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Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone
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Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:08 PM

Knows how to skirt around the NCAA rule book, it is Cam.

We are fine here!!! Watson is with an expert.

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:11 PM

Even being a dicck, you make a excellent point...ha ha

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:15 PM

+1 ??????

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:16 PM

Exactly why I am not a fan of Scam.

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Cam is better than most. Big Ben rapes.

Jan 17, 2016, 5:27 PM

Manning cheats on his wife. All these guys have some issues. I think Cam is now one of the good guys.

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:27 PM [ in reply to Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone ]

If Cam had played one year for us and won the NC your comments would be

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I have no worries about that young man even though you

Jan 17, 2016, 5:18 PM

would rather not have someone with Cam's track record mentoring him.

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I think Cam is actually a good guy.

Jan 17, 2016, 5:21 PM

He needed to grow up, but I think he did. He isn't like a Jameis Winston type moron.

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I'm sorry, but who is worried, about how many people are

Jan 17, 2016, 5:18 PM

worried, and why are they worried? Sorry, just coming on board here.

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Re: I'm sorry, but who is worried, about how many people are

Jan 17, 2016, 5:23 PM

Found Juan

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Sorry bruh, name is not Juan.

Jan 17, 2016, 5:26 PM

But do you have the answer about any of that? It reads like a an overreaction to me, or is it some sort of childish inside joke among the younger crowd? Sorry if I missed it.

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 5:25 PM

You sir are a ?

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He was a guest of the ACC...had a friend in this suite today

Jan 17, 2016, 5:48 PM

And he nd Artavis Scott were there as the guests of ACC

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Cam is teaching him how to

Jan 17, 2016, 6:08 PM

Throw off balance fade away 40 lasers on a dime. Only thing missing from his game. Cam is the only QB where footwork is pointless.

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Re: He was a guest of the ACC...Now I'm worried

Jan 17, 2016, 6:21 PM [ in reply to He was a guest of the ACC...had a friend in this suite today ]

he's hanging with and beholden to Swofford? That's not good. ;)

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Agreed!! ?? he and Tay were quite the celebrities in the box!

Jan 17, 2016, 8:03 PM

Probably made Swoffy's blue blood turn red!

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Re: Don't worry about Watson hanging with Cam!!!! If anyone

Jan 17, 2016, 9:32 PM

Cam is more mature when things are going well. If things turn sour we may see him hiding under that towel again. I think Russell Wilson might be a better mentor, but DW is so intelligent and mature that he will learn whatever can be gleaned from anyone.

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