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Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate
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Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

Jul 6, 2012, 8:21 AM

AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

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Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

Jul 6, 2012, 8:26 AM

this is starting to get ridiculous... hope the kid is good. we have a lot of oversign worthy players but i wonder if this new Grayson player is...

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can he do this???

Jul 6, 2012, 8:29 AM

be our recruiting coordinator and play DE? It would save us some money if so I guess. :)

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Sapp did the same for Dawkins... but did it privately.***

Jul 6, 2012, 8:30 AM

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Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

Jul 6, 2012, 8:31 AM

I aint buying it. RN would leave the other 3 behind that followed him to Clemson if we don't offer one more? I think this is AJC journalism making waves.
I believe he wants Carter here, but he wouldn't actually leave if no offer for Carter. Dabo will straighten him out.

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Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

Jul 6, 2012, 8:35 AM

I agree. If you read the whole article he goes on to say something more along the lines of, "I'm going to Clemson, but if they offer Ryan that would be great." This is just a journalist twisting words to incite interest.

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Re: Recruit Update: Room service for all 4 will be next***

Jul 6, 2012, 8:43 AM

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Agree! AJC and the state of Georgia in general just can't..

Jul 6, 2012, 9:40 AM [ in reply to Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate ]

... get their minds around the fact that the #1 recruit in the Peach State AND the entire nation doesn't want to play for their Dawgs.

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Jul 6, 2012, 10:02 AM [ in reply to Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate ]

This is UGA media trying to create doubt and make controversy

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my gut reaction to being held hostage is two

Jul 6, 2012, 8:56 AM

Words that aren't appropriate for this board.

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If we offer Carter....

Jul 6, 2012, 9:17 AM

it will probably be in late January after swing and miss on a few other kids.

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Re: Recruit Update: AJC: Clemson is “done deal” if they offer another Grayson teammate

Jul 6, 2012, 9:26 AM

I really hope we don't offer Carter. Just on the principality of it all, if nothing else. Gotta set the right tone from the start, can't have him coming in here thinking he is calling the shots or is bigger than the program. I would offer Carter a preferred walk on spot, like we did with the Miss St QB, and be done with it.

If we lose Kamara, RN, Carter, and the walk on QB to Ole Miss, so be it. Gallman is not as close to RN as the others, so he won't be influenced by any of this.

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His Highlight film looks better than DJ Greenlee's.

Jul 6, 2012, 9:48 AM

The kid can flat out run and hit. IMO, I think he is a baller. I think he will be a late offer and is pending in case we miss out on someone higher on our board.

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This is B.S. We better not offer this kid a scholarship.***

Jul 6, 2012, 9:49 AM

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I don't like Robert's tweet at all.

Jul 6, 2012, 9:56 AM

The coaching staff has to address this issue directly with him.

There is nothing any of us can do except make our displeasure know. There is no need to attack the kid and hopefully he will learn a lesson from this.

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Everyone relax - Georgia based reported stirring up s**t...

Jul 6, 2012, 9:56 AM

Playin' to his readers & trying to dig on us at the same time...bet he would never release a word for word transcript of this so-called "conversation"

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Chill Folks..Just Typical SEC Sour Grapes

Jul 6, 2012, 10:25 AM

Chill out. When you take the #1 recruit from the big boys, they play hardball. This is typical SEC douchebaggery. Now that he is not going their way, they are trying to make him look as bad as possible. The comments from the SEC fans are a joke.

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"This is typical SEC douchebaggery"...LOVE IT and agree!***

Jul 6, 2012, 11:41 AM

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Re: Confusion reigns...is the tweet from RN not really from

Jul 6, 2012, 12:07 PM [ in reply to Chill Folks..Just Typical SEC Sour Grapes ]

RN? Your inside sources saying it is some SEC fans?

Which ones? As from multiple sources it appears the only schools in the sweepstakes are Clemson and Ole Miss?

And apparently it is coming down to a bidding war between the two schools.

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Confusion reigns. Why is a coot on a tiger board?***

Jul 6, 2012, 12:52 PM

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This whole thing is BS

Jul 6, 2012, 10:44 AM

Its all being taken out of context. Of course he would say that if prompted by the right questions. In my not professional opinion, this reporter led him down this road, just to get some quotes that he he could take out of context and create doubt and drama.

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Exactly! How hard is it to lead a seventeen year old kid?***

Jul 6, 2012, 11:41 AM

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If we offer this kid

Jul 6, 2012, 11:45 AM

anything more than a grayshirt then we're gonna look pretty weak. On a national level it already looks like Dabo is asking "how high?" every time RN says "jump."

It may not be true that we're doing everything RN says, but that will be the perception in the media, and perception means more than the truth sometimes.

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kid has very good speed and loves to hit

Jul 6, 2012, 12:06 PM

His film show he is a ball hawk. Sign him

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Re: kid has very good speed and loves to hit

Jul 6, 2012, 2:01 PM

I know that the coaching staff is after three 5 star secondary guys. This really makes it difficult to offer Carter a scholarship at this time. I would like to see the staff offer Carter a walk-on opportunity with some type of financial package until a scholarship becomes available.The young man, who became paralyzed from Anderson, received a full football scholarship. Is it possible to change this scholarship to an academic scholarship or replace his funding from a wealthy donor to the university? It appears that our football scholarships are becoming very precious.

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Re: kid has very good speed and loves to hit

Jul 6, 2012, 6:03 PM

the university is honoring that scholarship, but it does not count towards our 85 since he can't play. When he committed to us, he was promised a free education, and the university is honoring that commitment, but it is not a football scholarship

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Here's the entire interview people.

Jul 6, 2012, 12:56 PM


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dang...the SEC folks are really ripping on this kid.***

Jul 6, 2012, 2:45 PM

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