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Starter [351]
TigerPulse: 44%
All-TigerNet [12506]
TigerPulse: 100%
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We seem to be doing okay with recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 7:34 PM
I have no concerns.
Starter [351]
TigerPulse: 44%
I didn't think there was a race problem until reading the
Dec 8, 2014, 7:37 PM
Orange Blooded [1051]
TigerPulse: 31%
All-TigerNet [12506]
TigerPulse: 100%
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I'm a quarter black
Dec 8, 2014, 7:46 PM
From my waist to my knees.
Are you a coot?
Hall of Famer [22966]
TigerPulse: 100%
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Re: I'm a quarter black
Dec 8, 2014, 7:50 PM
yes, he is....don't respond to him
All-TigerNet [12506]
TigerPulse: 100%
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Is there a way to block his pathetic coot butt?
Dec 8, 2014, 7:52 PM
I would like to block his pathetic coot rear end.
All-TigerNet [10134]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Is there a way to block his pathetic coot butt?
Dec 8, 2014, 7:54 PM
I agree, kick him off now. There's no room on this board for that garbage. This board is for football/sports not ethnics.
All-TigerNet [12506]
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Let's all just respond with "35-17" to any post he makes.
Dec 8, 2014, 7:58 PM
Then he'll get mad and say something awful and Crump will send him on a one way flight to Jamaica.
Rival Killer [2833]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Is there a way to block his pathetic coot butt?
Dec 8, 2014, 9:09 PM
[ in reply to Is there a way to block his pathetic coot butt? ] |
|'re going to get a nasty Tmail now!! LeadTiger sent me my only hateful Tmail ever! Lol Who did he used to be in a previous TNet life?? StanleyTiger maybe??
All-TigerNet [12506]
TigerPulse: 100%
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He's definitely a scok.***
Dec 8, 2014, 9:43 PM
110%er [6938]
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Orange Blooded [2609]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: We seem to be doing okay with recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 9:47 PM
[ in reply to Re: We seem to be doing okay with recruiting ] |
Hey lead coot why does color matter? Youre the one asking. You must REALLY be BUTThurt still. More than we thought
Dynasty Maker [3433]
TigerPulse: 91%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 7:36 PM
Hate to see dumb people be the ones to make headlines. Hopefully most people will realize this is representative of a very small minority of the student population.
Orange Elite [5239]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 9:09 PM
Hoping that with you, that people see it that way...
All-In [35206]
TigerPulse: 100%
Kids flip straight to the sports page.
Dec 8, 2014, 7:37 PM
That is if they still read the paper, IMO. I'd suspect most get their news from sports center, Facebook, and Twitter.
CU Guru [1101]
TigerPulse: 100%
I'm a white student and I've never been racist to anyone***
Dec 8, 2014, 7:37 PM
All-TigerNet [12506]
TigerPulse: 100%
Posts: 10500
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Nice work.
Dec 8, 2014, 7:50 PM
I've never been rassist to anyone either. I'm just anti-coot. I lock my doors when leadcoot comes strolling by.
CU Guru [1101]
TigerPulse: 100%
Coots count as a race? I might have to retract my statement***
Dec 9, 2014, 9:16 AM
Clemson Icon [24075]
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The definition of racist has expanded. Now just being white
Dec 8, 2014, 7:51 PM
[ in reply to I'm a white student and I've never been racist to anyone*** ] |
and doing nearly anything except apologizing for being born white is racist.
No joking about anyone but white people.... and for the love of God... never disparage anything that can be remotely linked to black people.
Accidental racists are EVERYWHERE!
Hall of Famer [22966]
TigerPulse: 100%
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there are azzholes everywhere...much like the chicken-
Dec 8, 2014, 7:39 PM
feathered one who'd post garbage like this on a sports site in the hopes that some recruit might actually give it serious consideration.....and this was old news yesterday. The president of the university already addressed the issue.....I notice you didn't mention the "party" was held off-campus and pictures were taken and sent to a Greenville tv station by those in attendance.
Starter [361]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 7:41 PM
Can't say I've ever seen blatant racism on campus.
Dynasty Maker [3267]
TigerPulse: 100%
worry about your duck bowl.***
Dec 8, 2014, 7:43 PM
CU Guru [1270]
TigerPulse: 100%
Cooter: This post ain't helpin Ya'll flip anybody to USuC!**
Dec 8, 2014, 7:46 PM
Clemson Icon [24075]
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People are such oversensitive babies. Pathetic.***
Dec 8, 2014, 7:47 PM
Top TigerNet [29894]
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Re: People are such oversensitive babies. Pathetic.***
Dec 8, 2014, 7:59 PM
This won't help his 52% pulse rate.
Letterman [291]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 8:05 PM
You posting this definitely won't help recruiting. This is being blown way out of proportion. Probably wasn't a great idea by the fraternity but I didn't even find it that racist. It said nothing about people wearing black face or insulting black people, they just had a gang themed party. Next thing you know the news is going to do a story calling me racist for wearing a black shirt. Some people are just too #### sensitive. My favorite comedian is Eddie Griffin and he makes a living cracking jokes at white peoples expense and as a white person I think he is effin hilarious. I live in Columbia and I can promise you there are plenty of racists people here with white and black skin. Racism exists everywhere but this is a really weak/poor example of it. Stick to stories about white cops killing unarmed black people if you want to do a story on racism.
Orange Elite [5239]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 9:31 PM
> Stick to stories about white cops killing unarmed black > people if you want to do a story on racism.
Those stories actually do play a part in all of this...along with yikyak and other negative social media, the frat party pics/calling it "cripmas" (and tying negative stereotypes to that title) just elevated things to where they are now. This is not at all just about some off-campus frat party and yes, current athletes and recruits are paying attention to it all (they're also noticing professional athletes who are protesting those national stories).
All-TigerNet [13190]
TigerPulse: 98%
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You a completely right
Dec 8, 2014, 8:05 PM
Sig Ep probably isn't going to get many black pledges.
CU Medallion [18070]
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the ones who find the cripsmas party theme..
Dec 8, 2014, 8:16 PM
racist are the real racists.they hear gang and automatically assume black people
All-TigerNet [13190]
TigerPulse: 98%
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Uhm, yea, so about the Crips
Dec 8, 2014, 8:19 PM
They're black...maaaaaaaybe a few latinos, and possibly one crazy white dude.
Orange Elite [5239]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: the ones who find the cripsmas party theme..
Dec 8, 2014, 9:16 PM
[ in reply to the ones who find the cripsmas party theme.. ] |
All of this is not just about the party, there were/are other issues going on..but then the pics were posted online and in conjunction with the other issues, things just elevated to where they are now.
Game Day Hero [4369]
TigerPulse: 100%
I hate whites and blacks equally.
Dec 8, 2014, 9:20 PM
That doesn't make me a racist, just an a$$.
110%er [8244]
TigerPulse: 100%
You really don't keep up with recruiting***
Dec 8, 2014, 8:17 PM
All-TigerNet [13190]
TigerPulse: 98%
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Going to need to cancel
Dec 8, 2014, 8:23 PM
My 3 Latin Kings party.
110%er [6938]
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Re: Yet Patrice left that utopia, Columbia, to come to
Dec 8, 2014, 9:01 PM
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of #### by the clean end."
CU Guru [1095]
TigerPulse: 55%
Didn't knemdiche, his big bro and mom walk in on a kkk meeting before deciding
Dec 8, 2014, 9:06 PM
That was where they were meant to be?
Game Changer [1968]
TigerPulse: 90%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 9:22 PM
Shoddy reporting. I was at that Forum. There were more than 5 white people there. It was a primarily african american presence, but that's also who it was marketed to. There were more than 5 white people there.
Orange Blooded [4506]
TigerPulse: 100%
Accurate information doesn't fit the agenda.***
Dec 8, 2014, 9:39 PM
National Champion [7118]
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Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 9:51 PM
Well, when will Jesse and Al show up to start race pimping? A frat party. Big deal. As adults, we really should not even care. Freedom of speech and expression is part of the rights we are granted by the C.O.T.U.S.
CU Guru [1251]
TigerPulse: 90%
After Reading The Article, It's Obvious That There Is
Dec 8, 2014, 10:00 PM
a number of students that are immature and hopefully will use the college experience to grow up.
Enthusiast [120]
TigerPulse: 32%
I'm gonna be honest with all of you..
Dec 8, 2014, 10:16 PM
Players on the team know what's been going on lately. Recruits know too. There is this app called "YIK YAK" and a fellow anonymous Clemson student said on there "Only thing (N-word) are good for at Clemson is making the football team better" What he said has gotten back to DW and the rest of the team so yes I do agree it's shedding bad light on Clemson right now.
CU Guru [1095]
TigerPulse: 55%
Re: I'm gonna be honest with all of you..
Dec 8, 2014, 10:40 PM
> Players on the team know what's been going on lately. > Recruits know too. There is this app called "YIK YAK" > and a fellow anonymous Clemson student said on there > "Only thing (N-word) are good for at Clemson is > making the football team better" What he said has > gotten back to DW and the rest of the team so yes I > do agree it's shedding bad light on Clemson right now.
When losers get their first taste of mild national respect, followed up by a 6-6 season, after starting out as a natty champ contenders... these types of unfounded, slanderous posts, in an attempt to affect the future of their rival team (whose historically made them their ##### - including this year).
Clemson Icon [24075]
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Asst Coach [702]
TigerPulse: 62%
this is pure hogwash
Dec 8, 2014, 11:33 PM
There is no more racism at clemson than anywhere else . As a matter of fact Id argue that racism against whites from blacks is not addressed near enough if you want to split hairs . I am not a racist person, I don't care what freaking color you are, it isn't about race Everytime. People use it as a crutch and try and take advantage of folks they know go far beyond fair to see that they r not racist. They use it as a weapon .
My honest opinion is this, act like u got some sense and you'll be fine . Act like an idiot or thug or redneck trash and you are gonna get labeled . If a black gentleman approaches me and treats me decent, then I like him fine . If he is white and acts like a jerk, then I don't like him. Just act like u got a brain and must folks will treat u right. You act like a thug, you gonna get treated like a thug and color doesn't matter. Sinetimes people treat you bad because you are actually a moron and color has nothing to do with it.
Point blank , I've never had a black gentleman who approached me and said hi sir, hope u r having a nice day .. That I didn't like. But I've met a ton of losers both white and black who dressed and acted like total disrespectful , pants down their buttss, thugs and I didn't like anyone of them and color never was a factor .
Starter [351]
TigerPulse: 44%
That is the way I feel about it too***
Dec 9, 2014, 3:17 AM
Fan [61]
TigerPulse: 42%
Re: This Won't Help Recruiting
Dec 8, 2014, 11:39 PM
I agree. If I was a black recruit looking to spend four years at a university, especially in the south, Im looking at athletics, academics, and racial composition. Any shoddy history or incidents of racism and I wouldnt even look twice. Im originally from Brooklyn, NY and I can definately say there is a difference between whites in the south and whites up north. Pretty much how people up north can instantly recognize southern hospitality when up north being hospitable is going out of ones way and just short of taboo. Down south alot claim not to be racist but are certainly indifferent to the lives of black people. In hs at dutch fork black jokes were the norm. I Also went to irmo and the atmosphere was way more integrated.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101193]
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No, I've always heard that USuCk was the racist palace.
Dec 9, 2014, 3:21 AM
USuCk owned slaves and you're calling us racist?
Solid Orange [1319]
TigerPulse: 98%
No worse than 5 points.***
Dec 9, 2014, 9:58 AM
Replies: 48
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