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New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State
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New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 12:47 PM

Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

The final score captures the story in some ways and falls short in others with Clemson-Florida State. Are the issues fixable with more championship football ahead? Full Story »

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On Bryant's accuracy while rolling out...

Nov 13, 2017, 1:01 PM

When a person is moving his feet he is not using them to generate power to make the throw. That indicates to me that his trunk, arm and release point are accurate. His mechanics are excellent just as the full body mechanics were in the first of the season before he had that ankle injury.

Message was edited by: ClemsonTiger1988®

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 1:30 PM

What kills me on that Powell no play is that he had several options. He just needed 3 yards! If he takes anything but a sack we probably go for it on the 4th. He is still our best option at QB.

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Glad we got the "correct" spot on Renfrow catch - Pic

Nov 13, 2017, 1:33 PM
Capture.JPG(85.7 K)

Great play by Renfrow

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 1:37 PM

Good assessment. Here's to hoping KB resolves his passing inconsistencies
When he does, the opponent will rue the day as it will change their defensive Game plan.

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 2:04 PM

Can't see where KB has improved a bit in the course of the season. He's fortunate to have a group of very talented players around him who have carried us this far. Why is our most talented QB riding the bench?

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 3:20 PM

How do you know he's the most talented? Have you been at every practice? Or are you just basing that off a 37 yard drive in one game?

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 1:37 PM

Not sure that first miss with Cain should be blamed on KB. Cain clearly misjudged the ball, slowed and turned as if it were a back shoulder ball, and then couldn't catch up to it. He had position, if he had run through without turning and kept the DB on his back, could have been a catch.

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I noticed that as well. Seems like Cain misjudged it. But I like

Nov 13, 2017, 3:05 PM

Bryant rolling out - a lot. Also, more play action pass or “fake pitch” action pass once we establish the run. Hopefully we see more of this vs the coots and canes.

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KB's ankle

Nov 13, 2017, 3:18 PM

How much of an issue is his ankle still? That could be the #1 reason all of his passes <15 yards are sailing. Just a thought...

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Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness, Where the Tigers play...

Re: KB's ankle

Nov 13, 2017, 4:24 PM

i don't see how his ankle could be a factor when he runs as much and as effectively as he does.

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Re: KB's ankle

Nov 14, 2017, 10:36 PM

Different techniques. Power from running comes from hips, where accuracy is dependent on his base.

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Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness, Where the Tigers play...

Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 4:28 PM

All I know about KB's performance is what I've seen over this season. And what I've seen is that he has not grown into the starting role that he has been given. He was a better QB in the early games, before his injury. Is there something we are not being told? Maybe. But something is wrong. Is he our best option? If that's what the coaches say, and we have only 1 loss when they made what I think was the wrong decision, then the coaches know far better than I do. We really don't know what the other QBs could do because we have barely seen them in a game. I just wish KB could regain the swagger he had at the start of the year. I wonder if he's been reading all of the negative press on Tigernet. Go Tigers.

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Oct 25, 2011, 7:08 PM

"All I know about KB's performance is what I've seen over this season" - very profound..

"he has not grown into the starting role that he has been given" - he's undefeated on games that he didn't get knocked out before halftime... as bad as we played that game, i believe we win if KB doesn't go down.

"the coaches know far better than I do" - agreed

"I wonder if he's been reading all of the negative press on Tigernet." - well... if not, by all means lets put some more out there so maybe he'll get word of it.

i don't get it.. KB is exactly, if not more, than any of us should have expected. we're 9-1.. top 4.. going to the ACCCG.. what more do y'all want?!?!?.. am i tired of seeing the overthrows.. yes.. but, i'm not gonna complain when we lost 3, 4, 7, 9 and 16.. and, we're where we are.. nope.

honestly, does anyone REALLY think Dabo or Streeter are gonna pull our starting qb when we're in the position we're in just cause he misfires more than we'd like?

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A Glaring Weakness that Shortens the Field!

Nov 13, 2017, 6:32 PM

After all your logic... The team is left with a glaring weakness that arises every game... the MED and LONG ball is missing. We as fans KNOW that against a seasoned team, that shortens the amount of field they have to cover. At some point, that weakness can defeat the team if they don't correct it!
Cain is a break-out runner... very good at beating his defender. He does not do good at jumping... KBryant needs to learn to hit him in stride. Many TD's will follow that one adjustment.

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Here's my take

Nov 13, 2017, 5:46 PM

Ok, so it's just another opinion. But for what it's worth, it it goes.

1st off, regardless of what any of us think. The coaches believe Bryant is
the best option, so I get that. But using his talents doesn't exactly go
in line with what this team has been built for in recent years. And you're
not exactly going change that in one off season.

Let's look at O-line; Anyone can tell you these guys weren't recruited to be
used in a run based offense. And outside of Crowder, the entire OL struggles
in most run plays. (Even Hyatt).
So none of these guys can consistantly move defenders out from the LOS. That
in itself is going make things tough for KB to be completly effective.

Kelly Bryant is a talented QB, sure. But most fans thought this would be a 2
QB system this year. More than likely making this offense alot more effective
in the areas that KB wasn't the best option. But the staff completely sold out
on making him the FULL TIME starter leaving alot of us wondering what things
might be like with...say, Hunter Johnson? And nothing, nothing has told us that
Johnson couldn't get it done. Except for the coaches, right.

And even if KB is the best option, shouldn't he be used more in critical phases
of the game. And giving the backs more carries? Just saying...

Anyways, that's my take on it.

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'17: 72nd/38th in pass efficiency/scoring-O. '16: 18th/14th

Nov 13, 2017, 7:09 PM

18th in passing efficiency.
14th in scoring offense.

72nd in passing efficiency.
38th in scoring offense.

It doesn't look like the O is built for a playoff run. Too often, KB fails to see, target, or hit, deeper open receivers, often checking down or running. So his completion percentage decent, but his YPC is low, as is his passing-TD count. We have a bevy of future-NFL receivers but KB can't consistently get them the ball downfield.


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Re: '17: 72nd/38th in pass efficiency/scoring-O. '16: 18th/14th

Nov 13, 2017, 9:31 PM

I kind of agree we're not built for a playoff run, but a return to the playoffs would make this season a successful one as long as we don't get blown out. We all knew there was going to be a drop-off in offensive production this season. There's no way there couldn't be after losing arguably the best player to ever come through Clemson, our top rusher, and a first-round receiver. We're still 9-1 and in a good position to make the playoffs. And we've been able to do that with a beat-up defense and an unreliable kicking game. Let's give these kids some credit.

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Where have the TEs been?

Nov 13, 2017, 9:41 PM

That's a weapon that's been conspicuously absent this season. It looked like Milan Richard was going to play a larger role the first couple games. Where did he go? Are the TEs helping block on the right side? A receiving TE can be a huge boon to a QB struggling with the deep ball.

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Unsure why coaches & KB won't throw Milan the ball

Nov 14, 2017, 10:15 PM

He can catch big time and he is blocking his a$$ off. KB could open up his game and the field more for other receivers with a few tosses to TE each game. The TE is wide open most plays and we can accept two to three less QB runs.

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Great analysis Brandon and love the clippit football clips

Nov 13, 2017, 10:00 PM

Awesome breakdown to really analyze the game better and see points in video action. This was one of the best articles I saw breaking it down while also showing video examples. Hats off to you on a great piece!!!1

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 13, 2017, 11:04 PM


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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 14, 2017, 10:02 PM

Y post tldr. You should have read it, wwtr.

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Re: New Story: Second Look: Grading Clemson versus Florida State

Nov 14, 2017, 6:00 AM

Kudos to Albert Huggins for a game well played by him.

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Well written report ... thanks***

Nov 14, 2017, 10:15 PM

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