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TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him
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TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 11:57 AM

Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

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Why is this news?......***

Apr 22, 2022, 12:01 PM

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Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 12:10 PM

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 12:28 PM

30-0 loser..always were and always will be .

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

What a bunch of BS!

Apr 22, 2022, 12:40 PM

Live, Laugh, Love & Enjoy Life..while you can!

Grady..do like Musk, buy the F..kers out Bro!

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 1:02 PM [ in reply to Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

irmotig® said:

30-0 loser..always were and always will be .

Oldfike = total #######

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 10:38 PM

Love Grady, great football player, but he was in Buckhead, it happens. Don’t let it ruin your life.

I was denied me service for wearing nice jeans, so I’ve been denied service for a dress code.
I’ve also been to a 5 ?? restaurant with a dress code, where they loaned me a dinner jacket, or I had to leave.
Every time I went back, I learned and wore a jacket.
Never showed up with sweats though. Jeans and a dinner jacket were my problems.
Been thrown out of other places for being rowdy, even a strip joint by a black bouncer, not racist.

Doesn’t seem racial, or he would be suing them.
Never been tossed out of Wal-Mart…..

Grady and Dominique should open their own restaurant with no dress code.
Call it a Sports Bar….. I would go!

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 23, 2022, 9:55 AM

YOU have a great attitude! Should have a long and happy life!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 25, 2022, 11:04 AM [ in reply to Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

This clown was probably one whining that Twitter can ban who they want becasue they are a private company....

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 1:42 PM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

I can only imagine what its like to have the mindset of a Loony Toon like this clown does. You can tell that a certain person will forever live in his head rent free.

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Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 22, 2022, 1:59 PM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

Old Fart Whining again.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

so the answer to "why is this news"

Apr 22, 2022, 3:24 PM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

is "Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*"

does not compute

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

shrieking and whining about what clueless Joe

Apr 22, 2022, 3:35 PM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

has done to the economy, maybe.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

There's something in these hills.

Re: Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1***

Apr 24, 2022, 8:47 AM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]

Right or far right don't shriek about anything except forced communism. The left shrieks about most everything. The double maskers that melt down about others not wearing one are leftist Karens. EVERYTIME.

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####### trying to start something in…too late already

Apr 24, 2022, 11:18 AM [ in reply to Far right shrieking and whining in 3..2..1*** ]


2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Why is this news?......***

Apr 22, 2022, 12:47 PM [ in reply to Why is this news?......*** ]

I have no problem with an upscale restaurant having a dress code and enforcing. You are paying for more than just great food when you go.

Also, I wouldn’t mind airlines having a baseline dress code. You don’t need to wear a suit or dress but at least don’t dress like a 3am Walmart shopper.

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It's news in the sense that ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:34 AM [ in reply to Why is this news?......*** ]

... no restaurant is worth adhering to a dress code to enter.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 12:46 PM

I think that if Grady would have tucked those white strings in, they probably wouldn't have noticed that it was sweats he had on bc those sweats looked pretty dang nice!!! And yes, I think the restaurant person was nit picking, he could have quietly told Grady to go to the rest room and tuck the strings in, and also told Grady that in the future to remember that sweats just wasn't allowed even though his looked very nice, and went about his business, and no problem!!!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 1:04 PM

That outfit probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 9:23 PM

Doesn't mean it meets the dress code!! I'm sure plenty of others have been turned away just like it was mentioned. Just because you are multi-millionaires doesn't mean you can wear what you want to an establishment that has a code.

Jarrett's attire is definitely not what I see in 5* restaurants. Dress accordingly, no issue!

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 5:28 AM

Dress accordingly, but it is tough to judge in this situation. Yes, technically he didn't meet the dress code but in the restaurant's statement, they admit to relaxing the dress code. At that point, it just comes down to a matter of consistency. If there were others in similar attire, then the restaurant needs to make sure that different people will make the same judgement call. Likely one host/hostess was a little more liberal about the standards, than the one that dealt with Jarrett.

Seems like a little more is being made of it than should be, but that is the time we are living in. I'll buy him dinner if he wants. The places that are "fine dining" for me would be looking him up and down too, but for the quality of his attire.

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Re:TNET: Clemson pro G.Jarrett / All Orange has right answer

Apr 22, 2022, 2:34 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him ]

All Orange, you have the correct answer.

No need to make a big scene out of it; have a private conversation with the customer, ask hi tuck in the strings, and to not wear athletic wear next time.

It reads like G.Jarrett is a regular customer; he's also a local celebrity. If he comes back again in improper attire, THEN its perfectly correct to ask him to leave.

But not the first time with this minor 'dress code violation' thing.

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Apr 22, 2022, 10:43 PM

I disagree. You’re within your rights to enforce codes of dress and conduct that you put in place for your business.

Also, Grady Jarret isn’t a local celebrity in Atlanta. Most people Wouldn’t recognize him on the street.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 1:04 PM

pajamas ?

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 1:13 PM

Good for the restaurant for sticking to their dress code. The sense of entitlement some people have today is upsetting.

I’m sure this will be turned into a racial thing, but it isn’t.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 1:18 PM

Agreed. Also dreadlocks or any other distracting hair shouldn't be allowed /s

This is not a racial thing

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So you think if a white person showed up in a sweatsuit they wouldn’t care?

Apr 22, 2022, 1:29 PM

Is that what you are saying?

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: So you think if a white person showed up in a sweatsuit they wouldn’t care?

Apr 22, 2022, 1:44 PM

I think if I a white person showed up like that, they would still care and be denied. But I bet it wouldn't be news either.

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I agree.***

Apr 22, 2022, 1:54 PM

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: I agree.***

Apr 22, 2022, 3:06 PM

I showed up with several white people and several black people to an establishment with a dress code. I went in second and one of my black friends went in last. I had baggier pants on then he did and he was refused. I came out and we switched in the parking lot and he was still refused. Im not saying it happened in this case but yes it does happen.

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Re: I agree.***

Apr 22, 2022, 3:34 PM

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Re: I agree.***

Apr 22, 2022, 4:25 PM

You can believe or not believe what you want. It happened, again I am not saying it happened in this case but 100% it happened in mine.

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Re: I agree.***

Apr 23, 2022, 4:05 AM

If your boxers or butt was showing or his, then you wouldn't enter my upscale restaurant either. Dont care if you are rich/poor or if you are white or black

Feel like its being made an issue for a simple dresscode. I don't care if that sweatsuit cost $10 or $100k it still isnt a button down shirt with an over coat that could be removed during dinner.

I think Dawn Staley $5k letterman jacket that was green and white Louis Vuitton was not appropriate attire for nationals. Wasnt school colors nor professional. It was just a statement that she can afford high dollar athletic gear. It wouldn't be approved either in this restaurant

Unfortunately, those in the media along with others will use it to stir the racial pot when its store policy.

If its a sports coat or better code, then comply and don't make it an issue. Entitled has become a major issue in society, and I don't care what ethnicity you are.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 2:41 PM [ in reply to Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

I dunno ... some dreads are nicely groomed, others look like someone had just come through a hurricane.

Similar to long hair on a white guy. Although I think it's weird for guys to be a half century out of fashion with the long hair thingy, if it's combed out and doesn't stink like Meth then that should be OK.

But for the G.Jarrett / dress code thing ... especially since G.Jarrett is a repeat patron and probably recognizable by the restaurant due to his status as a local celebrity ... the proprietor should have had a private conversation with him to remind Grady of the dress code, and to please wear appropriate nice shirt and pants, clean socks and shoes next time.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 3:09 PM [ in reply to Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

How can you say it's not a racist thing when most dreadlocks are worn by people of one particular race? ??. Then you have the nerve to say " this is not a race thing " to cover yourself. I've never been to a place that turns down mullets for example, you know why bc white people wear that style. He stated he might have been wrong and accepted being turned away but there were other people, people wearing athletic attire and they were there eating. It wouldn't be based on race if they didn't selectively chose who they impose the dress code on. Get a life .

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 3:40 PM

Lol. He was being sarcastic.

Name one place that turns down people with dreadlocks.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 3:24 PM [ in reply to A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

They sell lots of Coot-cci sweats and tees at Columbia Walmarts.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 22, 2022, 5:18 PM [ in reply to A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

I think his problem was with the selective enforcement. There were others similarly attired that were served.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

How do you know that? Because Grady said so?

Apr 22, 2022, 5:46 PM

I would tend to believe Grady more had he taken out his phone and taking a picture of someone else dressed like him. Or waited outside until someone else walked out dressed like him. I’m sorry. I don’t take people‘s word for these things. People get offended by the slightest thing these days and lie. Just because he went to Clemson doesn’t mean the same thing couldn’t happen.

And I love the way people are making all types of comments like a private conversation or pull him aside or the staff must know who he is. I see a lot of assumptions being made in the comments.

I see how it can be very believable that a high-end restaurant like that would not know who Grady Jarrett is. I hate to break it to you people but most of the world doesn’t revolve around football. And if they turned away Dominique Wilkins who has been a true celebrity in Atlanta for more than 30 years then I’m inclined to believe the restaurant.

And I don’t care if other people have been dressed a little bit differently. If you have money and you’re going to an expensive restaurant dress like it. Don’t think that you can wear a sweat suit, no matter how expensive, and think you are going to be entitled because you’re an athlete or have money.

This isn’t Jersey or South Florida. This isn’t a mob owned restaurant. Once you have a certain amount of money act like you’ve been there before. Especially if you’re a college graduate. That goes for anyone. Regardless of race.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 23, 2022, 5:43 AM [ in reply to A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

It's tough to say if it is racial or not. I agree that the reaction has been, but we really don't know about the refusal. If there were other patrons dressed similarly, why were they admitted? There is a good chance that they were seated by another host or hostess, not as strict about the dress code. Maybe they were women, since athletic wear on a woman is much more likely to be viewed as casual wear rather than a sweatsuit. You would be correct to say that it most likely was not racial, but it is not a given. There are plenty of people that would look at Grady Jarrett in the sweatsuit and think drug dealer, instead of successful and comfortable.

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Re: A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

Apr 24, 2022, 12:04 AM [ in reply to A Gucci sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit. ]

Glad you were on premise and can attest with 100% certainty that there were no other patrons wearing sports attire. You can’t resist bashing a Clemson football player even when you have no idea what actually happened.

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I agree with Grady, enforce the dress code evenly.

Apr 22, 2022, 1:20 PM

Don’t deny service for wearing a sweatsuit when you have other people inside dining with the same style of clothes on.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They have a history of selective…

Apr 22, 2022, 1:32 PM

Dress code enforcement.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Apr 22, 2022, 2:36 PM

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
- H. L. Mencken

Re: Alleged.***

Apr 22, 2022, 10:44 PM

If he had a case, he would sue them?
Not complain online……

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Re: They have a history of selective…

Apr 22, 2022, 2:40 PM [ in reply to They have a history of selective… ]

Dress code enforcement.

The Wilkins tweet is proof of nothing but his imagination.

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You should ask Cobbox what he thinks about it.


Apr 22, 2022, 3:59 PM

I’m sure he’s nearby.

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Re: You should ask Cobbox what he thinks about it.

Apr 22, 2022, 4:32 PM

Row86® said:

I’m sure he’s nearby.

Not sure who you are talking about there DB troll. Should you be on the basketball board whining and starting false narratives

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You’re seriously trying to deny it, Cobb?


Apr 22, 2022, 4:51 PM

Explain the posts from yesterday where you got caught.

You have a worse alibi than OJ.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Have you seen Cobbox?


Apr 22, 2022, 4:00 PM [ in reply to Re: They have a history of selective… ]

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Re: They have a history of selective…

Apr 22, 2022, 3:42 PM [ in reply to They have a history of selective… ]

He probably wasn’t wearing acceptable dress either. That has nothing to do with racism.

I call bull on Grady saying other people in the restaurant were wearing what he was wearing. Literally every time these stories come out, the person crying racism is lying.

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If they explicity say "no sweat suit"....

Apr 22, 2022, 1:33 PM [ in reply to I agree with Grady, enforce the dress code evenly. ]

...and enforce it across the board, I appreciate what they're doing.

While some may disagree on what is a sweatsuit or not - "casual" is even more nebulous.

I wish both parties would rise above this...hope the restaurant is treating everyone (regardless of skin color) the same, and hope folks respect what a private establishment is (and isn't).

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

There's no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people who ask questions.

Re: I agree with Grady, enforce the dress code evenly.

Apr 22, 2022, 2:38 PM [ in reply to I agree with Grady, enforce the dress code evenly. ]

I believe everyone agrees with that. However, show the proof that a white personal in sweats was seated.

I firmly believe if a business blatantly discriminates, then they shouldn’t be in business. However, too often these allegations prove to not be an apples to apples comparison.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Apr 23, 2022, 12:54 AM

This was from the Dominique Wilkins timeframe

Message was edited by: CoolBreeze864®

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Apr 22, 2022, 6:04 PM [ in reply to I agree with Grady, enforce the dress code evenly. ]

Without pictures or some type of evidence of people dressed like him either in the restaurant or going in and out I’m not inclined to believe him. I’m not taking his word just because he graduated from Clemson.

If he was a graduate of South Carolina or Florida state would you believe him? I’m willing to think no. You believe him only because he went to Clemson. That is utterly ridiculous.

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Young people. If you don't want to wear proper entire, go

Apr 22, 2022, 1:37 PM

elsewhere. Its really not that hard. Are standards applied unequally - yes, all the time, based on a host of factors. However, you know or should know, what standard attire is required. Either dress accordingly, or go elsewhere. It is not hard.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Lol. Whenever I tried to make that EXACT point awhile ago

Apr 22, 2022, 4:40 PM

about wearing or not wearing a face mask due to whatever the establishment posts as "their" rule (which was probably mandated by local guvmint since COVID is STILL around), you would have thought I abducted someone's first born child.

I say again about wearing a mask, it is EXACTLY like obeying a dress code. IT AIN"T THAT HARD TO DO.

"Don't Tread on Me" responses in 3-2-1...BOOM!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

That’s the dumbest equivalency I’ve ever read.

Apr 22, 2022, 6:11 PM

First, they’re not even the same thing.

Second, there’s really no science behind wearing a mask. Especially if it’s anything other than an N 95 mask. And they only work if worn properly and in certain situations and only to a certain degree.

Third, people aren’t wearing masks in Europe, or on airplanes in Europe, and in most of America other than a handful of blue states people aren’t wearing a mask. There are some places that still require it but it’s all about compliance. They’ll give you a one size fits all mask that’s practically falling off your face and doing absolutely nothing. It’s kabuki theater to see if they can get you to comply.

Last, but not least, wearing a mask in a restaurant is absolutely beyond absurd. You wear it to walk to the table or the restroom, but sit down for an hour eating a meal without the mask? I hope people like you didn’t graduate from Clemson because you’re not very intelligent. You’re brainwashed.

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Re: That’s the dumbest equivalency I’ve ever read.

Apr 22, 2022, 10:22 PM

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

You, as expected, completely missed the point. The

Apr 23, 2022, 9:25 AM [ in reply to That’s the dumbest equivalency I’ve ever read. ]

efficiency of a mask means nothing in the context of my reply. The point was, and IS, following a simple posted rule, in both cases. There are those, and you seem to be among them, who will rail against ANYONE telling them what to do, in ANY situation. I suspect you would walk by a table with people giving out free five dollar bills and say "Oh Hail no, you're not going to force ME to take your free money."

And, BTW, I AM a graduate of Clemson, and proud of it. And, you may feel free to use that useful "Ignore" button the Mods have so graciously installed here on the TNets, if you don't want to be insulted by any more of my "dumb equivalences" in future.

Or, you could simply "Lighten up, Francis!"


2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: That’s the dumbest equivalency I’ve ever read.

Apr 24, 2022, 10:03 AM [ in reply to That’s the dumbest equivalency I’ve ever read. ]

Actually, it is exactly the same thing. A business has the right to set rules within it’s property. Remember “no shirt, no shoes, no service”? While I tend to agree with your personal opinion on masks, it is just that. Our opinion. If a business wants to limit their clientele by saying a jacket is required that is up to them. If a business wants to say we won’t serve you without a mask, or even say we won’t serve you if you are wearing a mask, a private business should have that right.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

most restaurants would not require mask without government

Apr 23, 2022, 10:54 AM [ in reply to Lol. Whenever I tried to make that EXACT point awhile ago ]

requirements. A lot of people objected to the government over-reach, not the specific restaurant. Additionally if government is requiring all restaurants to follow a policy, people don't then have choice. If a restaurant wants to keep the policy absent a government mandate, so be it and people should honor the request or go elsewhere.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I believe more businesses and institutions

Apr 22, 2022, 1:44 PM

should start having dress code standards. The pendulum has swung way too far in one direction.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

"I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 1:47 PM

Who would think to go to a high end/fancy restaurant not dressed decent. Yeah it's a nice "get up" he's wearing, but every high end restaurant has a dress code. Sometimes you just have to know better and not assume you can just wear whatever...wherever.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 2:52 PM

Let's hope that Grady gets past his sense of embarrassment and doesn't turn this into an Oprah moment.

Most of us have made a mistake from time to time when out for some fine dining with respect to the dress code.

For example, as a treat to my wife, I took her to Chik-Fil-A instead of Hardees for a fine meal.

Chik-Fil-A manager said that my wife was attired properly, but that the thong on me was inappropriate.

I was mad; thought they were discriminating against me because I am a bit over weight (~ 450 lb.)

I had to go out to the car and come back with a blanket wrapped around my money-maker.

All was fine after that, had a meal of Waffle Fries and 4 milkshakes.

No problem.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 3:47 PM


Morbidity obese lives matter!!

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Frankly, I think Grady is the one that should be embarrassed.

Apr 22, 2022, 6:17 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him ]

Think about all the time and money Clemson puts into the “Call Me Mr.” program. They buy these guys suits to wear to road games. He knows he should be wearing a nice outfit to go to a high-end restaurant. He’s even wearing tennis shoes. I mean seriously. You don’t get into any nice restaurant wearing shorts, shirt without a collar, tennis shoes, etc. and it doesn’t matter if it cost $10 at Walmart or $500 in a Gucci store. A sweatsuit is still a sweatsuit.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 6:57 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him ]

Ive never been there and I would appreciate anyone who has to comment, but for #### sakes there is a spanx sign right behind the #### thing. This to me looks like its in a mall.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 10:04 PM

Pawtato said:

Ive never been there and I would appreciate anyone who has to comment, but for #### sakes there is a spanx sign right behind the #### thing. This to me looks like its in a mall.

I lived in Buckhead for years and drive past the development every day. That Spanx sign is actually where the corporate HQ for Spanx is located. The development that the restaurant is in was supposed to be the Rodeo Drive of the east coast when it was designed, but construction stopped for years during the Great Recession and another developer came in and finished it up later. It’s still considered high end, but it’s been a challenge keeping the high end tenants happy.

In some senses, the development IS (like you called it) a mall - at least in terms of the clientele it attracts. That’s where the dress code for the restaurants comes in, and these codes have been in place for years now. The Buckhead locals who live nearby and can afford to shop there aren’t inclined to do so, or eat in the nice restaurants with people wearing jeans halfway down their ### or sweat suits (no matter how expensive) like the one that Jarrett was wearing. The restaurant owners expect people to dress nicely and appropriately for a high-end restaurant (which La Bilboquet is) and everyone who goes there should know that by now. If he had been dressed in normal looking attire when he drove up in his Rolls Royce, this would have been a non-issue and he knows it.

Jarrett SHOULD have been embarrassed, but because of that ridiculous looking clown suit he was wearing. He was dressed very appropriately for the Shake Shack right around the corner, and I’m sure they would have gladly served him.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 1:19 AM

So basically stay out undesirable!

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 2:12 PM

Twice in my life I’ve made the mistake of not adhering to restaurant dress code. I wore a dress shirt, but not the required jacket.
1). Had to leave.
2). They had a jacket to lend.

Both were courteous, but sternly stood with their guidelines.

Now if Mr Grady looked out into the restaurant and saw others in “sweats”, that’s another story. It’s irrelevant that his brand was Gucci.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 2:29 PM

A track suit--even if the label is Gucci---is still a track suit. I personally would not deem that as "appropriate" attire for that particular restaurant.

As to consistency, in that case I would agree with Jarrett--if there is a dress code, then enforce it consistently---or don't enforce it at all.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Dabo doesn't want to use the portal. We should just stop saying that he does". ~ Judge Keller

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 2:56 PM

I thought about writing a comment saying that this guy is just whining bc he has a platform and should have dressed more appropriately.

Then I thought about writing a comment about how racial profiling still happens and he could potentially be a victim.

Then I realized I wasn’t there, and I don’t have the facts, so my opinion is not useful in this case…

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done...and i was just about to Doordash some Le Bilboquet***

Apr 22, 2022, 3:45 PM

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 5:47 PM

And the death knell of the Clemson Gentleman rings. Here comes that trash to be the new introduction. Disgusting.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 5:50 PM

Are you referring to Grady as that trash?

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 6:25 PM

I'm calling out Grady's ungentlemanly behavior. Do you take offense because it's your way of behaving as well?

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 6:55 PM

I dont personally care what anyone wears. I also wouldnt call him trash because of clothes. Maybe I have a different standard of gentlemanly but it usually refers to how a person behaves.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 9:59 PM

Trash makes a scene about being corrected for not meeting the dress code. A gentleman would have corrected the situation and we wouldn't be talking about it.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 1:26 AM

I'm going to assume yoh are 90 and be done. F you for calling anyone trash. Those who live in glass houses and such. Someone start a prayer thread for this dude.

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I wouldn’t get caught dead in something that #### ugly!

Apr 22, 2022, 5:58 PM

What people spend their money on today is amazing.

And in case no one‘s paying attention he’s also wearing tennis shoes. That very easily could’ve been and probably was part of the dress code violation.

I’ve been to high-end strip clubs, nice seafood and steak houses, etc. that don’t let you in wearing a T-shirt, sweatsuit, shorts, jeans, tennis shoes, any shirt without a collar, etc.

And it’s total BS when people play the race card. When people say it is racist. Go back to the 1960s or anytime before that and show me people that didn’t dress nice. Suits and ties and hats. Including black people like everyone in polite society used to dress. This is not black culture. This is very new. This is a modern thing where people, all people, but especially people of color, think that if they have money and status they can dress like or do whatever they want. I’m sorry, but society has standards.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 6:02 PM

In today's world of instant notifications via phones, it would have easy for Jarrett to snap a picture of the patron he said was dressed in a similar manner. That restaurant sounds like a place we will pass up.

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Why would you pass it up?

Apr 22, 2022, 6:23 PM

You yourself commented that it would be very easy today with a cell phone for him to provide proof of his side of the story. The fact that he did not makes me believe the restaurant over in Grady.

In today’s political climate these are very serious accusations. To make such an accusation without any evidence or proof, which today with a cell phone is very easy to provide, is highly inappropriate.

And again, it’s not just the sweatsuit. He’s in tennis shoes.

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Clear case of somebody's wife not doing her job.

Apr 22, 2022, 6:46 PM

"No, no you are you going out to eat wearing a track suit." Problem solved before it happened.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 7:12 PM

Yea that wardrobe choice is questionable for any outing.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 1:17 AM

That’s what I’m saying. That is one ugly a— outfit. If it had been less gaudy there may not have been a problem

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 22, 2022, 11:44 PM

Bruh…you grew up in that dump Conyers…come on

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"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 1:19 AM

Wear a sports coat, some decent pants and shoes, and enjoy your meal next time big guy.

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Guarantee>> suit & tie = No Issue; Sports coat & button down = No Issue

Apr 23, 2022, 5:01 AM

I was at biz meeting in ATL, then biz dinner with 15 persons going to that 5* restaurant on top of Bank of America building. A guy in our group (white), forgot his jacket and was declined being seated. This restaurant could have potentially lost $5k in sales if we had taken a personal issue and all left. FYI, there were persons of different ethnicities in our group. Also there were a couple of Braves players in there with their partners, dressed in appropriate attire that had no issues. Fortunately our comrade had left his jacket in his vehicle but had to get Valet to retrieve before being seated.

Just an example of being refused service due to attire and wasn't racially motivated. I remember our meal was amazing but the "Caesar Salad" was superb. It was al La Carte dining and they made the dressings in front of you. This is when I learned that Caesar dressing had mashed anchovies as they made in a large wooden bowl.

That said, no one in our party had to make an issue of this on Social Media. Our new world feels the need to create controversy when none should be!

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 9:05 AM

My take on this is, why the yell is TNET even reporting this?? Yes dress codes do matter!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 9:51 AM

Grady I support restaurant maybe next time you’ll go by the dress codes. You must be related to ex Atlanta Mayor she also feels dress code doesn’t apply to them

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Just here for the shitposting comments....

Apr 23, 2022, 10:00 AM

It's a tracksuit. Don't care what it cost. It's a tracksuit. Put on a suit, dumb@ss.

Let the virtue-signalers hate. Again, it's a track suit. I'd have thrown you out of my restaurant too. I don't care who you are of what you make.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 11:28 AM

This picture is on their website. White gentlemen with the track suit. At least Grady's was Gucci.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 23, 2022, 1:02 PM

That guy is a Horse Jockey! Ha!

But the manager of the restaurant said they relaxed the attire requirements during the pandemic, so not sure when pic was taken or if it is under new management. Either way, if there is a dress code then so be it. Comply or leave, pretty simple.

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Atlanta Restaurants

Apr 24, 2022, 6:56 AM

When I eat out in Atlanta, I like to people watch. Such nice clothes and cars too. A lot of them are people of color. Grady is not dressed appropriately for a high end restaurant. Why can’t people just follow the rules?

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Re: Atlanta Restaurants

Apr 24, 2022, 9:34 AM

When I eat out in Atlanta, I like to people watch. Such nice clothes and cars too. A lot of them are people of color. Grady is not dressed appropriately for a high end restaurant. Why can’t people just follow the rules?

It’s called privilege.

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Shocking that Cobbox/Keller/Mountaineer

Apr 24, 2022, 11:27 AM

wants to throw a Clemson football player under the bus rather than read the article.

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No restaurant is worth adhering to ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:31 AM

... to a dress code to enter. It's BS.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

they trying to keep people with that attitude out

Apr 25, 2022, 9:00 AM


2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No restaurant is worth adhering to ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:32 AM

... to a dress code to enter. It's BS.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No restaurant is worth adhering to ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:32 AM

... to a dress code to enter. It's BS.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No restaurant is worth adhering to ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:32 AM

... to a dress code to enter. It's BS.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

No restaurant is worth adhering to ...

Apr 25, 2022, 2:32 AM

... to a dress code to enter. It's BS.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 25, 2022, 9:11 PM

They have what is basically a pricey Bojangles box on the menu but want dry-clean-only attire?

Le Poulet Cajun $34
Signature Cajun Chicken, Beurre Blanc, French Fries

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 26, 2022, 3:46 PM

I bet they would have served him if he had been wearing JAWGA red.

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Just dress appropriately

Apr 27, 2022, 8:15 AM

This is a non-issue. There are dress codes in certain places.

You aren't entitled to additional accommodation because you're in the NFL.

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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 27, 2022, 9:06 AM

For whatever its worth, their website mentions policies:


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Re: TNET: Clemson pro standout Grady Jarrett calls out restaurant for refusing service to him

Apr 28, 2022, 7:16 PM

If this place is so fancy, why are french fries on the menu ?!?

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