For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 10:48 AM
thought of Biden's press conference yesterday. Its the NY Times with some quotes. Of course it won't change your opinion, but it will give you an idea of what we libs thought generally.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:02 AM
Ok you clearly don’t seem to get it yet. Liberals in the media think everything joe Biden does is good because they are partisan hacks and not journalists.
How have you not realized this yet? They have excused Biden of his countless racist remarks over the years, don’t believe the women that accused him of sexual harassment, don’t care that he continuously sniffs little girls and women’s hair, and refuse to admit that he’s in extreme cognitive decline.
There was about 2 questions that weren’t softball questions. He had a list of people to call on and most likely knew the questions ahead of time. There wasn’t a single question about covid. The questions about the border only propped him up. My favorite was yamiche’s question. “People are saying that there are increased migrants because you are such a decent and moral person.” Lol
Kind of like the people/partisan hacks at OANN and Fox that acted as irump wasn't awful? Yes...we all know there is bias in the media. You are just reading an article on how we honestly saw it. They are journalists in comparison where you would ever get your info though. That's guaranteed.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:24 AM
1. I’ve never watched OANN. are they even carried on any cable news networks? I do follow a couple of their personalities. Comparing them to cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs is just laughable.
2. I used to watch limited Fox News but they would bash on Trump all the time. Neil cavuto, Chris wallace, Tucker Carlson, Dana perino, Juan, etc.
The only people that wouldn’t are Hannity and Ingram.
I would expect you to know this since you watch so much Fox News.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:33 AM
Where do you get your news? What are your main sources? I watch Fox News almost daily by the way. I like seeing all angles. I check out all 3 major networks if I use a TV. When reading I go the NY Times and the Economist. Anyway, where do you get your news? Newsmax now? Info Wars?
Where do you get your news? What are your main sources? I watch Fox News almost daily by the way. I like seeing all angles. I check out all 3 major networks if I use a TV. When reading I go the NY Times and the Economist. Anyway, where do you get your news? Newsmax now? Info Wars?
I don’t consume much news anymore. But I like the Wall Street journal and I get notifications from Bloomberg on my phone. I watch Fox News outnumbered sometimes on my lunch break.
I also use Twitter some. Twitter is a cesspool but if you carefully select your follows you can get pretty good unbiased content. You can also get peoples viewpoints from the left, center, and right all on the same topic all in one place. You also have to unfollow anybody that posts fake news.
I honestly just don’t have time to watch tv anymore.
then "we" must be stupid. If you watched it you saw him with cards showing photos of the reporters. He had questions and answers correlated. All of it was scripted.
This was not a press conference.
If that article is "what you saw" then, man, you got as many problems as I think you do.
Right and a perfect example of the echo chamber. Leave out all the important facts, like the fact that he totally got lost answering one question and had orchestrated, choreographed, and scripted the event like no POTUS press conference in modern history.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:18 AM
He did get lost a couple of times. And? Overall it was fine though. You're grasping at straws. You just supported a guy for over 4 years who never even talked about an y issues and just went off on tangents. Sure Biden's memory isn't that great anymore. Was it ever? He did decent job yesterday imo. I see it like the article. You see it like Sean Hannity. That's fine.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:31 AM
Ok you thinking he met a low bar is hilarious.
I had a low bar for his presser and he performed pretty much at the bar. So he still performed bad. Even with softball questions that he knew ahead of time.
You’re talking about memory as if he’s forgetful. He straight up got lost in his sentences and didn’t know what he was even talking about.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 6:48 PM
Well, I am glad you are honest about that.
...but Biden got off track knowing the questions AND the having the answers written down.
Re: Trump. OMG I don't disagree - he went off on tangents like crazy, but he never plain FORGOT what he was going to say (which actually might have served him well )
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 27, 2021, 6:11 AM
Trump never forgot what he was going to say, because there was nothing to forget. He wasn't talking about anything particular that mattered to anyone but himself. He winged it complaining.
LOL! You fool! He lied like a rug when the worms weren't eating his brain. I'm telling you: You need serious help for TDS. You're sick, man! Sick, I say! The Chinese, Russians and Irani's are laughing their collective a**es off at a very weak America, and will just "own" us one day very soon. Chalk this up the the arrogance and ignorance of the leftists, i.e. dopes like you.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 26, 2021, 11:22 AM
I think they can a be a fair assessment to an extent. The bar is low. He pulled it off. It's kind of like the debate with Trump. Everyone was waiting for a disaster and it went well. He is no Obama obviously. At least there was some substance even if scripted. Trump's was never scripted, nor did he need them scripted with his style, but it was always just gibberish about his personal issues. Bottom line is, the article is how we view Biden on the left. He just has to hold it together for a few more years. By the way, Trump had predetermined reporters that he would only call on too afte rthe first year or so.
Re: For conservatives. If you want to read what liberals...
Mar 27, 2021, 8:46 AM
One thing at a time means focusing on major the infrastructure plan and then go to the next. Politics means taking people agreeing to get things done. He isn't a dictator where he just decides. Once it is started than you go to the next. It doesn't mean do one whole project at a time where it is all finished. You have to agree to start and then you move on to the next. It's pretty much common sense when it comes to US politics and getting things done.