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Blueprint for teams scouting us
Tiger Boards - Clemson Basketball
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Replies: 16
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Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 11:27 AM

I’m concerned that last night provides an excellent game tape for how to beat our basketball team. This is not any sort of condemnation of anyone, but I have seen some of these weaknesses all season and last night Nancy St. exposed most of them at one time or another and used them to get a win against a team that they should lose to 8 out of 10 times.

1. Apply pressure, even just a token amount, to our guards after made baskets and after we get defensive rebounds. We struggled a lot with getting the ball inbounds after made shots and we were careless with several passes after defensive rebounds. After rebounds, we are susceptible to what I call “sneaky pressure” where one guy stays close to the guard waiting for this type of opportunity. We provide a lot of opportunities for a smart, hustling defender to get turnovers in those situations.

2. Use jump traps and double teams. Take every opportunity to slap the ball out of our hands. Defenders are normally taught not to slap at the ball but we have had a lot of balls taken away this way and even when it looks like a foul was committed, they don’t seem to be being called. We just are not strong with the ball in our hands and we tend to make timid or ill-advised passes when pressured.

3. Give PJ a few open looks at 3 pointers early. If he misses, we get off to a slow start. If he makes a couple, he starts feeling it and will jack up several more that usually brings his percentage back to normal before remembering he is effective inside and starts playing in the post again.

4. Make sure whoever is guarding our shooter goes to the boards. Our shooter will be headed down the court and not be a factor in rebounding.

5. Put a guy who is at least a littler taller on Girard. He can be shut down by a decent defender, especially if he is even just slightly taller than Joe.

6. Play aggressive, physical defense on our big guys. PJ gets flustered or goes outside when he is played physically, especially if the fouls aren’t being called. Once you know how the officials are calling the game you can adjust if needed, but he will already be flustered. Schieffelin is my favorite player, but he struggles finishing on shots when he is challenged physically. Just foul Godfrey if he has the ball down low. Take your chances with him from the free throw line.

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All valid points.***


Feb 18, 2024, 12:41 PM

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All valid points.***

Feb 18, 2024, 12:41 PM

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 12:44 PM

Low key excellent post

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 1:20 PM

Great insight, especially numbers 1 and 2. Without a true point guard, the Tigers have been susceptible to turnovers and ill-advised passes (especially in the back court) with any type of pressure defense.

On point #2, the big guys have been getting balls slapped out of their hands all year. Not sure what the issue is but P. J. Is the biggest culprit. He seems to lose 3-5 possessions every game just getting balls slapped from his hands. And they are certainly not all fouls.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 1:43 PM

Agree to all points made. Biggest regret is that we are often caught of guard trying to inbound the ball. Second biggest issue I have with the offense is the lack of set plays to get Joe G a catch and shoot open look. He's likely the best shooter in the country but he is not athletic and needs multiple screens without the ball in his hands to guarantee a clean look. Handing him the ball with a defender on him and forcing him to dribble/drive is not his strength. Frustrating.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 2:16 PM

I have never seen a team with a shooter like Girard that can't seem to get shots for them. I think there was baout 6 minutes left in the first half before he was able to get off a shot.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 3:20 PM [ in reply to Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us ]

I played A LOT of basketball between the ages of 13 and 45 and was generally better defensively than I was at scoring, especially when playing organized ball at the younger part of those years. When you see a team stepping out of bounds and flipping the inbounds underhanded after a basket or a rebounder always going to the same guy or spot with the outlet you wait for your chance and step in on those passes when you get the opportunity. It can be a lack of focus on the passer or a lack of hustle coming back to the ball on the guard but either way it gives the defender and opportunity for a relatively easy steal. I lived for those opportunities.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 3:13 PM [ in reply to Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us ]

I have mentioned this regarding PJ having it taken a way a couple of times this year. A guy his size should have been taught to get the ball above his head where the defender has to openly reach and slap to get to it. Much more likely to get a foul called in that situation.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 8:06 PM [ in reply to Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us ]

I think PJ has the habit of playing small (ie he lets the ball drop down to his chest or even lower so he invites the hand slaps at the ball. I’d have to see the replay on the critical tie-up, but for sure he went into a hunched over position trying to protect the ball. Maybe if he able to get the ball above his head that play turns out differently. Anyhow, I haven’t watched a replay so maybe that wasn’t possible.

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In fairness to our boys,


Feb 18, 2024, 1:49 PM

that's pretty much how any team with the perosnnel would defend any good team.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I agree - I had that thought as I was typing this

Feb 18, 2024, 3:03 PM

But I think we are weaker on a couple of those points than most really good teams. Biggest is ball security. IMO, our guys, especially the big guys, seem to get the ball taken out of their hands more I would expect. The other is our bigs just seem to lack the strength to play through contact and get the ball to the rim strong once they get inside. We get some nice back door and give and go plays for dunks - PJ had a great feed to Schieff Wednesday night for one- but when was the last time one of our big guys had a thundering dunk over someone while being contested? It just seems like we give up some strength inside to a lot our of opponents.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 1:52 PM

“We provide a lot of opportunities for a smart, hustling defender to get turnovers in those situations.”

Exactly, rhetfla. Girrard getting his pocket picked last night in the final minute while trying to eat some clock is a good example.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 3:09 PM

Late in the game we got an offensive rebound and threw a soft pass toward our guard and their guard just stepped right in for an easy steal. We had that same thing happen on one of the turnovers at the end of the Duke game too. Those are the situations I meant with that comment. To me, Girard’s turnover was a perfect example of point #2. He got caught off guard by a jump trap and I also think he was fouled when the ball was slapped away but it wasn’t called.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 3:18 PM

Good point. We do tend to make lazy passes late in games with a lead.

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us


Feb 18, 2024, 2:18 PM

Now this is how you correctly critique your team without going full mental breakdown and hate nice post Rhett

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Re: Blueprint for teams scouting us

Feb 18, 2024, 7:55 PM

Another weakness of this team is conditioning. Players cannot get into a rhythm because they take too many rest breaks. The rotation of players makes no sense. A player starts to get hot and he is taken out of the game for rest.

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Replies: 16
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Basketball
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