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Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?
Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 12:09 PM

I’m torn

On one hand, logic tells me that Ohio State, Oregon, Notre Dame, USC and Alabama should have unlimited money to buy high school and portal players

On the other hand, these teams can’t stockpile talent 3 deep on the bench like they used to, so that should drive more parity

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 12:16 PM

TCU and Washington and Cinci tell you the portal has created more parity.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 1:35 PM

Parity is a buzz word people don't really want to be reality.

People like teams that dominate and create a dynasty.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 1:40 PM

Like you said teams like Bama can no longer stack 3 deep. those teams mentioned will still get some of the best players but injuries are crucial, I remember back around 2015/2016 Bama had a 3rd string QB on the bench and Saban threw a fit when the guy decided to transfer.

fast forward 6 years and Xavier Worthy transfers to texas for not getting enough snaps at Bama then Texas comes into Bama and beats the tide largely on the play of Worthy. you not only have to get the 5 stars there but you have to play them immediatly these days.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 1:45 PM

I have a feeling that it follows an old saying:

If they did it with ya, they'll do it to ya.

So a player transfers for whatever reason, more playing time or more money. If they don't get it either from that team, it's back in the portal. (see DJU) You can have concentrated power, but it's short lived. The key to this thing has always been to be at least 2-deep at every position. There will always be teams that can hang for a half, but if you're deep without losing talent level, the underdog will run out of gas eventually.

Players don't want to be the 2nd or 3rd guy in. If they're willing to accept that role, you'll have the power. If not, don't know that you could call it parity, but you won't have a clear idea of just who can step up and beat you.

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DJU had all the playing time at OSU.

Aug 24, 2024, 9:02 AM

NIL wasn't much of a factor.

The FSU transfer was due to the PAC disintegrating, his coach leaving, and the team not even knowing if they would have a full schedule in 2024.

I don't blame him for either transfer.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 2:04 PM

It does not matter why, but parity makes any sport more exciting and this will be another great football season.

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No, no, no. 1,000 times no.

Aug 24, 2024, 9:04 AM

So say all of the Chicken Littles who have some t the off season whining that college football is dead.


Personally, I have at least my usual level of interest...and that's a lot.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?


Aug 23, 2024, 2:13 PM

I think NIL and the transfer portal has concentrated power at the top. Additionally, it has helped some one-off success stories like that of TCU. TCU was 5-7 in 2021 and then 13-2 in 2022. Then they regressed back to 5-7 in 2023. It's sort of like Cliff Ellis as Clemson's basketball coach (and I did like CE). He would take in those JUCO transfers each season. When he hit gold with the JUCO transfers, he would have a really good season. However, his records were up and down (25–6 then 14–15 then 19–11 then 26–9 then 11–17 from 1986 - 1991). I expect that the middling teams will have that rollercoaster effect by using the transfer portal unless they have really big $$$ to pay NIL.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?

Aug 24, 2024, 8:05 AM

Agree with more concentrated talent at the top. You used to see an elite level player at teams like Duke, Wake, Vandy, South Carolina and other programs that typically are bottom feeders. Now they are there for a year or so. Once they are discovered they move on to high level programs that have more NIL to offer. No sitting out for a year etc. Eventually the lowest level teams in the P4 will be G5 teams.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?

Aug 24, 2024, 8:25 AM [ in reply to Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power? ]

Was TCU's success really tied to transfers? I think they caught lightening in a bottle with a Hesiman caliber QB and first round WR. They looked good through the regular season. You could say they only got past Michigan because the Wolverines imploded. The Frogs were certainly exposed in the championship game.

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Re: Has the portal and nil resulted in more parity or more concentrated power?

Aug 24, 2024, 8:08 AM

It has widened the gap between haves and have nots. This is the reason the salary cap was started in pro sports.

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Aug 24, 2024, 8:49 AM

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Replies: 12
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Tiger Boards - Clemson Football
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