a player who goes to school for 6 years and leaves with a degree (Stetson Bennett).
1st Rounder [636]
TigerPulse: 72%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 8:46 AM
6 years without a degree (Stetson Bennett)
Varsity [103]
TigerPulse: 92%
Game Changer [1940]
TigerPulse: 59%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 9:14 AM
Missed the point. Not saying they NEVER went to class. He was saying they did 100% of their classes online.
Game Changer [1606]
TigerPulse: 94%
Same for Joe Burrow at LSU. And that cheerleader
Jan 17, 2025, 12:07 PM
there too. Becoming the norm for the stars.
Commissioner [1285]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: I know a few people think this is just great
Jan 17, 2025, 12:13 PM
It is great. There is no slippery slope. This isn’t even news.
Colleges have been offering online options for years. I just recently got a degree all online. Never had to step foot in a classroom. I only went on campus to sign paperwork.
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