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What's your funniest Clemson related story?
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What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 11:50 AM


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I once saw The Tiger on a moped…


Jun 20, 2023, 11:56 AM

drunk, and butt naked, wearing only the head, drive straight into the side of a dumpster.

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"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Did you help him out after he/she crashed?***


Jun 20, 2023, 11:57 AM

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Did you follow the CPR steps or go straight to mouf to mouf?***


Jun 20, 2023, 12:30 PM [ in reply to I once saw The Tiger on a moped… ]

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I tried to get him going again by...


Jun 20, 2023, 2:32 PM

pull starting it.

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"I've played multiple sports and would bet any amount that I'm still more athletic than you at this present time...."

Re: I once saw The Tiger on a moped…


Jun 20, 2023, 2:45 PM [ in reply to I once saw The Tiger on a moped… ]

drunk, and butt naked, wearing only the head, drive straight into the side of a dumpster.

Was that in Cootlumbia where dumpsters abound?

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Left Harcomb headed to the library


Jun 21, 2023, 5:59 PM [ in reply to I once saw The Tiger on a moped… ]

through the trees. Girl walking in front of me with her friends got attacked by a squirrel. It lept out of the tree into her hair. She screamed, as did the squirrel, dropped everything and starting running in circles until she finally ran into a tree face first.

I stepped over her laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.

I think it might have been rabid so I watched my six the rest of the way.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:01 PM

Freshman year at Clemson, my johnstone hallmates and I had nothing better to do on a typical weekday night so we created our own entertainment. It involved getting drunk on the cheapest vodka available (we ran it through a brita water filter first for the sake of purity), blindfolding ourselves, and then seeing who could crawl and stumble their way across campus to the Hendrix center... it became known as the "Hendrix challenge."

Needless to say, it ended with all kinds of injuries and hijinks, culminating with my friend running full speed into the glass doors at Hendrix and chipping his front teeth, the end result being a trip to the emergency room.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

lol, I bet it wasn't nearly as funny for him.***


Jun 20, 2023, 12:03 PM

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 21, 2023, 9:18 AM [ in reply to Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story? ]

Early 80's at CU. University closed down due to an overnight snow storm. Watching William Perry
being pulled by a 4 wheel jeep around campus while he stood on 2 trays from the cafeteria.
everyone trying to hit him when he went by.. LOL

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:03 PM

Well, the University President back in the 70s fell down at one of the Pep Rallies from getting so fired up. He got back up and didn't seem like he was hurt so that made it somewhat funny. I think there may have been some adult beverage involved.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:08 PM

RC - the best president Clemson had in the past 60 years!

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?

Jun 21, 2023, 12:50 PM

Don’t forget Moonpie!

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:19 PM

Made a gallon of mash out of popcorn seeds. We had "borrowed" some equipment from chem lab to distill it with. We left it to ferment over Christmas holidays. On returning it had exploded and filled the tin cans with a horrid stench.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

the tug abides

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:30 PM

which hall?

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:55 PM

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

the tug abides

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 1:05 PM

thanks.D-603 wasn't too far away.was there from '64 to '66.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 21, 2023, 6:52 AM [ in reply to Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story? ]

I was in the room below or the one below just to the left, D-316 or 318 my freshman year '69 -'70!!
We broadcast our own pre game show out on the ledge on gamedays!!

2025 white level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:42 PM

One time at a frat party I witnessed another frat (I'm assuming) pull up in a truck and 4 guys got out went inside stole a whole pool table and load it up without any questions. It was tactical and efficient.

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 12:55 PM

which college ?

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

the tug abides

My Roommates and I had just moved into Clemson Place


Jun 20, 2023, 12:46 PM

The apartments were essentially brand new. One of my roommates with absolutely zero domestic skills decided it was time to wash dishes before bed. Unbeknownst to me and our other roommate, he filled the dispenser in the dishwasher with liquid Dawn dish detergent. As I lay in bed watching TV, I noticed bubbles coming into my room from under the door. I opened the door and the entire kitchen and living room were both covered in a layer of bubbles at least 3 feet deep.

Took a while to clean that mess. But, it smelled great for awhile!

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 1:00 PM

2nd year in johnstone D-6.we had a serious cigarette and gum mooch on the hall.guy across the hall figured how to set things straight.he put some phenemint in his chiclet pack and left it out in the open.a few of us were BSing in his room.sure enough,the mooch showed up and helped himself to what he thought were chiclets.unfortunately,another innocent friend joined us right after the mooch and did the same thing taking a few fake chiclets.we couldn't warn the 2nd guy.it happened too quickly.the rest of us just let it go on for a while.eventually they were told,but it was way too late.the two victims spent the next day or so leaving classes to visit the facilities available.we still laugh about the episode to this day.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgmilitary_donation.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


i drove over the top of strom thurman on my tractor


Jun 20, 2023, 1:15 PM

apparently it shook the whole building enough they though they were having an earthquake and evacuated the building.

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 1:16 PM

One holiday season, a few of us that hadn't gone home yet took the door off of the electrical closet and used it to block the concrete door to the community shower stall on D-3. We then stopped up the drain with toilet paper and filled it with warm water to about five feet deep. Made a great 12 x 15 heated pool until the ### broke.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 1:27 PM

Lived in the prefabs one year with 3 other friends. One of them brought back some bottle rockets after the Christmas break. And one afternoon as we were priming ourselves for a night on the town, he started shooting the bottle rockets out of the front window at other houses. After a while we noticed an unnatural glow across the street and a small crowd gathering. Apparently, strike that, allegedly the firework caused the dry leaves to catch fire underneath the oil tank of a particular prefab. When we walked over to see what the fuss was, my roommate, realizing that swift and certain expulsion was in his future, took off his jacket, ran straight into the ground fire and started swatting it out. Needless to say the crowd cheered his heroism. He was putting the last of the embers out when the firetrucks rolled up. They congratulated him, made him an honorary fireman, and he even got mentioned in the Tiger that next week.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

You know how Martin Hall only had(s) one bathroom per floor?


Jun 20, 2023, 2:19 PM

I assume its still that way, a holdover from when it was all male military college and they didn't need womens restrooms.
I approached Martin Hall every day from the Sikes Hall side, went up one floor, went to the bathroom and then on to my Calculus class.
Except one day I didn't.
That day I had to go meet with my advisor in Tilman Hall and approached from the Amphitheater side.
This side is one floor lower than the other side. Since the bathrooms were only one per floor, They would have male on one floor and female on the other floor. Anyway, on this day I went up the one flight of stairs (from the lower Amphitheater side), and I enter the bathroom. As I go through the door, I see this girl coming out of the stall. She is looking a me like "What the he!! are you doing in here?" And I am looking at her like "What the he!! are you doing in here?" and about that time she makes a beeline for the door, opens it and I see "WOMENS" on the door. I froze. I thought "OH NO what am I gonna do" I hear people outside. I wash my hands and make a break for it. Nobody saw me other than that girl and I was mortified about whether I should try to find her and apologize/explain.
Did anyone else make this error? I cant be the only one! I can laugh about it now but I was absolutely humiliated that day.

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"The one who thinks we can and the one who thinks we can't are both right! Which one are you, son? Which one are you, son?"

Re: You know how Martin Hall only had(s) one bathroom per floor?

Jun 20, 2023, 2:27 PM

It's okay as long as you feel like you belonged there.

Somedays you just have to go when you have to go.
..."Sir, what do you identify as today?" ..."Relieved."

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About my dad


Jun 20, 2023, 4:10 PM

In the early 70's before the first upper deck was added the old press box at Clemson was small and most of the booths were glassed in, with no windows to open. In an early September game against The Citadel with the temp about 95 for a 1:00 PM kickoff, it was sweltering in the radio broadcast booth. Dad starting taking off his clothes. By the 3rd quarter he was in just his boxers calling the game. Have a pic of it somewhere Bob Bradley took, will see if I can find it

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Jun 21, 2023, 2:23 PM

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 20, 2023, 4:26 PM

One year we lived in a townhome kind of up the street behind the Esso Club. At the end of the road is what is now Tiger Park. It was a empty lot with a pavilion at the time. We had a huge flowerpot on wheels that we used for kegs, thanks to Sam's in Anderson and left over Pell Grant monies. Sometime during football season, we realized we could ride in it down the street and out into the grass lot. Every late-night party ended with people riding the pot down the hill. One particular Friday night my cousin, who was visiting for game weekend, decided to give it a try. He took off bobsled style and jumped in. Really accelerating faster than anyone before. Neither he nor the hapless patron in the pickup leaving the Esso Club saw each other until it was too late. The collision launched him and the pot 20-25 feet into the air, trampoline style, and into the vacant lot with an audible thud that we could hear from a 100yds away. The pickup driver, obviously impaired, and probably wondering what the hell he hit; quickly left the scene. As the scene cleared, we heard my cousin laughing his ### off as he drug the busted pot back to the top. His only comment was "Do we have any duct tape? I think she's got a few more runs in her." He was sore the next two days but didn't feel a thing that night.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 21, 2023, 7:53 AM

Coach Frank Howard welcoming JJ to Clemson by pissing on Jimmy Johnson's leg in the Coaches shower when he came to Clemson as an assistant Coach in 1970.

2025 purple level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?


Jun 21, 2023, 2:21 PM

In 1975, we were picked to go 10-1 by Smith and Street, but we went 2-9. Instead of the Tiger, the weekly newspaper came out, The Buzzard. They quoted (misquoted) many people, but my favorite was Crank Howard. He said, "The problem with this team is they left my game plan. We used to go up-the-middle, up-the-middle, up-the-middle, punt. The punt always caught them by surprise, because they expected us to go up-the-middle again."

2025 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I don't really have any. I do have an ironic one. I will

Jun 21, 2023, 5:09 PM

freely admit that I slept (intentionally) late, missing many an 8:00 class, as long as the Prof said attendance was not mandatory. The irony is this:

We had the only giant snowstorm I can remember in 1973, when I was attending Clemson. I had gone home to visit the parents, getting home as it was beginning to snow on that Friday, February 9th. It didn't STOP until Monday February 11th. I could not get back to Clemson from the Midlands until the following WEEK. I actually drove one of our large farm tractors out to 301, because I had heard they were plowing roads. I figured maybe I could tow my car that far, and then drive up from there, or something. But, my heroic efforts were turned around by the Highway Patrol, as they informed me only emergency vehicles were being allowed on the road.

When I finally DID get back to Clemson, and started attending classes again, a couple of my Professors refused to believe me when I said I could not make it back to Clemson from the Holly Hill area! That was the tragic irony, not being able to get to class when I tried, given how many I had missed on purpose. I think they eventually got some pressure from somewhere, because they allowed me to sit a couple of quizzes that I had missed during that time, after all.

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I took my 7 yr old son with me to the pottery lab.

Jun 21, 2023, 6:09 PM

I had an assignment to finish and he begged to go. I had just finished up throwing my last bowl in a set of 6 and cut it off the pottery wheel when he asked if I wanted him to clean the wheel.

I told him yes and turned to set the last bowl upon a shelf to dry when I heard a slapping sound and my boy screaming bloody murder. He had seen me clean the wheel with a damp towel by placing the towel on the wheel and gently hitting the foot pedal to rotate the wheel rather than wasting time rubbing it clean.

Those wheels were turned by an electric motor and had a pedal which served to vary the speed of rotation. The boy had pushed the pedal to it's limits causing a portion of the towel to be wrapped around the wheel and jerked from his hand.

As the wheel rotated the towel was slung around in a wide circle and landed on the kid's butt again and again. It was tearing that butt up and he was too stunned to do anything but scream. I'm guessing everyone in the building heard it for people started showing up in flocks trying to help a child in distress.

3 minutes after it happened folks were still showing up and found me with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

Josh is over 40 years old now, I still remember the look on his face when he took that butt whuppin from a pottery wheel.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?

Jun 21, 2023, 8:37 PM

I once dropped my computer stack of cards before putting them into the hopper. Before the drop and after 63 try’s it worked. Who knew…was that an omen to the 63 to 17 game in the future.

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Re: What's your funniest Clemson related story?

Jun 21, 2023, 8:52 PM

Once upon a time, maybe Feb. 1970, four of us guys from the same hometown decided to go to Spartanburg to watch our HS girls BB team play for the upstate championship. One guy and I noticed a "$ .25 draft beer" sign at a local bar.
So after the girls won (or lost, who knows) my friend BW and i got a ride to said bar while the other two guys watched the boys game between two teams long lost to history. Our buds were supposed to pick us up at the bar. Around 11 PM we decided they had left us without transportation back to CU.
A couple of Wofford guys gave us a ride to I 85 where we were lucky to get a hitch hike ride back to the Clemson/Anderson exit. You old timers know there was nothing, i mean NOTHING, at that exit but a full service gas station that also repaired cars.
So around 1 or 2 in the morning we arrive at the Clemson exit and BW said he was going behind the station for a minute while i went to the road hoping for a hitch hike ride (right, at 2 AM there was no traffic at all). In a couple of minutes a black and white '57 Chevy pulls up and my friend BW rolls the window down and says "Hop in". I said "are you crazy?" BW says, "you wanna walk?" He was good with electrical stuff and hot wiring cars!
Grand theft auto.
We get to the architecture parking lot which was in the boonies at that time. No sooner did we exit the "borrowed" car than a Pinkerton guard about 50 feet away says "hey boys, let's see you start that car". He thought we were stealing an 8 track tape player i guess. So BW jumped back in and turned the motor but it didn't start. Mr. Pinkerton says "ok, that's good". Whewwwww, that was close.
Next day i went to Anderson with my roommate for some reason and used a pay phone to call the Anderson PD and explain why we had "borrowed" the '57 chevy and where is was parked. The officer said "and what did you say your name is". I just said "I didn't". and clanked the receiver down.
BW dropped out of CU after a year and soon travelled twice around the world as a lighting technician with Natalie Cole. I saw him 12 years later at a local high school football game and asked how he was doing. He was back in school at CU. I asked his major and he said Electrical Engineering. Amazing!
Afterward, he worked for GM in Detroit for many years until pancreatic cancer took him several years ago.
True story. We kept it to ourselves for years but it later became sort of an urban legend amongst our local Clemson group.
I like to call it Women, Alcohol, and a Stolen Car.
Sorry but i condensed this as best i could.

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