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TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one
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TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 2:55 PM

Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney has his own opinion about the NCAA’s Transfer Portal, and while he doesn’t have a problem with players moving on to a better situation he’s happy his wife Kathleen didn’t have the opportunity to take six weeks to look elsewhere for another man. Full Story »

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Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 3:25 PM

Cant argue with Dabo on that one! He is also right on the late millennial/ early Gen Z though as they have no qualms about moving on the first time trouble comes at work or school. BUT, more to the point, what happened with McMichael - I thought they were pretty happy with him.

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Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 3:48 PM

The point being.....he was not happy, for whatever reason.

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Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 4:00 PM

I went into the transfer portal with my wife instead of the other way around, but I got busted and now I am living in a cheap apartment and hating my life.
Note to other married men, don't go looking to transfer unless you are completely serious. I wasn't serious and now I have deep regrets. I think she will eventually take me back, but who knows.

If some of these players aren't playing right away, they think the grass is greener out there and it's really not sometimes. If Feaster goes to South Carolina, that's just nuts.

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Hang in there - prayers for you - if she's what you want -

Jul 19, 2019, 4:19 PM

earn that trust back every day.

G O T I G E R S !

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Brad Brownell: Only Larry freaking Shyatt has a WORSE overall winning percentage among Clemson basketball coaches since 1975. Let that sink in. It's Larry Shyatt & then Brad Brownell.

Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 5:31 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one ]

Love your post. Good luck man!

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Cheating and getting caught is not the transfer portal

Jul 19, 2019, 5:47 PM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one ]

that's cheating and getting kicked off the team. Deciding that you don't want to be married and moving on and then looking after the decision has been made that the relationship is over is the transfer portal.

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Re: Cheating and getting caught is not the transfer portal

Jul 19, 2019, 9:05 PM

Haha, you are right about that. I was just talking to a woman online, so I didn't even have the pleasure of anything real. Still booted off the team, at least for now. But, I will probably be back home in a few months. She might want to wait till football season is over because I watch a ton of football and she's not really a fan.

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Ha Western, I have one better,

Jul 20, 2019, 1:53 AM [ in reply to Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one ]

Mine went to the transfer portal and signed with another team on the same day! I didn't even know it was happening, I went fishing and the Transfer Uhaul had been by my house, left me a bed, a TV, a recliner, a pot, some paper plates, and my dog! Had a note saying "sorry, had better offer but my (her) cousin called and asked me to go play golf. She said, I probably should go play with him, might help me take my mind off things! "

Huh??? What? I went fishing? My house is empty? We were looking at house plans since we just bought 4ac to build on? Huh? What? Play golf with your cousin to take my mind off my wife U-Hauling me? Uhmm? Ok? I guess someone wasn't invested at the same level??

Well, 20yrs later and I didn't make that mistake again! I am on my 3rd dog, 5th boat, much bigger house full of furniture and TVs!! Ha! She lives in some 1000sf block house with some dude 13yrs younger now! Grass was greener I guess! Tranfer Portal that, or tweet that as Dabo says!

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As long as she left the dog...

Jul 20, 2019, 7:18 AM

I think you came out on top.


Looks like you won and she lost in the end. Nice!


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Re: As long as she left the dog...

Jul 20, 2019, 2:59 PM

Roger that!!!

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Re: TNET: Swinney on the transfer portal and how he's happy his wife didn't have one

Jul 19, 2019, 4:05 PM

Saban had better take. Its going to be very much free agent-ish going forward, it will just take a few years to get there,

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I have to say...

Jul 19, 2019, 4:09 PM

Dabo could teach a class on how to answer questions. He's great at explaining his answers thoughtfully, and give real life examples. Credit to Tim Bourret, and now Ross Taylor. Dabo has a gift at communicating, and they have been a great resource on top of that.

Very few people truly have an issue with his stance on most issues and those who are less than 1% Clemson fans, and 99% fans from other schools that we beat the brakes off (ie. USC jr, Alabama, Ohio St).

2025 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I have to say...

Jul 19, 2019, 5:37 PM

I agree 100%. With all the impromptu questions he is bombarded with by numerous members of the press, it is absolutely amazing how well he communicates, makes analogies and manages to keep his foot out of his mouth!

2025 orange level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: I have to say...

Jul 20, 2019, 2:01 AM

I concur, and he puts it in Layman's terms so well that any idiot outside of Coots, Cowturd, and Finequalm can make complete sense of his reasoning behind his response. What a great communicator where young people can follow and parents see the moral of the story!

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Now THAT's funny, Dabo.

Jul 19, 2019, 9:31 PM

And scary!

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Hahahaha! I love you, Coach!***

Jul 20, 2019, 8:30 AM

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Hahahaha! I love you, Coach!***

Jul 20, 2019, 8:30 AM

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Is the grass really greener?

Jul 20, 2019, 8:41 AM

My dad used to say that sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence because they have better manure.

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Jul 20, 2019, 9:30 AM

There is a word you don't see every day.

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Transfer portal: teaches wrong lesson about sticktoitivness.

Jul 21, 2019, 2:20 PM

And perseverance.
And commitment.

These are life lessons that are best learned early in life ... best learned at all.

Unfortunately, out current society is about what I can get now - immediately.

The transfer portal should be reserved for unique situations like coaching changes, wanted to drop down, etc.

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