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TNET: Clemson PD releases further info on wreck involving Clemson DB
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TNET: Clemson PD releases further info on wreck involving Clemson DB

Aug 2, 2021, 12:17 PM

Clemson PD releases further info on wreck involving Clemson DB

Clemson cornerback Fred Davis was charged Sunday with reckless driving and was booked into the Clemson City Jail. He was involved in a July 22 incident on Highway 123 with his Dodge Charger and a US Postal vehicle. Clemson police released the incident report for the misdemeanor charge on Monday, whi Read Update »

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Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 1:35 PM

I abhor people who put other innocent drivers at risk just so they can have some giggles driving around like that. I hope the punishment is plenty enough to get this young man’s attention.

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Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 1:41 PM

How about loss of driving privileges for two years and a permanent boot off the Tiger football team? Do you think this will get the young man's attention?

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Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 2:16 PM

Davis will probably leave court with a paper to take to the DMV. This paper will allow the DMV to issue Davis a restricted license to drive to and from school. He will get his full license back after a year. We can discuss until the cows come home whether or not we agree with this driving access.

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Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 2:32 PM

They can and very likely will make him take driver's ed course or courses and I assume he likely get community service due to age His insurance will be SR22 which will cost him $4k + a year, once he gets his license back. If he lives on campus he will not get a temp license but if he lives off campus, he will get s temp, that will cost couple hundred more. He wont be able to drive likely after 8pm for 6mos up yo one year. He will have some repercussions, probably not equal to the crime, but hopefully he will learn from his mistakes.

He definitely made a horrible choice driving like that on a heavily used road. When I was young, I did some crazy fast driving, but I made sure of knowing my surroundings and the likelihood of hurting others. I would have hurt myself or maybe hit a deer. Still not happy about those choices 30yrs later, but never drove like a maniac where others were endangered.

I don't think he should be removed from the team because young guys full of testosterone do some seriously stupid stuff, but I am sure Dabo will get out his tough love and put him in the "Love Shack".

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Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 3:14 PM

Is the "Love Shack" specific for CB's? Seems like this is an area of the team we have disciplinary issues more prominently (or atleast what can be seen from the outside/casual observer). Maybe we need to coach these kids up a little bit better off the field in this department as well.

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Says the poster with Granny Clampett as a avatar...***

Aug 2, 2021, 3:50 PM

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He can't drive without insurance and

Aug 2, 2021, 6:06 PM [ in reply to Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable. ]

No insurance company will even think of covering him. So it doesn't matter what his little restricted driving paper says.

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Doesn't matter if he loses his

Aug 2, 2021, 6:05 PM [ in reply to Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable. ]

License for two years or twenty years. He's never going to get an auto insurance company to cover him. So any time he drives, it will be illegally. He's done driving and that's q great thing for everybody else.

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Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable.

Aug 2, 2021, 8:17 PM [ in reply to Re: Disgusting. Inexcusable. ]

ddclemson said:

How about loss of driving privileges for two years and a permanent boot off the Tiger football team? Do you think this will get the young man's attention?