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DOGE is killin' it.
General Boards - Politics
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Replies: 28
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DOGE is killin' it.


Feb 2, 2025, 3:46 PM


tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

None of this is even remotely legal.***


Feb 2, 2025, 5:38 PM

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do you hate cost-cutting so much?***


Feb 2, 2025, 5:46 PM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If she's a hollerer, she'll be a screamer.
If she's a screamer, she'll get you arrested.

Ending contracts that cost tax payers billions, that fund NGO's


Feb 2, 2025, 5:47 PM [ in reply to None of this is even remotely legal.*** ]

via made-up crises, which then funnel the funds to ACT Blue, which in turn gives it to the DNC; is illegal?

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Are you familiar with Congress? No? It sounds like you aren't.


Feb 2, 2025, 6:45 PM

Congress is the legislative body in the United States, and as such, is responsible for approving every dollar to be spent by the US government (and rescinding contracts and associated disbursements, incidentally).

Instead, you have an unofficial agency called "Department of Goverment Efficiency". Do Presidents establish federal agencies? Since you're not familiar with how our government works, here's the answer for you: No. Not at all.

Despite the broad authority granted by the United States Constitution to the president, he does not have "unilateral and unrestrained authority over the Executive Branch" and "congressional action is required to create Executive Branch departments, to fund them, to determine the nature and scope of their duties and to confirm the appointment of their top leaders".[2] While the president manages the conduct of executive branch offices, "it is Congress, not the President, that establishes departments and agencies, and to whatever degree it chooses, the internal organization of agencies".[7]

So what we have now is a (likely) formerly illegal immigrant who is unelected and unaccountable in Elon Musk, who now has access to the Treasury system. If you're curious as to whether or not this is legal, the Treasury Dept. told Trump and Musk they they could not have access, so did Trump/Musk argue the legality of this? No, even worse, Musk simply disabled the payments portal, which means no Congressionally-approved funds can be disbursed because the portal doesn't work. This includes Medicare payments to states. In the wake of resignations and forced leave for Treasury officials, Musk NOW has full access to the Treasury payments system.

Use your brain, and think this through.

And do you want to know what's worse? Musk now has access to personal information of every US citizen--social security numbers and everything else the Fed has. Didn't even remotely have the security clearance to access this information, so Trump put the officials doing their jobs and denying Musk, on leave. Personal data is now the most valuable commodity in the world--more valuable than oil and gold combined. And the richest man on the planet now controls it, purely on the word of Donald Trump.

Now, imagine, let's say, Joe Biden, giving this level of access to Federal government information and controls, to, let's say, Jeff Bezos. Or George Soros. You good with that? Because that is exactly what's happening right now. You fucking hypocritical turd, you.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

DEI programs were implemented via a Biden EO.


Feb 2, 2025, 7:01 PM

Also, to another point; who was making decisions for Biden? You don't know do you? No one does.

Maybe try being less ignorant before typing your profane rant.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Do you think Presidents cant establish programs or something?


Feb 2, 2025, 7:12 PM

DEI isn’t an agency.

Anyway, just admit that you’re a complete hypocrite who would lose his marbles if a Democrat was doing what Trump currently is. You’re an unabashed bootlicker, and it’s pretty disgusting, frankly.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They can also take them away you ignorant tool.***


Feb 2, 2025, 7:16 PM

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Oh, hey, why so profane, hypocrite?


Feb 2, 2025, 7:26 PM

How do you feel about an unelected oligarch and his posse of recent HS grads having access to our personal information?

I’d say it’s pretty clear what Trump was setting the table for during his previous term: “What’s so bad about Russia, anyway? Why am I supposed to hate Putin?”

Trump’s mouthpiece, Tucker, explaining why Russia’s oligarchy government is the preferred way to do things.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

DOGE value goes way beyond actual spending cuts


Feb 2, 2025, 8:31 PM [ in reply to Are you familiar with Congress? No? It sounds like you aren't. ]

The benefit of DOGE is not limited to the legality of their recommended cuts to spending by various agencies and organizati9ns. Maybe DOGE’s recommended cuts will not stand up in court.

Event(s) like this are not ‘shucks, Trump has failed again’ scenario(s).

The good part, whether a nickel can be cut via presidential action, is via exposure of governmental illegal expenditures, anti-American expenditures, smear campaigns and LawFare campaign against Deep State ‘enemies,’ etc etc etc.

The ‘we see you and now everybody else does’ value, while not possible to quantify at this point, has enormous qualitative value for most Americans.

Of course, Americans who make their livings via NGO’s that get their funds from US government fraud / shell game organizations such as USAID aren’t happy.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I think we have at least a couple on here that fit that last line...***


Feb 2, 2025, 10:44 PM

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Whoa, whoa. "Recommended cuts"? Is that what's happening here?


Feb 3, 2025, 7:35 AM [ in reply to DOGE value goes way beyond actual spending cuts ]

DOGE, this brand new, made up, unsanctioned agency, now has access to the Treasury payments system. DOGE isn't "recommending" review of payments to whatever party or agency. DOGE is STOPPING payments to whatever recipient it decides is unworthy. No Congressional review or approval, just Elon Musk and Donald Trump deciding that "this agency doesn't deserve money", or "this agency is corrupt".

You have no problem with this? Because this is not how our government functions, this is how dictatorships function.

2025 purple level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-19b.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Whoa, whoa. "Recommended cuts"? Is that what's happening here?


Feb 3, 2025, 7:39 PM

America’s government is based on separation of powers.

Congress has the role of providing funds. They don’t have the role of deciding not to spend money unless they write a bill that gets passed via the passage of that bill in the Senate and then signed into law by the president.

You know this, but may have forgotten until after you hit the ‘post message’ button.

The president represents the executive authority. In USAID, his legally constituted DOGE organization has identified numerous expenditures by USAID that are inconsistent with the funding that Congress provided for recipients of USAID money.

The Trump Department of State oversees how well the USAID’s activities align with State Department policies.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

There's also no transparency on what was cut or how it's DEI-related


Feb 2, 2025, 6:02 PM [ in reply to None of this is even remotely legal.*** ]

So, we have MAGAs celebrating an "illegal immigrant" who wasn't elected cutting programs without transparency based simply on "trust me, bro". If they'd have any principles this is exactly the thing they'd say they hate. Yet, here we are.

It's bizarrely comical.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: There's also no transparency on what was cut or how it's DEI-related

Feb 2, 2025, 6:05 PM

Because he is worth billions.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

They have thrown their principles to the wind,

Feb 2, 2025, 6:10 PM [ in reply to There's also no transparency on what was cut or how it's DEI-related ]

they are just happy to have Trump and Musk to worship, and will applaud anything they do no matter what it is. Trump could push a pro-abortion, pro-environment, higher tax and higher regulation agenda and MAGA would cheer him on.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: They have thrown their principles to the wind,

Feb 2, 2025, 6:13 PM

It's pretty simple. They like them because they aren't woke and because they are wealthy. They believe that if someone is rich that they know more about every issue. Doesn't matter the issue.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Ummmm, Executive Order 13985


Feb 2, 2025, 6:19 PM [ in reply to There's also no transparency on what was cut or how it's DEI-related ]

Rescinding Biden's EO has saved over $1B and counting. It's pretty transparent to me, read something.

tnet-military.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Yer not a man!!!***

Feb 2, 2025, 6:26 PM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If she's a hollerer, she'll be a screamer.
If she's a screamer, she'll get you arrested.



Feb 2, 2025, 8:48 PM [ in reply to None of this is even remotely legal.*** ]

Go read the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and tell me how anything related to Equity does not violate it.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Feb 4, 2025, 6:24 AM [ in reply to None of this is even remotely legal.*** ]

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: DOGE is killin' it.


Feb 2, 2025, 8:05 PM

How surprising to see the same kooks who lamented Trumps deficits for four years now in meltdown mode over someone taking an honest look at programs that benefit no one and getting rid of a few billion worth. So they hate deficits and they hate ineffective and irrelevant programs being cut. What a way to have to go through life.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: DOGE is killin' it.

Feb 2, 2025, 8:12 PM

Proven liar and unelected trust fund baby billionaire, Elon Musk, will spend the next four years looting the treasury. MAGA will cheer it on as they get screwed over.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

We deserve everything that's coming to us. Every bit of it.

Feb 3, 2025, 9:24 AM

From the perpetually vindictive (and frankly, sociopathic) mouthbreathers who wear the red hats, to the arrogant Democrats who refused to put up an electable candidate, to the idle hands of those who didn't care enough to say anything until it was too late.

We deserve every bit of what's coming our way.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Maybe Clapper and Brennan can 'comfort' you. They have some extra time now.***


Feb 3, 2025, 1:10 PM

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

$1 Billion is NOTHING...Headlines for non math types to extol. Divide


Feb 3, 2025, 10:37 AM

the cuts by our federal budget. It is 0.01% of the total. It's almost the same percentage as human created CO2 of our atmosphere.

Not impressive. Try harder. Ain't nothing going to move the needle until you take away benefits...Good luck with that.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: $1 Billion is NOTHING...Headlines for non math types to extol. Divide


Feb 3, 2025, 1:26 PM

A billion is nothing to the US govt but it's still a #### load to all these lowlife left wing groups who are taking 88 cents of every dollar spent on all of these BS causes for themselves. This isn't about balancing the budget as much as ending the gravy train of all the kooky left wing ideas out there than no normal person would support spending tax dollars on, especially when on 12 cents on the dollar ever arrives at its destination. No wonder lefties are crying like their cat died at their gravy train being derailed.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Gravy train" is how I explained it to my wife before I ever read your post.***

Feb 4, 2025, 1:00 AM

badge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: $1 Billion is NOTHING...Headlines for non math types to extol. Divide

Feb 3, 2025, 7:47 PM [ in reply to $1 Billion is NOTHING...Headlines for non math types to extol. Divide ]

Only idiots would attempt to extrapolate what savings DOGE achieved in its first two weeks of existence to come up with the final savings that DOGE will accomplish.

Trump administration will last approximately 200 weeks. If $1B gets saved every two weeks over the course of the next 4 years, then DOGE will have resulted in a disappointing ~$100B of overall savings.

I’m betting that DOGE will result in savings of $1T before the end of Trump’sbterm.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Replies: 28
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General Boards - Politics
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