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Gridiron Giant [16048]
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Can you get an abortion in SC?
Sep 10, 2024, 9:26 AM
Five years ago, could you get an abortion in SC?
Was Roe v Wade a national deal that allowed abortion across all states or did states still have some rights to deny?
Or is all this just related to medicare/tax dollars covering it whereas now tax dollars don't cover it and it's just for the wealthy to get abortions?
Paw Master [16312]
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Trump banned all abortions after the SCOTUS decision.***
Sep 10, 2024, 9:40 AM
Gridiron Giant [16048]
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I know for sure that's not accurate.
Sep 10, 2024, 9:43 AM
Maybe there's less funding or something from medicare? Not positive. I know you can still get them though.
National Champion [7648]
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National Champion [7648]
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Well.. In theory, that's because
Sep 10, 2024, 3:42 PM
state representatives are making laws at the behest of their constituents.
I know, I know, you can stop laughing now.
Clemson Sports Icon [58237]
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I just thought it was funny how the second sentence of the article undercuts the
Sep 10, 2024, 3:50 PM
And yes, it's because states passed laws. In many cases, the laws were only effective once Roe was overturned, so I'm not actually sure when they were passed versus when they went into effect.
There's something magical about the abortion issue because it seems to be the only one that should absolutely, positively, always be decided at the state level and by the legislature. If that's the right way to do things, then maybe we should reconsider Marbury v. Madison. As we know, the current SCOTUS doesn't give a #### about stare decisis, so it should be fair game.
National Champion [7648]
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I'm all for giving just about everything to the states that can be.***
Sep 10, 2024, 3:53 PM
Clemson Sports Icon [58237]
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That's what the 10th amendment is supposed to do.
Sep 10, 2024, 4:01 PM
Maybe it's time we revamp the amendments. Since when was the 3rd one relevant? Also, I like the idea of the state governments electing their US senators as the Constitution intended.
TigerNet Champion [118356]
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Re: Can you get an abortion in SC?
Sep 10, 2024, 10:03 AM
not after 6 weeks and most girls do not even know if they are pregnant, let alone carrying a healthy fetus. Prepare for the Blue Wave this fall, senate, house, local, the Republicans finally caught the car, and it is not sitting well with the vast majority of folks.
Game Day Hero [4422]
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Re: Can you get an abortion in SC?
Sep 10, 2024, 10:15 AM
Sure hope you’re right. We have an invasion at the border, inflation to where some can’t afford food, near WW3, etc , but the most important thing is at what stage we can kill babies. Let’s decide our national future on that issue.
TigerNet Legend [147164]
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Remember: if it's not important to you, it shouldn't matter to anybody else,
Sep 10, 2024, 11:05 AM
Game Day Hero [4422]
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Re: Remember: if it's not important to you, it shouldn't matter to anybody else,
Sep 10, 2024, 11:39 AM
Right. It’s the most important issue this country faces right now. It’s by far number one.
TigerNet Legend [147164]
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The country? No.
Sep 10, 2024, 12:01 PM
If you're a woman with a nonviable second trimester pregnancy? Yeah, probably matters a little more than whether the national debt is $28T vs. $34T.
Game Day Hero [4422]
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Re: The country? No.
Sep 10, 2024, 12:09 PM
In that case the millions of women currently pregnant with nonviable babies and being denied abortion should vote on that issue.
TigerNet Legend [147164]
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What about the millions of women who could potentially be in that situation?
Sep 10, 2024, 12:35 PM
What about the spouses and families of those women? Shouldn't matter to any of them? You're trying to tell people what should be important to them based on what's important to you personally. I guess we'll see how that works out.
All-In [10766]
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Tiger Titan [50921]
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If you vote solely on this issue you probably shouldn't be voting.
Sep 10, 2024, 10:19 AM
[ in reply to Re: Can you get an abortion in SC? ] |
There are many issues to consider, economy, border, inflation, foreign policy, spending, etc.
In spite of the democratric rhetoric all the SCOTUS did was say that abortion laws belong to the states.
TigerNet Legend [147164]
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That's especially funny considering Republicans have survived on
Sep 10, 2024, 11:04 AM
single-issue Evangelical voters for the past half century. Take single issue pro-life voters out of the equation and Republicans likely wouldn't have won elections at any level besides maybe Wyoming and Kansas.
All-In [10766]
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Re: That's especially funny considering Republicans have survived on
Sep 10, 2024, 8:24 PM
What do you take to inflict your brain with such ‘understandings’?
Evangelical Christians are notoriously a low-voter-turnout demographic. They make a difference in the primaries in that, typically, they get a loser Republican like Mike Pence a shot at winning the Republican nomination, only to subsequently get crushed in the general election.
Refer to Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race.
Clemson Icon [24058]
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The first day of your last period is day one. Once you think you're pregnant
Sep 10, 2024, 10:39 AM
[ in reply to Re: Can you get an abortion in SC? ] |
you must have a consultation with a health care provider before having an abortion. A physician who performs an abortion that is not within the parameters must be imprisoned for at least 2 years and up to 5 years.
So, basically, a practical impossibility.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [104215]
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Gridiron Giant [16048]
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Interesting, heartbreaking. But I believe many states had 2nd trimester
Sep 10, 2024, 1:07 PM
regulations forever.
All-In [10766]
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Process to terminate a life should not be psychologically easy - - -
Sep 10, 2024, 9:01 PM
[ in reply to Here's a very specific case, probably just one of many ] |
- - - or logistically convenient.
The Glamour article is heart rendering. That it politicized a personal situation to throw shade on Trump is to be expected.
Trump got three SCOTUS justices confirmed. Had he not gotten the chance to get his first one confirmed, then we’d have the not-yet-indicted criminal Merrick Garland as a SCOTUS judge. His lawlessness as Biden’s AG should terrify everyone. His attacks on the 1st and 4th Amendments during his ongoing tenure as AG says it all with respect to his disregard for The Constitution.
RvW and its unconstitutionality: Ruth Bader Ginsberg herself said that RvW was un-Constitutiional. However, she admitted to intent to ignore The Constitution by committing to upholding this un-Constitutional law.
(?). Should SCOTUS judges ‘make laws from the bench’? Or should they protect The Constitution as per their sworn oath?
(*). Congress authors Constitutional Amendments and the President decides whether or not to support them. The states then either ratify or don’t ratify those Amendments. For matters such as providing federal guarantees for all citizens in all states to terminate the life of a human who never committed a crime, the process for enacting such a serious federal law should not be easy.
Rather than blame SCOTUS judges, those who care (one way or the other) should get off their duffs, organize groups constituted of people with shared views, and get busy working over political candidates. And be patient, learn your stuff and quit pretending that you’ll broaden the appeal for your points of view by demonizing those who differ.
Recognize that compromise (where ‘each side loses’) is actually the process of ‘moving the ball forward.’ Getting first downs is better than punting (or turning the ball over in downs, as what happened to the pro-abortion crowd by being intransigent about the un-Constitutiinal RvW.
Heisman Winner [87432]
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This is kind of a funny question.
Sep 10, 2024, 10:09 AM
Because for all the folks in here that were so up in arms about it, I haven't seen anyone answer the question that knows.
Gridiron Giant [15533]
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Re: Can you get an abortion in SC?
Sep 10, 2024, 10:13 AM
Five years ago, could you get an abortion in SC?
Was Roe v Wade a national deal that allowed abortion across all states or did states still have some rights to deny?
Or is all this just related to medicare/tax dollars covering it whereas now tax dollars don't cover it and it's just for the wealthy to get abortions?
1- under Roe v Wade abortion was allowed on demand in the first trimester in all states. States were allowed to regulate 2nd term abortions and states were allowed to outlaw 3rd term abortions, so the only constant nationwide was the ability to have a first trimester abortion.
2- see above
3- the Hyde Amendment from 1977 outlawed the usage of federal funds for abortions, but I think made exceptions for rape and incest, although I’m not sure. Federal funds for abortions haven’t been a thing for almost 50 yrs.
4-SC now only allows abortions prior to 6 weeks of pregnancy with exceptions under certain circumstances for rape and incest up to 12 weeks, and other exceptions for incompatibility for life of the fetus, and threats to the mother’s life.
So yes a pregnant person, formerly known as a woman, can have an abortion in SC, but many women would not know they were pregnant at 6 weeks.
Dynasty Maker [3342]
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Gridiron Giant [16048]
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Interesting regarding funding. I always thought the abortion issue was
Sep 10, 2024, 12:52 PM
[ in reply to Re: Can you get an abortion in SC? ] |
that people were annoyed that tax dollars went toward funding abortions.
I feel like politicians need to be more specific on the exact regulations.
Personally, I don't understand the difference in aborting a 12 week old vs a 20 week old vs a 38 week old fetus other than a 38 week old appears more like a baby than a 12 week old.
Game Day Hero [4422]
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Re: Interesting regarding funding. I always thought the abortion issue was
Sep 10, 2024, 6:38 PM
You don’t see the difference in a 12 week vs 38 week baby. Is that a serious statement or are you just trying to provoke?
CU Medallion [20192]
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99.99 % of the men cannot. Better pronoun would be SHE
Sep 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
But that might not be fully inclusive?
To directly answer the question, I cannot get an abortion.
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