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Terry Kinard fb post
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:37 PM
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Hated to read this. Pretty disappointing.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:43 PM

Well.........bye. Appreciate what you did while at Clemson, but this seems like sour grapes or a BS story. If a kid was transferring, regardless of his position on the team, why would he still be a part of, and practicing with a team he just quit on?

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 21, 2023, 7:35 PM

Stupid to post this in public? If it happened?
If TK did this he’s lost his mind; it must be fake.
As a walk on, his kid should have been treated like everyone else, nothing special.
Dabo seems to treat walk on’s well, because he was one himself…..

Sorry to see this, but just like Craig James, TK just ruined his football future.
Kids leave every year, why was this one kid over the last 15 years the one he singled out?

Go Tigers, 🐅 move onward and upward………

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:43 PM

Really you hear daddy’s side of the story and it’s absolute truth? Poor innocent little boy who probably has never made a single mistake in his entire life based on daddy’s statement. He was just arbitrarily picked out…YEAH RIGHT!!

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Youre making huge assumptions from a butthurt father


Dec 19, 2023, 12:44 PM


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Re: Youre making huge assumptions from a butthurt father


Dec 20, 2023, 8:33 AM

Whose name happens to be in the Circle of Honor. Who is in the hall of fame for college football, who has a Super Bowl Ring. Yes, there are three sides to every story. Don't think that gives anyone the right just to dismiss his.

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Re: Youre making huge assumptions from a butthurt father


Dec 20, 2023, 1:49 PM

Who has some pretty glaring skeletons of his own! Whole thing is odd, timing included. Doesn't say if he reached out to coach or not to discuss before firing out post. Just curious.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:44 PM

Yep, very disappointed in Terry Kinard. That comes off extremely whiny and butt hurt that his son can't make the grade. Next.......

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-20yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:46 PM

He shouldn’t have been there on the first place if he was transferring

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

SMH, and those entering the draft too, right???


Dec 19, 2023, 4:27 PM

Clemson doesn't need "fans" like yourself.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:47 PM

Disappointing but also wondering about this' veracity since I would think the real TK could spell the coaches name right instead of using 2 different versions.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgringofhonor-74tiger.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

lol, I quit reading at "sweeney."***


Dec 19, 2023, 12:48 PM

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:50 PM

So did Jaden quit after the two challenging practices? Didn't sound like he was cut or anything like that. If he was still only a scout team player seems like he needed some pushing through a wall before moving on.

Hopefully the emotions on the Kinard side will cool as the greater reality sets in.

Go Tigers!

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I find this really hard to believe from a one-sided


Dec 19, 2023, 12:50 PM


We need David H to get us the real story. I trust him.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

You mean you don't immediately believe


Dec 19, 2023, 1:57 PM

a three paragraph essay that may or may not have been posted on fb by someone who may or may not be TK?

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Re: I find this really hard to believe from a one-sided

Dec 19, 2023, 4:52 PM [ in reply to I find this really hard to believe from a one-sided ]

I agree David Hood could get the true scoop to this. I am surprised by this and don’t know what to believe.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:51 PM

I would like to hear Dabo‘s response. This seems like a legitimate complaint from a man who knows a lot about football and football coaching.
If the kid has been no more than a scout player, so what if he’s leaving the team, there are more valuable kids that have left through the portal than this guy. There’s no reason to single him out and belittle him in front of his peers. If true, that was very unChristian like behavior exhibited by Dabo.

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Frustrations due to ALL the players who went to the portal and


Dec 19, 2023, 12:53 PM

to the draft? Compared to all the teams in college football, we were hit quite mildly. And I don't think Dabo discourages guys from entering the draft if they are a lock to be drafted highly. You expect top recruits to only stay 3 years..... that is, until the portal money became a reality. And those leaving because they don't get enough playing time usually won't be missed enough to cause frustration.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 12:54 PM

You guys smell that?

It's BULL ####

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No I dont. The only bs


Dec 19, 2023, 1:01 PM

Is how some of you think Dabo can do no wrong.

Something obviously happened and coming from a guy in our RoH

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Re: No I dont. The only bs


Dec 19, 2023, 1:04 PM

How are you so sure it was posted by TK? Guilty until proven innocent with you, I see.

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Re: No I dont. The only bs


Dec 19, 2023, 1:05 PM [ in reply to No I dont. The only bs ]

Apparently, you have never heard of the adage, "There is 'he said', and there is 'she said'. And, the truth is somewhere in the middle."

Congratulations for being as short-sighted at the Facebook post shown.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Re: No I dont. The only bs


Dec 19, 2023, 1:09 PM

Where did I say that the incident played out as TK posted?


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Re: No I dont. The only bs


Dec 19, 2023, 1:15 PM

What are you talking about? You jump to the conclusion that Swinney is guilty of the accusations in a FB post from someone you don't know that was reposted on Tigernet by someone else you don't know.

Geez, get a grip.

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You took one side without hearing the other side.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:17 PM [ in reply to Re: No I dont. The only bs ]

The only bs ... Is how some of you think Dabo can do no wrong.

You chose a side. That is how you did it ... exactly.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Ridiculous. You dont have to think Dabo is infallible


Dec 19, 2023, 1:20 PM [ in reply to No I dont. The only bs ]

to be skeptical about a post that was screen shot (we can’t even go see if it’s real), about a guy that has never been accused of berating a player, let alone abusively, let alone over two practices, let alone a legacy player of a RoH player, let alone a scout team player, let alone one that’s leaving.

Maybe this whole post is fake.
Maybe TK misunderstood what was happening.
Maybe TK’s son made it up.
Maybe TK’s son was being super-sensitive.

Or heck, maybe Dabo thought a good use of time during two bowl game practices was to belittle a scout player that is transferring from the program.

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Re: Ridiculous. You dont have to think Dabo is infallible


Dec 19, 2023, 1:53 PM

I mean I kind of wonder if Dabo even knows the names on the scout team, much less is actually involved in coaching them.

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Re: Ridiculous. You dont have to think Dabo is infallible


Dec 19, 2023, 2:25 PM

So you believe that TK has a son on the team and Dabo doesn't know his name?

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Re: Ridiculous. You dont have to think Dabo is infallible


Dec 19, 2023, 2:27 PM

I believe that Dabo probably doesn't spend his practice time yelling at scout players.

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Yes, that is the natural conclusion


Dec 19, 2023, 1:43 PM [ in reply to Re: Terry Kinard fb post ]

from someone in the Dabo cult.

We don't know what actually happened, but the account Terry Kinard shared isn't flattering nor is it consistent with who Dabo claims to be.

There are two sides to every story, and reality could be closer to what Dabo says - or it could be closer to what Jaden experienced. And that's precisely the point - we don't know enough to reflexively call it B.S. just because we don't like it.

I personally don't see why a Clemson legend - he's in our Ring of Honor after all - would make this up. I also don't think he would air his grievances on social media if he didn't truly feel there was a lot of truth to it.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: Yes, that is the natural conclusion


Dec 19, 2023, 2:58 PM

Hey Judge, I gave you thumbs up by mistake. Sorry bout that. I hope you have a great Christmas. You best stick with basketball posts. No one here is surprised at your position on Dabo. You always jump at the opportunity to attack him. Jealousy is not a good trait, especially with Santa watching you. Again sorry I hit the wrong button. I can't think of a time where I would have ever given one of your posts a thumbs up. Anyhow I hope you and your Brownell family have a wonderful holiday season.

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I didnt attack Dabo.


Dec 19, 2023, 3:26 PM

But you know that. You’re just looking for a way to be overly sensitive about your boy.

Please TD this.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: I didnt attack Dabo.

Dec 19, 2023, 7:00 PM

What would you classify that as then? lol

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Re: Yes, that is the natural conclusion

Dec 19, 2023, 6:53 PM [ in reply to Yes, that is the natural conclusion ]

from someone in the Dabo cult.

We don't know what actually happened, but the account Terry Kinard shared isn't flattering nor is it consistent with who Dabo claims to be.

There are two sides to every story, and reality could be closer to what Dabo says - or it could be closer to what Jaden experienced. And that's precisely the point - we don't know enough to reflexively call it B.S. just because we don't like it.

I personally don't see why a Clemson legend - he's in our Ring of Honor after all - would make this up. I also don't think he would air his grievances on social media if he didn't truly feel there was a lot of truth to it.

So political. Yay! But you fail to realize that both the guys
's mad about the nil deal

Sounds like in order to say some of the things he said he's either highly influenced by chemical. Or he's overprotective father who used to be a bully. Sounds as if his son is now. Throw ll that in a pot and stir jt

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Re: Yes, that is the natural conclusion

Dec 20, 2023, 8:50 AM [ in reply to Yes, that is the natural conclusion ]

Thank God BrownL has never been involved in something like this. Oh wait….

Clemson University responded late Sunday to a Facebook video from the father of a former student-athlete walk-on in which the father alleges that head basketball coach Brad Brownell used abusive language towards his son and another walk-on following an ACC Tournament practice on March 9.
Mark McBride’s son O’Neil McBride was a walk-on with the Clemson basketball team. Mark McBride took to Facebook last week to recount an incident in which he said that Brownell used abusive language towards his son and another walk-on, and that Brownell eventually blamed the Tigers’ tournament loss to Miami on the scout team.

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Highly skeptical that this is real. Besides using the wrong name,


Dec 19, 2023, 12:56 PM

It seems absurd to think that Swinney would spend ANY time berating a practice squad player who is leaving the program…especially a legacy player. No one has ever accused Dabo of such behavior and I highly doubt he lost his mind about a practice squad kid transferring.

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Message removed by Author

Dec 19, 2023, 1:00 PM

Message removed by Author

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Fascinating info, but those are Facebook posts.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:04 PM

You’ll have to make up another reason to dismiss the allegation out of hand.

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I think it's more likely that there needs to be A LOT

Dec 19, 2023, 2:07 PM

more than this to NOT dismiss it.

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either it's fake ... or one word. SOFT

Dec 19, 2023, 12:58 PM

if you can't handle an intense attack communication style.
don't come to a former military college's football program.

I cannot stand the generation that I'm a part of. BUT it sure does make it easy in management. mostly everyone is soft. I couldn't imagine being a senior manager when WWII and WWI veterans ran the show.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: either it's fake ... or one word. SOFT


Dec 19, 2023, 1:13 PM

What does former military college have to do with anything?

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Dec 19, 2023, 1:19 PM

Just common military fetishism. Weird.

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LOL at your macho post.***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:45 PM [ in reply to either it's fake ... or one word. SOFT ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:00 PM

I dont believe that came from TK. I believe that is a fake post either TK's account was hacked or someone is impersonating him on the FB.

I think that is 100% fake.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Based on what?


Dec 19, 2023, 1:05 PM

Other than you WANTING it to be fake. What are you basing that on?

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Why do you so desperately want it to be true?***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:33 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Aspiring member of the TigerNet Sewer Dwellers

THAT'S the real question . . . .***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:57 PM

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Brad Brownell: Only Larry freaking Shyatt has a WORSE overall winning percentage among Clemson basketball coaches since 1975. Let that sink in. It's Larry Shyatt & then Brad Brownell.

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:15 PM [ in reply to Re: Terry Kinard fb post ]

I bet it did come from TK, but I bet Jaden gave some bad info to TK.

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That thought entered my mind


Dec 19, 2023, 2:51 PM

Not that hard a scenario to envision. Easier, in fact than taking it as total truth.

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I have to agree with you....


Dec 19, 2023, 2:40 PM [ in reply to Re: Terry Kinard fb post ]

I cannot imagine a ring of honor player publicizing a post such as this. If so, it would be more on the poster and the player than Dabo.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 3:03 PM [ in reply to Re: Terry Kinard fb post ]

The post is real. I am friends with TK on FB. I saw the post. I'm thinking either he got hacked or he needs to not share personal things like that in a public forum. I have a son that played college sports and never shared things that show a negative side of college sports from my son's perspective.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:07 PM

Wow...hope Dabo reads that and reaches out to Terry Jaden. That's a bummer.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 19, 2023, 1:08 PM

who was tough, but fair. TK knows what he’s talking about. To see so many people here dismissing the claims or trashing a member of the ROH just proves there’s a Dabo cult of personality.

Yeah, yeah, this is where one of those mouth-breathers in the cult will call me a chicken or coot. Go ahead and make even more of an idiot out of yourself. I couldn’t care less.

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Re: Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 19, 2023, 1:18 PM

Check the source before you run your mouth.

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Re: Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 19, 2023, 1:25 PM

Hit a nerve, I guess.

Wipe the drool and wake up to this phony.

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Re: Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 19, 2023, 1:36 PM

Wipe the droll and wake up to this phony?

You have a remarkable grasp of the English language.

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Let me help you.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:45 PM

It’s “drool” (yours) and not “droll.”

“Phony” is a noun in that sentence, and “this phony” refers to the guy you think can do no wrong.

Hasn’t CU always taught English and reading comprehension or did you just not grasp the concept beyond “see spot run”? Tell me.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You lost me at "Dabo cult"***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:23 PM [ in reply to Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

I am familiar with a good many of your posts.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:28 PM

You were lost long before that.

Take the last word if you must.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I am familiar with a good many of your posts.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:41 PM

Please elaborate on your opinion of how lost I am. Your opinion is so valuable to me.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Re: Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 19, 2023, 1:35 PM [ in reply to Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford ]

Yeah well this idiot says crawl your coot a$$ back to columbia

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Re: Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford


Dec 20, 2023, 1:16 PM [ in reply to Amazing. This guy played for Coach Ford ]

What a completely useless statement

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:09 PM

I have no idea if it’s true or not but why do so many people feel the need to go right to Facebook any time they feel ‘wronged’.

badge-donor-05yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:14 PM

No such post on his FB page

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 1:14 PM

Everyone has the right to express their comments or their version. I would suggest to continue to follow the mentioned Tiger player(s) and see how their story or stories play out. Time will paint the picture.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:15 PM

It's not on his FB page so where was it posted? Can you provide a link?

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It is from his personal facebook page. It is for friends only

Dec 19, 2023, 1:23 PM

you wouldn't be able to see it unless you are facebook friends with him.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: It is from his personal facebook page. It is for friends only


Dec 19, 2023, 1:51 PM

So you are a " friend" who would repost something that he didn't want public?

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Dec 19, 2023, 2:20 PM

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Dec 19, 2023, 2:39 PM [ in reply to Re: It is from his personal facebook page. It is for friends only ]

That what’s suspicious to me about the OP.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:15 PM

Sounds like he wanted daddy ball.... sorry bud that's the way the world works. Good luck!

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I assume this is fake because it makes absolutely no


Dec 19, 2023, 1:20 PM

sense for Dabo to do this, and it just doesn't seem in line with Dabo's character at all.

But i was also convinced that the "Football Matters" t-shirt pic a few years ago was Photoshopped, and that one turned out to be legit.

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We can support Dabo and not mistreat this father for defense of his son.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:24 PM

I respect both. I wonder if maybe Dabo did anything he regrets. We all do. I don't know. I don't care that much.

It is none of my business because I wasn't there.... but I know a lot of Clemson fans are going to overreact with negativity towards Kinard. Just as we shouldn't assume Dabo did something awful, (I don't) we should not assume that Terry Kinard is being awful either. We all owe our sons more loyalty than we do a school. And I respect a man being too defensive of his son if he truly believes his son was unfairly targeted and disrespected. He might be wrong, but he'd be more wrong for not defending his son publicly if he felt it was right.

Either way, I support Dabo and Clemson and hope that they can reconcile.

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Great response


Dec 19, 2023, 1:26 PM

I wasn't there and have no idea what occurred. I believe in Dabo, but also know everyone is capable of making mistakes. Did he, in this case, no idea. I can't disrespect TK for defending his son.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Great response


Dec 19, 2023, 1:58 PM

Why are you reposting from a friend's private FB posts?

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Pretty sure the guy knows it's going viral.


Dec 19, 2023, 2:18 PM

You think when he posted it he thought that only his Facebook friends would know about it?

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Re: Great response

Dec 19, 2023, 2:31 PM [ in reply to Great response ]

Answer how you got the post and why you'd repost if it was meant to be restricted to friends. You have zero credibility if those aren't answered.

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I don't know how I can go on


Dec 19, 2023, 2:37 PM

with you thinking I'm not credible.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: We can support Dabo and not mistreat this father for defense of his son.


Dec 19, 2023, 2:38 PM [ in reply to We can support Dabo and not mistreat this father for defense of his son. ]

Very well said.

I remember playing basketball with TK many times at Fike. He always seemed like a standup guy and I have a lot of respect for him based on these personal interactions I just posted yesterday that I think he is the best safety ever to play at Clemson and that he could have played college basketball as well as football. I have never personally met Dabo but have always been a fan of what we hear coming out of his program and what he has accomplished with the Clemson football program. I also have a lot of respect for him.

Kinda feels like when your best friend and his wife get divorced. Not being there to see and hear the details, I cannot form an opinion. At least not yet. I just hope these two men can work this out and continue to support Clemson. Both of these men have given a lot to Clemson and Clemson has given both of them a lot.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:30 PM

3 sides to every story.

Dabo and Jaden’s side and the truth somewhere in the middle.

2024 orange level membermilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:34 PM

Does anyone else find the timing of this post suspicious?

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Sour grapes - Terry K seems to have more expectation and not appreciation :-)***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:30 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Thanks for posting.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:31 PM

This is very disappointing to hear. I expect better from our coaching staff.

As always, there are two sides to every story, and I'm sure Dabo has a different version of how it went from his vantage point.

I admire the way the Kinard family is handling their hurt and disappointment, channeling it in a positive direction.

I appreciate all that Jaden has done as a student-athlete at Clemson, and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Once a Tiger, always a Tiger!

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

You, more than anyone, would


Dec 19, 2023, 1:38 PM

Swallow this hook, line and sinker. Congrats!

As noted above, there is no post on TK's facebook. He, like many, don't seem to use it much. He, like many others, have been 'hacked' on FB, which may well be what has happened here.

Given this thread is over 40 responses long, it seems this is as much about separating the 'gullible' from the 'let's wait and see'.

Most of all, this whole incident is so far and away removed from Dabo's style (since he's the one being castigated here), it's laughable.

I'll stay aboard the 'let's wait and see' train, myself.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Unless you are friends with TK on Facebook


Dec 19, 2023, 1:44 PM

you won't be able to see the post. I'm not saying Dabo did anything wrong. I'm just sharing the post. DavidHood® could clear it up since he too is facebook friends with TK.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


somebody gonna look stupid***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:48 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: Unless you are friends with TK on Facebook

Dec 19, 2023, 3:35 PM [ in reply to Unless you are friends with TK on Facebook ]

When I searched Terry Kinard's FB account (one that looks legit), David Hood is not mentioned as on of his friends. In fact, I don't even see Hood as having a FB account, real or fake. Are you suggesting that TK and DH are a part of a super secret FB group that doesn't use their real names? What say you ?


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If you have to ask

Dec 19, 2023, 3:36 PM

I'm not sure I should even comment on it. There is no such thing a Facebook.

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: Unless you are friends with TK on Facebook


Dec 19, 2023, 3:57 PM [ in reply to Unless you are friends with TK on Facebook ]

If he stands by what we’re assuming he posted, he should make it public. Then everyone can go see for themselves. Maybe he could correct the spelling of Dabo’s name too.

Before going public, he should beat the #### out of whoever copied it and posted it here. If it was supposed to be private, a “friend” betrayed him.

Until he claims it or it goes public on FB I won’t bother worrying about it.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

People getting hacked on Facebook is the truth.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:46 PM [ in reply to You, more than anyone, would ]

EVERY SINGLE DAY at least one of my friends on Facebook posts that their account has been hacked.

I suspect most are due to "dictionary" passwords or easily hacked passwords.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

So let me get this straight.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:55 PM

You and others believe that someone decided to hack into Terry Kinard's Facebook account so that they could make up a story about his son's negative experience at the hands of Dabo Swinney? And they did this why? To make Dabo look bad?

Just LOL.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

cause cooooots be craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:57 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Yes, they are, but this seems like a ton of effort.


Dec 19, 2023, 1:59 PM

And a really weird strategy at that.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

you're right. Must be 1 of those geeky GT summsabeeches***


Dec 19, 2023, 2:37 PM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Accidentally gave you a TD


Dec 19, 2023, 4:59 PM [ in reply to cause cooooots be craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy*** ]

Here’s some coins

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

no worries bud. i'm to old and fat to worry about icons***

Dec 20, 2023, 8:00 AM

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Without the "LOL" you might just be right.***


Dec 19, 2023, 1:59 PM [ in reply to So let me get this straight. ]

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I said what I said.


Dec 19, 2023, 2:16 PM [ in reply to So let me get this straight. ]

It was a general statement in response to this line,

As noted above, there is no post on TK's facebook. He, like many, don't seem to use it much. He, like many others, have been 'hacked' on FB, which may well be what has happened here.

Whether TK was hacked by someone with a vendetta against Dabo, I don't know. If TK actually posted the above screen clips, I don't know. Whether someone photoshopped them, I don't know.

What I do know is that both sides have jumped to conclusions without knowing both sides of the story.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Re: I said what I said.


Dec 19, 2023, 2:22 PM

Generally, if a person's posts can only be seen by 'friends', the same holds true of their list of friends; i.e., both are private. TK's 'friends' list isn't private. Isn't that odd?

That said, I don't really use FB nor really care about its inner workings.

As mentioned...two camps exist: Gullible (and drooling at the prospect) and the 'Wait and See'/skeptics.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I said what I said.

Dec 19, 2023, 6:35 PM [ in reply to I said what I said. ]

What we all know is you're the scumbag that posted someone's private message.

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No, I didnt.

Dec 19, 2023, 7:54 PM

Perhaps you replied to the wrong post.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well-taught who learns these two lessons." -John Newton

Most accounts that get hacked on Facebook are used for


Dec 19, 2023, 1:59 PM [ in reply to People getting hacked on Facebook is the truth. ]

phishing scams, not something so specific and nuanced as this. It's not impossible, but it would be pretty bizarre and unlikely.

If it's indeed fake i think it's more likely that it was Photoshopped and never actually posted on FB at all.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Most accounts arent actually hacked. They are cloned. There is a big

Dec 19, 2023, 5:13 PM

difference. Very easy to clone an account and start inviting that person real friends and grab their pics for use on the clone account. Especially easy on someone’s account who leaves it more open to the public. I get about 5 requests a month from cloned friends accounts - they will have the same picture. The key is to not accept the friend request from the clone otherwise you can be subjected to the same thing. Always remember to check who you are already friends with before accepting one with the same name and likely same pic

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I'm not sure why you have a problem with my post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:52 PM [ in reply to You, more than anyone, would ]

except for the fact that I didn't reflexively blame Terry Kinard, Jaden Kinard, or call it fake.

The post doesn't sound like the Dabo I think I know. It also doesn't sound like something the Kinard family would just make up.

As I stated in my post, Dabo's side of the story is likely much different and we need to allow for that.

So no, I didn't swallow this hook, line, and sinker. I am allowing for the fact that the Kinards experienced hurt and disappointment, while also recognizing that Dabo probably didn't intend to hurt anyone and has yet to share his side of the story.

Could the Kinards be overly sensitive? Sure. Could Dabo have been overly aggressive? Absolutely. We don't know, which is why the people automatically defending Dabo and calling Jaden Kinard names are the ones who need to learn some objectivity.

This turning out to be fake would be great, but I think that's a long shot.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: This is odd on multiple levels


Dec 19, 2023, 2:01 PM

Dabo isn’t perfect - no one is…who knows what actually happened…

It seems strange to me that Terry wouldn’t discuss this directly with Dabo …
Given his stature in Clemson history / I’m sure he’d have access to Dabo…

Honestly any player’s parent probably has access to Dabo…

Posting to social media isn’t how things should be handled -

As both Terry and Dabo claim to be Christians - the Bible advocates talking directly…

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Exactly. I missed the part where Jaden talked

Dec 19, 2023, 2:44 PM

to Dabo about how he felt and the part where Terry talked to Dabo.
Should talk man to man first before blasting on social media.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: This is odd on multiple levels

Dec 20, 2023, 1:10 AM [ in reply to Re: This is odd on multiple levels ]

IF this is TK and IF he feels he or his son has been wronged and IF he is truly a Christian, he should know, follow and obey the words of Jesus and go to his brother directly. Matthew 18:15-17

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I'm not sure why you have a problem with my post

Dec 19, 2023, 3:08 PM [ in reply to I'm not sure why you have a problem with my post ]

It’s your ability to attack anything not pro Brad Brownly or basketball praise!

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

We keep getting better & better everyday, in every way!
“The only disability is a bad Attitude” Dabo Swinney!!
Let’s Go Tigers!

I didnt attack Dabo.


Dec 19, 2023, 4:10 PM

Terry Kinard, one of our most decorated Clemson football players, did.

Take up your butthurt with him.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: You, more than anyone, would

Dec 20, 2023, 6:46 AM [ in reply to You, more than anyone, would ]

It actually is on TKs facebook page unless it's a fake account but it looks legit. I'm not friends with him but I looked and it allowed me to see the post.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You admire how he is handling it?

Dec 20, 2023, 4:30 AM [ in reply to Thanks for posting. ]

This is why the world is so ###### up now. People thinking that airing their grievances for the world is somehow acceptable and the answer.

I feel sorry for the father that thinks this (public display) is the way to show his son how to solve issues.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 1:58 PM

Yep. I've never heard a father complain about his kid not getting a chance to start. Never.

Sheeesh, some of you people kill me.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Screw Calford.

IF this is not a hack on TK's FB....

Dec 19, 2023, 2:01 PM

I'd say his wife posted it.

Can't picture a former player...from the Danny Ford Era...would post this.

Too many generalization.

I'd be disappointed if it came from TK...not that he'd care.

But even the way it ends..."The Kinard family are no longer loyal Clemson Football fans!!!"

Reads like a boycott of starbucks or something.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 2:09 PM

Strip away the narrative and emotions, what is the actual accusation here? What are the facts? He spent a lot of time talking about how it made them feel, or how they would’ve like to have been treated, but there was never any specifics on the situation. What actually happened? No way to tell from that post.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 2:21 PM

Terry Kinard should have discussed this with Dabo face to face. By going public, he has gone scorched earth on Clemson and destroyed his legacy.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 6:22 PM

If he is no longer a fan, does this mean he wants his name taken down from the Ring of Honor?

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"It is not part of a true culture to tame tigers any more than it is to make sheep ferocious."
--Henry David Thoreau

What a freaking joke


Dec 19, 2023, 2:28 PM

I am starting to appreciate the pruning that Dabo was talking about

Hope he gets rid of every soft, entitled loligagger on the team.

The kids dad played football at clemson and in the NFL. If that's not being born on 3rd base, then I don't know what is.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What a freaking joke

Dec 19, 2023, 2:36 PM

You jealous? Trotter fits the same description, lolligager too?

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What a freaking joke

Dec 19, 2023, 6:27 PM

I don't know if you watched any football this year but that description does not fit Trotter lol.

The last statement isn't mutually exclusive with "soft lolligagger."

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What a freaking joke

Dec 19, 2023, 6:31 PM

Trotter's year is my point

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 3:02 PM

Sounds like a little league parent when their child is not getting to play. The coach should sacrifice everything to let their child play. TK said his family is no longer a Clemson football family. I have a hard time respecting Terry the way I once did.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 3:10 PM

I bet 1/2 of you running down this kid's dad don't remember 1981 and what he did for the first National Championship team. Terry is a Clemson Ring of Honor member. He was an all American, knows football and gave his all for Clemson on the field.

When you filter Dad's post through that lens, it kind of changes the narrative....

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"Stalwart universities—Harvard, Princeton, Yale—most certainly offer status. The Citadel offers character. "

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 3:16 PM

I watched him play. However, if this is true then I’ve lost a lot of respect for Terry with his public post. (If this is true)

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 3:20 PM

It wasn’t a public post. Just his Facebook friends could see it. But someone else chose to make it public.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 5:25 PM


Now he’s going to be forced to go public because of someone on TNet…


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 3:37 PM

Sounds like a soft kid …

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 3:39 PM

Dabo’s been coaching for 20 years at Clemson and how many of these accusations have there been? I don’t remember any. Maybe innocent until proven guilty applies here.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:12 PM

These are paid off professionals. I dont want to hear from anyones daddy or mommy in collegiate athletics ever again.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Is it common to announce you're transferring but then keep practicing


Dec 19, 2023, 4:12 PM

with the team?

Likely - Dabo told him, "If you're leaving, then leave!"

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-15yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:23 PM

If something sounds very "over the top" then it probably is. I won't give this another thought.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"If a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal."

Something tells me little Jayden is an entitled pile


Dec 19, 2023, 4:26 PM

and his mommies' rant only helps explain why...

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:34 PM

I would think if this was true, they would at least spell Swinney correctly.

2024 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:36 PM

Something about this doesn't pass the smell test. For one thing, it doesn't sound like Terry Kinard. Second, it doesn't sound like Dabo? Like FM, I will wait for the unveiling of the truth.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:41 PM

I'm going to need verification that this is true. I wonder if anyone has questioned the players who were supposed witnesses.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"It is not part of a true culture to tame tigers any more than it is to make sheep ferocious."
--Henry David Thoreau

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 4:51 PM

Actually, I think you loved seeing this…that’s why you immediately took screenshots of a private post, and put them on a public forum.

In your zeal to have your 15 minutes on TNet you betrayed a “friend”. You should tell him what you did and ask him to make the post public.

You may consider making your FB private too. You share too much information with the public…


flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.***

Dec 19, 2023, 5:03 PM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

How do you keep Gamecocks out of your yard?
• Put up goal posts
What does a Gamecock grad call a Clemson Tiger grad in 2 years?
• Boss

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 6:45 PM

I’m calling BS on this lol

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 7:07 PM

I’m surprised no one else brought this up with all these responses to this thread: Have you ever seen some people’s Facebook account and they have 1,000 friends or even 500 friends listed?? Does anyone really have that many friends? The answer is no. No one has time for that many “friends”. My husband has “friends” on Facebook and I’ve asked who is that and he’s actually said I don’t know who that is!
My point is Terry Kinard has Clemson fans that sent friend requests to him and he accepted but likely doesn’t know many of them personally. They would have no reason to keep that post personal IF it’s real. He would KNOW that his post would be passed around everywhere because it’s inflammatory. No way it would ever stay private friend or not.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Interesting this makes news

Dec 19, 2023, 7:14 PM

Just before the first signing day. I don’t believe it. Dabo does not operate this way.

2024 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Wow.... I finally agree with Cobbox on something

Dec 19, 2023, 7:15 PM

#### has frozen over.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Good for Terry***


Dec 19, 2023, 8:14 PM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

If she's a hollerer, she'll be a screamer.
If she's a screamer, she'll get you arrested.

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 19, 2023, 8:22 PM

Let’s see the supposed tough journalist running and reporting on this site ask Dabo straight up his take on Kinards post….until the media does it’s job, I’m not sure what a former CU stud gets out of lying.

David Hale…you out there?

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 8:23 PM

I have no idea who said or did what. My question is why a guy who has already decided to leave the team would feel entitled to go to the Bowl game? Essentially, the bowl season is the start of the new football year, so why would Clemson carry a guy to their bowl game over someone who shows promise for next year?

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 11:27 PM

Already getting SM traction & starting to get picked up by news (Athlon & On3).

My $0.02 on it is this:

We only know 1 side of the story (TK's). However there was no mention of A) that issues were addressed w/ Dabo before he went public with this and B) what was exactly said to the younger Kinard to warrant this reaction.

This is where many are seeing the rub w/ folks about TK's accusation.

It has the feel of Kayden either wanted to enjoy 1 last bowl trip before leaving & didn't feel need to take his duties seriously. Dabo (who's focus is preparing his team for a game & possibly trying to take stock of those who will still be here next year) probably picked up on that, didn't like it, & chose to still hold him accountable. Like any of us as kids/young adults, kid probably spun his version to dad & TK, being supportive of his son, accepted that version as 100% truth.

That said, if Dabo purposely targeted him to run him off or if he said/did something that crossed the line when trying to hold him accountable as a still-active member of the team, then he does need to be held accountable for that.

Hopefully the truth does come to light & cooler heads end up prevailing in the matter.

military_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 19, 2023, 11:35 PM

Dabo has been doing this to players and coaches on staff for the last couple of years. Unfortunately, it’s true.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

He don't know how to spell Swinney?***


Dec 20, 2023, 4:55 AM

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post


Dec 20, 2023, 6:08 AM

I would probably take it more seriously if he had spelled Dabo's name correctly throughout his rant.

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Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 20, 2023, 6:54 AM

If your going to write a huge post spiil what was actually said.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 20, 2023, 9:13 AM

Join the military and see if you get special treatment. Let me know how it turns out.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Terry Kinard fb post

Dec 20, 2023, 1:28 PM

Dang, that's like a high school girl post there, if its that long...you know its exaggerated

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