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It's not about WHO, it's about Ws & Ls
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It's not about WHO, it's about Ws & Ls

Jan 4, 2014, 4:39 PM

No one other than fans care who you lose to in a 1 loss season. I've been recruited at a very high level and trust me, no coach ever talked to me about beating the in state rival. It was always about conference championships, national exposure, a chance to play and a plan for winning it all. If we have to lose one game per year, I couldn't care less if that game is to Wake or SC. Ws and Ls are all we need to focus on. Do that, and the championships will follow. But the fact is, we are not a one loss caliber team yet. So all arguments are worthless. I think Dabo is building us into an elite team. At that point, Things will be back to normal in this rivalry. Until then, I will take a BCS win over an SC win EVERY SINGLE time.

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You are right

Jan 4, 2014, 4:50 PM

I was recruited by many great tennis schools and chose Clemson. I didn't even know who The ####### were. Didn't care. Fans are idiots. Coach strong won't get the Texas job for beating his rival. That's just ridiculous. Fans need to learn to see the entire body of work and stop focusing on one team.... Who you lose to only matters when weighed against that teams record and/or rank AND how that affects your chances to play for the NC. I'd rather loose to a highly ranked SC team or the #1 team in the country than to a Tennessee team. And yes, BCS > USC.

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It's those idiot fans that made it

Jan 4, 2014, 5:07 PM

possible for you to play a sport at Clemson. Ever heard of IPTAY ?

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Idiot fan here, good point^, I pay IPTAY for all athletes...

Jan 4, 2014, 5:37 PM

not just football.

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Although I agree with you, you obviously

Jan 4, 2014, 5:09 PM

are not a longtime resident of South Carolina.

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Couldn't care less about the rivalry as a player or fan

Jan 4, 2014, 5:50 PM

Fans who think we do, are clueless.

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Re: Couldn't care less about the rivalry as a player or fan

Jan 5, 2014, 10:35 AM

Dude, a tennis player? You don't matter anyway.

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If you don't care about which game you lose

Jan 4, 2014, 6:17 PM

You can keep losing to us. Heck it doesn't even count against you as we aren't even in the same conference.

I would really appreciate it as the past few years have been amazing. I remember how miserable it was losing you you guys every year.


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"Smelley, Garcia, and Beecher are going to lead you to 4-8." - york_tiger

Love the fact that is your biggest goal each year... loser.***

Jan 4, 2014, 10:54 PM

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Re: Love the fact that is your biggest goal each year... loser.***

Jan 4, 2014, 11:20 PM

Funny isn't it? Every team's goal is a championship, but since the coots can't win the SEC (and never will), can't win a BCS bowl or championship (and never will), they have to hang their hat on a made-up state championship. I thought state championships were for high school teams.

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Re: It's not about WHO, it's about Ws & Ls

Jan 5, 2014, 10:39 AM

The goal is to finish the season ranked as high as possible to get into the games that matter. (top 2 this year, top 4 next year)

We will finish ranked higher than you, and due to the fact that our rivalry game is the last game of the year, and going forward it will be tough for either team to make the playoffs if they lose the last game of the year. Who you lose to may not matter so much, but when you lose certainly does.

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Re: It's not about WHO, it's about Ws & Ls

Jan 5, 2014, 10:50 AM

Good post and point. The fact that it's the rivalry game is kind of irrelevant nationally, but because it's the last game of the year and against a very good team on both sides (lately), it will be a huge game nationally if either team is in contention for a playoff spot. That is the real reason it could matter to everyone outside of the state of South Carolina.

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While I somewhat agree with you, we don't want to

Jan 5, 2014, 10:41 AM

lose to them every year. I could handle a split for a while if we are winning other big games. Losing every year can't be good for our important in state recruiting. We were beating SC more regularly when we were getting our pick of in state recruits.

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