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Hey, at least we're still "classy"
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Hey, at least we're still "classy"

Oct 21, 2013, 8:00 PM

D### I hate that word.

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Re: Hey, at least we're still "classy"

Oct 21, 2013, 8:01 PM

As long as the FSU fans felt welcome, that's all that matters.

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Change the "cl" to "br." Then, the only welcoming we

Oct 21, 2013, 8:04 PM

should be doing is welcoming our opponents to the lower regions! The fans can fend for themselves....

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Re: Hey, at least we're still "classy"

Oct 21, 2013, 8:05 PM [ in reply to Re: Hey, at least we're still "classy" ]

I do hope they found their seats comfortable and the view pleasing.

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Re: Hey, at least we're still "classy"

Oct 21, 2013, 8:07 PM

The view sure wasn't pleasing from my seats.

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Re: Hey, at least we're still "classy"

Oct 21, 2013, 8:08 PM

Must have been a "3-piece-of-gum day" for you then.

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I kid you not..an FSU fan told me today that we lacked class

Oct 21, 2013, 8:25 PM

for our "pregame spectacle", as he put it. He was quick to bring up the flashing lights on the scoreboard and the firework smoke that lingered on the field for, what all of like 1 minute. Told me it was ridiculous that the players ride the busses over to the hill. I told him that was rich coming from an FSU fan. He looked at me like I was crazy. Like all of the sudden FSU is the bastion of class since they have Jameis (he's a good kid though for sure--I like him). I wanted to let loose on him but I tried to be the bigger man. I calmly explained the hill tradition's roots and then just let it go. Still kind of want to punch him in the face though.

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Re: I kid you not..an FSU fan told me today that we lacked class

Oct 21, 2013, 8:28 PM

Next time, go with your gut

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you should have told him...

Oct 21, 2013, 10:01 PM [ in reply to I kid you not..an FSU fan told me today that we lacked class ]

"well at least ours inst racist per bob costas"

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at least our band and fans

Oct 21, 2013, 9:16 PM

weren't cheering every time we had an injured player down. the fsu fans near us were pretty obnoxious as usual.

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