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SOS to any veterinarians out there.
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 6:37 PM

My daughter, Clemson grad, has a female black Labrador named Riggs. Riggs very recently developed a nasal tumor which is preventing her from breathing through her nose. Daughter took the dog to a specialty vet here in charleston for the diagnosis. They told her it will cost her over $4,200 for CAT scan just to see exactly what they can do and probably more than that for the surgery. My daughter recently got pregnant and there is not money to pay a huge vet bill. So she will likely let the tumor grow until the dog dies naturally or until she has to put her down. My daughter is heart broken to say the least. Are there any vets in here that have any suggestions?
Since the dog is named Riggs I thought it would be ok to post this in the football forum. 🫣

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 6:56 PM

Might want to call Tidewater Vet in Mt P. One of the two vets there is a Clemson grad. Maybe she can help?

Good luck!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Clemson grad vet at Southside Animal Hospital


Mar 6, 2024, 11:38 PM

at 17 and Main in the Publix shopping center as well.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 6:57 PM

I know hospitals charge stupid amounts of money for CT scans, but there are private clinics that will do them for a fraction of that. I would try to find a place that will do it for cheaper. I'm not a vet, though. Just someone who had to pay out of pocket for a few scans a while back.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:02 PM

Just letting the tumor grow until it kills the dog seems needlessly cruel, though. The poor thing is probably miserable already, not being able to breathe properly.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 7, 2024, 8:56 AM

If one can’t afford the treatment what would be your alternative?

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 6:59 PM

Tell her to find a privately owned vet clinic in the Tri-county area. So many of the private vets have been bought by national conglomerates in the last few yrs. Same happened to my vet and bills quadrupled, a checkup used to be $85-100, now its over $400 for the same annual checkups. A locally owned may just snip the cyst for better breathing but they likely will grow back over time without the MRI to see where the root cells have migrated. But at least the dog would be more comfortable and not suffering.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:12 PM

Little bit out of Charleston but one of the best vets in SC and a Clemson man.


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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:15 PM

I don't know if this is any help, but here's our breakdown of my dog's 2021 MRI at Upstate Vet Specialists in Greenville. In our case it was inconclusive but ruled out herniated disc, brain/spinal tumor, brain/spinal stroke, and meningitis. This may at least explain what all is involved in that estimate, although this was 3 years ago and for a 45 pound dog so anesthesia & meds were likely less than for a Lab.

ER exam/consult/CBC/Radiology $555.00
Hospitalization $75.00
exam/consult/Neurology $190.00
IV/MRI spine $1,192.50
Radiology consult $250.00
Butorphanol/Diazepam/Propofol $121.61
anesthesia/MRI additional view $904.00
fluid analysis/cytology $302.38
Neurologist discounted $(111.09)
Gabapentin 100 mg 60 tabs $20.60 $3,500.00

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:17 PM

The big vet bill quote came from Blue Pearl vet in MP. Thanks for all the replies.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 8:08 PM

Yeah. Blue Pearl loves money. Charged my son $1200 a night. But they are good.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:19 PM

Hi! I’m a vet tech! She can see if the hospital offers sponsorships or hope funds to help with emergent expenses. I know the specialists in my area accept things like care credit and scratch pay which are lines of credit that you can use for vet services. Unfortunately, ( at least in my area) CT machines are not something usually found outside of a specialty/emergency setting. I’m so sorry she is going through this. My first dog as an adult passed from the exact same thing. She was 15 yrs old. And even though I was able to do all the treatments, I still only got around 6 months with her from diagnosis, and she was pretty miserable the whole time from the treatments. Tell her not to feel guilty if she is unable to do the treatments. Her pup knows how much she loves her. Wish I had better advice for you. Hugs to you and her and sweet Riggs from Pickens Sc

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 7, 2024, 8:59 AM

Taking out a loan for vet bills? That sounds like a smart financial decision.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:20 PM

You could try a second opinion at Patricks Veterinary Clinic on Meeting St. Great guy and a big Clemson guy. Has always treated our dogs for 30+ years.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:23 PM

I would call UGA, NCSU, VT vet schools to see if their students could do the scans and operation. A friend took a horse with eye cancer to State a few years ago and they helped, believe with a minimal fee.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:28 PM

Yes we have already talked about that. Will do. Thanks.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:29 PM [ in reply to Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there. ]

Will do. Thanks

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 8:43 PM [ in reply to Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there. ]

UGA is not cheap. They are stupid expensive.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:27 PM

How do they know there is a nasal tumor? Have they done a flush or anything like that?

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:30 PM

Not sure. . I assume blue Pearl vet hospital told her what it was.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 8:26 PM

A CT scan just seems like a waste of money if they know it's a tumor. It would be almost impossible to remove if it is a nasal tumor deep in the nasal passage. Radiation therapy would most likely be the recommendation which might give Riggs a longer life but not sure that the quality of life would be worth it. I've seen people spend thousands on dogs with cancer just to get a couple of months of life out of it. If money wasn't a thing then sure maybe see what all they could do but spending thousands on treatment that is most likely not going to make much of a difference in the outcome is not really the right thing to do imo.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:31 PM

Take the dog to the UGA Veterinary Hospital in Athens. Yes, it’s a drive and a hassle but they will do all they can to save her. My daughter is a student there and I’ve had family members who’ve had emergency situations with their dogs take them to UGA, when no other vets would touch them. I greatly encourage you to call them!

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Its worth a visit to Dr Patrick downtown (NoMo area)


Mar 6, 2024, 7:32 PM

Took a GSD there for what turned out to be a case of Pannus. Surprised me with a “No charge” and got me in touch with an eye specialist for confirmation and treatment. They are def in it for the right reasons. Only draw back is they are first-come, first-served w/ no appointments.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 7:43 PM

There are Vets that are in it for the animals, but most for the money. I get it you have to make money, but a lot of these Vets are like dealing with a used car dealer.

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Wholeheartedly disagree; you got it completely backwards


Mar 6, 2024, 7:49 PM

Most vets are in it for the animals, but yes a few of the chain vet offices are in it for money. You’ve clearly been unlucky in your past dealings

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Re: Wholeheartedly disagree; you got it completely backwards


Mar 6, 2024, 8:15 PM

My vet is awesome. He was out of town this week. Took our cat to another doctor. Visit plus bloodwork was $500. Scheduled for IV fluids the next day for $200. Ended up $800 for 2 days and had to euthanize. Would have been less than half at my vet.

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Re: Wholeheartedly disagree; you got it completely backwards

Mar 6, 2024, 8:31 PM

No way your going to a vet and getting an exam plus full Chem 17 with lytes and a cbc plus 2 days of iv fluids for half of $800. Be real man.

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Magnolia in Anderson is like that, I'll never take another animal there, now I

Mar 6, 2024, 7:51 PM [ in reply to Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there. ]

go to Upstate Vet Emergency in Greenville...much better operation

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Magnolia in Anderson is like that, I'll never take another animal there, now I


Mar 6, 2024, 8:32 PM

UVS is crazy expensive but they are specialist and are worth every penny. Great at what they do.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 6, 2024, 8:29 PM [ in reply to Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there. ]

Vets have to make money somehow. Most people don't have insurance on their dogs. It's crazy the treatment we do on dogs and cats that is very similar to human medicine but the price is extremely lower if you went to a doctor with no insurance on yourself.

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Sorry for your daughter and the poor pooch


Mar 6, 2024, 7:55 PM

Been through it a few times with dogs of my own (not exact situation) deciding when to let em go is the toughest part.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 8:09 PM

I'm old and old school. God gave man dominion over animals and animals provide man company and companionship. During the last several decades man has elevated animals to human status. Vets while providing a valuable service also have realized that a great deal of money can be made from providing treatment for animals on the human level. A dog does not know he is a dog and the same for a cat. It's ok to love them and take care of them but animals do not have the ability to understand what is causing their discomfort or pain, they just experience the anxiety of their discomfort. Some times it is best for the animal if the owner humanely lets the animal go.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 6, 2024, 8:34 PM

Depends on the situation but sometimes for sure it's best to let them go. Sometimes people wish that we could do the same for them.

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Have you ever had a dog?***

Mar 6, 2024, 8:40 PM [ in reply to Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there. ]

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 6, 2024, 8:26 PM

How old is Riggs?

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 6, 2024, 8:31 PM


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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 8:39 PM

I would probably do my best to keep him comfortable until he becomes miserable and cannot breath well. Odds are if it's a cancerous tumor and they can try to remove it that it will just come back if it's in the nasal cavity they probably wouldn't be able to get good margins and get it all out even if they could get it our at all. Sometimes vets recommend diagnostics to rule things out and see what's going on even if it wouldn't make a difference in the treatment plan. Spending thousands of dollars on a 12 year old dog is just hard to justify to me if money isn't falling from trees in your life or if their isn't an absolute way they know they could fix him and give him 3 or 4 more great years of life.

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NC State vet school would be a good option

Mar 6, 2024, 8:38 PM

If she has the time to take the dog. I have heard very positive things from friends who have used them.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.


Mar 6, 2024, 9:04 PM

Not a vet but speaking from experience. I had a giant schnauzer for 13 years he developed nasal carcinoma which is more prevalent than I ever imagined. My vet advised me to keep the dog comfortable and let him live the rest of his life without any treatment. He advised that he could possibly extend his life for some months but it wouldn't be a good quality of life for the dog. Nasal carcinoma is in operable in most cases and the treatment will make the dog miserable. Prayers for your daughter and Riggs.

My youngest graduated from Clemson in may of 2023 his Girlfriend just graduated in Dec. 2023 she owns a chocolate lab name Riggs.

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Re: SOS to any veterinarians out there.

Mar 7, 2024, 3:42 AM

Go talk to Brian King at the Pet Vet in Mt P.

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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