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Dynasty Maker [3131]
TigerPulse: 96%
Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had...
Feb 2, 2025, 8:53 AM
I mean, when you look at Canada, they were right there with us in WW2. They helped us during the Iran hostage crisis. The US & Canada have shared professional leagues (hockey, baseball, basketball). They've always been a good trading partner. They're part of NATO, and when we were attacked on 911, they sent troops to help us in Afghanistan. They're a peaceful nation, and we've had a border with them that for the most part has been easily manageable.
So, these 25% tariffs are utter ########. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were illegal. Someone should test this in court.
This is another line that has been crossed, and it should be a test for the GOP. They know this is ridiculous. Are they going to stand up to this "President" on an issue where he's clearly full of crap?
I'll have more to say about Mexico & China at another time. But seriously, Canada?
Ultimate Clemson Legend [106099]
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Congress could pass a law, and overrule Trumps veto....
Feb 2, 2025, 9:04 AM
I've harped a long time about how Congress has punted far too much power and Control to the executive branch. The same apathy in Congress that enables illegal immigration to happen and flourish is the same apathy that allows the President to unilaterally enact tariffs.
The tariff power was ceded to the executive back in the 60s. If I recall..... May be off... The President had to make up (or have) a national emergency. But I think even then the tariffs were capped at 15% and anything higher need Congress approval. Who knows, they may have punted more power since then.
Congress needs to start doing its job, and that job isn't getting reelected.
Dynasty Maker [3131]
TigerPulse: 96%
Yes, Congress needs to take back some power, actually alot of power...
Feb 2, 2025, 9:45 AM
from the Executive.
This EO used fentanyl as a justification. The amount of fentanyl coming over the border from Canada is less than 1% of what's coming from the other border.
There is no emergency that even remotely justifies this.
Trump is testing the system with these types of EO's. He's testing the courts, he's testing his party, and he's testing the opposition.
This would be a good place to stand up to Trump using whatever means we have at our disposal.
Paw Master [16873]
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That's more than the % of trannys that dominate every dem policy decision. Weird***
Feb 2, 2025, 11:00 AM
Orange Blooded [2191]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: Yes, Congress needs to take back some power, actually alot of power...
Feb 4, 2025, 7:15 AM
[ in reply to Yes, Congress needs to take back some power, actually alot of power... ] |
Shocking how the maga folks in congress are so weak and spineless.
They were elected to legislate and instead just succumbed to trumps rants and threats. Absolutely pathetic.
I have zero respect for Mike Johnson and his clowns.
Orange Blooded [2191]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: Congress could pass a law, and overrule Trumps veto....
Feb 4, 2025, 7:12 AM
[ in reply to Congress could pass a law, and overrule Trumps veto.... ] |
Maga reps and senators were ceding power to Trump when he wasn’t even in office ie when he was sitting on his fat caboose in FL and dodging bullets in PA.
Weak maga pansies negotiated a bipartisan border deal and once it had support and was ready for signature, Don started mouthing off and told the weak maga pansies to kill the bill.
Orange Immortal [68548]
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Time for little sister to pay for her
Feb 2, 2025, 9:13 AM
National Champion [7350]
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Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had...
Feb 2, 2025, 9:25 AM
Canada wouldn't be on my short list of countries to worry about with regards to much of anything, much less tariffs, but the idea that they are some kind of unshakeable ally and ideological brethren is not the modern reality. They are a leach that gets to have a fourth rate military because they are lucky enough to exist in our shadow. A leach that fines or imprisons its own citizens for expressing the wrong opinions. A leach that despite not having to fund a legitimate military has a per capita GDP in line with Mississippi and their entire counties economy is smaller than several of our states so they've even managed to squander that. Maybe some day we can return to what once was with Canada but ,until then, #### them.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [106099]
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Dynasty Maker [3131]
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A "leach"....
Feb 2, 2025, 9:51 AM
[ in reply to Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had... ] |
OK, so even if I bought your narrative - which I don't....there still isn't a justification on this planet to put a 25% tariff across the board on Canada.
Canada should fight this, and this should be struck down by the courts, too.
I know you "conservatives" hate librulz and the left and apparently almost all other countries. But there is no justification for this at all.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [106099]
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Here's the key rhetorical question.
Feb 2, 2025, 10:32 AM
Does labor come from money, or does money come from labor? This idea is key to understand things.
Trump rose in a world where labor came from money. Make money and there's always a labor outlet for it. What happens when you have more money than the labor to spend it on? Simple, you import external labor.
Now, what happens when you have trillions and quadrillions of dollars, but limit your labor to say..... American citizens only? How much labor on the planet works for the American consumer and/or the American dollar? Whatever that difference is, is the level of decline we will face becoming isolationist and standing only on our own two feet. We have perpetually good labor numbers because we've topped out.
Communists always talk about labor and ignore money. Capitalists always talk about money and ignore labor. There are generations of Americans now who think you can somehow increase or multiply money without labor. Investing is what we call it. Watch your money grow and multiply on a piece of paper. The difference between our labor capacity and our money capacity IS our danger and our net exposure.
I will argue labor is created between the sheets. And we're so busy chasing money, the richest countries don't have time for that. The ultimate Achilles heel of capitalism. Japan is living it. Us is living it. And even China is starting to see it. Ignore labor at your own peril. Because at the end of the day a dollar, or any currency, is only worth the labor someone is willing to exchange for it.
Ultimate Tiger [37317]
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Lets Nuke those POS! Living in higher latitudes & holding it over our heads!
Feb 2, 2025, 10:14 AM
Who drinks Canadian Club or Molson anymore. All the bros drink Modela and shots of tequila!
Wait …. Mexico too?!?
Clemson Icon [27530]
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Yep, CC and Cuervo Gold might take a bump...***
Feb 3, 2025, 1:50 PM
Gridiron Giant [15986]
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I guess Australia is next on the list?
Feb 2, 2025, 10:36 AM
It's one thing to selectively look at areas where there may be unfair trade practices, but to choose to levy a 25% tariff across the board on Canadian products is stupid.
All the public threats from Trump to various allies is likewise ill advised.
It's fine to strike a hard bargain privately, but screwing with what has been a very good relationship with Canada publicly is just dumb.
I am in favor of trying to put America first, but do just a bit of thinking before doing. Trump doesn't seem to understand that soft power is key to winning the hearts and minds of those countries on the fence and that we don't need to intentionally alienate our allies.
Additionally, while we do need to maintain and improve our hard power assets- the military, we are not in a world where we can crawl in our shell and tell the world to go to hell and try to maintain our standing through hard power alone.
More carefully crafted aid to Africa, South America, Asia and elsewhere will be necessary unless we want to lose further influence and access to important raw materials in those areas.
China has to be laughing as Trump is trying to buy Greenland and screwing with Canada.
Mexico is a different story. Mexico has not been a good partner with us in attempting to stem illegal immigration or the flow of Fentanyl into our country. It may require harsh measures to get Mexico to help with these issues.
Marco Rubio is probably already regretting taking the Secretary of State job.
Ring of Honor [21222]
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From my reading, the US has been trying to stop illegal drugs for over 60 years
Feb 2, 2025, 11:14 AM
By focusing on SUPPLY. There are a number of experts who worked in DEA and other LE who believe that as long as there is a DEMAND, illegal drug SUPPLY will meet it. Our government’s preoccupation with only SUPPLY has historically had short lived benefits but overall ineffective. And yet we pour tax money down the same drain decade after decade.
Not really advocating surrendering on combating SUPPLY but we need greater focus on decreasing illegal drug usage.
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: From my reading, the US has been trying to stop illegal drugs for over 60 years
Feb 2, 2025, 11:33 PM
I said in another post, if we stop every gram of fentanyl from crossing the border, production will shift to all the same red state sources of crystal meth. The chemists keep adapting to regulation of the feedstocks.
It almost has to burn out on its own. Everybody seems to know somebody who has died from fentanyl; it might be a half dozen for me. Treatment is being preached by former drug addict Bobby, but I doubt he will get anywhere with current drug addict Elon. It all goes back to Big Pharma marketing and either corrupt or incompetent American physicians like Ronny Jackson handing out opioids like candy.
Did Ronny get his admiral rank back yet? If he did, I missed it.
TigerNet Champion [119257]
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Re: From my reading, the US has been trying to stop illegal drugs for over 60 years
Feb 3, 2025, 12:42 PM
Fentynol gets into our maximum security prisons, it will find it was into this country one way or another. And it is American citizens buying it from the cartels bringing it in. he guy with the neck tattoos and thick Venezuelan accent is not the one driving it across the border.
Top TigerNet [29830]
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The Russians saved our bacon in WWII.
Feb 2, 2025, 1:04 PM
Just sayin.
Ultimate Clemson Legend [106099]
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The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
Feb 2, 2025, 3:02 PM
Orange Phenom [14752]
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Re: One Canadian's perspective...
Feb 2, 2025, 4:29 PM
What he doesn't get is that we will still probably buy their products.
Orange Phenom [14752]
TigerPulse: 100%
I can't honestly think of a single product that I routinely
Feb 2, 2025, 4:51 PM
purchase that is made in Canada. We don't go through many bottles of real maple syrup and even then most of what we buy is made in Vermont.
I do like JessEm tools (great quality but pricey) but their stuff is kind of a specialty item purchase and so I've maybe bought one of their tools every 5 years or so...
I guess that leaves the possibility of petroleum products of which I have no clue how much of what we get in NC is originally from Canada (even though the overall gas supply costs is what affects pump prices)...
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: I can't honestly think of a single product that I routinely
Feb 2, 2025, 11:09 PM
27% of the uranium in US reactors comes from Canada. North Carolina might have a nuclear power plant. Why don't you google it, dummy?
Clemson Icon [27530]
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^^^ this guy ^^^ What a joke.***
Feb 3, 2025, 3:50 AM
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: ^^^ this guy ^^^ What a joke.***
Feb 3, 2025, 7:51 AM
Just trying to help that poor fellow understand how integrated the north American economy is. Elon is going to cut his pension and benefits, regardless of how much a fanboy he is.
Clemson Icon [27530]
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You should probably be worrying about your own axx more than tabby's...***
Feb 3, 2025, 1:27 PM
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: You should probably be worrying about your own axx more than tabby's...***
Feb 16, 2023, 10:56 AM
I thought you Trumper’s didn’t care about suckers and losers.
Tiger Titan [47917]
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Ultimate Tiger [37574]
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Re: Gas, natural gas, lumber, plastics
Feb 3, 2025, 8:18 AM
I didn’t think the leopards would eat my face!
Clemson Icon [27530]
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Clemson Conqueror [12056]
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Re: We got all those...***
Feb 3, 2025, 1:36 PM
Clemson Icon [24145]
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Orange Phenom [14752]
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True.... It definitely won't help reduce food costs if fertilizer
Feb 3, 2025, 9:29 AM
costs go up.
We also used to get a lot of fertilizer from Russia but that supply chain got disrupted over Ukraine. If I recall - the Biden Admin gave out a $200 million or so in USDA grants to increase domestic fertilizer production. I wonder what happened to that money and what it has actually gotten us.
Hall of Famer [8622]
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Clemson Icon [27530]
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High Life... Been there all along. $14.49/ 18-pack. (75 cents/bottle)...***
Feb 3, 2025, 1:31 PM
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: I buy Lebatt's
Feb 4, 2025, 5:54 AM
[ in reply to I buy Lebatt's ] |
Miller High Life owned by Molson Coors, a Candian company. Labatt is Anheuser Inbev, a Belgian company, everywhere but the US. The Labatt you buy is actually an American company, FIFCO. It’s like Modelo, owned by BUD everywhere but in the US.
TigerNet Champion [119257]
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Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had...
Feb 3, 2025, 12:52 PM
Come on now, let's not be naive and think this has anything to do with Canada. IF Trump and his Billionaire friends ever want rates to come back down, they are going to have to crash the economy. They do not give an F>uck about the working class who will be harmed the most and we ALL will have to wade through this river of Bullsh>it coming out of the Whitehouse over the next 4 years.
Some of you are celebrating, sad.
Clemson Conqueror [12056]
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Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had...
Feb 3, 2025, 1:36 PM
they are deadbeats as far as their defense spending
dont even pay the minimum for NATO
Clemson Icon [27530]
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Freezing trucker's bank accounts over social issue discrepancies... Commie.
Feb 3, 2025, 1:54 PM
Trudeau is a Davos/WEF wannabe playa...
Asst Coach [817]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had...
Feb 4, 2025, 6:20 AM
[ in reply to Re: Canada is as good of an ally as we've ever had... ] |
They are more efficient with the spending. They attract more intelligent people into the military. Hard to imagine a significant fraction of the Canadian military would support a clown and traitor who tried to overthrow the government. They love their country more than that.
Campus Hero [13541]
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... to poop on***
Feb 4, 2025, 6:23 AM
National Champion [7572]
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I mean they gave us Labatt Blue after all!!***
Feb 4, 2025, 6:37 AM
Orange Blooded [2338]
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