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Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...
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Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...


Oct 30, 2024, 9:24 PM


A few disturbing points from the article:

1. The only way this was caught was the Chinese national self-reported. Had he not done so I think it is safe to say no one would have ever known.

2. The ballot will still be counted because there is no way to pull a ballot from the tabulator stack to identify it as the CHICOM's vote. I fully support keeping our votes private to where no one can identify how a legal voter cast their ballot. BUT - in order to keep our votes private it is imperative that we have REAL measures in place to ensure only LEGAL CITIZENS are able to cast a ballot to begin with.

3. According to the article, the Chinese national was able to vote through "same day voter registration" without showing any proof of citizenship. He merely had to "swear under penalty of perjury that he was an American citizen" and was given a ballot. I wonder if Michigan allows their liquor stores to sell young folks alcohol so long as they simply swear they are of legal age....

I'm sure we'll get a chorus of "it's rare" or this is only "one vote" but I call BS on these excuses. Truthfully we have no idea how often fraudulent ballots are really being cast because some States have made their voting processes so intentionally porous (like Michigan) that it is practically impossible to conduct a real audit of legal vs illegal ballots. Every illegal vote that is cast cancels out a legal citizens vote - and that is unacceptable.

IMO, voting should require some level of effort on the citizens part. Minimally that includes requiring citizens to register to vote (where proof of citizenship and residency are part of the process) well ahead of an election to allow the State time to verify your status and providing a State accepted voter ID when you show up at the poll to vote. GA and NC are proving that Voter ID is not an real impediment to voting as the record numbers in this election are proving so why won't all States institute this minimally intrusive requirement??

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I love it when a plan comes together - KamalaJoe***


Oct 30, 2024, 9:26 PM

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Oct 31, 2024, 12:22 AM

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...


Oct 30, 2024, 9:32 PM

Poor guy is collateral damage to the lefts holy war on democracy. He probably did just make an honest mistake but the lefties who convinced to vote even though he shouldn't have knew he wasn't a citizen and shouldn't be voting, they just don't care. Its not like any of them will ever go to prison for breaking the laws.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 5:21 AM

Wonder where all the usual suspects calling us conspiracy theorists are.
I also wonder how many illegal votes aren’t getting caught.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 6:08 AM

Now just imagine the election in 4 more years if democrats win.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 7:49 AM

I'm sure all the saviors of democracy will be here shortly to condemn this

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 8:56 AM

This is a big part of the Dem strategy. They know once these fraudulent ballots are mixed with the others there's no removing them so if you send in 50k illegal ballots and they're counted there's nothing anyone can do about it. That also means any future recounts or audits will match which means their morons followers can come on here and use that as proof of nothing nefarious happening at all and how its just another right wing conspiracy theory.blah blah blah.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 9:14 AM

Since I now live in Michigan, I was curious and did some digging...he would have been caught; there's a bunch of post-election audits that happen. The problem seems to be, the guy's ballot wasn't flagged as "provisional" as it should have been so there's a chance it might have been counted before it was discovered, which does highlight a vulnerability in the same-day registration process. This could, you would think, lead to a successful legal challenge to hold up the official tabulation of Michigan votes until the audit is performed. I'd be curious to track that to see how it goes.

I'd still be surprised if this ended up being particularly close in Michigan. I voted early on Monday - in Detroit - and I would not have liked what I was seeing were I a Republican pollster. The place was absolutely packed, and at least half of them were black women who were probably 40+ years old...and a substantial portion of the rest were also women. I'd say only a quarter or so of the voters there were male.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 9:28 AM

I would imagine Detroit votes very differently than the rest of Michigan. This would be like saying NC will not be particularly close because there are Harris signs all over Charlotte.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 9:37 AM

True. Eastern Michigan and Western Michigan are very different demos. You get out towards Grand Rapids, it starts getting a lot redder, and there's a whole lot of sparsely-populated townships in between that are probably 80%+ Trump.

The volume of early voters I was seeing was still impressive; I've never seen anything remotely like it before. My understanding is that exit polls across the state are showing exactly what I myself was seeing, though, that a huge chunk of the early voters in the state are first-time voters who are either very young or women of color.

It'll come down to turnout, as it always does...but the enthusiasm of likely Kamala voters was...evident.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...


Oct 31, 2024, 9:41 AM

I definitely see Harris winning MI. Not sure why Trump would do any better this time than he did last. You have to figure at least a little worse, with the Jan 6 Effect

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 9:58 AM

I have no idea what to think; there's mixed signals all over the place from different states. I do think Michigan's gone for Trump. What could have turned it was the Islamic vote - there's a ton of Muslims in this town, and a lot of them are seriously cheesed off about Gaza (you do NOT mention Gaza with Lebanese or Saudis about!) - but I wasn't seeing them in the early-voting lines at all. My guess would be: without anyone they can remotely tolerate, they're sitting this one out.

Ann Arbor (where this happened) - by the way, is U of M...which is one of the most insanely "diverse" campuses I have ever seen. Folks from every last corner of the globe there. Early turnout's supposedly been super-heavy there too...which is, again, NOT a good sign for Trump, if he gets 15% of the college vote I'd be shocked. U of M is far past the point of being "leftist", even Californians would probably feel like reactionary heretics there.

Most of these places are staffed with local volunteers, so in Ann Arbor we're likely talking college students. So was this an isolated incident or some Marxist college plot? You got me. That place was crazy during the Gaza protests this past year. The only thing I can promise is, they are not Trump fans there.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 10:02 AM [ in reply to Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted... ]


So far the turnout is close. 47% registered democrats to 42% registered republicans. Seeing as republicans turn out exponentially more on Election Day than democrats, this will be a close race. It’ll probably come down to the independent vote.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 10:16 AM

I have no idea where they're getting those stats and I don't agree it's remotely accurate.

Michigan does not register your party affiliation, by the way, so your snazzy little graph is wrong from scratch. There are no such thing as "registered Republicans" or "registered Democrats" in the state.

Also, what your graph isn't showing is how many of those voters are either first-time voters or regular voters. The GOP went away from its war on early voting this year, so what happened in 2020 and 2016 isn't nearly as relevant. And what the exit polls are showing is, a huge chunk of the early vote is from heavily Dem counties (like the one I live in!) and a huge chunk of those are first-time voters. The strong implication is, the Dems are turning out new voters, while the GOP voting patterns have changed a bit and what you're likely seeing is what they call "cannibalizing" their election-day votes.

The trends in Michigan are flat awful for the GOP. It contrasts heavily with what they're seeing in North Carolina, for instance.

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Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted...

Oct 31, 2024, 10:02 AM [ in reply to Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted... ]


So far the turnout is close. 47% registered democrats to 42% registered republicans. Seeing as republicans turn out exponentially more on Election Day than democrats, this will be a close race. It’ll probably come down to the independent vote.

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How exactly does that post-election audit work??

Oct 31, 2024, 10:47 AM [ in reply to Re: Welp.... at least one CHICOM is getting their illegally cast vote counted... ]

Does it comb through all the voter registrations and somehow match them against some legal citizen database?? Furthermore - how long does this post-election audit process take and how do they rectify the actual vote counts to reflect that only legal votes are counted before a winner is declared?

According to the article this illegal CHICOM vote, though known to be fraudulent, will be counted because Michigan has no means to determine which completed ballot is actually the CHICOM's after it went through the tabulator. From what I gather in the article it appears to me the only audit ability Michigan has is a record of this CHICOM's registration, and that a vote was submitted against that registration. Without the ability to cancel his vote - what good is the Michigan post election audit going to do?

My problem with all this is that the fraud must be sniffed out BEFORE the election and before a ballot is allowed to be cast. The longer a State drags out the vote count and certifying their results - the less faith people have that our voting processes are being done without tampering. Put bluntly - a post-election audit that takes days/weeks/months to complete will be highly suspect no matter the result it produces. Can you imagine if Michigan completes their audit 2 weeks from election day where a winner has already been declared and found that over a thousand votes were cast illegally but, as with this instance in the article, they are unable to cancel those votes because those ballots were run through the tabulator and there is no way figure out which ones belong to the illegal voters. It's like closing the barn door once the cows have already left the barn - it's a bureaucratic process that may identify a problem but does little/nothing to correct it and to ensure the integrity of the vote.

Instead of relying on post-election corrections which will not be trusted by significant portions of the population - States should do their due diligence BEFORE the election by instituting processes and rules that verify and ensure only legal votes are cast to begin with. Weeding out the illegal/fraudulent voter registrations and ballot requests should be done PRIOR to the election where Election day is simply a counting of legal votes that were already determined legal by having screened, up-to-date/accurate voter rolls where a voter's ID was checked and verified at the poll.

I simply cannot buy into any desired voting process where voters are not required to provide evidence of citizenship, residency, and present a State authorized/validated photo ID as being legitimate. I also cannot abide arguments against the yearly maintenance of voter rolls to remove dead people and those that no longer reside in election districts. Yet one political Party continually opposes these voter integrity measures and I simply do not believe that it is due to their claims of voter suppression. The only genuine reason to oppose these voter integrity measures is to intentionally make our voting processes porous with little ability to detect/stop fraud. I don't care if the actual fraud is just 1% of ballots (we don't truly know) - that is still 1% of votes that are negating the will/voice of the citizenry and in this day and age - we should never allow that to happen.

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Re: How exactly does that post-election audit work??

Oct 31, 2024, 11:13 AM

No, I agree, there's clearly a hole in the same-day registration process. A volunteer poll worker who's been doing their job all of two days, if that...it's easy for them to put something like that in the wrong pile and that appears to have happened here, be it by accident or design. That ballot absolutely should have been put in the provisional pile.

Too much chance of shenanigans that close to the election. And honestly, if a person cares so little as to wait until the very last second to register, how informed or involved are they anyway?

But apparently this is the process that would have removed that ballot and when...and the reason our CHICOM in question seemed to have had himself a change of heart:

Post-Election Audit: Michigan conducts audits to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the vote before certification. Audits cross-check registrations with eligibility data, potentially flagging any records that do not meet citizenship requirements. If a ballot is found to be associated with an ineligible voter, it is marked for removal.

Cross-Referencing Registrations: Audits compare voter records against federal and state databases that include information on citizenship. Non-citizen data from immigration or visa records, for example, is referenced in this step. The ballot tied to the flagged registration is removed if the voter is deemed ineligible.

Certification as a Gatekeeper: Certification is the point at which vote totals are finalized, meaning only verified ballots are counted. Any irregularities identified in audits or cross-checks prior to certification allow for the removal of ineligible ballots, including those cast by non-citizens.

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