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New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple
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New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple

Nov 17, 2015, 7:01 AM

The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple

Clemson is a hot commodity these days, even in the Big Apple. The top-ranked Tigers traveled to Syracuse this past weekend to take on the Orange, and I took the family into New York City a few days early for a little sightseeing. Little did we know it would turn into an eye-opening experience.
Full Story »

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Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even - overseas

Nov 17, 2015, 7:21 AM

In 2005 my wife and I were in London on vacation/holiday about to enter the National Art Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Just as we were about to go in, a young man of maybe 20 was walking out. I saw his ballcap but it seemed normal. But then it hit me - it's normal for the States, not England. We stopped him and asked about his Clemson hat, did he go to Clemson? He said his cousin attended, and that he was from Ohio. Small world.

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Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even - overseas

Nov 17, 2015, 7:36 AM

Got one for ya .
3 days ago my tug was tied up at a fuel dock in Kingston , NY . That's about 80 miles north of the city on the Hudson River .
Anyway , as I do so often I decided to take a walk and ended up about 3 miles up a steep hill in the town of Kingston . I swung into a coffee shop ( Monkey Joe's ) on Broadway (apparently every town in the state has a Broadway ) and while I'm stirring my coffee I overhear 3 elderly gentlemen discussing Rex Ryan and his " helmet " conference . Well , I had to say hello . I opened up my jacket to expose my Clemson Football t-shirt , and I chatted with them over that cup of coffee for about ten minutes . When I walked out , I gave them a " Go Tigers " and reminded them to watch the Syracuse game which was on in about 4 hrs .
What a great time to be a Tiger .

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Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even - overseas

Nov 17, 2015, 2:09 PM

I am originally from Newburgh, NY which is a town about 30 minutes south from Kingston down the Hudson. I converted my whole family from solely NFL fans to Tiger fanatics during my time here. What a small world!

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Nov 17, 2015, 7:22 AM

Gotta suckforu Chickenville!

-Doctor Nikola Tesla

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I've been wrong two times, but this isn't one of them.

Da feathered Who Dats.***

Nov 17, 2015, 7:46 AM

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"Anybody that says Coach Brownell is the best coach to come through Clemson is going to start an argument." -JP Hall

Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple

Nov 17, 2015, 7:50 AM

Feel the power of the Paw...everywhere! (There's also a very good academic story to be told too)

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Great to hear Clemson is being so well received planet wide.***

Nov 17, 2015, 8:12 AM

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Met a LSU guy at the hotel bar in Nashville last night...

Nov 17, 2015, 8:22 AM

he said there is not much you can dislike about Clemson and that he is pulling for us to win it all because he hates Ohio State & Bama so much.

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Re: Met a LSU guy at the hotel bar in Nashville last night...

Nov 17, 2015, 8:33 AM

Darn it. I clicked on this expecting a punch line...."Met a LSU guy at the hotel bar in Nashville" had to be the start of a great joke.

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Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple

Nov 17, 2015, 8:43 AM

Thought McEntire was John Krasinski from the Office for a moment....weird how much they look alike.

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That's because we're awesome!

Nov 17, 2015, 8:48 AM

And that's no pawpaganda! We keep banging and winning and there will be fans everywhere. I lived in San Diego in the early 90's ( in the Marines) and there were Clemson fans from California then. The paper had a article about Clemson every week. Mostly about what has happened to us or our fall from grace. But we were in the paper. Winning breeds fans. GO TIGERS!!!!

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I was born and have family in NYC in Queens

Nov 17, 2015, 9:45 AM

and when I am back there and walking around Manhattan I will sometimes scan crowds for Clemson fans.I was down in Lower Manhattan at the World Trade Center in September 2014 and I did see one guy with a Georgia Tech shirt on but no Clemson fans. It's amazing to see this publicity the Tigers are getting in the City. For years I would go up there and to an extent the response was "Who's Clemson?". Things sure have changed!

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Re: New Story: The Paw Has Power, Even In the Big Apple

Nov 17, 2015, 9:53 AM

Thank you for publishing this article, as a NY Clemson alum, such a wonderful way to start my day!

See fellas, we aren't all that bad! I wear Clemson gear at least once a week and I've been getting these same "hellos" and "Go Tigers!" for as long as I can remember, far before our coach had his own website and practice fields had a roof and DJ.

Clemson is everywhere! As is the love and camaraderie, doesn't matter what part of the world you're in or are from.

Smiling ear-to-ear for this one, thanks again for making my morning! Go Tigers! ??

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I remember wearing my Clemson Sweatshirt around Seattle

Nov 17, 2015, 10:01 AM

in the early 90's on vaction and some guys striking up a conversation about how good we were and what a good reputation they though we had. From 3000 miles away I thought that was pretty cool. Football was a lot more regional back then.

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Re: I remember wearing my Clemson Sweatshirt around Seattle

Nov 17, 2015, 12:38 PM

I moved from NYC a year ago. In 2009, before our Atlantic Division clincher vs. Virginia, I was living in Hell's Kitchen and walking down 57th Street. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a man with his young son (maybe 10 or 12 years old), waiting to cross the street. They were clearly tourists and Clemson fans, decked out in all orange, probably looking for a place to watch the game. At the top of my lungs I shouted "GO TIGERS!"-- startling both of them-- I don't think they could believe they got that call-out walking through midtown Manhattan. As I passed by, the guy turned in my direction and yells "It's been 20 years! Let's get it done!" He was fired up. It was awesome.

During my time in NYC I seldom saw Clemson apparel-- maybe once a year-- unless I was with the alumni club watching a game. When I did, though, it always led to a good conversation. Sometimes with tourists from SC, other times with recent graduates. We're a prideful bunch, that's for sure.

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I'm getting that pretty often in San Francisco now***

Nov 17, 2015, 2:09 PM [ in reply to I remember wearing my Clemson Sweatshirt around Seattle ]

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I have worn Tiger gear to Oregon, Trojan, and Stanford

Nov 17, 2015, 12:49 PM

games over the last 5 years living in San Jose and have been stopped, congratulated, and talked Clemson with fans of those schools for hours at tailgates, etc.. Aint nothing regional about Clemson anymore. Duck fans in particular are closet Tiger fans from my interactions. They remind me the most of Clemson folks and they raise holy hell in Autzen too.

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I flew to Chicago this summer

Nov 17, 2015, 1:39 PM

And of course wore a Clemson polo on the way there. As I was walking out of the airport not 10 minutes after deplaning, I spotted a guy with a Clemson shirt on.

Later that evening I was in Grant Park in the middle of Chicago and my friends started gesticulating wildly at me. I turned around and lo and behold there was a gentleman dressed almost exactly like me--khaki shorts and a purple Clemson polo. We had to get a picture for posterity. He was a grad from the 60's (I graduated in '95). It was really cool.

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Clemson is popular too in the Pacific Northwest

Nov 17, 2015, 1:39 PM

Just moved to Portland from Beaufort with my wife, and the Paw definitely is recognized out here in Duck-land. I was at a bar recently and wanted to watch the NC State game and they happily changed the channel from a Pac 12 game to ours, saying they only want winning teams to be shown.

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I was talking on the phone to a salesperson in Indiana and

Nov 17, 2015, 6:53 PM

when he asked for my address he was thrilled it was Clemson. This was before we were #1. He said he'd become a clemson fan because he'd read about some of the things Dabo and the team do for the community and the overall culture that is Clemson, not just for the way we play football. Goo Tigers!

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