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I'm going to ATL without tickets
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I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 12, 2014, 8:14 PM

What do y'all think I will have to pay on the streets for 3 or should I just buy them at the box office. The last time we went in 2009, all the Clemson people sat in the Endzone facing the skyline of ATL.

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Stubhub had a few lower deck for $83 (3 together)

Nov 12, 2014, 8:17 PM

Instant tickets that you could download. Good deal if you ask me.

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I was thinking the same...

Nov 12, 2014, 8:18 PM

why go without tickets when StubHub exists.

No dirty ATL scalpers, no stress. Go find a bar or Clemson tailgate and enjoy your day with tickets in hand!

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Re: I was thinking the same...

Nov 12, 2014, 8:21 PM

Yea it is a pain to find tickets at the last min, I usually have them in advance

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I do understand your logic of getting good tickets cheaper.

Nov 12, 2014, 8:27 PM

Especially at a nooner. But I already hate dealing with people in ATL...much less willingly...to a scalper who's sole purpose is to "scalp" me...lol.

Have a safe trip, I vowed never to return to Bobby Dodd, so have a cold one for me and yell loud.


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Re: I do understand your logic of getting good tickets cheaper.

Nov 12, 2014, 8:31 PM

After we got ripped off in 09 I said I would never go back but I got to do it. I'm not driving so I'm going to pop the top as soon as we hit I20 at 4am lol

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Re: Stubhub had a few lower deck for $83 (3 together)

Nov 12, 2014, 8:19 PM [ in reply to Stubhub had a few lower deck for $83 (3 together) ]

I might do that Sat if I can't find a good deal. I'm thinking since it's a early start might can get lowers for 50

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Re: Stubhub had a few lower deck for $83 (3 together)

Nov 12, 2014, 8:28 PM

I'm doing the same thing, but it's just two of us. I've never gone to an away game without tickets, but stubhub was selling uga Clemson tickets for over $200 lower deck, and I talked with several scalpers and $125 was the selling price on gameday for lower deck. I had two extra lower deck for Georgia and tried all day to get $300 and ended up with $250. I would imagine we won't have trouble finding decent tickets for cheaper than $83.

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Re: Stubhub had a few lower deck for $83 (3 together)

Nov 12, 2014, 8:33 PM

This will be my first away game without tickets too. I hope it's not a hassle if it turns into one I guess I will hit the box office.

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 12, 2014, 8:22 PM

As my dear friend and USC grad said after the nc state last year after we all got harassed. It's best to sit with your own kind on these away games. Go tigers!

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 4:59 AM

I am too. I've never been to Bobby Dodd and was wondering how it is coming across tickets like it is at Clemson before a game?

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 9:23 AM

Going to Bobby Dodd is the easiest away trip one can ask for.

1. It is right up the road in Atl
2. You can find cheap tickets in great spots (Clemson usually takes over their stadium so don't worry about not being around Clemson fans
3. You don't catch much crap at all from the away fans because well they just don't care enough to get off their iphones and actually watch the game

No reason to not head to this one. Well.....the nooner sucks, but everything else is perfect.

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 7:06 AM

I've gone down to GT 2 or 3 times without tickets in the last 10 years and have paid $20-30 each time. You'll have no trouble even dealing with scalpers. Wait until around 11:30 when the crowd is heaviest going into the stadium and you'll find plenty of tickets available. Pretty good chance you'll be able to get a ticket from a GT fan with extras too, they're usually willing to sell to Clemson fans because we're the only ones out there looking to buy seats.

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 11:22 AM

If you park close to the stadium be sure to pay one of the young
thugs $20 to watch your vehicle if you want it all to be there after
the game
Last time we were there we parked with-in eye sight of the stadium in front
of an Appartement Building gave 2 young boys $10 each left the cooler food and chairs out with
the radio on the game station told them to have a good time
When we returned few cold Pepsi and all the BBQ Chicken were gone
but the Suburban was all there they even washed it

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Re: I'm going to ATL without tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 9:17 AM

You know the chicken would be gone lol

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I have never had a problem at Tech getting tickets

Nov 13, 2014, 10:47 AM

I go every other year. Tech is easy. Always buy from someone that looks liek they are going to the game. Parking isn't bad over on Peachtree St. Not a bad walk. The fans all seem to have had their rabies vaccinations. Tech fans will actually sell their tickets to their opponents. i never tailgate. I just find a bar. I have never had to pay face. I expect a huge Clemson presence. Go Tigers

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