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Get Off My Lawn! Old School Hill solution
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Get Off My Lawn! Old School Hill solution

Oct 10, 2017, 9:51 AM

All this talk about students being complacent; not showing up etc. I am pondering the old school days when I was a kid attending games in the 80's. My friends and I would buy a $5 Hill ticket at the gate an hour before kickoff and take in the atmosphere, slide down it on cardboard and find a spot by the orange carpet to try and get a helmet tap as the team ran down. bouncing to the music, watching balloons fly...racing to the PAW when the game ended looking for autographs. I guess it's an old man response to say "Bring it back". 1st come, 1st serve Hill tickets. Students use ID, fans pay $20. Cut it off at 3,000 tickets if necessary.

No issue. Hill always full. Fun Had.

Go Tigers!

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Re: Get Off My Lawn! Old School Hill solution

Oct 10, 2017, 10:21 AM

I like Old School.... Back when I went to all games in the mid-80's I remember for several games I would be moved from my seats in then end zone to section GG... It brought back memories.

Once in the 70's at a Clemson/Carolina game when there used to be the chain link fence, I watched a good argument between a drunk USC guy and a Clemson guy... Both red faced... Arguing more than fighting. The patrolmen separated em,, hand cuffed em,, to the chain link fence just far enough apart that they couldn't reach each other... It was classic... They came back and collected them after thirty minutes or so.

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LOL! That is great!!

Oct 10, 2017, 10:29 AM

Man you gotta miss the "good ol days"..

Can you imagine the lawsuits from folks today? The school and police department would be sued, and the two guys committing the crimes and their lawyers would get rich over nothing.

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at a Clemson-USC game in the 70's ('76?)

Oct 10, 2017, 10:29 AM [ in reply to Re: Get Off My Lawn! Old School Hill solution ]

a bunch of us kids sat (stood) on the packed-out Hill. It was rainy, wet, and SLICK that day.

A Clemson fan and SCAR fan got into a fight near the top of the Hill; their tussle started them rolling down, taking out dozens of people. One of my friends was wiped out in the ruckus. He emerged about 30 feet below where he started; smiling, but covered in mud, grass, and spilled liquor.

The dad who drove us was NOT pleased that his car back seat got covered in dirt and grime on the ride home. Plus the distinct smell of Jack Daniels on 12-year-olds.

Good times.

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Oct 10, 2017, 10:51 AM

Sounds good to me. Putting permanent seating on the hill is a terrible idea. It will ruin the whole "running down the hill" experience for the players and it will put an end to sliding on cardboard and other cool kid friendly traditions that make Clemson so different and great compared to other places. Those kids grow up to go to Clemson and then take their kids there because they want them to have those same great hill sliding autograph seeking experiences that they had.

2024 purple level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

So now we want the hill empty enough to slide down?

Oct 10, 2017, 10:58 AM

Make up your minds folks. Either you want it packed with fans, or empty enough for fun slides. Which is it?

Will parents these days let kids unsupervised on the hill? Likely not if younger than 15.

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: So now we want the hill empty enough to slide down?

Oct 10, 2017, 11:21 AM

You have to be in very early to slide.

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Re: So now we want the hill empty enough to slide down?

Oct 10, 2017, 11:30 PM [ in reply to So now we want the hill empty enough to slide down? ]

All true Tigers know you slide AFTER the game on a tiny piece of cardboard you either lugged around entire game or had the smarts to 'hide' it in a safe place until game's end.

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Exactly! Everybody knows you slide AFTER the game!***

Oct 11, 2017, 8:09 AM

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