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My current feelings as a Clemson fan.
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My current feelings as a Clemson fan.

Dec 4, 2013, 11:07 PM

It is awesome being a Clemson fan. I love the tigers. I love whomever wears the jersey and runs down the hill. I love the direction we are headed. The painful part is taking up for our team, why we have lost 5 straight to our rival, etc. Now it seems I am seeing a lot of bandwagon coot fans. I had an argument tonight on FB with a former Tarheel fan recently turned coot fan who doesn't even know all the facts. Asked if the gamecocks sucked so bad, then why do they have an ACC title just like Clemson. I had to correct him and explain how many we had and that the banner he was speaking of was from before I was born and looks very lonely in Willy B. We have coot fans coming on hear spitting venom at us all day. They are sitting back hoping that whomever we play in the bowl game destroys us. They probably hope it is Bama and that we get destroyed on national TV again.

We have lost 5 straight to a HOF coach who has the coots playing their best football ever. We also lost to FSU who should be playing in the national championship game. They are one of the best teams I've seen. As I said, the coot fans come on here and nothing is done, yet we hear of Clemson fans being banned from FGF.

I will never apologize for my love for Clemson. I will never say we will lose a game. I will always have faith in our team. We are on the way up. The defense has improved like night and day from 2011-early 2012. The offensive line will get better. They have. I believe Dabo and crew are in the top 5 in recruiting and will continue to reload this team.

There have been so many potential recruits we have wanted and have passed up the opportunity to run down the hill. The fans of other teams, specifically the ones from Columbia say it is stupid, but to us it is special. It is our rock and our hill. Many great ones have ran down that hill. Many great ones will. The ones that pass it up will never know the joy of being a Tiger and that is fine. I trust our staff to continue pulling in as much talent and class as they can.

No, we are not Alabama, LSU, Auburn, Notre Dame, or Nebraska. We don't have all the trophies they have. We are Clemson. So much to be proud of. So much to be thankful for. This team will get back up. Remember that.

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Dabo Swinney wants to establish Clemson as a national recognized brand

Dec 4, 2013, 11:11 PM

How many coaches can say that where they are at is exactly where they want to be? I don't think it will be long before we have a defense we can count on even if we leave them out there for 60 minutes. That will totally change the way we play ball. I always can't wait to watch our Tigers play.

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Dec 4, 2013, 11:11 PM

Don't get into a circle jerk with a ####! You have to know the MO before engaging. In the case of us playing Bama... should we win, it will be because Bama didn't want to be there and now they would beat Bama because they beat us. If we lose, we lose to their big brother and they are in the SEC and it is expected that we lose. Remember, there is not rationalizing with an inbred. Hang in there and be thankful you are a Clemson fan.

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My friend I have a very simple solution for you.

Dec 4, 2013, 11:32 PM

Ignore them. Don't even bother arguing because arguing with a coot is a lose lose situation. No matter what facts you throw at them in their mind they will never be wrong and just arguing with them will cause loss of brain cells and is just wasted time. Clemson sticks up for itself and no matter what the coots say they have to stomach the fact that it would take 100 plus years to achieve the Clemsons status and unless they plan on paying a lot of recruits this year it's not going to happen. They will sink back into mediocrity and the sack will leave them, 10 years from now you won't be able to fathom why you ever entertained the thoughts of having to prove yourself to the coots. Whatever they say just respond with an ok, cool, or congratulations if you really want to see a flustered coot, they say things hoping to get a rise, just ask for the receipt and be on your way. Don't give them what they want.

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