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Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride
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Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 4:06 PM

and not much more...



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It must suck to suck

Aug 30, 2017, 4:19 PM

at the bottom of the sucky side of a sucky conference.

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Re: It just means more to suck...

Aug 30, 2017, 4:23 PM

more than the rest

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It's hilarious when one of them says 5 years is too short

Aug 30, 2017, 6:11 PM [ in reply to It must suck to suck ]

of a sample size. It certainly wasn't during their little 5-peat.

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The Dude abides

Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 4:23 PM

I love when they say our stadiums are bigger.
What a bunch of DAs lol

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They're a pathetic bunch.

Aug 30, 2017, 5:04 PM
image.jpg(135.5 K)

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Re: They're a pathetic bunch.

Aug 31, 2017, 4:34 AM

That's gold Jerry, gold!

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Re: They're a pathetic bunch.

Aug 31, 2017, 4:35 AM

Don't forget horse ridin'

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Re: They're a pathetic bunch.

Aug 31, 2017, 6:55 AM

Lol. She looks like she's ready to help the cawks win a championship.

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Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 5:40 PM
SEC.jpg(80.0 K)

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Difference between us and them. If we had acted in the past

Aug 30, 2017, 6:03 PM

like they did/do, chest pounding "SEC, SEC, SEC" rather than "USC, USC, USC" (not the real USC), we would have been chanting "ACC, ACC, ACC." After all, Duke and UNCheat have won more than their share of National Basketball Championships. I don't recall the lower level teams in other conferences chanting, "BIG 10, Big 10, Big 10," or "PAC 12, PAC 12, PAC 12." I think you get my gist.

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Re: Difference between us and them. If we had acted in the past

Aug 30, 2017, 7:21 PM

It has got to suck to be a scar fan. Just when you think we've finally made it, boom you're right back where you started.

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One of the many reasons why they'll always be bottom feeders

Aug 30, 2017, 7:35 PM

They have more pride in a conference than they do in their own team/school.

Of course, when your history is based largely on failure rather than success and you've spent a lifetime being totally outclassed by your biggest rival both athletically and academically, it is somewhat understandable.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 8:03 PM

Well at least they have some sense. I'm surprised nobody has come in to tout the fact that the SEC is "Still better than the A-SHE-SHE" or something.

"Y'all just coasted to the national championship and got lucky against Bama, you would have gone 6-6 with our schedule too!"

^^^I've actually seen that exact sentence other than the Alabama part before.

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LOL! Ole Spud is gonna paraphrase here, but one poster said

Aug 30, 2017, 8:26 PM

"There is so much pressure to win in the SEC , that we have all started losing"................

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Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 8:32 PM

And Clemson fans lived vicariously through FSU by chanting FSU, FSU, FSU and ACC, ACC,ACC?

Me neither! I always cheered for the other team.

Clemson does not copy coot traditions.

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Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 9:15 PM

I was glad FSU won it. To hell with Auburn.

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Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 30, 2017, 9:37 PM

Not me f the acc

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Whoever started that thread surely was trolling...

Aug 30, 2017, 8:51 PM

...can't believe (but maybe I should) none of those dolts figured it out. They immediately started blaming Satan and Bammer for the whole SEC's demise cause they just too good. Making all the others look bad and getting good coaches fired. LOL Coots gonna Coot.

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"Still mad because Lincoln freed your slaves?" - Bluffton "Race-Baiter" OrangeMan 11/21/24


Aug 30, 2017, 11:06 PM

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Re: Meanwhile at FGF... they have conference pride

Aug 31, 2017, 7:08 AM

What a way to go through life....making excuses for everything.

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