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Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries


Nov 29, 2023, 9:26 AM

What percentage of the US makes over 10 million a year?

99% of Americans do not have a net worth over over $10 million a year. Never assume you'll make $1 million again the next year.

the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sets the bar for the top 1% of earners first.

According to the most recent data available for fiscal year 2019, an income of $540,009 per year puts you in the top 1% category. Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich.

That is how much Americans believe they would need to earn in a year to be rich, according to an online survey of 2,521 adults conducted for Bankrate by YouGov on June 5-7.

Sound daunting? The number is more than six times the $75,203 in average salary earned by full-time workers in 2021, as reported by the U.S. Census.

Thus, Americans think Coaches who make one million a year, let alone 10 million a year are "rich". Therefore, Maybe coaches who diss the non wealthy fans who comprise 99.99% of fans should be a little more humble.

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries


Nov 29, 2023, 9:29 AM

Maybe the fans should get good at coaching and earn 10million themselves if it's so easy? I mean we have seen Dabos entire coaching tree win under him only to be fired when trying it out themselves ...no man ever got rich sitting around complaining about another mans money and Dabo has earned his money

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries


Nov 29, 2023, 9:41 AM

The thread is about perspective. 10 million equals $27000 per day.For all the people complaining about money in sports, NIL,etc, this is where it starts.Look at the payout Jimbo Fisher just got.Did he earn it?

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries


Nov 29, 2023, 9:42 AM [ in reply to Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries ]

Maybe the fans should get good at coaching and earn 10million themselves if it's so easy? I mean we have seen Dabos entire coaching tree win under him only to be fired when trying it out themselves ...no man ever got rich sitting around complaining about another mans money and Dabo has earned his money

For the past 75 years, there have been two coaches to take a non-blue blood program and make it elite for a period of 10 years. Bobby Bowden and Dabo Swinney. Elite results deserves an elite salary.

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I would add at least


Nov 29, 2023, 9:51 AM

Paterno and Spurrier, but i agree with your point.

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Re: I would add at least

Nov 29, 2023, 10:07 AM

After looking at there program history, you may be correct. I had considered PSU a blue blood but their stats do not support

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries


Nov 29, 2023, 10:06 AM [ in reply to Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries ]

A quick web search shows that the average SEC fan (I know, but that's all I could find) spends between $1200 and $4500 per year on tickets, concessions and parking. That averages out to $2850 per fan, per season. Put an extra 10,000 fans in the seats and that's an extra $28M per year into the college's pocket book. 20,000 more fans is $56M. I would say $5-$10M per year for the man filling the seats is a bargain. Throw in bowls, play-offs, TV revenue and it goes way up. Salary is about creating income for your employer. Don't hate the coach, hate the game.

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries

Nov 29, 2023, 10:11 AM

That's the part people always overlook when talking about salaries in sports. Of course school teachers, police officers, etc... should make more money, but it's not as if they make so little so that people in sports can earn more. It's also not as if the average school or police department is bringing in millions per year in revenue.

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries

Nov 29, 2023, 10:26 AM [ in reply to Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries ]

The point of the thread is about income earned by 99.99 of Americans. I don't really care how much anyone is paid. Americans consider those in the 500,000 a yr. Income category ",rich". Dabo should understand that fans view him as not some poor country bumping on a Roy Bus, but as a very rich person. He should quit being so arrogant and should show some humility. Dissing on fans is not a good look When you make more money than 99.99 of the fans.I don't care who you are.

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Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries

Nov 29, 2023, 11:39 AM

I agree with your statements, just showing were the money comes from. As you say, he is still a very rich man.

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Jealousy is a Fools Errand

Nov 29, 2023, 11:25 AM [ in reply to Re: Some Perspective on Coaching Salaries ]

It is just sickening that so many on here are dissatisfied with their life’s choices. I guess if you feel like a loser, human nature says that everyone must also be miserable and embarrassed by their apparent lack of success.
For those of us without money chips on our shoulders, we understand that markets dictate salaries.
When I was at Clemson, the coaches didn’t make much money. Neither did the professors. The state of SC once had to give the Governor a raise so tha they could pay Jim Carlen $70k/year. State law said no state employee could make more than the governor.
I made my career decisions and I’m pretty happy with how things have gone financially. I have chosen well.
For the dimwits that just can’t get off of this childish jealousy, just go away. We will never have a bargain basement coach again, so you need to change teams. There is 0% chance that our next coach will make what we make.
The one thing that I am totally SURE about, super successful people spend zero minutes a day whining on Tnet.
Unbunch your panties, Nancy.

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How many people are top 1% in their profession?

Nov 29, 2023, 10:24 AM

How many people work in billion dollar a year businesses?

If you want to make great money you have to be great at what you do and you have to be great at what you do in an industry where a lot of money is being made. #capitalism

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Re: How many people are top 1% in their profession?

Nov 29, 2023, 10:31 AM

Point being is that 99% of Americans don't make a million dollars a yr. Dabo is in a income class that 99% of Americans will never see. He should not be dissing fans.

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Re: How many people are top 1% in their profession?

Nov 29, 2023, 10:34 AM

I respectfully do not agree that anyone should be prohibited from voicing their opinion based on their relative income. Especially when discussion their own situation or organization.

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Re: How many people are top 1% in their profession?

Nov 29, 2023, 11:15 AM

I have stayed silent on this subject until the reg. season ended. As stated, I support capitalism. Legally Earn or get paid what the market thinks you are worth. Good for you. That being said, a person in a income category of only 1% of the population and who depends on fan support for keeping them and program relevant, should realize how as a person, fans view that person as being very wealthy. No one likes a wealthy braggart who talks down to them. Every one loves a humble person, regardless of wealth or accomplishments. Let those accomplishments speak for themselves. One need not be arrogant, brag about one's accomplishments every time a microphone is stuck in their face and berate their fans or supporters when faced with criticism from a very small group.

I think Dabo has changed. He is a braggart and is arrogant. That is not a good look.

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Re: How many people are top 1% in their profession?


Nov 29, 2023, 10:53 AM [ in reply to Re: How many people are top 1% in their profession? ]

You are assuming they are indeed real fans. We have been bombarded in the last 5-10 years with bandwagon fans and that know very little about Clemson’s football past.

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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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