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New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered
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New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 5:25 PM

In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

A rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, and a faint breeze rustled the leaves on the trees and the assembled American flags that decorated Clemson’s Scroll of Honor. It was a fitting silence on a day that requires us to take a moment to reflect on the men and women who have given their all in defense of our great nation. Full Story »

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 5:35 PM

Nice Article. "We can attend games on one side of the street because of the names on the other side of the street". Great line....

So thankful for our troops that sacrificed and the ones that still do....

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Great article

May 29, 2017, 5:53 PM

One of your best.

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Re: Great article

May 29, 2017, 6:34 PM

Definitely one of your best. Go Tigers!

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 6:28 PM



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Memorial Day Requiem

May 29, 2017, 7:44 PM

Nicely done David. A fitting reminder of those who have and continue to sacrifice much, even the extreme, for those who enjoy the fruits of this great country and Univerity. My hope is that all who enjoy our freedom truly understand the price.

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 7:48 PM

Nicely done, Mr, Hood.

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 7:50 PM

Haven't read all your articles and stories but this is the best I remember. The less said the better because you said it all.

If Clemson ever tries to go corporate they may as well shut it down because not many fans would be left.

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 8:00 PM

On this day I spent time with family. Helping put together a swimming pool for my nieces and nephews while eating some pretty good food.

But each year on this day I take time to remember my Grandfather who served in the Navy. I now own his service rifle that was issued to him. One time a year this rifle gets shot one time as a way to say thanks to him and all other who served.

I say service because my Granddad did not have to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. Instead I got to spend some wonderful years with him. I got to attend football games with him at Memorial Stadium. I spent even more sitting at his kitchen table yelling words of encouragement to the players through his radio. Through him I learned many things encluding how to be a True fan of Tiger Nation.

On this day I'm forever grateful to the Men and Women who served, those who made that ultimate sacrifice, and the families of theses Brave Men and Women who and to wait and hope there loves would return safe to them.

Because of them I got to spend time with my Granddad and I got to put together a pool for my neices and nephews today. God bless you one and all!!

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 8:21 PM

Thanks, great article.

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We all need to be aware of how blessed we truly are to live

May 29, 2017, 8:25 PM

In a country where we have freedom and have gratitude to those who served and sacrificed their lives, time, and put themselves, their sanity, quality time with their families on the line for our freedom. It only takes a minute to say thank you to those who served and their wifes and children. Many times we forget how lonely the wife's and children are when dad or mom are gone to serve for all of our freedom. I'm never aware as much as I should be to thank those who gave so much for me even though I have many in my family I need to be aware of others too.

Thank you all for the sacrifice you have made for me and my families freedom. We love you and we are so grateful and we make mention at dinner every night of how grateful we are and we pray for those serving and those that have served but I need to be better about speaking to people I don't know and thanking them.

I'm so proud of Clemson for not selling out.

Go Tigers!

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We keep getting better & better everyday, in every way!
“The only disability is a bad Attitude” Dabo Swinney!!
Let’s Go Tigers!

Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 9:33 PM

Great article David. Thanks for reminding us what this day is truly about.

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 29, 2017, 9:48 PM

On Sunday, Mrs. BigTiger and I attended the Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony at the Scroll of Honor Plaza. The ceremony was followed by the Stone Dedication Ceremony in remembrance of Capt. Theodore Gaines (Class of 1909) and 2LT Charles Carrol Biggerstaff (Class of 1920). Both ceremonies were beautiful, respectful, and dignified.

If you're ever in the area during the Memorial Day weekend, I suggest making the Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony a part of the weekend. I hope and pray there are no more stones to be dedicated.

Thank you to the 491 young men whose names are memorialized on the stones and to their families.

Always I am proud to be a Clemson Tiger, but I am even more so after these ceremonies.

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Francis Marion Jones - Class of '44

May 29, 2017, 11:40 PM

My great uncle's name is in the Scroll of Honor. Great article, Mr. Hood!!

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Re: New Story: In the shadows of where our football heroes play, our true heroes are remembered

May 30, 2017, 10:06 AM

My wife's uncle.


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